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Soria: The Beginning of Fate(Actual Rp)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Fan enjoyed being in a group for once. Being a nercomancer was lonely business, and most stayed away from him. Oh sometimes he would encounter a kind hearted spirit that decided to give him company but most spirits in this world could only travel a set distance from the location of their death and he had to bid farewell just minutes outside of town.

    His hands moved by themselves, as if guided by something other than himself, and his scythe flashed out behind him and slashed through a darkling creature before it could even get near him. It was probably a good thing that he was used to people sneaking up behind him, but he felt unsettled as a swarm of the things attacked.

    He watched as first one, then another of their party took hits. The first didn't look dead and the second looked to be in pain but still stood.

    If only we were near a site of dead. I'm all alone here with what bits of bone I have with me. That was all the time Fan had as three of the beasts rounded on him, spikes deployed fully as they bared their fangs. Fan likewise assumed a ready position with his scythe angled down.

    The first of the creatures rushed in, and Fan had little difficuty in smacking its head with the hilt of his weapon followed by a slash from the blade. It fell to the ground, and two seconds later its head joined it. The other two looked at their fallen comrade, and then moved to flank him on each side. Now though, Fan had two dead creatures at his disposal, and while he preferred humans for his arts the creatures would suffice. "Rise again and battle for me," Fan growled. The monsters stood again, the headless one stooping to reattach its head.

    The two charging creatures simply didn't understand. They thought their friends were alive and well and rejoined their comrades. The two under Fans control slaughtered them in seconds, and then ran after the rest of the pack quickly dispatching each member as the living darklings, thinking the same as their unfourtanet comrades, tried to join with them. For each that died Fans small army increased, some never having the chance to fall before coming under his control.

    At last the clearing was empty save for the dead darklings and Fan removed his spell from them. They collapsed in a heap. "Now that ticks me off. I can't go ten feet without something attacking me." With that he sheathed his weapon, and began walking south by south east. It was about then that he remembered that some of their party had taken hits.

    "Oh." Fan knelt next to the nearest, a young woman, and checked to see if she would survive.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will sheathed his sword and knelt next to the woman, looking at Fan. "Ok, that was some serious magic. How long have you been practicing that?" He asked, pulling a bandage from his pouch, unrolling it and starting to wrap it around her wound. After he wrapped her wound he pulled out a vial and had her drink from it, the painkilling potion burning it's way down her throat. "I know basic medical techniques from travelling alone but nothing more than small to medium wounds." He explained.
  3. Noir


    "What dark place this is, somehow I cannot explain how huge was this-" Shikau said.
    He wandered everywhere. Then he is bored and wanted to leave.
    "Ha- boring place. No idea why I got here, in this place." Shikau said and his voices echoed. The door was closing.
    "Wait, what the- I have to leave! Hope I will be successful." Shikau spoke.
    He got through the door. He goes to the teleporter and decides to go home again.
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "That? Just basic zombie stuff. Most necromancers don't have any troubles with it. All I needed to do was give very simple directives to the ones I controlled. The more my zombies kill, the more zombies under my control." He looked over the girl and didn't see anything to serious. Probably just knocked out. "We call it 'Plague'. It's not very nice but i doubt those critters would have been very nice to me either. Can you do anything for our injured? Heaven knows if there are more of those things out there."
  5. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza leaned against a nearby tree watching the others attend to a hurt woman, his wounds ached, his head throbbed from the impact. Desperatly he wanted the pain to stop searing through his body. It felt as if he was being destroyed from the inside, a slow moving poison igniting inside his bloodstream. He was at a breaking point he felt his thoughts slipping away, before he knew it a light shone forth in his mind, words were very clear to him.
    " Voluntas tua vulnera curari ... benedictus filius"
    Holdng a hand to his bite wound, a strong light radiated from raiza, liight washed over his wounds, leaving the feeling of relief. Torn muscle and blood began rebuilding itself and soon he was able to stand up. It was clear to him, he casted a healing spell on himself... but where did he learn it? and how could he have?. More questions filled his already confused mind.
    Shaking off those feelings he walked over to Fan and will and extended his new found powers to the woman who was injured. A shock of pain interrupted him mid-spell and it stopped. He knew he was spent and assumed this spell had it's own physical limits. She seemed alright so he backed up, waiting for Fan and the others. They had a lot of ground to cover and not much time to do it. Judging by the sky he assumed they had about four hours to make it to a town. It was not enough, they would have to camp in the forest. Not a pleasant thought...Raiza stopped his thoughts when the questions of Eona and Draco flooded his mind again. Who were they? Who was he? Why did he know them? As the days grew longer so did the number of questions flooding his head. He had to find them not just for their sake, but his.
  6. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Mizu sliced a darkling to two pieces with his sword of ice, turning around just quick enough to summon a wall of ice. The darkling jumped straight into the ice before falling to the ground motionless.

    'There's gotta be some way out of this madness', he thought.
    He looked around briefly before catching sight of a portal. He turned around to observe the chaos around him. He had just enough time, by the looks of it, to salvage something.
    'But what to save...Ah-ha! Rhapsody!'
    Mizu sprinted over to Larissa's house, dodging darklings along the way. He ran through the already opened door, made his way upstairs and picked up Larissa's Scythe.
    'Now...To the portal!' He retraced his steps back, and the portal was still there. He dove into it and was spat out in an area outside Aldinia, Larissa's Scythe still in hand.

    OOC: He got spat out next to Draco's group. Sorry if it seems rushed, I tried making it better but it just looked rushed no matter what I did.
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at Raiza, assesing the fact that his wound was gone. "I can only wrap their wounds and ease their pain for right now. If we can get to the next town I can get some herbs and other potions." He said, looking up at Raiza again. "Now, you my friend, know healing magic. How?" He asked Raiza, the question sticking with him intently. .
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2011
  8. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >It does seem a bit rushed, but its understandable. And my post is a bit rushed too and has a bit of powerplay..>.< Srry...<

    Draco dashed to the side and swung his sword. It made contact with two of the Three remaining, leaving only one. Then out of thin air flies a guy. As he went through the air the sharp object he held, slashed through the last Darkling. Draco kept his sword out, and watched as this guy landed a few feet away. Without even thinking, Draco run towards the spot where the guy had landed and held his sword to his neck. " Who Are you?
  9. Noir


    >OOC: Is it my character? I'll edit this if you guys answered.<
    "I'm tired. Sellion?" He answered.
    Sellion was hissing. Sellion hides near a chinese jar.
    "Hey, Sellion, what are you doing?" Shikau said.
    Sellion was eating near the jar. Sellion is eating his favorite food, Gems. Sellion is allergic to it.
    "Sellion, it's time to go inside..." Shikau roughly said.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2011
  10. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    > Ventiasxventus: No it's not, Venitas made a second character he flew out of the portal.

    Curtiss8494: Our parties are seperated, Draco009, Blackrose, VanitasxVentus and Venitas have their own party, Me, You, 8-bit and Zerieth are in our own group.<

    Raiza was just as surprised as will, He briefly recalled that voice in his head and spat out the words again.
    " Voluntas tua vulnera curari ... benedictus filius... those were the words in my head i heard before gaining this new power...what was that voice? She sounded like...a maiden or something... ". Raiza's head rattled around the insanity befalling him but still nothing turned up. "Either way we'd best be on our way yes?" Raiza turned picking up his blade in it's sheath and carrying on down the road. Into the forest...he had no sense of direction having never seen the outside of the castle but he made his way onward almost as if..he'd done it before. Hint's off of fauna or tracks often times pointed him in the right direction, and occasionally he would look back to see if Fan, Will and Haruki were following him. Before long night had fallen and camp was set up. He awaited the coming of dawn by the campfire in the midst of the dark woods. The sounds of creatures going about their lives echoed in the distance and a slight eeriness crept over the woods with the midnight fog. Where there was fog, there was always water, Raiza thought to himself. Not knowing how he knew this but letting the thoughts come and go.
  11. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    ''Rendered Homeless. spat out of a portal and had a sword held to my dang neck...What a Wonderful Day...'' He dropped the Scythe to seem less threatening. and looked up from the ground as much as he could without the sword penetrating his jugular. Scowling at the boy, he sighed, 'I wonder if Larry's here...'

    >There wasn't much I could do with this post, due to the fact that Mizu couldn't move unless I powerplayed Draco, which I didn't want to do<
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2011
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    As Will leaned against a tree on the opposite side of the campfire as Raiza he checked his pouch. He had maybe enough wrappings for another two wounds and one final dose of the painkiller. He closed the pouch and sighed. That would not be enough to get them to the town if they were attacked by those creatures again. He drew his sword and set it against his shoulder, drawing a sharpening stone and sharpening the blade, the sound ringing eerily through the woods.

    When he finished sharpening it he drew a cloth and polished the blade, making sure there were no jagged edges on the blade and testing the balance of it, making sure no damage was done. As he slid the sword back into the sheath he looked up at the one who had healed himself, Raiza. "Would you like me to check over your blade?" He asked.
  13. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Eona was shocked at the sudden turn of events. She was literally inches away from being struck by the darkling. That couldve easily been her if she had gotten up. And now another mystery person appears out of nowhere and the guy with the sword wants to start interigating him.

    This is getting ridiculous. I better try and difuse the situation but first i gotta keep this girl safe.

    "Aura", Eona whispered. There, now that should protect her if anything else decides to jump out at us.

    Eona slowly stood up, trying to get her balance under control. She felt lightheaded and remembered her arm was still bleeding. Tearing a piece of cloth of her legging she then proceeded to tie it tightly around the rather large injury. It took several tries but she finally got it.

    There, that should hold up. Satisfied with the results she began walking towards the the two men.

    I wonder where everyone keeps coming from. This is becoming quite troublesome. I just hope i can convince them to team up like that girl had offered and we can head toards the hanger to began debriefing. Eona reeled herself form her thoughts as the guy with the sword turned his head towards her and gave her an odd look before returning his gaze to the man on the ground.

    "Hey, maybe you should lower your weapon. If he meant any harm then he wouldnt still be lying there would he?"
  14. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza turned his attention to will and handed him his sword. It was dull and used from many of the battles on the patrol's he had been in. surprisingly enough he didn't fight that often. He was a normal child, dragged into a journey he never wanted, forced into running from a catastrophe that should never have happened. He handed will his sword and rummaged through his bag. He was starving and reached in for a few of those bitter tasting fruits he acquired before. Moments after he reached in he felt fangs sink into his hand. "OW!!!!, Raiza flung his hand out of his bag and a small medium sized tabby cat with rather long fur, he hissed and began running around wildly, Raiza angered at being bitten started chasing him around. he stopped as soon as it opened it's mouth running in circles around the log. "N-n-n-n-no-no-no-no! Don't hurt me! c'mon i'm just hungry!!". Raiza's jaw dropped. Unsure how to respond he stopped knelt and began speaking back to it.

    "H-hey, it's ok...calm down you can have something to eat... "

    the cat stopped, turned and it's eyes lit up. "REALLY?! you mean it?".

    "Y-yeah..here! try it.."

    the cat started munching on the apple and then slumped down in relief. "thanks man...i thought i was gonna starve.."

    Raiza's face turned serious, he wasn't too happy about a talking cat clinging to his food. "Ok, now that your fed, get lost okay? We've had enough trouble as is."

    The cat rolled over and then began speaking again. "Wow, what a stick in the mud hahaha...i can't leave! i'm your animal familiar! Duh!..the names Cloud...and i'm a proud lion!". Raiza's eyes narrowed this was the most annoying thing he could have possibly have been cursed with yet. "Your a cat...just a cat. and pretty weak at that". Cloud snickered armed with knowledge Raiza had yet to understand. "Well, you don't even know how to unlock your true powers...and i do. Plus i can kick more but than you cause i'm awesome!". Raiza sighed, knowing he had no choice but to accept his cursed fate and let him hang around. "alright you win, you can stay...but you better help me!". Cloud jumped up and down shouting "yaay sleep over!!" and then jumped back into Raiza's bag. Raiza sighed feeling like a babysitter and then sat down. Having gained yet another traveling companion.
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will laughed at the cat but as he turned to the sword his fase showed distain at the wear and tear on the blade, obvious that the owner had no knowledge of proper blade care. As he started to sharpen and buff out the gouges and rough edges he looked at Raiza. "I hope you know I don't plan on taking care of that cat... or whatever it is." He said, the sound of a blade being sharpened ringing again. As he started feeling the stone's path on the blade getting smoother and easier he knew his job was almost done. All he needed was to polish and clean it and he was done. As he finished his work on the blade it looked like it had transformed, like it was a completely different sword. "Here you are, all fixed up and ready for action." He said, handing the sword back to Raiza.
  16. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco cast a glance behind him and he saw that the girl was standing and looking right at him. Then she said, "Hey, maybe you should lower your weapon. If he meant any harm then he wouldnt still be lying there would he?"
    Draco hesitated at first but came then came to a decision. He sheathed his sword and then offered a hand to help the guy up. "Sorry about that, I haven't been able to trust anyone anymore. Ever since...Nevermind. Anyways, Im Draco. What's your name?"
  17. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Mizu accepted the boy's hand and grinned,''It's fine. After all, it's hard not to be suspicious at a time like this...Err, anyway, I'm Mizu. Mizu Flynn. So do you have any idea what those creatures are? And why they attacked?''he paused for a moment, then his face turned serious,'Which direction are we headed...And is anyone else with you?''
    He wasn't too sure he could handle another round of the dark creatures, and both of them seemed nice enough, so he figured he could team up with them-and whoever else they were with.
  18. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Spector seeing that Dracos team was all there said through his mind wave "Not to interupet but now that you are all here we need to find the others." then with that he walked out of the shadows and finished "At least befor the darklines get them."
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Dang this is all confusing. Sorry if I messed up.<

    Fan looked at the new cat, and noted without much surprise that it could talk. He'd smelled something odd about the thing to begin with and thanks to his travels across the world very little actually surprised him. "I know of a place were we might be safe from those creatures. Its a good weeks walk from here but I don't think anything dark can actually enter it." If only because my powers don't work in there but I'm not about to tell them that. "It's actually in the direction my scythe pointed us before we got attacked so maybe we should head that way."
  20. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Spector nodded and said "I can transport you there through the shadows. or we could find the others first like I sugjested. either way I am here to make sure you guy's are safe." then holding a hand to the trees shadow he reveild a doorway that looked like a portal. "This is how I get around. you can take this to your safe spot but I am going to look for..." just then he pulled his sord and slashed a weak Darklin that was behinde his friends and finished saying "...the others."

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