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Zombie Apocolypse!!! (actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Gryphon took Craig's much larger hand as he led him away. To Gryphon, all these other people towered over him, and he felt much safer. When he heard there were boats, he seemed to jump, "We can get out of here?" he asked, he had assumed that everyone was on their own, and news of help was a joy to him. He reached to his belt with the hand he was holding the teddy bear with and drew his knife, he quickly let go of Craig's hand and used it to draw his pistol, "I don't want these," he said with a hint of sadness, "I'll help in any way I can, but I'm no good with fighting."
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Antonio followed Craig to where he was leading them. He was glad that he wouldn't be alone, fighting these zombies anymore. He sheethed his Katanas and then spoke.

    "It's a good thing you found us. I've been traveling alone this whole time. I came close to death way too many times to count, but I ended up pulling through. If you need help with anything, just ask," Antonio said.
  3. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee approached. He looked down at the small boy. Then up at the teenager beside him. he took the boy's gun and knife. How did you get these? he asked. And how are you alive? Are you sure you don't want these? he asked, starting to slide the weapons into his sidepack. he looked in it. I have something that you might want...he said reaching in and pulling out a hershey's bar. he handed it to the small boy. He reached in again and pulled out a few watches. These are military. They have tracking devices in them. On the screen each person will show up as a different color. when a the watch detetcs that you are dead the blip will go away. Craig, You take red. I have blue. He handed one to the boy. Is orange okay? he asked with a smile. he handed the teenager one. yellow. he said. Jennifer, purple. he said handing her a watch. I've got a green one for will. Old new kid, you've got my last one, pink. try and remember the colors. your blip will show up as well. he showed every one a small button on the side of his watch. press this and your dot will flash, signaling you're in trouble. as you approach someone else, the dots will get closer. okay, everyone good? And, oh yes, I have room in the back of my truck, and the front I suppose.
  4. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "Perfect," said Craig. they reached the room where Will had set up camp. upon seeing that there was cold water Craig pulled out the cups he had kept in his pack from a previous raid and rationed out the water evenly. he also put the drinks they had recovered from the gas station into the fridge. he handed out some of the food they had recovered and everyone ate.

    "Ok the rules here are simple," he said addressing the new recruits he had just picked up. "If you want to live do what I say when I say it. I've had experience in the military as a captain of a stealth strike team. So I know the best way to avoid these things and keep us alive. Zombies are more active at night so that's when we rest and hide out, try not to make too much noise." he involuntarily eyed the young boy who still had a few tears in his eyes. "once dawn hits we will load into the vehicles and drive to our next destination. It's a long trip from California to Washington D.C. but if we're lucky we will make it to the next state tomorrow. At night we take shifts sleeping and keeping watch.," he addressed the ten year old. "Since you're still a kid you wont have to keep watch. Now we still have a few hours left til night, so lets use this time to set up baricades around this room as well as get positions for the lookouts. If when you're on lookout you see a Zombie try not to shoot right away, no need to give away our position until it's absolutely necessary. Just alert the others quietly. If a wave of Zombies is on the way call out and shoot at will. This is a last resort, but we will fight our way to the cars and make a break for it. We had to do this the last time, and I'd rather not repeat that. Now then, I want to get to work now. Antonio, you and I will have first watch, Will can I borrow your sniper for that time?"
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Antonio agreed to everything Craig said. It was better to agree than argue for him since he'd been alone the whole time. He was relieved and, for once since the outbreak, he felt true happiness and hope.

    "Sounds good. But as you can see," Antonio pointed to his back. "I already havee a sniper. It's L96A1 model. More effeciant than what you have there. But before we begin, how long are the shifts going to be?" Antonio asked.
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will finished his bottle of water and looked at Craig, smiling. "So long as you know how to use it. And let me see your shotgun. I want to go check upstairs. I know downstairs is clear, we have no idea what's upstairs." He said to Craig, grabbing the 12 gauge from the table. He grabbed the watch off the table as well, setting it to military time and activating his blip, the green led lighting up on everyone else's watches. He pumped the shotgun and slowly headed up the stairs, flipping the flashlight on his jacket on, the stairs illuminating eerily. As Will reached the top of the stairway he noticed a long hallway with a stairwell to the attic straight ahead, 3 doors on each side of him. "Just like old times..." He breathed, breaching training coming back to him.
  7. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "Shifts will be about an hour. you will have about four or three hours between shifts to sleep." Craig said to Antonio. He picked up Will's sniper, it had been a while since he had to use on of these, but he was still in good form. "Ok we need to get those barricades up now. don't place anything on the top floors until Will re-joins us. Lee stay with the boy here, we wont be gone that long." He walked out the door with Antonio behind him. there was plenty of spare wood and cement blocks to make effective barricades. "Let's do this." he said.
  8. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee looked down at the boy. "How did you get here? he asked. You, know I worked in this place for a little while. we kept tabs on the building next door. he noticed the boy's bear on the table. he picked it up, looked at it and handed it to the boy. Soooo...why am I on baby-sitting duty? ooogh.... Lee groaned with pain, and fell to the ground. he reached into his sidepack, grabbed a syringe, and poked it straight into his veins. he arose, still clutching his arm. think...I'll....sit....down. he mumbled wearily, plopping down on a wooden chair.
  9. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Gryphon excitedly ate the chocolate bar and for the first time in a long time, he smiled. "Thank you," he said. As he took the watch and put it on, he also finished the chocolate bar. Orange was one of his least favorite colors, but he kept it to himself.
    (OOC: Skipping ahead, catching up)
    Gryphon looked down and cringed a bit when Craig looked at him, feeling his eyes pierce though him. As they left the room and he felt himself alone with Lee, he was hesitant to answer his question, "I lived in the next town over, it took me days just to reach this place.........My mom and dad......" He stopped, he fought back tears, but lost, but buried his face in his teddy bear to muffle the sounds. When he composed himself a bit, he continued, "They didn't make it, so I ran........as fast as I could.......until no one was following me. I stayed alive mainly by hiding, today was the first time I used that gun......" Gryphon jumped a bit when he saw Lee inject himself and slump in a chair. Seeing that he was getting tired, he didn't wish to bother him, so he simply sat in the corner, waiting for the others to return.
  10. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig and Antonio used the nearby materials to construct satisfactory barricades. They covered the ground floor and the second floor where they had set up camp but refrained from blocing off the top floor until Will would return. Once that barricades were up Carig led Antonio back to the room they would be staying at. He noticed Lee was slumped in the chair, a, empty syringe lay next to him. Craig also noticed numerous puncture wounds covering Lee's arm. What was he injecting? Craig walked over to Lee and shook him awake.

    "Lee, I need you to explain something. What was in this syringe? Tell me the truth, What is it? and why do you keep injecting it into yourself. Don't try to lie I saw the needle wounds, and I have the syringe here. What is it?" he tried not to raise his voice, for one thing the extra noise could attract Zombies, or worse scare the kid, and then his crying would also attract Zombies. Craig also wanted a straight answer. He figured yelling at Lee would only put him on the defensive and thus he would olny try to cover it up as nothing. and lies could be more dangerous than Zombies sometimes.
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Antonio saw what was happening with Lee and Craig. The way Lee acted, and the way Craig was acted towards Lee when he saw him. Antonio thought he knew the answer, but he wasn't too sure.

    "I think I know what's going on. I bet Lee was bit by a zombie. He's probably using that stuff to keep him alive. But for how long will it last? That's the problem I need to figure out. I just joined them, so I don't need to make anyone worry," Antonio thought to himself.
  12. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee awoke to craig shaking him. Captain Craig, sir...I can explain....Oh, (lee said a word unprintable to this page) I can't lie to you...Just after I the last mission I picked you guys up on, you know, we barely made it out alive...well, after that they said for my honor and bravery in combat, my position would be evaluated...I wasn't the best in field combat, but they trained me, part of some elite program. it was awful sir...they tortured us into becoming perfect soilders...well then we partnered with the company next to this bunker...you know, MegaCorp.they developed our weapons...This house was built so we could keep tabs on them..well we had about 5 operatives in the co building at all times. one came out alive. e got to this bunker and told us what had happened. the other 4 were killed, or at least injected...this crap that turned them into what we know as these zombies...I went in with the 4 men working here...i was shot. then I was injected with some crap that was supposed to make the TRUE super-soilder...I made it, barely...the other 4 didn't...we put the main dude away, in an asylum...said he'd already had his revenge...he was all locked up and safe while we were out in this living nightmare...now i need to leave...he turned himself into...I should've told you...he turned himself into some ultimate terror, and he's, he's, hunting me, and all the others who helped get him put away...And now he's gonna be after you as well...that blue stuff, it's a temporary cure for my, "condition". it clears up zobie bites like magic, but it only wards off my "curse" for a few hours...we're gonna die sir, all because of me...for the first time since he went through Elite training, a tear ran down Lee's cheek. he brushed it away, as he stood up. i'd better go....it'd be safer without me...
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will stepped forward, bloots lightly thudding on the floor as he approached the first door. As he opened it he saw what appeared to be just a an empty room, nothing but a table and a small .45 pistol sitting on the table. As he lifted the military issue Colt he knew by the weight there was no ammo in it. As he slid the empty gun into a holster in his jacket from habit he realized that there was a file on the table as well. He noticed no gunshells on the table or in the room but the gun was empty which was odd. As he flipped the file open he scanned it, seeing what told the tale of a secret military supersoldier project. "This was more than a base..." Will breathed, now having a feeling of dread on what else he may find in the other rooms.
  14. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Antonio stood where he was, not saying a word. He knew it wasn't his place to speak, only to think.

    "It seems I was a little right. But a Super Soldier? What the hell is this, Captain America? If they were gonna do it right, they should of followed the movie. In any case, it seems that it was the military's fault America is in total shit. I guess the only thing to do now is to get to D.C." Antonio thought.
  15. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig was stunned. He watched as Lee broke down trying not to cry in front of him. A super soldier program? So that was why Lee was transfered. Craig grabbed Lee's arm and Pulled him up into an embrace. Craig could feel Lee tense up, but he didn't have to worry. Craig released Lee and looked him in the eye.

    "Lee, you saved my unit and myself on so many occasions back in the war. This revelation means nothing. you're still the same Lee as far as I'm concerned. And as long as you still have that medicine it will stay that way. And if worst comes to worst, then I just want to say, you're a fine soldier and an ever greater man. You can find a way to beat this, there are bound to be doctors in D.C. maybe they can find a way to keep you alive without worrying about those syringes. But just in case, I need you to understand that someone needs to be with you at all times watching you. If the unthinkable comes to pass, You will have to be put out of your misery. and until then we will help you evade this guy that's hunting you." Craig looked around and saw that Will had still not returned. "We'd best look for Will, better keep him up to speed about what's going on, but keep your guns loaded. Craig knelt down and held his hand out to Gryphon. "Your going to have to come with us too. You don't have to be scared, just come with me, and I'll keep you safe." he said reassuringly.
  16. Key King

    Key King Member

    lee was stunned. Craig had accepted him, even though he was a monster, well, not yet. "sir, said lee, It's not the military's fault. we tried to stop them...it just didn't work...we weren't prepared, and well, it seems he did have his revenge, doesn't it? Just one more problem, I running outta' this blue stuff...Lee's face lit up. We can et some from MegaCorp!" Lee cocked his gun, loaded gryphon's and charged out the door before anyone could stop him. he was gonna live, he hoped.
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    As Will left the room he made sure to leave the door open, marking the room as clear. As he entered the room across from him he saw a gruesome sight, a body sprawled in the corner, the head missing and multiple bites out of the torso. It meant there was probably a zombie in the upper floor somewhere. As he checked the room he noticed the body looked to be a scientist, proving his point of this being more than a base. As he examined the room he noticed it seemed to be a type of break room, a table with cups still on it in the center of the room. As he checked the body it had nothing on it but it's clothes. He left the room, mind full of questions about this building and what happened here.
  18. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "Hikaru! I want you to go after Lee!" said Craig. "We can't leave him by himself anymore, catch up and keep an eye on him. as for the rest of us we should get Will back down here." he picked up Gryphon with one hand and held Will's sniper rifle with his other hand. Craig took the lead, up the stairs.

    'Will!" he called out.
  19. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee walked into the building, using the back entrance again. He spent a long time searching through goxes and bags. he found on bottle, but had to use it. he picked up a ackpack and filled it with weapons, ammo, and whatever else he thought useful. he used the elevator to get to the top room, and took the stairs onto the roof. a chopper. fully armed with a gatling on a swivel mounted platform on the right side, for an inside gunner. rockets and frontal machine guns. it was empty, except for some grenades and some ammo for the side-gatling. he filled the tank. this was their ticket outta there!
  20. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Nobody noticed, but Antonio went after Lee himself. He knew Lee was crazy trying to do what he did alone. Antonio found the building Lee mentioned and went inside. There were no zombies on his way there, which was strange. He looked around to see that boxes were raided for ammo. He decided to take the time to collect some ammo for his sniper. He then searched around upstairs and still couldn't find him. He noticed there was an entrance to the roof. When he got to the roof, he noticed Lee staring at a helicopter. Antonio went to assumption.

    "Lee," Antonio began. "Are you planning on leaving without us?"

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