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Soria: The Beginning of Fate(Actual Rp)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza looked at Fan and back to will who handed him his newly sharpened blade, such skill was that of mastery. He had obviously been doing this for awhile. With a sigh Raiza stood up. unconvinced this talking cat could really do what he said he could. "H-hey you thing..." Cloud growled in annoyance. "I'm not a thing, the names Cloud".
    "O.K....Cloud, how can i be sure your not just aking all this up?, prove to me you can teach me things i couldn't learn".

    Cloud hopped over to a nearby stump taking in all his glory. He looked at Fan, impatiently awaiting an answer and at Will then looked off in another direction. "Watch this!". Cloud began glowing intensely as the light shone forth it took form at his feet. He looked over at raiza a smug look on his face and began running circles around him at a speed that was just unimaginable. He stopped short of Raiza and then the power faded. "Good enough?".

    Raiza was impressed and his curiosity was sated. "Alright cloud you can stay, Fan you lead the way...i don't know outside the city walls much, and you appear to know where this town is located, besides i trust you".
  2. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >Sorry for not posting. I'll try to get on more often<

    "Nice to meet you Mizu, and as for the creatures i called them darklings. Weak. Mindless. Embodiment of Darkness. As for why they attacked, i have no clue. And for directions i have yet to pick a place to go, i mean...look what happened to Aldin." With that Draco pointed towards the ruined city. The city gave off huge waves of smoke, and looked as if a giant just stepped upon it and twisted his heel. Draco stood there for a moment watching the destruction and sorting through his memories. After i few moments he realized there was a blank spot to all of his memories. He couldn't remember anything before the age of 4. It was like someone took them away and left a gaping void. as he realized this he kept it to himself, and betrayed nothing on his face about the subject.

    >Eona/Blackrose please send us in a direction<
  3. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Shimon walks out of the alley and his stomach growls. He looks at it and laughs. "Stop lying." He sighs. "I guess I should probably get some food."

    As he walks into a local store he sees one of the guys from the alley trying to rob the store. The guy looks over at Shimon and books it. "Sorry about him sir." Shimon says to the owner. The owner shakes his head. "Don't apolagize. You just scared him off for me. Thank you."

    Shimon goes and gets some food and brings it ti the owner and starts pulling out his money when he stops him. "It's on the house today as a reward for helping me." Shimon shakes his head. "No. I don't want a reward." He puts the money in front of the man along with some extra to help the man out and walks out of the store.
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Sure." With that Fan began walking down the trail. He began to whistle a traveling song to himself as he walked along. In his mind though he was remembering.

    *Flash Back*

    "Fan you are late once again."

    "My apologies master," a young boy replied his elder.

    "If you were sorry you wouldn't be late all the time. Be seated, we should begin our lesson." The elderly man sat across from Fan. "Do you know the legend of the dream cave?"

    Fan didn't and shook his head side to side. His interest was piqued as this didn't sound like another war story.

    "It is said that long ago existed a man who dreamed for the world. Many people gathered to meet with him and hear his dreams. However some coveted his powers and sought to take his abilities. He hid from them for many months, wandering the land. At last he stumbled upon a cavern just as he pursuers appeared behind. He ran inside to discover the cavern was filled with springs.

    "He turned just as the pursuers caught up with him and demanded his power. 'It is not my power to give. I give it back to the world,' and with that he fell back in a spring and drowned. After that any being who looks into the springs in that cavern will see their dreams laid out before them. A mystical place but not something for the likes of us. You should never go there."

    "Yes master"

    *End Flash Back*

    Tane sighed at the memory. Looks like I have to disobey that order again. This I am NOT looking forward to.
  5. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will noticed their direction and remembered what Fan had said. If he remembered his travels right he had stayed in the caverns a few times, his most recent he had been spooked by seeing a vision of his Grandfather in the spring. He hadn't gone back since and that was almost 6 months ago. He had tried once before but it rejected him for some reason. He had been angry and bloodthirsty at the time and he thought that may have something to do with it. "Fan, where exactly are we going?" He asked, eyeing the necromancer.
  6. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    It was about time Eona stepped in. She wasnt comfortable staying in an unprotected area for too long.

    "Hi Mizu and...Sword guy, terribly sorry but i dont know your name. Anyway, i know a place where we can hide out until we form a plan of action. i have friends who can treat our wounds and nourish our bodies back to health. We can also stockupon supplies."

    The two of them looked at each other and then back at Eona as if saying come on, well spill it. "The hanger is about a mile and half from here due south. If we go down the dirt road that leads away from the city and over to where the lake is then we should be there in about 20 miutes or less. So what do you guys say? Wanna get moving?"
  7. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    ''Sounds like a plan. Normally, I wouldn't trust you, but you're in the same boat as me and all, so...'' 'And I can treat my own minor wounds with the lake water before we even arrive. 2 for the price of 0.'

    ''We'd better set off then. But first...'' He walked over to something that caught his eye- the unconscious girl. A look of shock spread across his face. 'Larissa...' He turned to the two others, The White haired boy and Ebony haired woman, ''I'll carry her with me to the hangar. Is that alright?'' Without waiting for an answer from the two, he picked her up bridal style and walked back over, half-smiling awkwardly.''Well then, sword guy and'' He gave the girl a curious look,''Miss...?''
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  8. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    SwordGuy? I thought i mentioned my name.... Draco Thought to himself. Then said aloud, "My name is Draco. And we should get moving. If i remember correctly this place is not safe." With that he proceeded to walk towards the ruined Aldin. He then stopped and turned to face Eona and said, "Well...aren't you going to lead us to this.."Hanger" of yours?"

    >Sorry if this is too short. It was what i could do with what i got.<
  9. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Eona gave Mizu a small smile, "It's Miss Bridgetillia but we can skip the formailities for now. Just call me Eona." She said as she turned back around toface the road but not before she winked at him. Eona walked over to the edge and surveyed the area.

    "And to you Draco, yeah i'll be leading. Although i must say that it will be quicker since we mysteriously ended up here. Anyway, C'mon" Eona jumped off the cliff's edge and began sliding down the rocky path, dodging boulders with her Aura spell until she skidded to an arupt finish that caused her to flip foward but with her quick reflexes was able to use her good arm to turn the flip into a sloppy cart wheel and land safely.

    "Whew, alot harder with just one arm. Guess i should be more careful then." Eona looked at the path in front of her and noticed a bunch of Darklings that were running in and out of the bushes on the sides of the road. She probably wouldnt have seen em if they were moving.

    She looked back up at the boys and said "Well come on, we really dont have all day you know."

    >Draco and Venitas, for the purpose of saving time, i give you guys to power play my character up until the river. right now im on the dirt road. its just a straight path for a few minutes and then the lake. i gsve us a few darklings to make the trip more interesting.<
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
  10. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Mizu gazed down the huge cliff and furrowed his brows in thought for a moment, before raising a hand-his other hand still holding Larissa-dramatically. He leapt off the cliff's edge and a skateboard-like platform of ice appeared below his feet. The ice lowered him to the ground and melted as soon as it touched the bottom. ''And that is how to jump off a cliff in style.'' He winked at Eona jokingly. He then created a similar platform at the top for Draco, who jumped on it and rode it down in the same way.

    ''Oh, looks like we're not alone...'' He gestured to the Darklings with his free hand.
    ''Alright, fine.'' He muttered darkly and killed three of them at once with spikes of ice sprouting from the ground.''That's odd. Those spikes are a lot harder to summon with no free hands!'' Suddenly, three more formed and turned to Mizu, enraged.

    ''Moooree...Uuugh...Fine,'' He put Larissa down and summoned a masamune of pure ice, holding it at his side. ''Well, then, let's get this party started!'' He grinned like a madman.

    >Think of Axel's grin when Roxas fights him. That crazy grin.<
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
  11. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >Even though i may not be only that often doesn't mean for you to powerplay ME. Eona gave permission for her character not mine.<

    Draco slide down on the ice board and landed on the ground. As he touched the ground Darklings started to appear. He drew his Sword and ran towards them. The first group that spawned was cut down by Mizu's magic, and Draco saw more appear after the first group disappeared. He charged towards them and cut the first of them, the second lunged at draco and he dodged to the side in the nick of time. The third came up in his blind spot and tackled him. As soon as it touched him he lost consciousness.

    >Draco wont be out for long but my next post will include him waking up and obtaining the first stage of his "True Ability." Draco(if you read the Profile) Started off with only sword skills, so he is getting his real ability in my next post.<
  12. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Darkness~ The Wandering Man.

    Standing atop a rocky hill he stood, unable to take the barren empty sight ahead of him he traversed the path. Stopping the wandering mans curiosity peeked at a nearby hangar. (More followers for the darkness...) He thought quietly to himself. Upon approaching tthe facility he was stopped by two guards, but it didn't take long to claim their bodies. After all...light is fragile. The apocalyptic chaos ensued, bullets fired were as a breeze in the wind to him. Dodging in between the slow moving projectiles he summoned a cloud of darkness three feet in length in front of him. Three strikes and it disappeared, their corpses spraying blood like a high pressure water hose cut at a single point. Screams played like a Symphony in the night . As the darkness descended upon the establishment a few, unique individuals popped out, weapons slinging around. He watched in shadows observing a...once in a lifetime spectacle. Summoning a general he watched them go at it. They maneuvered around taking out the front left, and back right legs. Clever, he'd fix that next time. They finished it off just barely as it used it's nasty ability to lacerate dark energy blades in a vortex around itself. Very entertaining indeed, with his curiosity satisfied he turned his attention to an immediate matter regarding his attention. That god forsaken light of the sister was getting in his way again. He began the implosion letting out just enough darkness to scatter the few corpses left and proceeded on his way.

    >It is not mentioned that Eona's friends died, take note of that. They recieved significant injuries.<

    Wandering through the cave Raiza, suddenly stopped. A strange wave of depression hit him, but he shook it off. Cloud had become accustomed to his pack leaving his two paws dangling over Raiza's right shoulder and his head poking out. He had grown tired from all his excessive jumping around and fell asleep. The caverns dripped with water and the faint glow of water painted the beautiful blue stone stalagmites Mid-way a particular area caught his attention. To the left a beautiful pond of exceptionally clear water sifted, it's serene beauty was too much. The sight was amazing. Raiza stopped gazing into it's waters. It reminded him of a time when he had peace in his life...until the water shifted. Raiza was holding a sword...to...Eona, more memories flooded his mind.
    His head killed it was splitting he felt his very soul tearing at the threads of pain and lost memories. More memories flooded his tiny confused mind. "Eh..Ack..N-no...that's...what am i?!".
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Were destiny takes us my new friend," Fan responded. "And I recall the place I am being told to go to. My travels took me there once before. It is a interesting place and the darklings shouldn't have any place in there. We'll be safe while we plan but it is a few days out."

    Fan sighed to himself. He wasn't sure but it sounded like Will had been to the dream cavern before. The fact that he was asking were they were headed was evidence enough for him. Hopefully Will could still fight there if it came down to it.
  14. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    (...eno eht era uoy)
    (...eno eht era uoy)
    (...eno eht era uoy)
    (you are the one who will save us...). Voices echoed in Raiza's head, his mind took him to a place where tranquility slept. An old man badgered him with knowledge he was unaware of. Staring blankly into his eyes the story unfolded.
    "Young Master, Raiza, you have reached the age of consideration. At ten years you have been coddled far too long."
    "What do you mean Teonus?" Raiza asked with confusion. "i am ready to take on the duties of the Bridgtellia household.."
    Teonus looked at him very sternly and with a serious expression wiping down his face. "You do not know do you young master?"
    "Know what Teonus?"
    "You were brought into this household as but a lad. Your duty was to be a simple house servant for ms. Bridgetellia. There is more...come closer lad."
    Raiza leaned in intent on hearing the how and why of his true upbringing.
    "Raiza, you are her light in the darkness. I have been teaching you my sacred techniques and swordsmahip to hone your combat skills."
    "Why do i need that?"
    "When the time comes you must protect Eona, our precious little girl at all costs...do not let your friendship sway your mind little Raiza."....

    The memories gave way to Raiza, charging across a Grand battlefield. His blade in hand he Shot forth waves of light and dark energy Annihilating Strange beings left and right. His eyes iron with resolve he would not stop. Soldiers weilding strange black machines fired lights at him he dodged jumped and let out a burst of energy in a magnitude most beings considered an explosion. The bloodshed did notdisturb him as he danced the dance of death all night long, one semtence in his mind... (I do this for you...my goddess).
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at the blade in his hand, and the guilt that it brought him everytime he used it and looked at it. He then looked up at Fan and noticed Fan probably knew about the cave. He drew a small privision of bread and tore a chunk off, biting into it and then looking at the others, handing them peices as well. His mind started to wander to an experimental sword he had been working on until he had fled his home. It was meant to be a large bladed sword, almost large enough to be used as a shield if needed. He had been spending hours a day preparing his body for using that sword and gathering the materials to make it. "I need to finish that project..." He breathed lightly, barely hearing himself.
  16. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >Gar. ima going to post now cause i dont want this to die. Another thhing my char is uncoinsous at the moment, but this post is when he unlocks his powers<

    When he opened his eyes that all he saw. Draco knew this had to be a dream because it felt like something was...off. He slowly noticed as his eyes adjusted that he was in a room. It took him a few minutes to realize it was his room. In a flash everything lit up. He saw himself sitting there--staring at him. When he looked he realized that the other him was an older version of himself. they Both Stared at each other for what seemed like hour, but was only a few seconds. Then Draco the elder spoke up. "You dont realize yet who you are." At first draco didnt understand what he was talking about, but after a moment it clicked. "The Darkness. I have to defeat the Darkness." The Elder Draco simply nodded. Then he lifted his hand and held out an orb. "This is our true ability. You must use it to defeat the darkness. Its the only way you'll be strong enough." The Elder draco stood up walked over to draco the younger and placed the orb inside of him. "I awaken our ability, Energy manipulation. We can now use our energy in new ways. You can solidify it into different things and also send through the air as a projectile. There are many other things you can do with it, but you'll have to find those yourself." The room around them had started to fade as they talked, but now the room was gone and all that remained was the darkness. Draco the elder then said, "We walk the path of light, but we do not walk alone. There are others that can help you. This Darkness cannot be defeated by one person. You all must stand together or all will be lost."

    Draco then blinked and he was lying on the ground. A Huge explosion blew up not far from where he was, but that's all it took to wake him fully up. He sat up and looked around. He could barely see anything because the explosion had blown up part of the lake they were near and it caused a heavy mist to form...
    Draco sat there not knowing what was going on, nor how long he was actually out.
  17. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Throughout the course of dreams and memories Raiza drowned in years of knowledge and life. Lives he had lived, places he had gone. The feelings, the power, all rushed back. His eyes snapped open. A beautiful woman in a white dress, no more than nineteen herself, stood in the middle of the cavern. Her long soft blue hair cascaded down just past her shoulders. Her crystal blue eyes piercing Raiza's soul. She smiled and looked him in the eyes.
    "Raiza, my knight. You finally remember...your true destiny. The destiny your ancestors have placed in my hands."
    Anger arose within Raiza. He remembered what his past lives had really done. As a child of destiny one must forfeit their life, and all descendants to the goddess of fate: Mana. He was her pawn...in a universal game of chess. given life only to die and be born again, fighting the darkness. Raiza's life with Eona was no exception. Darkness made the first move unfortunately. He now had to awaken his true power and fight back...if he didn't he'd be condemned to another awakening...he wouldn't do it...there had to be a way to break fate.
    As Raiza pondered the thought, Mana hovered over to him and reached inside his heart. Her hand phasing through him like a ghost through a wall. She extracted a light blue crystal from there and held it aloft before his eyes. "This crystal...contains everything you are...awaken Raiza the wild, and defeat the darkness". The crystal began shining and burst into a thousand lights before empowering Raiza. He felt himself awaken to his full potential...but yet more was lost in his conciousness then he realized. He would have to find new abilities as he went. Mana bowed before disappearing and he started off toward the cave exit. Hoping to find allies to his cause.
  18. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present



    When she awoke and opened her eyes, she wasn't sure if her eyes were open or not- there wasn't a trace of light. As her eyes began to adjust she slowly noticed she was in a room. It took her a few minutes to notice it was her room.
    In a blinding flash the room lit up. She saw a woman sitting on her bed, who she slowly came to notice was an older version of herself. They stared at each other for a few odd moments.
    Then the elder Larissa spoke up,

    ''You clearly don't yet realize who you are,'' Larissa clearly didn't understand, so the elder Larissa spoke again,'' We're not meant for destruction, but for the protection of the worlds.'' Larissa didn't respond, too occupied with trying-and failing- to comprehend what was happening. Then the elder Larissa held up a glowing grey orb. Suddenly, the room faded into an odd city. A huge castle dwarfed them both.

    ''This is our true ability. I'll replace most of your elemental prowess...with this. You must use it not to destroy as you're used to doing, but to protect.'' Then she stood up, walked up to Larissa and placed the orb inside of her,''You are now able to create shields of pure energy itself. You can heal simply by transforming your physical energy into healing energy. There are quite a few other things you can do, but I'm not gonna stand here and give you a tour of your own[/I ]abilities. I'm sure you can figure them out for yourself.'' She monotoned.

    ''You know...' The younger Larissa began irritatedly,''The REAL me has a lot more respect for me than that.'' She fumed.'Some people...Gosh, what happened to me to make me end up like that?' The city with the castle vanished with a flash and suddenly Larissa-both forms- were trapped by a huge purple hedge, then the room transformed into a town painted by sunset, then into a desert filled with black sand.

    ''Aren't you wondering why the dream keeps changing so much? It's because you're so emotionally unstable! You have both your previous personality and a more serene one and your own conscience is fighting with itself!'' Larissa the elder warned. The words send a chill down Larissa's spine.

    The room faded into a black haze. Larissa-both forms- were standing on a glass floor. The elder Larissa thrusted the orb into Larissa and became gravely quiet,''We all walk the same path, but not alone. This Darkness cannot be defeated by one person- know that or you won't live to regret it.'' The elder Larissa began to fade,''Stand together with the others or all will be lost..'' The floor shattered into a million pieces and Larissa fell into a white light.

    Larissa blinked and she was lying on the ground. An ear-splitting explosion blew up not too far from her and woke her up completely. She sat up and looked around rapidly, but could see nil because of the mist stemming from the lake. She thought back to what Larissa the elder had said, 'You are now able to create shields of pure energy itself' and tried to put up a shield. Despite her efforts, she could only create a tiny circle of energy. ''What a brilliant shield.'' She muttered sarcastically, ''Must be all the mist. I've only just got the ability and I'm not the best with it, so it must be the mist interfering with my energy. And that means that my energy's no stronger than mist. Gonna have to work on that...''

    >I changed it! Now it's better :)<
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2011
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Skipping a ways ahead for our group.<

    Fan and company arrived at the mouth of the cavern. Fan had ever intention of going in, but he also new that the second he crossed the threshold his powers would be nullified. If he stayed to long it would take a while to get his powers back again to. "We better go inside."

    "I DON'T WANT TO!" A voice screamed inside his head.

    Almost immediately Fan found himself standing on a black hill top. Above him a moon sat with a manic expression on its face. Fan had been here once before, and he'd been inside the cave at the time.

    The air around him had a rotten feel to it, the kind of rot that comes from ten corpses hanging in the sun. Battle fields felt like this several days after the battle had ended, carrion birds still picking the flesh off the bones of the losers. The winners got a decent burial, but the ground they'd been buried in was already dug up by the coyotes.

    "Didn't you learn from the last time we went in that shitty place? I hate it in there and I'm not going back in again." A man with dusty brown hair and unearthly pale skin snarled. He was as tall as Fan and wore a black robe that shrouded his body in mystery, aside from his face. It continued to ripple as if in a breeze although the air was deathly still.

    "Who the heck are you?" Fan asked as politely as possible in the face of such a venomous expression.

    "Who the hell do you think I am? I'm you."

    "I have way better manners than that so try again please."

    The man sighed to himself and smacked his forehead with a gloved hand. "Not that specific you brat. I meant I am your power, your base instincts. I am the rawness that you are made from. Though now that you mention it I guess we have no resemblance. I'm all brusque and your all prim and fancy." The being shrugged and then gestured at the moon. "But I digress. Look up."

    The moon was laughing to itself though it was anyone's guess what the joke was. All the sudden blood began spilling down its jaws and it laughed all the more.

    "I am your powers, and that my friend is the result. That moon way above our heads wasn't here when you were born. You brought it into being. You made it from nothing. I doubt you know what it is laughing about though."

    Fan gazed up at the thing in silent contemplation, drawing a blank. Clearly this man was his necromancy powers, but Fan didn't know what it meant by saying that the moon hadn't been there before his birth. Then it hit him. "This is my soul isn't it?"

    "Wow it took you that long just to get that?" The figure took a moment to laugh mockingly before continuing on. "That moon is laughing at the state your soul is in. It is a rot that has taken hold. For each soul you call back from the dead it gets bigger. At first it just started at the size of a pin head, and it wasn't a cause for worry, but with each undead you summoned it got bigger. You've summoned thousands of the things in your short life. Now look at it." He started out quiet but at the end he was yelling in anger.

    The moon was rather large and dominated the sky. "That thing up there is big enough to start eating your soul. For now I can hold it at bay but the second you walk in that cave and nullify my power it will eat your soul like a piece of candy. Not only will your powers be sealed forever, but you will have nothing to take with you to the afterlife."

    "That is a problem then. See I have to go in that cave in order to make plans to stop the spreading darkness in the world I live in."

    "To bad then. I won't let you do that. I dunno about you but i have no intention of letting you go into a place that will put us both in jeopardy."

    Fan and the being stared each other down. Eventually Fan asked, "So how do I get rid of that?"

    The man paused in though before replying, "The best way is to die. I doubt you have any intention of that though. The one way that doesn't involve dying is to release the powers in your own soul and fight it. However I won't make it easy on you. This isn't some right that you get to have. It's a privilege that must be earned through dedication and hard work. We don't have time for that though so we will just make it simple." All the sudden Fans scythe appeared in the mans hands. "Use what powers you have that don't involve dead stuff to get this back from me. If you do that I will lend all of my power to you. After that things like that thing above our heads will be a piece of cake."

    The man jumped forward at Fan swinging the scythe back and forth in front of him. Fan dodged back from the first strike, then jumped over the second. Landing on the scythe he began calling his power together to make a black bolt of fire. It was something any mage could make, but Fan wasn't used to using such methods. It was about time, he though, that I did get used to this. The bolt shot away from his hand prematurely, and the man simply opened his mouth and swallowed the bolt. He gave a slight burp before saying, "If I can eat something like that and still have my head attached to my shoulders then i guess you really don't have what it takes."

    The man flung Fan into the air, and drew the scythe back. "This is what it should look like!" All the sudden a light blue energy surrounded the blade. With a yell the man swung it forward and unleashed a massive bolt of fire. "Reapers art! Black Thunder!"

    Fan took the blast head on. It picked him up and slammed him into the earth below knocking the wind out of him. When his vision eventually returned to normal he saw the man above him preparing another attack. "Reapers art! Deathly Guillotine." A second wave, this one sharp as a blade, fired from the scythe and straight for Fan. Fan through himself from the ground, and flipped over onto his feet. The blast smashed into the ground in front of him. About then a few words popped into his head, and he acted on them. "Reapers Art," he made a slashing motion with his hands,"Deathly Guillotine." A larger guillotine wave erupted from the path he drew in the air, and fired straight at the falling man. The man only had enough time to curse before it envoloped him. When the smoke cleared he fell from the air to the ground, and the scythe landed a few feet away.

    Fan rushed for the weapon, and went to pick it up when it vanished back to the mans hands. Fan stared at the scythe as the man picked himself from the ground. "That hurt you brat."

    "I believe that belongs to me."


    "I said," Fan roared, "that scythe is mine!" he held out his hand and called it back to him. The scythe exploded in a blue flame, making the man yelp in surprise. He dropped it and it flew back to Fans hands. The flame continued to burn, but it didn't hurt Fan.

    "Congrats boy. You just took me back from me. Guess we were destined to be partners after all. Now if you will excuse me," The man looked to the sky and yelled, "Hey rot! I hope you taste better than you look!" The moon stopped laughing and looked down as the man opened his mouth wide. All the sudden a strand of darkness began pulling itself from the moon. It gained a look of fear as it slowly disintegrated into nothing, and then Fan found himself standing were he'd been for the past few seconds.

    "Now you can go in that cave with no fears. You got my powers now, and all you need to do is call. Lets work good together, Reaper."

    >Sorry that was so long. Basicaly all of that happened inside Fans soul within the space of a few seconds. Although the actual fight and talking took like ten to fifteen minutes. Now Fan can release his powers and use the Reapers arts. He can also call the dead, just not as well.<
  20. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    All Eona could remember was walking down the dirt road towards the lake and the next thing she knew she was being flung backwards by the force of an explosion coming from where the hangar once stood.

    "Ugnnhh, what the hell was that" she grunted. It took her a few good minutes before she was able to get up but when she did she frozen in shock and horror. All around her was fire, smoke, dust, boulders and piled earth that was thrown everywhere. She then realized that was the spot where the entrance to the location of the hanger was.

    "Oh my god" she whispered to herself, tears forming at the edges of her eyes. "Lexi?!?" she started waking. "Juri?!?" her walking soon turned it a light jog. "Where are you guys?!?" she yelled. Her jog turned into a run. She reached what was left of the hanger and tried looking inside but all she saw was darkness and the occasional sparks from broken wires.

    "No no no no no no no no!!! This can't be happening. It just can't." Eona broke down into a violent sob that rocked her body. "JURIIIII....LEXIIII." Her crying continued for a few more minutes before she was able to calm down. "Come on, I have to pull myself together. What would they say if they saw me like this?" Eona mumbled to herself as she wiped the remaining tear streaks from her face.

    She stood up and shakily began walking back to the dirt road to find the others. "Im of no use to anyone if i go jumping in to the ruined hanger and get myself killed."

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