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Angry Rant

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Blackrose, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Angry Rant Thread

    Alright at first i just made this cause i just needed to vent but i think it'll be more useful to anyone else who wants to vent about their day or various days of stress.

    Sometimes i really hate people. okay so with a work permit i work at busch gardens which most of you know is an amusement park with european countries as its theme. I've been working there all summer and on weekends cause of school. Okay so i hate when we have a longass line going all the way out the door and it wraps around the corner and the supervisors are just sitting on their asses eating the food im trying to make for the customers. or when the customer gets all snobby and thinks theyre the Sh%t and think they can act any old way towards me. i especially hate it when the y look at the menu and they say ummm can i have some popcorn, how much is it.....REALLY?? you look at the menu but you cant look like 3 inches more to the right and look at the price?? it makes no damn sense. are people just naturally stupid? are they not aware of stuff? i kinda wish zombies would attack us that way that sh%t would kill them. ugh.

    yesterday i had this latina lady call me a b%$ch like 7 times all because the pretzels were in the oven cooking. she had ordered like 6 bags of popcorn and 7 corndogs and 3 beers for her kids and husband and all of sudden there are no pretzels and she wants to cop an attitude with me and start calling me names. i lost it and started commenting back with her like uhh where do you work and she looked like she was gonna lose it when i responded back cause usually im not supposed to argue with the guest. she said i dont have to work cause my man is gonna take care of me, i aint gotta do nothing. im like yeah he's the one with baely any teeth right. so im arguing with her for 5 minutes and i finally say ugh this is childish and ring her up when the pretzels come and she said im glad you saw it my way. im just thinking yeah b$%ch i hope you choke on it and die. ugh.

    then the supervisors are so F'ing cheap. my manager called me to the side and said here, this is for all you r hard work. he gave me a F'ing value meal ticket to mcdonalds. im like uhh thanks. but im thinking wtf you couldnt give me a raise or something. the supervisors make so mad. they think because they are just a lil bit higher than me that they can be lazy as hell. They have me going all over the resturant doing this and that while they talk in their office about god knows what knowing good dammn well that it isnt related to work. ugh.

    now i gotta go back to the F'ing plantation and slave for almost nothing. ugh.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
  2. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Sounds like a bad movie but at least you're working and have a work permit! Canada won't let me have one until I'm "qualified" or "permanent." It must be easier to get a job in the US.
  3. Luke

    Luke Member

    Lolnope. Its only easy to get a job if you are a VERY pretty girl.

    I have been passed up for many jobs i am over qualified for in favor of some 16 year old scene girl.

    Every job i have had, the superiors treat you like shit, so i assume that this is just the norm in the workplace.
  4. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    Well, the best I can say is... welcome to the buisness world. The CEO's all around the world are lazy, fat-ass mother fuckers who believe they can get away with whatever they want because they're all "high and mighty". Look at the American government. Just wait. Our nation is going down the shitter, thanks to these no-good, worthless bastards. And when our economy hits rock-bottom, it'll still be the fucking poor's fault. If you can't find another job, I'd stick with it. If you can find another job, tell those fuckers to go to hell.
  5. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    haha thanks. If every manager or supervisor is like this then i cant wait till im like vice-president of something.
    you have no idea (or maybe you do) at how hard it is not to tell them to fucking go to hell. i have 4 supervisors and a manager and its hell. they dont communicate withother so supervisor A will tell e to go wash dishes and then ill start on em, not even 6 minutes into it supervisor B will tell me to go to a different country to get ketchup or something and then when i got to do it another one, C, will tell me to go on break and so on and so on. the management sucks and is unorganized. and then i have theis one supervisor (Cara). she is so fucking weird. and im not saying it to be mean, she reaqlly is. i tried giving her a chance cause i like different kinds of people but she is just too much. she goes through like 4 personalities in under a minute. and then sometimes im forced to spend an entire day with her. and its hard not to be mean cause in a sense i feel sorry for her. i mean...how do you dela with a person like that? just play along and hope it gets better?
    and yeah im curretnly looking for jobs but i think most jobs want full time and not part time. its kinda annoying actually :/
  6. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    I've been in the same situation as you. I worked for GameStop where I live, and, trust me, as much of a dream job as that sounds like, the way the high-ups ruin everything. There were so many little quirks involved that you had to do exactly right, or you're fired. I ended up quitting. Not because I wanted to, but my school work was getting a little too much. Either way, the CEO's have even ruined something as blissful and perfect as GameStop. Now that's some fucked up shit for ya'.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I read "Angry Rant" and I was like this will make my day!

    Awww....People don't you love them. It takes a patient person to deal with people. By the sounds of it, I would love that job. Rude customers, lazy bosses, and unorganization. I don't have a job. I volunteer with kids so I'm assuming working at your job would be exciting.

    But I am sorry you have to go through that!
  8. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    well i just say f*** it u wanna cuss and say sh!* then ill piss in your food
    then ill tell the manager to go F*** himself and get life and a real job :D
    im actually serious
  9. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    i would love to tell them to go fuck themselves but in this economy its hard enough for an adult to find a job let alone a 15 year old. sure i could babysit like most teens but i do enough of that at home already. so i guess ill just hold onto it and deal with it as best i can.
    i really just felt the need to share with everyone what its like. writing it down isnt enough. it needed to be public lol.
  10. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    i just stopped looking for actual jobs and started doing odd jobs. They pay more than i thought it would. im 14 by the way
  11. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    what kind of odd jobs do you do?
  12. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    just about everything. Mowing, raking, babysitting, small janitorial systems, helping my neighbors dumb-ass fix everything, cleaning gutters, planting, car washes, and alot of other things.
  13. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    hm with all that you must be kept pretty busy
  14. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    well it was alot easier when my brother was here. We did this stuff all the time. Then he went to college. So im limited to doing it on the weekends because of my time restriction

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