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Soria: The Beginning of Fate OOC & SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Soria:The Beginning Of Fate OOC and SU
    A cool title picture i made for this.

    "It begins with Fate...

    Soria is a planet where like many other planets it has the ability to sustain intelligent life. Over billions of years Soria evolved into a place where life thrived and flourished. The intelligent life of Soria were called the Sorian. Some Sorians were born with a gift.These gifts were anything from making plants grow to having telekenetic abilities. Some were not so lucky. Unfortunetly, That was most of the population. The ones that had "gifts" were disgraced and hated by those without. This lead to conflict. War. The Sorians that had the talents did not want to fight and so they were driven to near exstinction. When the war was all but history a new threat fell from the heavens. This is where our Story begins.

    On the Continent of Myr lies a battleground. This bloody field was turned into a memorial for all those lost. A lone figure stands on the top of a rise overlooking the center of the field. Nothing much is known about this person only that he wears a cloak that obscurs all of his features. He looks up at the sky as a meteor breaks through the atmosphere. His eyes follow the object as it crashes toward the surface. The earth shakes as the meteor impacts the surface of the ground. It landed at the center of the field. As the dust settles the man walks towards the rubble. When he reaches the meteor an arm of darkness shoots from rock hitting him in the chest. The man flew backwards and then hit the ground. The Darkness still on top of him he reaches up to pull it of. As soon as he touches it the man dies. The darkness sensing its victory began to merge with the man. Hours pass.

    A lone man stands on a hill, and now he knows his purpose: To destroy this world.

    Legends of past tales tell of heroes rising to fight aginst the darknesses of the world. But what happens when those heroes don't even know there true destiny?

    ...and continues with destiny...

    For Characters in this rp try to flesh them out as much as possible. Don't give away every little secret but try to know your character as you would know your self. Allow your character to develop over the course of the rp. This is important because like our characters i want this rp to evolve.

    Character Template: You are a Hero. You do not know you are one until after some sort of event in the story. You get to decide the five w's(Who,where,when,why,what) of that event. I'm not trying to limit you, i'm just saying its how the storyline will work.

    Ability: (This is both a natural skill<The gifted ones> and skills learned<ex: Swordsmanship.> If your character has an ability they learned then describe how they learned it. You can also have no ability.)
    Other Characteristics:

    Corruption: When a dark creature touches something it "dies" and then becomes corrupt. When something's corrupt, say for example, a cat. The cat gets attacked by a dark creature, and dies. It then comes back to life as a dark beast. Now when one of the characters gets hit, scratched, or whatever, Instead of "dying" the character will be greatly weakend, until they develop a resistence to it. So, yes, the first time you get hit by a dark creature. It. Will. Hurt. Badly. Also because your a Hero you will not be taken over by darkness.(Unless you want it to...>_>)

    ...until it ends with Choice." ~The Prophet

    The Standard Rp Rules apply, as always.
    Romance is allowed, but keep it pg-13
    I've tried to answer most of the questions that would be asked in the beginning.
    Any other questions on Storyline, or anything else about this rp, Pm me, and i'll try to answer it.
    This is, hopefully, my comeback into Rp'ing. I hope we can all have fun while this story unfolds.

    I will post my character soon.

    Edit: Here's my character.

    Name: Draco Nyamoto
    Age: 17

    Ability: Draco has only the ability to wield a sword. He started to learn to use the sword at a young age, and throughout his life he has only gotten better. He was taught by his father until his entire family died(see below.) After that tragic incident he was left master-less and alone.

    History: Draco was born into a semi-wealthy family. At a very early age he began to question why others had to live on the streets, whilst he sleep in a warm bed. This very question caused him to become the person he was today. He learned to fight both with a sword and with fists. His life was going in the right direction, when it was ripped out from under him. That was the day his family died. Everything changed after that. He began to travel. Not only to erase memories that haunt him all the time, but to find a purpose in life.

    Other Characteristics: Draco has scars on his hands from the all sword practice he did. Also on the back of his right hand is a mark that looks like a teardrop that he had since he was little.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2011
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Name: Fan Lamar
    Age: 25
    The Pic

    Ability: Necromancy

    Explanation on his Necromancy: Necromancy is the art of reanimating the dead. It is one that grips many people with terror. Why? Because people fear the unknown and little is actually known about death. People tie in religious reasons to their dislike of necromancy but none seem to have figured out that spirit speakers also engage in necromancy of one form or another. In this case Fan engages in the more traditional kind. If a dead body is around, no matter the age it may be, he can call it forth. Failing that he can call a ghost to his side to aid him in combat though they do very little real damage and are far more likely to terrorize/irritate people to death.

    Weapon, A scythe a very traditional weapon for a necromancer. It is also the object he binds his magic to. The scythe can support up to thirteen (Yes unlucky thirteen) sentient dead. That means it will support up to 13 reanimated beings that can actually think and act on their own.

    It can call up to about one hundred none sentient dead (Zombies and like. Very weak. All they think is brains = yummy.) And he can task the lot on one simple command. It has to be straight forward cause they can't handle anything complicated. Small things like "Fetch that cup" or "Attack!" are fine. But if you said "Do two turns, grab the cup, pour one of the pots into it, and then bring it here" will result in them trying and failing to turn, emptying the whole pot in regardless of how full the cup is getting, and then bringing it over. They can only go forward, they aren't smart enough to know how to retreat or even why they would bother.

    His necromancy is strong and he tries to befriend the spirits he calls. He has very little to worry about as far as a undead rebellion is concerned.

    (Note that he can only call what he can sustain. Even if he can call 100 undead things if he only has the power or resources to call 10 of them then 10 will be what he gets. Also calling simple unsetient dead is, well, simple and he can do it with a wave of scythe. It's when he tries to call the more complicated setient dead that gives him trouble. It can take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour depending on who and what he is summoning. He call also call that 100 all at once if he has the resources. He may only call the 13 one at a time.)

    History: Fan comes from a long line of necromancers. When the war started they couldn't have been more thrilled. While yes many people with gifts were dying, they suddenly had a lot more people they could call to their bidding. Fan is unique among his family because he cares about what he calls, and he has earned the trust of many a spirit. He enters into a contract with the being he calls as opposed to the rest of the family which just orders them willy nilly.

    As an apprentice Necromancer he studied the histories of the world (Mainly wars and plagues. This is a necromancers library after all.) And has found that while the world right now is a rotten place the world before was a peaceful place. Asking himself how that could be, he has decided to journey forth with scythe in hand to travel the world and unlock all its hidden, and not always dead, secrets. And now that he is a fully fledged necromancer he believes he has the were with all to do it. The one thing he didn't really count on was him being called to save the world but when does anyone ever consider that?

    Other Characteristics: He gets along well with people (Living to, amazing) And is a likeable guy. He changes into serious mode when he fights and uses his powers for defense as well as offense. He is a extremely analytical thinker in all things and he prefers to fight on top of a cemetary. Why? More ammunition. Also the only person in the world who actually feels comfortable in a grave yard.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  3. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Name: Haruki Tomiyora
    Age: 13
    Appearence: Haruki has a slim build and stands at about four feet six inches and has shoulder length chestnut brown hair with bangs that almost completely cover his eyes and pale skin. He usually wears a long dark brown trench coat with a high collar that covers his whole neck. He wears a pair of black army boots.
    Gender: Male
    Ability: Haruki is a skilled archer and swordsman, he prefers weapons with long and short range so he can kill two different ways and with swords he prefers nimble weapons that don't always require two hands so he can also carry another weapon. As for his ability he can control lightning by calling it from the sky to rain down on enemys below or shoot in blasts electrocuting enemys from close range. He can also recharge by sapping electricity from the sky. He can use electricity to run faster and keep himself from getting tired. He can store lot's of electricity in him but if he stores to much he can burst into flames or even explode. It also takes a long time to store energy so it can prove difficult if he's in a battle situation and needs to recharge.
    History: Haruki was born as an outcast due to his ability and was beaten up at school and home by teachers, other students, and family. He soon ran away until he came to an abandoned apartment building where he spent his first night away from home and his abusive family. When he woke up the next morning he found out he wasn't quite alone a former soldier with an ability like his was living there. The two soon became friends. Haruki would teach him how to cook specific plants and make soup while the soldier taught him how to fight with a sword and use a bow and arrows as well as a crossbow. One day however a gang that hated those with the ability came into the apartment and tried to kill them both of them. Haruki was knocked unconscious while the soldier he had been friends had been shot and killed. He soon lived a life in hiding from the gangs that preyed on people with the abiltys. He soon started a rebellion that fought against the government for equal rights and protection.
    Theme: Sum 41- Screaming Bloody Murder
    Other Characteristics: He has a energetic personality and tends to be very reckless which has gotten him into many rough situations but is very resourceful and has found a solution to almost every problem he's run into.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  4. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Your both accepted. I need at least two more people to join before i can start this Rp.
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    What time period is it based in? Also my scythe can only call those max numbers PER DAY. Forgot to mention that weakness.

    Hey 8-bit even tho you were accepted try giving your character some kind of flaw. Humanize him a little. If you can just waltz out of every situation unscathed then he will become a very boring character indeed.
  6. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Soria, is sorta a combination of Edo era Japan and Medeival Europe. So yes Zerieth's Scythe can be used but for 8-Bit your Marksmanship should be more towards bow/crossbow. And i agree with you zerieth. This rp, hopefully, is supposed to develop a/your character.
  7. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >.< Sorry to double post but i'm going to start the rp. I just hope that more people join soon. And i don't wan this rp to be forgotten.
  8. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Edited my profile.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Well aside from the fact that he blows up he if over does it you still have that whole, "I'm hard headed but I can fix anything!" Mentality going on. No one can fix everything man or that would be boring. Let his normal traits get him into trouble if only so he can struggle or ask for help to get out of it again. Otherwise he will get really boring really fast and you may accidentally power play.
  10. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    8-Bit please post in the rp please.
  11. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Hey guys, it has been a VERY long time. I'm bringing back a fond memory joining this RP, a time when RP'ing was the greatest time i ever had without rules or exceptions. I will follow those rules but i'm gonna prove it doesn't take 50 people to run a good RP, if nobody wants to post...Then the three of us will run this biatch ourselves!.

    Here's my character:
    Name: Raiza Aldrant
    Age: 18
    Blond Hair, Bright Blue eyes, Light blue Armor, White torso and leggings, Black armored collar and breastplate.
    Natural Abilities: Raiza is a Twilight Knight, He employs both light based and dark based techniques. Raiza has the ability to flash step, moving at the speed of light he leaves a small burst of light before jumping to his destination. His movement is also limited by his current physical strength, he can only move as far as his own body can move.
    Bane also possesses a powerful Dark Aura technique, sacrificing physical energy to attack all foes in the immediate radius with a fast, powerful burst of dark energy. This leaves Raiza in an exhausted state where as he can't keep his stamina up.
    He possesses the ability to learn much more, but knows not how.

    Raiza is a young swordsman who learned when he was just a kid how to Wield a blade, he fights using a longsword. Occasionally switching hands and manuevering at just the right angle to throw and attack while dodging.

    As a young boy Raiza grew up in Aldin, living a full life under his mother's care she often sent him to school until he graduated, afterwards he was asked by the royal house to enter the knight academy after successfully defending a guard from a band of rogues. Six weeks after his initial training Raiza was deployed on his first patrol.
    During a grueling battle he discovered the use of his unique abilities and their unfortnate side effects.

    Other Characteristics:
    Raiza doesn't remember much at all about his past, or even his father's face.
    He trained under draco's father before his tragic murder and learned the same style of fighting Draco did.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
  12. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Welcome to the RP my old friend. I hope this will turn out great.

    EDIT: I also need someone to play the wandering Man. If no one will, i will, but i wanted to offer it up first.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
  13. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    If nobody posts on the RP by Wednesday, i'm going to Start posting. I think four days is plenty of time to reply to an RP. By the way Zerieth, Nice character...he's very well balanced! Is my character balanced enough? I don't want this god-like kid doing everything...if he uses the Dark Aura tech over his limit he can effectivly kill himself, just letting you guys know, i forgot to mention that.
  14. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Yeah. Your char sounds good. And looks Well balanced. And i VM'd Zerieth, so he should post soon, or whenever he gets on....
  15. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Name: Eona el Bridgetillia
    Age: 19



    Ability: Eona is a highly capable Magic user: All of her spells dealing some sort of mental or pyshical damage. She also excels in hand to hand combat and sword fighting which is her prefered method of fighting.

    -Super strength
    -Enhanced reflexes- Eona's reflexes are far superior to those of an ordinary Sorian man, even those that represent the peak of Sorian conditioning. The speed of her reflexes combined with her training at a very young age allows her to dodge almost any attack, even at point blank range.
    -Super hearing- Eona can pick up any conversation or sound within a 5 mile radius.
    -Shapeshifting - Eona can morph into anyone after meeting or seeing that person one time.

    Magic: This is a small portion of what she knows. i'll only use the spells i have and have her gain the rest later on.

    Aura- A spell of pure defense. It projects a shield completly around the caster, reflecting any attacks back towards the attacker.
    Piros- A spell of blue flames. The caster can bend the fire to it's will anyway he/she wants to, from defensive rings to a flamethrower.
    Piroseta- A spell of black flames that traps the opponent in a prison of their worse nightmares. It is breakable by the victim but it requires alot of will power and energy.
    Piroskana- A spell that can creates an onslaught of meteors that will relentlessly pursue the opponent.
    Rivera- A powerful poison spell that lasts for 15 minutes. The casters finger tips light up with a purplish spark (almost like lighting) and stabs the opponent square in the chest. The victim will fall helpless to nausea, dizziness, violent uncontrollable muscle spasms, internal bleeding and if the victim doesnt doing anything within the 15 minutes then the last symptom is death.
    Riveraius- A spell that that summons an array of poisonous lances in mid air and targets the enemy.

    History: From the world of Teka, she was born in the City of Sarzuran.
    Eona comes from a wealthy and political family. She spent her days as a child learning the inner and outer workings of her nations government from her mother. Soon she picked up sword fighting and martial arts from her father and quickly become known as the blue rose. On Teka, a blue rose symbolized death and uncertain doom for those who crossed its path. Everything was peaceful until one day her father fell mysteriously ill. He was bed ridden for 2 weeks until his death was announced. Shortly after, there were a series of attacks in the city. Reports of black creatures attacking any and all living things and it looked like whoever fell victim to their touch would quickly turn into one themselves. Eona's mother, Ai, quickly realizing the danger, went to the center of their garden and set up a barrier around their home. But due to the relentless attacks of the creatures, she had to maintain it constantly from the garden, getting no sleep whatsoever. Two weeks is how long it took before the black creatures were able to penetrate the barrier. Ai was no much for them in her current state. She fended them off as long as she could but it was obvious as to what would happen. Eona tried to come to her side to aid her in battle but Ai would have none of that and used a teleportation spell to send her to their sister planet, Soria. Just as she was beginning to enter the atmosphere she saw her mother slain and then transformed into the creature itself. Eona tried to break the spell and return to her mother but she quickly realized that it was impossible. This was her mother. The greatest caster in all of Teka. Understanding this made her deeply depressed and she silently cried as she watched her world falling apart.
    When she awoke she was surrounded by darkness and in a crater. When she climbed out of the crater she saw that she wasnt too far from a nearby town and began walking but saw that her ankle had somehow been sprained in her crash landing. it took her 2 hours to make it to the town and then she passed out. Over the course of 3 years, she was enrolled in the Sorian Knight Academy, unlocked and developed her Sorian abilites, perfected the Tekan and Sorian art of magic and graduated at the top of her class. Now she is a Twilight Knight serving under the royal family.

    Other Characteristics: Friendly, Observant, Manipulative, Calm

    also, im not godmodding. at least i hope my character doesnt seem to be too powerful.
    draco009 likes this.
  16. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    It sounds great. Your character seems powerful for the beginning. Try to limit your abilities. like have her abilities be sealed or something. At least until your character developes more. But overall accepted.

    Btw i love the history of your character.
  17. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Nice, she's the same referance as Raiza a Paladin, Dark Knight mix...(twilight knight). Raiza just got kicked out for beating the living tar out of a rich, gay guy. Perhaps they know each other? a good starting point for your character....Welcome to the RP! btw, love the History and well integrated Spells. Very nice, Raiza will have his fair share but..he's to stupid to learn them at the moment lol.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2011
  18. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    @ Draco
    Thank you. took me awhile to come up with it without making it too long.
    so if my characters abilites were sealed, would that just leave her with her magic and claymore? or you want me to weaken her abilites just a tad bit?
    Also, i have my last ability im going to give her but that wont be till much later in the story. Its the reason why she wears an eye patch in the first place. But at the beginning of the rp she has use of both of her eyes.

    @ Sora
    And thank you too!! i think Eona and Raiza knowing each other is nice idea. I'll be posting soon.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011
  19. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    hmmmm....Well if her abilities are sealed. Making her use like first lvl magic. That way as the rp goes on she can unlock more of the seal, until she completely breaks it later in the rp. Does that sound okay?
  20. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    yeah that sounds good.

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