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The New Dawn

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, Mar 16, 2008.

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  1. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Raguna tried to reach but he saw a heartless coming behind Blake."Look out!"he yelled to Blake.
    Riku opened his eyes to see Kairi and he winked. He whispered,"I got this all under control." Though his heart is mostly light, he still had the darkness in it as well. So he could control a limit of heartless. But he didn't see the heartless that's going to attack blake.
    Selphie got up too. She also had a spiked-ball and chain in her hand. A big one. She threw the ball at the heartless behind blake and killed it.
    "Never mind,"Raguna said as the heartless died. He tried reaching Blake's hand but he was head down with only the tip of his finger out. Then he got sucked in completely.
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Blake's eyes widened with fear as he watched his freind get pulled completely into the darkness. He looked around hopefully for someone who knew what to do. He found nobody without their hands full, he began to step into the path after his friend, but it was gone. 'huh!"
    Sora kept his eyes on Kai, but he turned part of his attention to Blake and Raguna.
    Siah's heart stopped when she saw what happened to Raguna. "No!" she exclamed. She began to fight furiously against Kai... and then, everything was gone...
    Kai was finaly sick of Siah fighting against him. He knocked her out and slung her over his sholder.
    Once Siah was out of the line of fire of Kai's gun, Sora strick instantly. He threw his keyblade right at Kai's stomach. It hit him directly, making him drop Siah's limp body on the ground at his feet. Darkness started spreading over her but neither man noticed. Sora ducked to the right as Kai shot one of his guns at him. He summoned his keyblade back to his hand and cast Blizzara.
    Kairi nodded and ran to sora's aid. She left Riku's keyblade with him and called her keychain (the one she used in the second game) She ran to help Sora.
  3. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Riku saw that his son had been sucked in. Though he was supposed to be sad, he knew that something good will happen. He looked at Selphie and and his eyes said,"It will be okay."
    Selphie understood and nodded. She started swinging her ball and chain to kill every heartless in her path. She got the weapon from Riku when he had a feeling that a day like this would come.
    Raguna was falling in the darkness. Where am I? he thinks.What happened to Mom, Dad, Sora, Kairi, Blake,..... Siah. No! I can't think like that. I'll find a way out. Then he saw a bright light.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    While everyone was fighting, Siah's body was suddenly completely emmersed in darkness. Sora noticed something was up and called to Kairi, "Kairi, Siah fell somewhere in the darkness!" He called to her, blocking yet annother bullet from Kai.
    Kairi nodded and started searching franticly for her daughter, killing every heartless in her way.
    Siah woke up with a really sore head. She sat up unsteadily and looked around at her surroundings, 'uhhhh, where am I?"
    She stood up and found herself in what looked kinda like a bizzare jail cell. The walls and floor were white and the bars were glowing, pink. She walked over to the bars and leaned on them. "Dad?... Mom...? BLAKE?! RAG!?" nobody answered. She walked to the back and slumped into a sitting position.
    Kairi was starting to panic "Siah!"
    Sora finally had enough of the chaos. With a yell, he delt a blow to Kai that knocked his concentration. The heartless all left and the only ones that stayed were the ones under Riku's control. He stood over Kai triumphantly, the dark path dissapeared and to Sora, Kairi, and Blake's dismay, Siah was no longer there. Enraged, Sora pointed his keyblade back at Kai, "Where did you send them!?"
    Kai simply smiled and then, he was gone...
    He went back to the castle oblivion.
  5. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy opened her eyes slowly and sat up on the ground. "Where..." She mumbled looking around to find herself in a jail cell. Across from her was Siah. Mandy tryed to get up by her whole body burned. Almost the feeling of fire.
    For the first time in a long time she felt alone. Had no one to hold on to if she got scared or cryed.
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    She fought back feelings of dispair, 'crying will only make thigs worse...' she thought to herself. Siah jumped when she realized she wasn't alone. She turned and sighed in relief, "Oh good its just you..." She noticed that the girl was in pain and rushed to her aid. "Are you ok?.. Its Mandy, right?"
  7. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "I'll send the heartless to find Siah,"said Riku."But I cannot find Raguna since he is in the forbidden zone."
    "I'll stay here to protect the other islanders,"said Selphie. She picked up her chain and ball and made it disappear. She learned all her new moves from Riku.
    "Ugh,"said Raguna as he saw the light."What is that?" When his eyes adjusted to the light, he was at a white and blue castle. There were brooms walking and cleaning everywhere."What is this place?"he wondered. Then he heard a voice behind him."Welcome! You must be Riku's son." Raguna turned around to see an oversized mouse."What the-? Are you King Mickey?" "Yes." "I thought you'd be dead from old age by now!" "Oh-ho! I'll never grow up,"said Mickey."Now, back to the main subject. A long time ago, your dad said to me that when trouble comes, you should come here. So I put a spell on him to pass it on to you so you do come here." Raguna asked,"So what do I do now?" "Simple, you will train here with you keyblade." "What keyblade?" "The one you're holding now." Raguna looks at his right hand to see a key shaped blade. He looked at it and asked Mickey,"How did I get this?" "You got it when you turned into a heartless." "What!?" "It was only when you got sucked in." "Oh. You have any food? I'm starving,"Raguna said with a loud roar his stomache made.
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Wow you guys posted a lot!<
    A portal opened and two men appeared on two close trees. Then the portal closed. "At last! I was so sick of not seeing sunlight in the last place we were in." Angelo said "Heh heh. Yeah, you would be right about that. No rain." Zackarias replied. They both noticed the battle going on between the heartless and the Islands defender. "Not again." Angelo groaned. "Hush." Zackrias said, cutting off anything else Angelo had to say. "I am watching." "We sould be helping them. You always observe before doing anything." "Thats my job. It will be yours to. Now if you don't be quiet I will cast stop on you, and don't think I won't." That shut him up. Together they both watched the drama unfold. They saw Riku go down, Soras daughter kidnapped, and Rikus son swallowed by darkness. When it was over Angelo remarked "Not bad, but they are way out of their league." "You need to perfect your observation skills. Those two men with the key shaped swords seem used to this." "Maybe, but I know that man by reputation. He is Kai, master of darkness. They can't beat him at his own game." "And thats why I have decided we should help." "Took you long enough." "You are so impatient." Angelo regarded Zackarias. "So do we reveal ourselves now?" "Later. I wanna get the lay of the land." "Have it your way." They both jumped up and vanished with a vip sound.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah got on her feet when she heard footsteps. She took the elastic band from her wrist and tied her hair out of her face. Just then, a hooded figure stood on the other side of the bars of her cell. She stood and walked toward the hooded person. "Are you the one who brought us here?" "What do you want!"
    The man answered, "You are the daughter of Sora and Kairi, right?" He asked, but his tone suggested to Siah that he allready knew the answer. She nodded, "So what?" -
    Kai removed his hood and stepped closer to the bars, "I'm just curious... does that make you princess or keyberer?"
    The question was a shock to Siah, but he was right... "What does it matter?" She asked him, folding her arms.
    Kai pointed at her and smiled "You see, you just answered your own question."
    Siah raised her eyebrow, her anger rising, "You brought me here and nearly killed my family and friends... BECAUSE YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I AM!?"
    Kai shook his head, "Thats only part of it. The bigger part is... with your lineage, what purpose can you surve me?" With that, he began to walk away.
    "Wait! What did you mean by that?!" She called after him, but realizing that he wasn't going to answer her anger had finally reached its peak. With a yell she went to hit the bar of her cell and was shocked to see that there was suddenly a keyblade in it. She stumbled backward in surprise, "What..." She stared, wide eyed at her newly found wepon. She looked over at Mandy, hoping she would have a clue as to what was going on.
    Kairi was shaking furuously, "How can you guys be so calm! My daughter has been taken away by psycopaths from our past and Raguna has become a heartless for all we know!" She was shaking uncontrolably.
    Sora looked over at Kairi nervously her walked over to her and took her hand. "Kairi, Riku seems to know what he's doing... dont you trust him?" In all reality, he was just as scared as Kairi, but forced down his feelings of despair. Just then he realized something... "Where did Blake go?"
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2008
  10. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy looked over at the keyblade in Siah's hands. "H-how you get that?!" she said looking over the blade. "How come you have a different weapon as me..."
    Mandy felt one charkram in one hand.
  11. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Sure! Just come with me,"said Mickey.
    "Okay,"said Raguna happily. But he didn't feel as hungry as usual. As if two pieces of him went away.
    "An A as usual Kenta,"said the teacher."Keep of the good work." "Whatever,"Kenta said. He got up to get his test and sat back down.
    "Where are you Raguna,"Jet said to himself. He remembers everything Raguna remembers the second Jet was created."And where's his Nobody." Jet sat down on Hollow Bastion wondering.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah was still to surprised to say anything She just shook her head to suggest that she had no idea how to answer the questions. She just stared openmouthed... She soon shook herself back to reality though. "It must be my dad's or Riku's...." She said, but inside she knew that there was no way she could have had it unless one of them were near. She looked around hopefully, but seeing nobody she stood up. "Whatever is going on here, I can now get us out." She smiled a little and looked until she found the lock to their cell. It took her a moment to remember how to do it, but she remembered watching her father lock the door in the secret place at home many times before. She copied what she saw him do multiple times before and heard a small click and the pink glowing bars dissapeared. She smiled over at Mandy and held out her hand to help her up. "Are you comming with me or not? I dont want to be here when Kai gets back."
    Blake walked up behind Sora. "Right here." He said with his eyes wandering around the rest of the island. "Where's Siah and Rag?" He asked. He had seen two people in white coats before, but he didn't see where they went. He decided ot tell Riku about them later.
  13. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy sat there for a few minutes. So many questions she wanted answered ran threw her mind. Who we're her parents? What was she? Why did she have odd dreams?
    One memmory still remained in her mind.
    The memmory was all black and someone was holding on to her in their arms. "You will have to leave her behind...you do notice that, right?" Said a voice. It was a boy who -when she looked over- had blonde hair. The boy then said, " 'cuz if Xemnas knew he would-"
    "Do you think i know already?" Another voice said over the blondes. The blonde walked over to her and smiled. Mandy giggled back as she looked into sky blue eyes. "She looks alot like you." He said happyly. The other person who has holding her smiled a little then said, "Ya...I know. Her name's Mandy.." "Haven't heard that one before." the blonde said again. She felt a hand cup the back of her head. The man's smile vanished as he looked at her. His eyes were green like Mandy's and a pair of purple markings were under each eye. "Where is she going?" The blonde asked and looked back at the green eyed figure holding her.

    Mandy's memmory faded in the middle then asked the other girl, "Do you know a guy with green eyes and they have purple marking under them?" She had to ask.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah thought for a moment, "That seems to ring a bell..." She took Mandy's hand and helped her up. "We have to go now. If this guy is who I think he is... he'll be back and I'm not talented enough with this thing to defend us... and you dont look like you are in the right condition to fight either. I'll think while we run." She started for the door "Green eyes... I'm sure Riku said something about someone like that before. Why do you ask, anyway?"
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2008
  15. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy follows Siah to the door. "It's just...i think i know who my dad is now. It's this memmory I've been haveing for the past few days now." When they got over to the door the rest of the memmory comes back.

    Whoever was now holding her was now running. She had no idea what was going on at all. It was like she had opened a book without thinking about what was happening. Mandy let out litte wimpers. This must have been the first momment she could remember being scared. It was dark, rainy and she had no idea what was happening. The figure truned a right and sat down beside a wall. He holds her closer to his chest. Mandy's wimpers stop as she feels the warmth of his chest. That was until out of no where a fight broke out. It lasted for hours. The blood, and punches. After this she was in the arms of someone else...who seemed cold...
  16. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Mandy suddenly had a blank look in her eyes as if she was asleep or something. Then something seemed to come out of nowhere in her memory. "Mom, Dad, and Riku said something about a member of Organization 13 who turned on the organization in the end to help my dad and Riku find my mom..." She said.
  17. Axel

    Axel New Member

    "oh.." mandy looked around. "do you think they know where he is?"
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah paused, "I don't think anybodies seen him for years..." She said sadly.
  19. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy looked at the ground. "....oh...." That was all she could say. What if he had died or something? But if he was alive where would he be...
    Anyway.. "How are we going to get out of here?" mandy asked. She had to change the subject.
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah was afraid she hurt Mandy but now wasn't the time to talk. She could sence darkness. "... Dad told me a story about a place that fits this description before..." She said thoughtfully, "I think we are in the World That Never Was... And If i'm correct about who you are, this is probably where your dad is from." She said absently. She started down the hall. "I think our safest bet is to go the opposite way that we say scary go." She said.
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