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Soria: The Beginning of Fate(Actual Rp)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Darkness...The landscape around her was lit up only by Starlight.
    Then, suddenly, something flashed to the left of her. She immediately darted her head to the left to see Aldin...Well, what was left of Aldin. She'd never liked that city much, but thinking about the thousands of people dying violent deaths and the houses and buildings burning... Something about it made her upset. The fact that Rhapsody, her prized Double-Bladed Decorated Scythe, had probably been burnt to ash didn't help much either.
    No Scythe. No Home. But she wasn't dead. So did that mean someone wanted her to survive? From the Starlight, she made out two other figures and heard the sound of sniffling. Definitely the other 'Gifted' ones.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  2. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza looked at Fan, he seemed darker than most people, definetly not normal. He looked back at Aldin, the place he had grown his whole life. He remembered his mom and dad, or parents rather. He didn't know what to call them...he was an adopted child. Did he really have a home? Raiza looked back at Fan. The thought of thousands of people slain because of a cloaked man. Hatred filled his eyes...he was angry, his whole life nothing but a lie. Yet it was all gone in an instant.

    "Fan, do you know of any nearby towns or inns? We must get away from here...and find out about this darkness...and how to destroy it."
  3. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Shimon jumps back as one of the guys runs at him, throwing all of his weight in the punch. He swings Kyankio right at the guy's legs, tripping him. "I recommend backing down now, before you get hurt." He flicks his cigarette on the guy's eye.

    A group of them run at Shimon this time. "Your funeral." He swings Kyankio over his headand strikes one guy in the chest with the end of it, sending a shockwave in a line past him, hitting three others.One of the guys gets behind him, cutting deep into his back with a switchblade. Shimon goes to his knees.

    "I won't lose to peices of shit like you." The leader walks up in front of him and kicks him square in the face. "Keep telling yourself that." Just as the man says that Shimon's eyes change to purple.

    The man backs off knowing something is wrong.Shimon goes beserk and changes into a Dark Beast. "Oh shi..." Before the leader could finish what hewas saying, Shimon was already in his face clawing at his stomach. "Rawrrrrrr!!!" By the time Shimon transformed back to himself the man was dead on the ground and his men dispersed.

    The woman walksup to Shimon. "Thank you young man." Shimon shakes his head. "It was noproblem ma'am. I just can't stand to see people being treated that way." She goes into her bag and pulls out a gem. "Please take this." Shimon looks at her with a questioned look on his face. "It's no problem. You don't need to pay me." The woman dissappears as he finishes, leaving the gem behind onthe ground. "You'll know what to do when the time comes to use that." He picks the gem up and puts it in his pocket for later.
  4. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Spector watching Dracos team just staied in the shadows watching them like he always did. I can't let any of these guys out of my sight. may as well join them... he thought as he saw a Darkness creater fallowing behind them about to strike. he looked at the Draco group and with his mind said "LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!!!!" then he came out from his spot and destroyed the dark creater knowing that it was weak and not the person he was after.
  5. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master


    When he looked up that is what he saw. Thousands of them. In the moment between looking up and then sensing a dark being nearby, He realized that countless worlds could be experiencing the same tragedy as them....
    Then the Darkling attacked.
    In happened so fast that he couldn't react fast enough, It was going to touch him. In a flash a strange person appeared in front of him killing the Creature. This time he did react...

    >Im sorry i didnt sy this before, but Draco has two swords. Ones a katana, thats at his side, and the other is a hand and a half sword, that rest on his back<

    Draco drew his sword. Even though that this man saved him, He couldn't trust anyone yet.
    "Who are you?!?!" Draco asked.
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Spector just looked at Draco. then with his mind he said Right now...Your savior Draco." then he sliped back into the shadows to watch for Darklings but to where Draco could see him.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2011
  7. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Larissa crawled through the heavy darkness over to one of the figures. Fast asleep. She shook her to wake her up,''Wakey Wakey, Sleepy Head...Seriously, wake the hell up. Please...'' She shook her with more force this time. Larissa's lip twitched-she was probably going for a smile-''Wake up already...''

    >In Eona's pic, she has an eyepatch. Does she have an eyepatch?<
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2011
  8. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    "my Savior? Oh. you mean that dark creature, that thing. That "Darkling." Draco said as the guy he met walked over to the treeline. He then sheathed his sword and walked a few steps closer to the man. "You still didn't answer my question. Who. Are. You?" Draco kept his hand on his sword, so that he could quick draw if need be.
  9. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Spector looked down then walked into the light. he then looked at Draco saying "The name is...well Just Call me Spector." then he walked closer to the boy Draco and removed Dracos hand from his sord and said "You probley can't trust me for sertin resons but for now you are in no danger." then he started to walk to the shadows. but did not leave before saying "Get to your freinds and find somewhere away from this place...before its too late." then he walked into the shadow and disapered from view.
  10. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "There is one that I know of, if it wasn't destroyed to. It's just that I don't think I'd be welcome there." Fan looked rather embarrassed. "It sucks when people hate you for trying something new. My latest spell saved the town and then got me thrown out. At least they didn't get the pitch forks though. That happened about three towns back. You'd think my reputation would precede me a little bit. Oh sorry, babbling. My name is Fan, and I am a first class Necromancer. Pleasure to meet you," he finished as he bowed.
  11. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza jumped back in surprise. "A...necromancer?!". He had read about them, Necromancers people who could summon the undead at will. He was a bit taken back and a little cautious about Fan now. Unfortunately he needed allies, badly. He decided to abandon the unconcious troublemaker on the ground and focus on moving away from this location. "Fan, could you get us away from here?".
  12. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Haruki yawned then springed up and tensed for a second, slightly confused by his surroundings. "Great...where the hell am I..." he said before looking in his bag seeing his loot was still there. "Oh well as long as I have this...I guess I'll be okay..." he quickly looked around and saw Fan, Raiza, and William. "Well...at least I'm not alone..." he said jogging over to the small group. "So what's up !" he said trying to sound enthusiastic. "Anyone got the details to just who the hell we got here ?"
  13. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Eona stirred slightly.

    "Yo Eona?"

    "Eona...come in Eona."

    "mmphmm....ughh." moaned Eona. Her head was spinning.

    "Yo girl you there?"

    Eona slowly pulled back the sleeve on her left arm to reveal a strip of metal around her wrist. She brought it up to her face and began talking but not before wincing at the pain from her entire body.

    "ughh..ouch, yeah im here. Juri what in the hell happened? My head feels like its been hit with a hammer..repeatedly" stated Eona as she started to get up while holding her head. She couldnt get a good feel of her surroundings. All there was was dizziness and darkness.

    "Well girl, I'm not too sure exactly myself. Me and Lexi were in the lab when all of a sudden we heard this loud ass explosion. We then went to check the live feed from one of our hidden camera's and all we saw was fire and rubble. It's like a bomb or some shit was set off within the city. From what I can see...Aldin is history.

    A sudden chill went down Eona's spine at those words. The thought of losing everything she gained and the place she could finally call home was a little much to bear. She was silently locked in a raging war with her thoughts before being snapped back into reality by the popping of Juri's gum as she began speaking.

    "Despite everything that happened to the city...how are you feeling physically?"

    Eona moved around a bit to check for injuries. The only thing in particular was her right arm which had a huge gash on the side.


    "Hm? You say something? Your awfully quiet all of a sudden." said Juri with boredom in her voice.

    "it's nothing. Overall I'm fine except for a large gash on my right arm and a vicious headache" said Eona while slightly shaking her head in hopes of getting rid of it but really just making it worse.

    "Hm well I'll have Lexi look at that for ya when we see ya."

    "where are you guys at exactly anyway? Are the both of you safe?"

    "Yeah of course we are. Were both in underground hanger numba three."

    Eona let out a sigh of relief. At least she still has people she can call family. "So um...where am I exactly?"

    "Well your tracker coming from your communicator is telling me your on a small mountain surrounded by alot of trees so im assuming a forest. Do you need me to send a shuttle towards your way?"

    Eona starting to get her bearings quickly replied "No no that wont be nessacery. Just give me a few minutes and ill be able to make it there. But standby on further orders incase i suddenly change my mind."

    "Copy that. I'll let Lexi know your okay."

    "Thanks. See you guys soon. Bye"


    Eona lowered her left arm and crossed her legs indian style and leaned back with her arms looking back at the night sky that was lit with a mixture of red and orange. She let out a loud sigh before falling complelty on her back. "What in the name of Kana will i do?"
    As she was about to dwelve into her thoguhts to salvage a plan she noticed someone was next to her. The person looked at a loss of words.

    Probably from the communicator. Eona thought. Tech like this wasnt exactly common on Soria. Eona began speaking in hopes of moving pass an awkward moment and alot of explaining.

    "Uh..Hello, are you okay?
  14. Noir


    A person waked up in his bed. His name was Shikau, a young man who is unknown.
    Shikau goes out. A dragon was sleeping in his head..
    "What's with the fate today?" He said. Shikau swings his frozen sword to a tree. It was chopped and froze for a while.
    "Well, no villains? No mysteries?" Shikau said and wandered everywhere. He goes to his temple. He spoke:
    "--Why is this temple important?"
    A log creaks. Shikau touched all of the runes. A portal appeared. Shikau looks at the portal. Then he spoke-
    "Is that a portal?--" Sellion roared. "I think it leads to-" Shikau steps on the portal. He goes to another place- which was vast. He stepped on the portal again. It was another place again- he repeats it until he goes to a mysterious place with ghouls.
    "I'm tired..." Shikau said. Then a vision appeared-
    (Ghouls are surrounding Shikau, and the Ghouls will tell a question.)
    "Is this true?" Shikau spoke. He steps near a Necropolis.
    The vision was true- because Shikau knows what will happen soon which are true.
    The Ghouls speak to Shikau. They tell that the Necropolis was forbidden. The Ghouls asked a question:
    "Zr-- what are you, majestic beaast?-" The Ghouls said. Shikau spoke:
    "This is Sellion, a dragon. Well, at least-" Shikau stopped speaking when the Ghouls' leader spoke:
    "Grah- A beast- dragon? I knoooOw zgra bit oof them."
    "Could I go inside?" Shikau said. The Ghouls nodded. Then Shikau goes inside..
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Umm I can really only transport myself and whatever dead I have summoned. If I did the same for you guys it would instantly kill you. Sorry," Fan looked embarresed. "I could try and find us a way a direction to get moving in. Let me see," He pulled his scythe from his back and stabbed the hilt into the dirt. "Now spirits, guide me on my journey and show me the destination I seek." A blue white light appeared in the over over the scythe and formed into an arrow that point south by south east. "Well something that way could be useful. Who is going to be the leader of our merry little band?"
  16. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Larissa stared at the strip of metal around Eona's wrist. She wanted to ask about it, but that would probably lead to a pretty awkward conversation.
    ''Umm...Yeah, Fine. Headache and all, but...Um...I'm Larissa. And you're Eona, right?''
    Talk about a perfect introduction. Let's hope she doesn't want to kill me when she realizes who I am. she thought.
  17. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Eona's eyes narrowed when she heard her name.

    How does she know my name? Could she be an enemy? A spy? A rebel? Best not to worry about it for the time being. If she meant any harm then she surely could have ended me while i was unconsious. Lets just play it cool for now and see what she knows.

    "Yeah that's my name. What exactlly are we doing in this forest clearing and do you know what happened to Aldin?" Asked Eona turning over on her right side to get a better look at the mystery girl. She looked vaguely familiar.

    I know i've seen her before...maybe i've passed her couple of times in town or something. My headache must be the reason i cant remember much of anything in the past couple of hours. It's all just one big blur. I guess my injuries were a bit more serious than i thought them to be.
  18. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    ''You tell me. You seem to know more about this anyway. Although, as you can see, this place is swimming with darkness so we might want to form a group with someone to keep safe. I'm pretty sure I saw some others around here somewhere.'' Larissa stood up shakily and turned,''I'm gonna go look, kay? You can help if you like.''

    The second she took a step away from Eona a harsh piercing sound erupted through the silence. The atmosphere suddenly became uneasy.
    Eight or so pitch-black slug-like dark creatures leaped out of darkness and prepared to pounce, bearing their huge fangs and hissing rabidly, spikes on their back standing erect. One of them half slithered, half bounced towards her, as if intimidating her. She followed it with her eyes, giving the others ample opening to strike. Eight fangs tore through her shoulder before she had a chance to dodge, and suddenly a searing pain coursed through her veins.

    And then the world went black.

    OOC: She's unconscious, not dead.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2011
  19. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza gave haruki a half-eyed look. He decided to introduce himself. "I am Raiza, this is Fan and Will. Were heading south-southeast away from this mess. Feel free to tag along".

    Raiza's attention turned to fan, he wasn't much of a leader but he felt he should at least take point. "I'll lead us i guess. Somebody has to...now you said were headed south-southeast right?".

    Although set on his goal Raiza's thought's were still preoccupied with what to do, Where to go, Who to turn to, and Eona...his head ached. He just wanted to know who the hell he was. As he pondered his thoughts starting off in the previously indicated direction a faint noise disturbed his thoughts. The sound of hissing, and a looming sense of dread. Before he could ask the question a group of Darkling's emerged from the shadows.

    (Darklings bear thee appearance of very nasty slugs, they stand upright at three feet tall, and have strange rotted spikes potruding from their back like a porcupine. Their fangs encompass that of a relativly big dog, and the sides of their mouths reveal tissue that moves back and forth. Their undersides are rather solid as it is made of the same material as their spikes. When startled a darkling will hiss at it' prey like a cat and the spikes will stick straight up before it launches rabidly at it's target.)

    The beast launched it's self at Raiza tearing into his shoulder, and it didn't come alone at least 8 other darkling revealed themselves startled and angry. His shoulder killed, he felt like he was going to die a strange energy was coursing through his body wracking iit with unimagiable pain, before he knew it he was unconcious.
  20. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master


    >Draco has been standing in the same clearing as you two.<

    When draco saw the silver bracelet, he suddenly had a flashback...

    Four Years Ago
    Draco was bored one day and decided he would go on an adventure...Through his dad's office. He was a lot more ignorant back then and didn't know much outside of his practice. The sun was setting when he happened upon a small circular bracelet. He was holding it in his hands when his dad walks in. Draco's dad shows no reaction, and just says, "So your the one who has it..." He doesn't scold Draco like he usually did when he went exploring in his office. He simply told Draco to hand him the silver bracelet, and go to his room to sleep. This was so different from his normal reaction that this memory stayed with him.

    He saw that bracelet, and knew that she had something to do with the work involving his father. He knew that he had to follow her, and keep a close eye on her. Then he heard the shriek. The same type of darklings from before flew from the shadows of the trees, and attack a girl standing next to the girl with the bracelet. Draco quickly unsheathed his blade, and slashed at a second of the creatures. Surprisingly his sword went through the creature, and then the darkling evaporated. He then, realizing he could kill them, jumped towards the girl who just got attacked, and slashed the darkling that had attacked her. He saw that she was unconscious, but something told him that she would be okay. He then focused back upon the creatures just as three more jumped at him...

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