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Kingdom hearts and X-box??

Discussion in 'Archive' started by badmanbadii7, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. badmanbadii7

    badmanbadii7 New Member

    As of right now this isn't a big deal or anything but when the time comes around when KH3 is announced will it also be available to the xbox 360 this wouldn't be that large of a surprise seeing as SE is now releasing all there FF games to the xbox too so wouldn't it make logical sense for them to multi platform kingdom hearts too because Sony doesn't own the rights to the KH series

    give me your thoughts on the topic?
  2. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    While that would be nice, the chances are low. The Kingdom Hearts main titles have always been PlayStation only.
  3. badmanbadii7

    badmanbadii7 New Member

    ya i would really love it and the fact that final fantasy has been introduced to xbox and kingdom hearts is been hitting more systems the playstation like the GBA and DS im still hopping dont wanna hve to go out and buy a system just for kingdom hearts lol
  4. Daxt3r

    Daxt3r New Member

    I kinda doubt it cause by the time KH 3 comes out there will probably be a whole new generation of consoles
  5. Ribbons

    Ribbons New Member

    Ooh, if it was multi-platform... my life would be considerably better. I mean, our Playstation totally only plays Playstation 1 games (really) and my brother has our Playstation 3 buried in his room. And you can't play PS2 games on the PS3, which of course makes it difficult. I would really like to be able to play more KH than 356 Days, but I'm not going to buy a PS2 for them, I don't have the money.
  6. Luke

    Luke Member

    If this happens id be so happy. I really dont wanna have to buy a PS3
  7. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    Well it does not really matter for me because I have both systems. I specifically bought a PS3 in anticipation of the release of KH3 exclusively on the PS3 and not the Xbox. However, due to FFIII and FFXIII-2 being released on both systems, I don't see why they wouldn't at least try to release KH3 both systems.
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    XBox doesn't deserve KH. A great game series on a terrible console? pleas
  9. Noir


    Think the game would be harder on X-BOX.
    I would think..
  10. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    I do hope that it is released for Xbox, but it most likely wont happen.
  11. TheDarkOne

    TheDarkOne New Member

    I only have an Xbox 360 but i REALLLY dont want them to bring KH onto it coz it'd ruin the entire series and they would have a REALLY crappy online.

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