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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Noir, Dec 23, 2011.

  1. Noir

    Noir â™”

    I have an idea..
    Could we have a new profile feature? = Awards and Emblems.
    You can put a new section in our profiles and give awards in it.

    Welcomer - You welcome a lot.

    Servant - You served the staffs well.

    Ideal - Good idea!

    Tell me if it's okay with this.
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD More rewards?! Me likee!!!!
  3. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    *jumps off roof* I love it.....
  4. SacredRiku

    SacredRiku New Member

    Seems fair.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    This does seem like a good idea, I don't know if there's a add on for the profiles but we have the vBExperience with awards(ex: I have a green one by my username because I'm the highest poster), I don't know how the coding will work out, I'll look into it and added it to TD's list of updates when he comes back around.
  6. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Oh oh wait, I know. Don't you need TD for some new features like that?
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    There's really no coding for it really. Actually, you just go to the rewards section in the vBulletin, then you copy the url or code from the picture that you want to use (I usually used to do this through my album), then you paste the code into the bar and if you want the reward to be sent to a specific person, then you send that reward to the user ID or if you want it to be assigned based on the number of points obtained, then you set it up in the category.

    I used to be over the awards on AnimeMB ever since we started the Profile, Creativity, MOTM, and the other competitions. I made a separate category for those. DX We decided to take away my power to have access to all of the vBulletin because super mods were supposed to have limited access to it. :D IN OTHER WORDS, YOU DON'T NEED TRADEDEMON TO CREATE THE AWARDS! The staff members can do that! Not only that, the GFX team (-____- if they are on that is) can create the awards! I created two of the awards for the profile and creativity competitions. Well, if the mods and super mods do not have access to the rewards section in the vBulletin, then you will need Vox or Kitty to set it up (-_- If they even have full access to all of it to begin with that is).
    Noir likes this.
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    This sounds like a great idea!
  9. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Fantastic. I think it'll make the site more involved. Competing for rewards and such.
  10. Noir

    Noir â™”

    It's great to see at least all people liked this.
  11. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

  12. Fresh Sage

    Fresh Sage Member

    I like this Idea.

    Will there be an award for being fresh? no? FFF-
  13. Noir

    Noir â™”

    Let us wait for the agreement. I hope they'll agree with this and add it sooner or later.

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