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Kingdom Hearts χ OOC-SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Noir, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. Noir


    Kingdom Hearts χ

    “'χ'... A most ancient letter. Some say 'kye,' but the meaning is the same. Death... A letter that spells endings.”
    Master Xehanort

    Story -
    200 years ago or since it has been already beginning again, the Keyblade Graveyard remains. In there, the powerful keyblade with an χ or now called as the χ-blade, is broken and still remains. Since the battle happened long time ago, the Keyblade Graveyard wasn't still destroyed so was the χ-blade because of it's thickness.
    Today, there were no keybladers (in Earth). But a early prophecy said that there will be 10 keybladers who will go first to Earth. Their keyblade has different sizes, physical appearance, element, sharpness and thickness but with the same heart. Each of their keyblades define their personality, cruel as might be darkness or neutral, kind as light or something like light, dark and neutral.
    But it depends on their personality. It was about to come near.

    Rules -
    1. Do not powerplay (ex. being invisible, having ultimate power to defeat the main villain, instantly teleporting in a far place on one post)

    2. Do not double-post.

    3. All of the original RP rules could be applied.

    Plot -
    Set on the year 2011, 10 keybladers were going to Earth for their new journey.
    But the keybladers will be separated from different places or different countries like Japan and Korea.
    The keybladers will fight the heartless and stop the darkness summoned by the leader villain and also stop him from wielding the χ-blade to summon the darkness.
    As they unite, they will need all of their energy and be stronger, all of them.

    Characters Needed -
    (10) Keybladers - must be heroes even with darkness and light
    (1) Boss Villain/Main Villain

    Other Characters -
    (Any) Friends/Allies
    (Any) Enemy

    Year - 2011
    Starting Place(s) -
    California, Los Angeles
    New York, New York
    Tokyo, Japan
    Chicago, Illinois
    Seoul, South Korea

    Template -







    ----------- *** -----------
    Name: Dent Harushi

    Age: 16

    Appearance: Appearance

    (2) Keyblades
    Ultima: UltimaKeyblade
    Energy: Energy Keyblade

    Personality: Dent usually stays cool. He is kind, friendly, thanksgiving, generous and intelligent.

    Dent was born with a father called Sase and a mother called Herum. They lived on Destiny City, which was Destiny Islands before. He was a good son for his parents. His father was a keyblader too but Sase died early when he was 3. Herum was just a vet, healing animals and other species and races. She was worried about her son.
    Dent first attended school when he was 4. Since the days he grown up, he trained to be action-like hero.
    But as long as he grows up, he gets quieter.
    One day, Dent was sent to a fortress, owned by the only remaining keyblade master, Jin. Jin trained Dent much with his wooden keyblade, but Dent still doesn't know why he was chosen to be Jin's student.
    Dent became a keyblader when twin keyblades chooses him, but Jin tries to wield him one keyblade only. The keyblade then instantly became a part of Dent and Jin allows him to wield dual. Jin was surprised that the keyblades that chose Dent were special and never let go if their owner is already wielding a part of them.
    Dent start being as a highly expected apprentice of Jin.

    RP will be started if the RP has 5 keybladers and a main villain.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2011
  2. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2011
  3. Noir


    If you're done with the bio, then you're accepted.
    2 keybladers so we still need 3 keybladers and 1 boss villain.
  4. P-geyser

    P-geyser New Member

    Id Like to be the villain, Unless you have someone in mind. If not then can you send me some specs of what you would like your villain to be
  5. Noir


    I'll give you a VM later if I can.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2011
  6. Cervente

    Cervente New Member


    Looks interesting. But, Cervente doesn't use Keyblades. Dx I guess I could make one of his weapons function as one. Then there's Gemophine, who fights with her voice... That's nothing like a Key or a Blade. Or any materialistic weapon.
  7. Noir


    It's based on KH dude.
    Well I guess you could be an ally. You can pick any weapon you want as an ally, but you cannot choose keyblades because they are only for keybladers.
  8. Cervente

    Cervente New Member


    Well, yeah. Obviously. It's a KH site.
  9. Cervente

    Cervente New Member

    So, I haven't done one of these types of RP's before. Do I have to wait for someone to choose to allow me to ally, or do I just hop in and they come to me?
  10. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

  11. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Name:Victor "Neo" Uritaka and Hope "Nova" Titashy

    Age:Neo is 18 and Nova is 17


    Keyblade:Neo-Dark Angel and Oblivien Nova-Oathkeeper and Wihte demon (all four keyblades are below)
    Personality:Neo-Dark but nice when you get to know him just don't piss him off. Nova-Happy go lucky but shy but she will fight when she has to or wants to.

    Biography:stranded on the street together sence they were children they grew up protecting one another from 8 & 9 to the ages they are now. they grew up to be great kids if people got to know them, they even are enlisted as junior cops to take care of the smaller crimes, their life as they know it though may change into a hole new level.
  12. Noir


    Light&Dark: You must explain her own history.. try making it longer, please.

    Desifer/Trio: You're accepted.
  13. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    alright! I thought that this would downsize me. my Character makeing is getting alittle slopy...

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