• Square Elite
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Soria: The Beginning of Fate OOC & SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ...great...well I may have some time to get that done considering that the RP's that I am with are at a stand still right now.
  2. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    That's Okay. It would be simpler for you to read the post, because its somewhat complicated, and hrd to explain. :)
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    well I basicly need to know where the team is now so Spector cn show himself...
  4. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Isn't youe character the one who talked with draco, and "saved" him? Because if yes then your still in the shadows. around where Draco's group is.
  5. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    so draco and his group have not moved from that spot yet? because if no I would like to final have Spector into himself...
  6. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    They have not moved from that spot, yet. And what do you mean?
  7. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I am saying that Spector has yet to show himself to evryone...
  8. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    ah okay. go ahead and do that, but read the posts leading up to that, and try not to powerplay.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hey you mind if I give my character a weapon release? It will only be just the one and it wont enhance any of his necromancy powers. I've been toying with some new race called the Reapers. I wanna test some lower class powers on him, the bare basics. If the work in concept I'll probably make a rp out of it. Here is a brief description on the reapers. Anyone interested can give it a read. Otherwise just skip it.

    The Reapers

    The reapers are a group capable of fashioning weapons from their spiritual energy creating scythes of various shapes and sizes. The clan itself works in a caste order with the lowliest possesing something akin to a farmers scythe and the highest possessing the traditional combat version. In between are;

    The Pesant: This is the lowest of the low in the reaper clan though they do garner their own version of respect. No matter how powerful a soldiers may be, silent an assassin, smart as an elite, or well versed in the running of the clan like a lord they still have to eat. These are the farmers, metal workers, and messengers of the clan. Without them the clan wouldn't exist as it does. Peasants are not to be underestimated though as they can use very simple karitoriki kijustu and use basic reaper techniques.

    The Soldiers: They possess katana capable of cutting through a very large number of things. They tend to have the lowest amount of power when it comes to karitoriki kijutsu (Reaper Magic) but are not to be underestimated when it comes to fighting.

    The Assassins: These possess smaller scythes and chain weapons. They do the dirty work of the higher ups breaking into highly secure fortresses and taking their victims without a sound. They prefer not to fight directly but can be quite powerful in combat, though not as much as the soldiers. They are proficient in karitoriki kijutsu if only because their jobs require them to be.

    The Elites: Just one step from the lords these are the most feared members of the clan. They use a mixture of the weapons found in the lower fighting classes and study karitoriki kijutsu from a young age. These are also the scholars as they are the only caste, aside from the lords, that actually studies.

    The Lords: These are the ruling lords. They use traditional combat scythes and they are positively dangerous. It is said among the clan that when a lord moves his scythe in battle thirteen souls are torn from the living. Of course it is very rare that a Lord actually goes into battle delegating such things to their elite body guards.

    A fast explanation on the basics of a reaper:

    Reapers use spiritual instead of natural energy to work their arts. No matter what caste they belong to they all possess the ability to form their own personal scythes. On top of this they possess an inner guide that teaches them how to fully utilize their powers. The personality of the guide is dependent on the individual. They grow in power by eating souls of the beings they defeat, though it is rare for a reaper born in one caste to ascend/descend to a different caste level based on power alone.

    All reapers, no matter the caste, can use Reaper Magic, or karitoriki kijutsu. They harness the power of the souls their scythes consume to create their magic. Some very basic spells a reaper may learn are,

    Death Fire: A flame fired from the hand. Its shape and form tend to be different based on the person and the level of power they use. It can be anything from a stream to a quick bolt.

    Slaying Slash: The weapon held by the reaper glows and then releases a thin slashing energy. Dependant on the power level it is said to be capable of slicing diamond though no one has ever really tried. Such a power could only be possessed by a lord in any case.

    Life Blood: As a reapers soul purpose is to end lives it comes as a shock that they possess a way to restore life. At the cost of souls in the scythe they can literally restore a persons soul to its body. However the person being restored must have died only recently (Within a half hour). Such an ability can be done only once and it is not used lightly.

    Their are a host of other but I am still in the process of making them.

    Finally all reapers possess the ability to literally see the chains binding a person to his/her body with the exemption of their own kind. A reapers weapon is very rarely capable of inflicting damage to a persons body but instead damages these chains. Most of the damage a reapers blade can inflict can be reversed save for when the reaper breaks the Soul Chain, the single chain the links all the others. The other chains coorespond to each part of the persons body. The Heart, Breathe, Purifier, and Sustenance (Heart, Lungs, Kidneys/Liver, and Stomach/Intestines as well as the Motion, Palm, Strength, Speed, Flight, and Thinker (Spine, Hand, Arm, Legs, Feet, and Skull.) When one chain is cut that area is immobilized. So if I cut your thinker chain all thought would cease until the chain could fix itself though the automatic stuff such as heart pump, lungs breathe would still work. The ONLY way a reaper can kill is by hitting the Soul Chain and that is placed randomly on each person. More advanced reapers can find it with ease but the less experienced range from a educated to random guess.

    Anyways thats what I have thus far. Here would be the release form of Fans scythe as I'd classify him as a elite (albiet a very inexperienced and ill taught one.)

    Fans Release: kusarigama (Literally Chain Scythe). As the name suggests the scythe shrinks and gains a chain which can be used to swing the weapon. At the same time Fan loses most of his necromancy powers and instead gains the ability to see his enemies soul chains. (A basic technique anyways but for the purpose of this rp I'm making it advanced for him.) The true power of this weapon is this, for each soul it consumes/kills its power increases by 1.5 (roughly an extra half). This can increase indefinitely until the weapon is returned to its sealed form. Once resealed these souls are allowed to go to the after life and he loses that power. His eyes also glow the traditional blue of a reaper. He can also use the above mentioned magics though he'd need a lot of training to fully utilize them. His life blood spell could only restore a person for maybe a day until his powers grow.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  10. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ... ... ...i love these wepons!!!!!!!!!
  11. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    This is very well thought out. i like it and could be easily be turned into an RP. I'd defiantly join.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  12. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Excellent RP Zerieth, i'd join. Go ahead and use that weapon release on Fan. We REALLY have to get going, our character's should be traveling, learning fighting and discovering what it truly means to possess such power. >.> I'm going about it in a goofy way lol.
  13. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    yeah im just waiting on my team to start posting again. plus the post that trio had put up didnt make much sense to me. i know he has been in the shadows the enitre time...it just seems lke his entrance was a tad bit rushed.
  14. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Yeah, me too..i want us to reach a destination so we can actually DO something. You are right Blackrose, his entrance was really rushed. I noticed, but hey we have alot goin on...also i think Trio is confused so i'm gonna clarify again.

    Blackrose, Draco009, Venitas, and Trio are in a group together.

    Zerieth, Me, Curtiss8494 and 8-bit are in a group together.
    Grandia20 is in the town were headed to.

    We are seperated groups.

    >psst, Zerieth! yeah you!...you might have to use that life blood spell in the future ;)<
  15. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Yah, let's get going. Well Blackrose, I'm waiting for Draco to post so we can get going and timeskip a few hours so Larissa can wake up instead of being dead weight. Unless, of course, I let her wake up early because of the fact that Darklings aren't as effective on Gifted Sorians.

    Zerieth, that's awesome. I'd definitely join.

    Oh, and Tag me! Please! Could you put a tag in that says 'Ven Approved'? Pwease?
  16. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Draco is limited in his internet access, but he will try to post ASAP. please bear with us :(

    Second, i'm just waitin on some replies to get goin as well.
  17. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    As he said i have limited internet access. I try to get on as muc as possible.
  18. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    That I know, but I was waiting for you to be able to get on. I know it's not your fault at all.
  19. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    yeah and now draco stated in the actual rp that its my turn to post cause i have yet to reveal the location of the underground hanger.
  20. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    you hit the nail right on the head. ^.^ Basically it has to be your character to send us in that direction. for the sole reason that your character has information that ours dont. Like the location of the hanger and what not. So yeah...

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