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Why Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Kitty, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    I remember I picked up KH1 on a limb at a local blockbuster. I thought "hey it's got Disney characters on the cover and a guy with a giant key...it must be AWESOME!!!!" (it was 10 year old mentality). after one night of playing I had never been so confused in all my life, so I put the game down and didn't give it a second play. then a year or so later some kids at my school were talking about the game and I had them explain it to me. Being older and thus more comprehensive, I suddenly became interested in the game and that night I had my dad drive me out to the nearest Target store to buy the game. A few months later KH2 came out and I've been addicted ever since.
  2. Bixarihm

    Bixarihm New Member

    I fell in love with Kingdom Hearts the first time I saw my cousin play it. I was
    Staying over at his house for the weekend when he suddenly popped the game out
    Of his cupboard . And was like I'm going to try this game out so just watch.
    For the next 3 hours all I did was stare in amazement at the tv , I was literally like o.o the
    Whole time , haha gosh I love Kingdom Hearts .....

    After the weekend I went straight to the game store and bam used upp all of
    My savings :3. And I'm a big final fantasy fan aswell just gotto lovem don't ya ;D.
  3. skyblaze112

    skyblaze112 New Member

    See, my mom had bought me KH 2 when it first came out because I was a video game freak/nerd :) I was a lot younger back then and only got through the first 3 days of the time you play as Roxas, before I was terribly confused, and also it was the second game. I was just really stupid and didn't notice that >.< So I put the game in my closet and never gave it a second thought.

    Then my sister visited from Madison (she's my step sister) about a year later, and back then she was REALLY hooked on KH, and since I had a PS2 she had brought over Kingdom Hearts CoM. Basically the whole visit was me going O_O at the screen as she beat the game's ass. When she left, I couldn't stop thinking about that game. The storyline still confused me a bit, but now it seemed interesting.

    Fortunately, my mom made me clean out my closet a few days later. As I was searching for valuable-ish things, I found KH 2. I was all like o-o. I had TOTALLY forgotten I'd had it. So I abandoned my closet, popped that thing in my PS2, and played like I've never played before. I was talking to my sister while I played, so she gave me a better understanding of the storyline, so now that I knew what the hell was going on, I LOVED it!! I finished the game in about 2 days :)

    I played KH2 over and over and over again until I had memorized every line and action of the whole freaking thing! I also knew what happened in KH and KH CoM thanks to my sister. But she slowly grew disinterested in it, and now she doesn't even play it anymore! -sniffle-

    Anyway, then I got KH and KH CoM for my birthday (yes the only actual 'presents' I got) and played them both in record time too :) I already had a DS I rarely used to play KH 358 2 days (finished it) and I used up all my savings to buy a PSP and KH BBS (also finished)

    I am a fanatically fantastical KH freak :D
  4. Hedrazala

    Hedrazala New Member

    I found Kingdom Hearts by hearing my cousins talk about it one day and i was like WHAAA? But they were like you just have to play it.
    And it did.......of course
  5. Noir


    I was a long-time Disney and Square-Enix fan. I found Kingdom Hearts one day while searching Square-Enix' games. Now I want to see if it is fun, and it was fun.
  6. TheDarkOne

    TheDarkOne New Member

    Well, to tell the truth. I dont exactly remember how i fell in love with it lol. it was a few years ago and i LOVE a good story in either a game, movie or book and i just instantly loved the game. I think thats how it happened. Im not sure.
  7. venomblade

    venomblade New Member

    Good thread idea :), as for me I saw it for the first time over my cousins in NY. The ps2 was left unattended and I gave the game a go thinking it looked cool and the disney characters really drew me in. Fell in love with the combat/story and as soon as I got home that day I begged my dad to get it for me lol.
  8. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    I found out about kingdom Hearts when i saw my friend playing it only thinking about how weird the opening was. I asked her if i could borrow it for a while deciding to give it a try and immediately became addicted to it.
  9. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    I had never really played FF before, except I had watched my friend play FFX and the storyline only got more confusing to me ^^'

    No, my reason is that my little brother went to a "special" school where they had Kingdom Hearts I, and so he told me about it. It caught my interest so when I later discovered that Chain of Memories had just been released for the GBA, I hurried and bought it. Of course I didn't have much of a clue what was going on in the story but I totally enjoyed it anyway. And when I later got hold of a PS2 I put everything into finding a copy of the first game, which had already then gotten very rare here in DK, but nevertheless destiny wanted that I found a copy. I then began playing it immediately when I got home, and I've loved the series ever since!

    I therefore have some nostalic feelings towards Chain of Memories, so you can say what you want about that game and it's card battle system, I LOVE THAT GAME! :D In fact because of that card battle system, Chain of Memories is nearly the only KH game that have provided me a challenge, DAMN I had my hard times beating Dark Riku! xD
    Therefore I also love Re:CoM, which I have been forced to play via emulator since the game were never released in Europe :(

    (By the way, call me nuts but the first time I ever saw Sora (that being on the front cover of CoM) I thought for 1/2 a second that he was a she xD I mean if you look closely his chest could seem like a girl's along with the way his face has been drawn from the side)
  10. Wave57

    Wave57 New Member

    I saw a commercial for CoM and it looked cool, so I bought it.

    My life was never the same.
  11. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    Know what you mean dude ^^ and ain't it fantastic?
  12. Wave57

    Wave57 New Member

    It's a great game (not on the level or 1 or 2 per say), but it is great nonetheless.
  13. xshotz

    xshotz New Member

    When i was like 10,my cousin came to visit,and she brought the game.I saw her playing it,so i wanted to try.I keep getting stuck when i had to find the items on destiny islands,so i quit it.Then she went back to pensicola.Like a year after that,i woke up one morning all the sudden thinking about kingdom hearts.So i got myself a copy,i have loved the series ever since.
  14. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    It's a touching story actually. I was bullied a lot in middle school, so none of the friends I had ever lasted because, surprise surprise, they were pretending to like me. I only had two friends that were true and both of them went to different high schools. In 6th grade I met my friend Maria in band (we both played the trumpet, I quit after that year.) So Maria introduced me to Catherine and I basically spent the rest of middle school with them. maria later went on to introduce me to Caitlin, through whom I met most of my awesome friends one class ahead of me, but that's beside the point. So i became really good friends with Maria, and I learned that she and her social group loved Kingdom hearts. I didn't play video games back then so I thought "oh, that's cool." By now I had been accepted onto her social group and I made all the friends that I have now. I went to a party Bridgit was having exactly two years ago and I found out that they had all taken on the monikers of KH characters. i remembered that I took a quiz to see what character I was most like, so they all bothered me about it. I couldn't remember exactly who I got, but I did say somthing along the lines of "Umm....it was a guy...with like, silver or blonde hair and weird eye color, like...yellow or somthing." So Bridgit immediatly screamed "XEMNAS!" (I actually got Cloud XD) so I went home later and looked up KH, and since then I got totally addicted. I got a PS2 from my grandma for Christmas last year and I finally played Kingdom Hearts. It was just the most fun I'd had in a while. I laughed with the game, cried with it, and pretty much felt awesome.

    So that's how I got into KH. Total sob story, I know.
  15. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    Awesome story dude ;)
  16. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    awwwwwwwwww, sry u got bullied a lot :(
    as for me, I'm a lot simpler, I saw a commercial for CoM, got it, played it, and the rest is history XD
  17. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    @ Hatori: You have the best story so far. That sucks how you were bullied... but the moral is that KH brings us all together. Yaaaay :D
    @ Roxion: wow it was THAT simple, i had always thought it would have been a better story than that!
  18. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    well, there are several details, but I could go on forever. That's it in a nutshell
  19. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    Thanks? I guess. A lot of people are bullied because people call them weird or beat them up. I was always called a freak, but I was pretty dense in my childhood. People knew that I could be taken advantage of and they did, just for the lolz. It hurt then but it hurts more looking back on it since I have the curent, less dense self to compare past me too. But you learn to forget and forgive. I forgive the past, but since a lot of the kids who did that go to my school now, if they try to mess with me I'm proud that I am able to just go up to them and tell them off.
  20. sora1186

    sora1186 New Member

    Alot of people in my school liked it and my cousin said it was a good game to play. He said it's basically Disney meets Final Fantasy.

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