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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    If she did suffer from depression, than that is ultimately the cause of the chain of events leading up to her suicide. The pregnancy was simply the trigger. But that trigger could have been just about anything. And as I say, the abortion would not have helped because said guy would have inevitably bragged, and she'd still be labeled a whore. She just wouldn't be a pregnant one.

    So as I say, I agree with you that abortion should be legal, though I don't agree with it on a personal level. I simply think that this isn't the strongest argument. Cause it is only the smallest number of individuals who will be effected this negatively.
  2. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Well, I agree with Al that only a small number of individuals will be effected.

    If you look at how many abortions there are yearly, there aren't as many as people giving there children up for adoption. I think abortion should be for when you're not ready for Child Birth. If you think you can bear the child, but not keep it, then put it up for adoption.

    So I think the abortion should be perfectly legal, as I've said before.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I am just trying to defend a point. And do you believe every rumor that you hear?

    We need someone who is against it. I am pretty sure this is dead. I extend an invite to any and all against abortion. Gives us some opinions please.

    Don't Double Post
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Im totally againts Abortion! Its sick and cowardly. Children shouldn't pay because their mother is a tramp (Sorry, it had to be said...)
  5. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    I love how you automatically assume that the mother is a tramp and it wasn't just a mistake. Say a 13 year old girl, goes out, does something stupid, and gets pregnant. At that age, its not very healthy to have kids, and not very safe.

    To try and save her life, it would be better too just abort the baby. And, the child isn't paying. It's hardly alive.
  6. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Actually, within the first trimester the baby is not alive at all. It is just operating to start the process of surviving on its own. Because it relies on nutrients from the mother so heavily, it completely contradicts the 8 characteristics of life in that manner.

    Though that's how they get you to start protesting abortion; they begin showing pictures of aborted fetus' that have been aborted during their 3rd trimester in development, when they actually look like baby's. And all the blood and destruction of abortion is very obvious at this time if you were to abort, because the fetus is actually alive and is being killed. And that is the only way it is murder. At least imo.

    As for personal reasons or not, it all depends on situation. I'm too lazy to list examples, but you get what I mean.
  7. Earindel

    Earindel New Member

    Well I'm for it if its early enough in the pregnacy to where the zygote isn't actually alive, or if the mother and child won't make it unless one or the other dies, and when (even though I hate to say it but its a tough decision) the mother's health is not stable enough to handle pregnacy. But otherwise I am totally against it, if you can make the love . . . take the gift.
  8. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    It is the woman's choice, so I don't understand why a man has to be involve in the case. The woman is carrying the baby, not the guy. So yeah, I believe it is the woman's choice.
  9. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    The woman may be carrying the child, but it's just as much the father's child as it is the mother's. I very much want to be a father some day, and I would be rather upset to know that I had almost been one and that my wife/girlfriend (whichever the case may be) had aborted my future child without ever talking to me about it. It takes both a man and a woman to make a child, therefore, as far as I'm concerned, a man has every right to be involved in such a decision.
  10. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    I love how you assume that just because its stuck in your stomach that men don't deserve the right to have a say in where it goes. It's just like saying that the President should be allowed to ignore the other branches of government.
  11. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Yes, here is when I am against the odds. xD...This is what I think.

    Well, true, I want to be a father too, and would highly be piss if my wife aborts the child at a LATE stage. As a medical student trainee, I know all the stages of the baby. The first three months is okay to abort the child, but entering the late 4 month into the 5, the head of the baby is develop, and I call this stage the smile stage, because the lips are formed. Why would you want to get rid of a child who can smile?

    I believe it is the woman choice because they are going to be in 9 months of pain, 9 months of torture, and 9 months of protect yourself and the baby. I believe that the man and woman should talk, and compromise or meet somewhere, but again, are we carrying the baby? Do we know how it feels in the inside? Mentally and Physically?

    So I believe that abortion should be legal but with guild lines. I think there should be rules and that you need to enforce it, but what if your wife or girlfriend was rape, and she was pregnant? That is a common reason or argument.
  12. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    It sounds like you're unsure whether or not a baby is a blessing or a curse. Spare us your crap about how men don't deserve a say in whether or not THEIR baby gets aborted before you can at least figure that out.
  13. Mike

    Mike Member

    Ha. Proof by intimidation. (ie. "I'm in medicine, I must know what I'm talking about")

    As a fellow (older) student in the medical profession**, you would then agree with me that a baby's heartbeat appears at 20 days after conception...not the fourth month.

    Why would 'lips' be a limiting factor?

    "Let's kill this guy, he doesn't have any lips!....oh no! This other guy is smiling! Can't kill him now."

    Just....yeah, like Skyler said. It sounds like your response is trying to be as politically correct as possible, and not even giving us your own opinions.

    **Specifically, I'm a year away from a joint degree in Human Kinetics (and Anatomy) and Math (Unusual combo, no?)...but I probably know as much medicine as any Health Sciences undergrad, and am a med-school hopeful.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008
  14. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    I see. When does a baby's brain begin to develop?
  15. Mike

    Mike Member

  16. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    It is true that I based it on a political point of view, and I do agree with you that the baby's heatbeat does beat at the 20 day period.

    Do you wanna my real opinion? I think it is wrong. I think killing an innocent human being that you help bring in the world is wrong.

    I have a friend. She has pregnant, and that had a blood disease. She was given the option on getting rid of the baby or having the baby with some problems during the surgery (C-Section). The doctor gave her does two options, and ain't it true that a doctor sole duty is to preserve life? Well, she went back home and she discuss it with her family. Her family thought abortion was wrong, and that she should have the baby. They also believe that she should have the baby naturally. After nine months, she went into delivery.

    She died on that delivery table because the doctor couldn't stop the bleeding. Her blood was clot on a massive level. After, the baby was born, a few months later, he died.
  17. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Exactly why she should have had an abortion.

    You do realize that you just proved yourself wrong, right?
  18. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    I understand that I just prove myself wrong, but I am the type of person that won't argue with you. If you want to get rid of the baby, talk to me first and we decide. I probably be piss and mad, and divorce you in a heart beat, but I am not going to stand there and chain myself to the clinic, you know?

    I think it is wrong to kill some thing that you help made and that is a bad idea. My opinion on this subject is like a double-edge sword. I believe it is the woman right to decided what she wanted to do with other people consent, and I believe that it is wrong.

    But I am not the type of person who sit there and argue rather it is right or wrong, and I know you probably think that I am a cold hearted bastard, and I don't blame you. I love kids. I love to take care of them.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I won't change that. Everyone have a say in this topic and if it would be bad or good, then so be it. I have a good quality as a friend and I don't want to nose in to other people problem, that is how I view this topic. If you sit there, and cuss at me because I don't know what they hell my view is on, then so be it, like I said, everyone has a voice.

    I don't care if people bash me, I've been bash all my life, abortion is a hard topic to discuss on.
  19. Mike

    Mike Member

    @Yukou: I think the biggest problem with your posts (ie. the reason you're allegedly being 'bashed' about them) is that you're afraid of how people will react, ironically enough. If you just voiced your opinions without worrying, no one would say anything: They're your personal views, and you're entitled to them.

    A reason you can't quite say that is as follows:

    Whose life is worth more, the infant's few months, or the adult's potential years?

    If you answered either of them, you're wrong: in the words of the Americans (as a lot of people here seem to be doing lately) "all men are created equal."

    Even if the child died in labour, or was a still-born; you don't know how that child's existence could have positively (or negatively) affected the future.

    The exact same story could have been argued for as a reason not to abort, if you adopted a different perspective.

    Not to mention, the baby's death several months later probably didn't have much to do with the pregnancy, judging from the story.
  20. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    I believe the baby gave up, or failure to thrive. If the mom was alive she would've taken good care of the baby. The baby would live a happy life because the mom she had a good heart, but her family...um..yeah.

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