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Some new things [Gimp]

Discussion in 'Audio and Visual' started by Remedy, Jul 18, 2011.

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  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    I have been trying to readjust to GIMP after using Photoshop for 2 months.
    So here are some things I recently made.

    Ignore text, trally just put it in the for the heck of it.

    Same thing here.

    I think text actually looks nice here.

    Comments and criticism?

    P.S.- To those of you who have made requests, the reason I have been working on there, was just to get used to GIMP again. Your requests are on the way.
  2. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Stick to Photoshop, these are a no go.

    2 Tag - Although it's an 'ok tag, you're stock needs to blend better with the bg. Not sure what GIMP uses to blend in it's resources but for PS I would suggest using 'gradient map > solid fill > blueish red orange neon flow.
  3. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    I would stick with PS, but I was running on a trial, and it just expired.
    AS for the advice, thanks.
    I will keep that in mind when i buy PS later.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Pretty plain, I was expecting a few effects in the foreground.

    I do agree with the blending although GIMP doesn't blend as good as Photoshop!

    Hope you get used to GIMP while your waiting to purchase Photoshop!
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Do not worry. Anyways, as for Gimp, you should try your best to become a great Gimp user. Goldfish was able to do that. -.- Someone should really tell the company to start giving Gimp a big boost or something.

    With all three, it is just like Demaian said. The blending need some work, which I lacked because of Gimp. I find it interesting that you used lightning's face within the rectangle and the circle too, which I find really neat. the third is ovrrall, the best of the three. I do not like number one because it looks dull to me and the character just does not look right; do not look like he is merging with the picture well. As for the second, it is just average.
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