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Greetings! C:

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Retrace, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. Retrace

    Retrace New Member

    Hello to you all~

    My name is Retrace but you can call me by my real name, Leah. I'm from the UK and I'm extremely awkward and shy, but nevertheless friendly.

    I've only really properly started playing Kingdom Hearts this year, so you could say I'm a fairly new fan, however a couple of years ago I used to obsess over the games, soundtrack, characters, etc, without even playing the games myself, I also watched a lot of videos and read a lot about the series. XD; But unfortunately I can only vaguely remember some things.

    Anyhoo, enough rambling, lol. It's nice to meet you all; I'll try my best to stay active and post around. C: Though... I'm more of the lurker-type, aha. ^^;
    Napoléon likes this.
  2. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Ahaha, lol. You seem very friendly :D
    Anyways welcome. Read the rules and have fun! If you need any guidence through the forums you can ask me or a staff member. Enjoy your stay here!
  3. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    *High Five* Dude you're like my soul sister ! >3>

    Greetings to you too, by the way. Welcome to KHP.
    Hope you stick around and have some fun.
    Don't forget to read the rules ~!
    Ohh and chat with the members here; it's a lovely community :)
    I love you already.

  4. Retrace

    Retrace New Member

    I'm sure I'll have a good time here; since I love the series~
    And I'll keep that in mind. Thank you! n_n

    D'aww thank you, I love you too. *u*
    And considering you have "Hogwarts" as your location I love you even more. *is a huge Harry Potter fan* <3
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    hey there! welcome to the site!
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forums. Hope to see you around, ^_^.
  7. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    Nice to meet you! Although you don't have to worry about lurking since I think we all do it at one time or another... Well, probably, but anyways - welcome to the forums :3
  8. Retrace

    Retrace New Member

    Thank you!

    Thanks! You too you too! Looking forward in getting to meet new people here. C:

    Thank you, and it's nice to meet you too~ LOL yeah, lurking ftw.
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Ah I see

    Well welcome welcome.

    Odd how you obsessed over KH but then vaguely remember.

    Nah I'm just kidding and again. WELCOME!!!
  10. Retrace

    Retrace New Member

    Tsk, my mind has been a blank for two whole years, I swear! XD;

    But anyway thanks!
  11. Death Note

    Death Note New Member

    Hey I forgot my paper.
    Wait I don't need it...

    Welcome to KHPlanet.... stay here first and chill...
  12. Retrace

    Retrace New Member

    Thanks. : )
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I'll sick with Leah. If I forget, then I'll call you Ree ree. XD And its ok to lurk. Call me Brandon.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
  14. Retrace

    Retrace New Member

    Haha "Ree ree"? Nice, I like nicknames. XD;
    Sure thing, and if I forget then I'll call you Summoner (if that's okay). : )
  15. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Welcome Welcome Welcome to the family. it's nice to meet you. You'll easily fit right on in ^_^
  16. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Welcom I am Trio...one of the most mysterios people here...and probly the most serios at the moment...
  17. Retrace

    Retrace New Member

    Aww thank you! It's nice to meet you too.
    *feels extremely welcomed*. <3

    S-Should I be scared? o.o
    (loljk. But thanks for the welcome!)

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