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God, Nothingness, and Perfection. Are they real?

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ADogX, Oct 18, 2011.

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  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    In my opinion, neither exists. I see no proof of the existence of God, so I don't see the possibilty. (I'm not an Athiest , I'm Agnostic.)

    As for Nothingness, it can never exist. Nothingess is known as the absence of everything, yet, that would mean we're giving Nothingness a purpose and an existence. Thus, we make Nothingness, a something. nothingness can never truly exist.

    Perfection. The biggest debate of them all. The abilty to become truly flawless. Impossible. Perfection can never exist. Plain and simple. Everything has a flaw. Everthing and everyone can make a mistake. No one can be the perfect dancer, the perfect gamer, the perfect everything. Don't come to me and saw that you can get Perfection in a video game. Well guess what? It's not real. Shut up. The day someone becomes the perfect being, is the day we all must deny everything we know. Do not dare come to me and say that anyone is perfect. I will call you the biggest dumbass ever.

    It's plain and simple. Read my quote, and think roughly on it.

    "Prove to me the existence of God. Prove to me the existence of Nothingness. Prove to me the existence of Perfection.

    You can't. None exists. these are the only true Impossibilities."
  2. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    good point, i wonder about those things too. but you have to think for a second........ Why did human kind bring up these conflicts in the first place. Its because as we thirst for that perfection that hunger to prove something possible, we advance in life. It gives us hopes and dreams. So yes i ask, myself is it real? is it possible? Then i push forward in my life trying to make things better. Look at all the GOOD things human kind has done. We come pretty far on just believing theres somebody out there watching us or at least putting a little hope or faith into it.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    God: He does not reveal to himself in the physical flesh, thereby showing us that he is absent in the flesh, showing that he will only visible to us in the spiritual realm since he is that great. God, he is so powerful that he does not need anything to show that he exists, for he exist in himself. Since God is too powerful and does not need to force anyone to do what he desire, this brings in the thought to others as to why some do not believe that God exists even though he do and he do not have to even prove to himself since he exists in himself.

    Nothingness: Nothingness does exist. Nothingness exist as an extinction, which is a process to me. If a person pass away, that person is nothing in this world anymore, thereby starting the nothingness/extincton/dead process. If you are in possession of some chips but you either lost it, ate it or gave it away, then you do not have any more chips or you have nothing else to show that you still have any more chips, therebey showing the existence of nothingness. If you are out of tickets to sell, then you are out of tickets to sell, showing that you have nothing else to give to someone for them to go to their favorite ball game or event.

    Perfection: Does it exist: Yes. It is possible but not really in our perspective or power. In actuality, perfection actually is what exceeds our mind... that is what I think. For example: If I say that I want to draw a picture of a butterfly or I am to play a certain piece on a piano but I ended up creating something else from what I am actually supposed to be doing, then the creativity/picture and the sound of music that I have created and play ends up becoming better than what I thought or what I want in the human mind should be. That is what I think perfection is. God is Perfection. He decides whatever he wants to do in his goodness, what he want to do in his power, and what he wants to do in the natural and spiritual realm. Since we do not know what God is or how everything can be in the spiritual realm, he actually exceeds what our mind are only capable of thinking and imagining in our limitations. To me, Perfection exceeds what we originally want something to be. All humans sin; only one human did not sin and that is Jesus, thereby showing perfection because he exceeds the thought or common belief that all humans sin.
  4. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    GOD: I'm not doubting his existance, but it's your choice whether you want to follow and be faithful to him or not. I personally don't, but someone else might, so I usually just keep my mouth shut about that issue.

    NOTHINGNESS: Absolutley. What happens to your soul when it leaves the body, it's vessel? The body and spirit(in my religion, at least) goes to the Mainland(A.K.A. "Heaven" and "Hell" in Christanity). But, the soul ceases to be. Gone. Nothing left. Zip. Zada. Nothingness does exist.

    PERFECTION: There's a simple answer to this: there's sin in everyone, right?
  5. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Crack Knuckles* ok let's do this.

    I will not push my beliefs on anyone, that is dumb. i simply will state what i believe, why I think it's true, and move on.

    I am a Catholic who believes that all religions have a path to their own paradise/Heaven/whatever the hell you want to call it. I think that each person chooses a faith the follow, a spiritual path that leads them down their own path to salvation. When one dies they go through the death process their faith has advocated, as In Christians get judged by God and are sent to Heaven Purgatory, or Hell. Jews will face the land of the dead and await the last day to be judged by God. Atheists believe there is nothing, so unless they change their ideals, or see that there is a life after death they shall fade into spiritual nothingness. even Agnostics think there is some form of higher being, so they must have their own destination as well.

    Now when a person chooses a faith they are bound to the processes of that faith unless they convert. So since I am a Catholic, i will face God when i die and await to be judged, If I have failed in life by the terms of my faith then i will face divine punishment. the same will go for all who have a faith to follow, they must face consequenses for failings in life to be "good people".

    Now then, 'why do i believe this' you may ask? It's because I have seen and recognize the goodness of other religions. I was once told that Gandhi didn't go the Paradise because he was Hindu...No I refuse to believe that a man as kind-hearted and loving as Gandhi cound't go to his own Paradise, however, he was Hindu and wouldn't want to see the pearly gates of the Christian heaven. so i think that The person perceives Heaven the way their faith helped them imagine it, likewise divine punishment works the same way. To look further into this, one could say that all humans go to the same afterlife and view it in different ways. Like i may see the Christian heaven, but a good Jew would see their own version of it.

    Each road we take is a different path going to the same destination, no single road is shorter than the others. but good and evil will be judged by the standards of the individuals faith.

    that's all I'm going to say.
  6. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Summoner, you and are total opposites, but I respect your decisions. Knight, you made me remember something important.

    Now, as you said, Knight, Agnostics have something we believe in. Yes, I say that God does not exist. And by God, I mean every religions' God (yes even Zeus, Hades, etc.). But, there's a "God" I believe in. What God might you ask? Simple:

    Destiny itself. I believe that what we do, what we feel, everything, is because Destiny decided it. But why all the pain, the suffering? Why death? I think it's to turn us into something greater. Let's say, like, the Holocaust. I believe, that it was Destiny's warning. To tell us to become something greater, something worth living for. Destiny is deciding fates. Those that die in vain, in innocence. Destiny's symbols. To warn us not to toy with Destiny. Destiny made us Gods. Gods of our own lives. Destiny gave us, the freedom of man. Freedom to choose the right path.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    First off, wrong section. So now that I've fixed that...

    This is your opinion, and it is perfectly valid. But that does not mean you are right when you say that God, nothingness, and perfection do not exist. Especially with nothingness. I'll explain why in a moment.

    Sure it does. Outer space is full of nothing. Go far enough out into the universe, so far that light has yet to reach it, and you are in nothing. In fact, depending on how you determine nothing, you don't even have to go that far out in space. If you consider nothing to simply be an area of space where there is no mass, then space is 99% nothing. On a subatomic level, there is an insanely small space of nothing between particles. After all, atoms bond by sharing electrons. They do not actually combine into one larger atom. Instead they are brought closer to each other while the outermost electrons of one atom switches between the atoms being bonded. So viewing from an infinitely large scale and an infinitely small scale, nothingness does exist.

    Perfection is definitely possible. Is it possible here on Earth right now? No. But, if there is an afterlife or something after death, then there is always the possibility of perfection. And besides, it isn't the actual achievement of perfection that matters, but the pursuit of it.

    Why? Why should anybody have to prove the existence of these things? Ignoring how I kinda proved nothingness exists. If there is a god out there, whether it is the biblical God or some other superior species, why is proof required?

    Prove they don't exist. And before you say you did prove it, you didn't. You have only stated your opinion.

    You cannot prove God does not exist, just like you cannot prove He does exist. That is why it is called faith. If there is proof, it lies after death. God does not have to reveal Himself to people, so any argument that demands He show Himself is incredibly stupid.

    Nothingness is fairly simple to prove that it exists. What you said about nothingness is just twisting words around in an attempt to prove your point. But honestly, what you said doesn't really work all that well.

    Perfection is the one thing out of these three things that I'm willing to say can be proven to not be real. Of course, thinking about it now, perfection can exist in a fairly abstract way. Mathematics. 2+2=4. Not using any sort of trick, 2+2 will always equal 4. If you can do the same exact procedure an infinite amount of times (Again, without using any sort of trick) and get the same exact result, there has to be some sort of perfection in that.
  8. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Geez, all I did was state my beliefs....I applaud you Dessert Warrior, it was well said and very well thought out. I have no possible argument to follow something like that...especially after what I said my beliefs were.
  9. Luke

    Luke Member

    No, No, and No. From a scientific point.
  10. Noir


    I believe in him and I am close to him.
    God created everything. If you don't believe in God, then who created you?
    God is Destiny. Destiny is graceful, it is also a part of God. Of niceness.
    God is also Love. He gave the idea of marriage, of course, God gave Adam a woman to marry: Eve. Because he saw animals having mates and Adam wants one.
    God is very kind, the head of any powerful gods. He is not only powerful, he is also good. He symbolizes almost everything.. so keep stick to him.
    And God is just in Heaven, waiting for good souls to come. And, someone said that when you go to Heaven, God will give you a reward. But just wait, be patient. Patience is also good.

    And, Nothingness? I don't know with it, just in the very beginning, I believe there was only one thing.
    Perfection, well, just get have a good spirit.
  11. Luke

    Luke Member

    Science created me. Just like everything else.
  12. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    After reading everyones opinion, I'm blown away. Now at this point i just don't care who created me or what created me. I live, i change the world, i die. End of story. Dip bibbidy doo daa
  13. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I love how I went on for so long about Destiny and no one cared =/
  14. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    i care about every opinion. Every faith. Every destiny. Everything and everyone. Im just disgusted about how everyone in this world is wasting their lives.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Luke... Huh Huh and HUH? Be more specific.

    :confused::confused::confused: And who are you again?

    Sorry but destiny is more like a standpoint, a mission or a task that is solely is to be completed by that individual in life. Destiny is not a god from the way I see it. Destiny is what must or should be completed in life and what should happen. -__- And that is one baaad example to go and say that the Holocaust was what destiny decided. If you want to say that destiny is a god, then I would go completely all out against it (Which it is possible to defy your destiny/fate). <.> And I am a little bit irritated about "We are gods" part. We do have free will but that still does not make us gods no matter what. -___- If you are a god, try proving it to me by fixing a bird who's ankles are broken or develop a pencil or fix a computer's tower when it crashes. I don't see the Holocaust as destiny. <__> I see it as a terrible event that could've been avoided.

    As for everything else, I do not have to say anything else since what Desert has said backed up my first post and took it a step further.
  16. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Summoner, when I said "We our Gods," I meant we're Gods in our own world. As in, we're Gods of the life inside us.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    You are still saying that we are gods regardless when we are not. We are not no god "inside of us". -___- Tell me one example as to how we are gods in this world? I highly doubt it. Besides, how can we be gods of the "life inside us" and we tend not to have control over life since life tend to have its own mind?
  18. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    you don't get it do you? (not to be rude) I'm saying that our lives we control, we our a God of only ourselves.
  19. Luke

    Luke Member

    Theres no need. It a broad topic that gets a broad answer.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Really? I understand you saying no about God and perfection, but nothingness? From a scientific point, what we conceptualize as nothingness exists.

    That's an interesting way to say it, considering science is really only a discipline of thought that is made as a way to explain how things work based on testable methods. Admittedly, I'm just making mountains out of molehills, but saying that science created you isn't that much different from saying some sort of god created you.

    Thanks. Although I'm surprised nobody even tried debating what I said.

    I can't help but feel you're not quite understanding what you're saying. Saying that we are a god of only ourselves honestly doesn't make much sense. We cannot be our own god. We may be free to live how we choose and whatnot, but we are still bound to things for our survival, such as food.

    I figured you just gave the absolute simplest answer you could, not the broadest. Saying no to all three things is just giving your opinion of their existence, which really isn't all that broad.
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