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should i buy 3ds????

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by nikekh, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. nikekh

    nikekh New Member

    i was wondering if i should buy a 3ds i wanna know if its cool or not please reply
  2. Roxas358

    Roxas358 New Member

    Well, I was on ZU and apparently, the 3DS is going to have a new name and makeover in 2012.

    The one now is great. I have one and I can't get enough Ocarina of Time 3D. :3

    The current one will be a rare one probably if the 3DS goes through the makeover. ZU said it might get another circle pad. It really depends on you, I guess.

    No one has seen the new 3DS or knows its new name so I highly suggest you wait and see if you like the 2nd gen more. :)
  3. nikekh

    nikekh New Member

    sure thanks
  4. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    Dude, I really suggest you get a 3DS. I've got... Orcarina of Time, Resident Evil: The Mercanaries, Super Street Fighter 4, Rayman 3D, and Madden Football 3D. I'll probably get Dream Drop Distance and Pokemon Rumble Blast when they came out. It's a high recommendation. I don't know where you're at in the world, but in America, the 3DS is down to $170. And also, Roxas358, I dunno if that next-gen 3DS is real or not. Nintendo hasen't said anything about it, and I don't think that would be something they'd let leak. Anyway, final score... I'd give the 3DS an 8.5 out of 10. The 3D gives you a headache and looks like crap if you're not staring directly at it, but these things are minor issues.
  5. nikekh

    nikekh New Member

    im from america dude and thanks
  6. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    I wouldn't suggest it mainly because it is another fault on Nintendo's part. See, the thing about the Nintendo 3DS is that it is not really truly three-dimensional at all, it's just sprites on top of sprites. That's the facade it gets.

    Oh, and in case you're wondering, Nintendo really screwed themselves over with the Nintendo 3DS, hence the recent stock drops and cancellation of many announced titles.
  7. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    Well, let's see... there's still Kid Icarus, Starfox, Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart, Pokemon Rumble Blast, our own Kingdom Hearts... dropped titles my ass. I know a few of the bigger ones dropped. But, truth be told, a few ain't gonna' hurt anybody. I say deal with it.
  8. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    Which is more or less what I was going for. If you want to buy one, then go ahead by all means. I don't care.

    However, I personally think that this was a huge mistake on Nintendo's part, as well as the confirmed Wii U. That may be just me, though.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  9. Luke

    Luke Member

    Dropped titles your ass my ass

    Megaman Legends 3 maaaaaaaan. They almost made my childhood complete <3
  10. Kim Jong-Il

    Kim Jong-Il New Member

    I would get it, it has 3d.
  11. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    Is Megaman the only thing they cancelled? That's all I remember....
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011
  12. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    I'll give you that, EtherealArchitect. I was at E3 this year. The WiiU looks really, REALLY bad. And, I wasn't that bothered by Megaman, Luke. Partially because I've never played any Megaman game... I should probably get around to that....
  13. nikekh

    nikekh New Member

    thanks guys i relly thank you all well all of u want me to buy one but some people dont so ill buy one

    thanks again:)
  14. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Assassin's Creed was cancelled too
  15. Noir


    Yeah, you should. It will be big and have 3D features. Games are awesome when they're realistic looking at 3D.
  16. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    Aw, shit. I forgot about Assasin's Creed. But, then again, I don't have a 360, so, therefore, I've never played Assasin's Creed.
  17. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Assasins Creed is on PS3 to. And I was asking myself the same question. My birthdays in 7 days and Im gonna have tons of cash so I think im gonna get a 3DS. Woot Ocirina of time and Street Fighter!
  18. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    I say no, just watch the ending of KH 3d
    no need to buy the 3ds really
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Yatzee Croshaw with zero puncuation did not like that console system at all. Said he had a head ache and that was just the start. Want a link?

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