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God, Nothingness, and Perfection. Are they real?

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ADogX, Oct 18, 2011.

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  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -__- If we can control our lives, then we could control when we will die, that we will not fall asleep in class (Which I highly doubt to some), stop our babies form crying at 3:00 inthe morning, stop the game systems from malfunctioning, stop someone from trying to kill us, but we sure can't ca we? Nope.
  2. Luke

    Luke Member

    Or is it far from reasonable thought to say science is god? Is idea god not a governing force?

    And from what ive seen, nothingness doesnt exist. There will always be something, somewhere.

    Also this is a very odd topic that sprung out of nowhere

    EDIT: Theres also a good chance none of what im saying makes any sense because i am very tired.

    EDIT2: Also, if some kind of god does exist, it certainly isnt the way religions depict it.

    If we were created by a god, he is flawed, because we are very flawed. (wisdom teeth, appendix, etc)
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2011
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Of course it is reasonable. After all, how many times have people said science is similar to religion?

    What about the areas between planets in space? There is nothing there, except for light. And, to take light out of that, what about the farthest reaches of space? Places so far away light has yet to reach it. Aren't those areas nothing?
  4. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Hm, then God mustve made us with plenty of flaws on purpose so he could seem perfect. So its a possibility that the god everyone worships is actually twisted.
  5. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    God gave us free will. The free will caused a sense of power, absolute power corupts absolutely. We were not meant to be flawed we made ourselves flawed through the power God gave us.
  6. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    well if god is all knowing then shouldnt he have known that we were going to make mistakes and who really knows what perfection is...
  7. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    The point of free will is so He wouldn't force us to be good. I think God had faith in us that we would follow in his way, the same way we're meant to have faith in him.

    as for Perfection, the human mind is not made to contemplate such an unfathomable concept like that. not until we die will we have the mental capacity to accept such big ideas.
  8. Luke

    Luke Member

    In theory, but we have yet to see if that exists.

    Scientifically speaking, I believe in no god. And so far, I have seen no god. We have proof about pretty much everything but that. They said he was in the sky. We got to the sky. He wasnt there.

    I have no faith. Blind faith is completely stupid in my opinion.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2011
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    God is not flaw. We ourselves made ourselves flaw. not only that, he does not have to go and take us by the hand and tell us not to do that as though we are babies. he is God in perfection. He wants us to figure out how to fix our mess. Easy: Accept Jesus. Why in the world do I have an underbite, I do not know. I do not even care but just because I have an underbite doesn't mean that God is flawed in that. Besides, our bodies changes and it also changes based on how we take care of it.

    And Blackie, I have already told you what Perfection is backed up by Desert. Also, you cannot use science to prove anything that is in the spiritual. What God does greatly and drastically exceeds that. That is perfection in him. Since he does not allow himself to exist in the natural and for us to come to him in the spiritual, no natural objects will be able to display who he is. As for the part about being in the sky, I didn't believe that part but my faith is not blind. You need to give us your definition on blind faith. There is faith where you definitely know what you are talking about and you know what god told you, knowing God's voice and not backing down all for yourself (For me).
  10. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I respect what you guys are saying, and I see what you all mean. However, my viewpoint stands. I want to ask you all something. What if we were all wrong. What if God, Destiny, and the afterlife (heaven&hell) truly aren't real. What would happen after we died? Would our souls walk the earth? Would we all be in an eternal dream/nightmare? Do we restart our life and try again? Are we reincarnated into someone new? What do you all think?

    I think: An eternal dream/nightmare
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    That's a simple answer. Simply nothing. If none of these things actually existed, then nothing would happen after we die. Therefore, there truly wouldn't be any reason to living.
  12. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    lol, not us all do, being one myself. I don't believe in God or anything that I don't find proof that appeals to myself enough. Bible seems not to be enough, for example.

    Also, for the thing that Knight said about believing that every man goes into his own paradise, I've always thought it in that way that almost all religions are like different pieces of a whole cloth torn apart, thus everyone goes to the same place in the end.

    You know about this thing mommy and dad do when the lights are out?


    Before anyone starts questions or anything, I was a atheist before turning to agnostic.

    All I can think of that when we have this space that holds "nothing" just like you described, the space which is empty is in itself something.

    I think that Blackrose actually meant by her post that why did he create us in the first place if he knew what would happen in the end?

    God seems very prideful and unmerciful to me, if looking back at the Genesis. If God in himself would be perfection, why would he spend his time in creating humans to be his image or animals in the first place? Seems more like that he created us to feel more perfect instead of being it. And when Adam & Eve take a bite from the apple, seduced by the snake, God showed his true side by not being as merciful as he could had been, for it was not their fault to be seduced by one of God's own creations.

    I have actually always wondered why did God plant the tree of knowledge to the garden anyways. It was the only forbidden thing in the Eden, so it would ought to lure human's attention in some point.

    Why not? Living is a beautiful thing itself, though that many do not see or accept it. Even thought that I happen to agree with you on that nothingness, but not on the "reason for living" -sentence.

    Anyways, gotta run. I don't mean no offence by this post, as you know I may sound like a bastard when debating.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I meant that, ultimately, if nothing happens after death then the life on an individual means nothing compared to the rest of humanity. After all, history is filled with people who did something major. More than 90% of people who didn't do anything major will be forgotten. And if they are forgotten, can you say that there was a meaning to their life?

    Obviously there is a meaning to their life, but only to themselves and the people they encountered. But in the big picture, not so much.

    Last thing, I said 90% because I was going with every human that will ever exist.
  14. Luke

    Luke Member

    I stated flaws in our biology holmes.
  15. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    Im flawed all over the place so yeah im imperfect. i have a weird way of thinking things though. Ive come with believing in science and God. First off i believe that god created and earth and all that jazz. But as far as life, yes he created it but he stopped and making simple organisms. He let the growth of human life from its starting point to where it is now adventure on its own (except for the things the bible explains). But i have no proof its just what i believe.
  16. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    @Noz - You said exactly what I think about Nothingness. I'm glad someone sees it my way!
  17. Cameron

    Cameron New Member


    You gave an answer for your own question there, pal.

    Not everyone has a success in this "big picture" scheme you describe, and don't have to. When someone invented a ship, for example, it needed "meaningless" people to be it's crew. Those people have their own meaning in life.

    And if there would be nothing after death, there would be no superiors or equals. No man would be weighted by the things he would had done. Death, and then curtains fall, end of the show. I like it better that way, actually.
  18. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I believe in God. I say he exists. Where's my proof? I have none. Many things I believe in but have no proof of. Such as Pluto, I can't see Pluto and people telling me or showing me pictures is not proof. It's secondary evidence. I'll never see Pluto with my own eyes but I believe it is there. Besides everything can't be explained by science, if so aids would be curable. World hunger wouldn't exist. Blah Blah Blah. If you believe Julius Caesar existed then Jesus existed. If we go by historical reference.

    Nothingness totally exists. Labeling nothingness and personifying it. Are two different things.

    Perfection. I think perfection can be achieved maybe not by a human. But something more.
  19. Luke

    Luke Member

  20. SanctumRevolt

    SanctumRevolt New Member

    Well, I guess in my eyes, there MAY be some sort of entity that exists out there and nothingness is also something to take into account. Perfection...it's abysmal; nobody is completely built on perfection.
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