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Discussion in 'Archive' started by EtherealArchitect, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    For the members of the forums, I just had to. For those of you who know what the term "Weeaboo" means, good for you, then this thread is relevant. I'm usually a very tolerant person, but I had to get this out now...in terms of social groups, my disdain for weeaboos has superseded my disdain for "preps". For those that can't stand pretentious weeaboos, discuss it here.

    Why do I not like them? Well...obvious reasons, mostly.
  2. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Whats a weeaboo? lol
  3. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    Look it up.

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