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Gonna Be direct as possible

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by NeRo, Dec 28, 2011.

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  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Hello all my wonderful members. Lets just say VOX has not been pleased with the way things have been recently. Activity wise, behavior wise, site wise. None of this has been going the way i'd like and as Admin thats partially my responsibility. But there isnt always things i can do about that. So i'm going to say this as direct as possible. Alot of things are about to change. in my opinion for the better, I'm doing a staff re work among a few other things. and i'll be banning others as i see fit. So yes there are staff spots available which i will post up later and who we are looking for.

    The GFX team is now disbanded and inactive for now until i rework it. So any graphic request that you may have or would like to suggest i'll be handling. Stuff is about to get real Period.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Love the "period" and hopefully things will get reworked for the better. Though I'm sure many changes will cause many to be upset, I think they will bring on a better good for the site that overall everybody should be happy with. It's time to get the site up and running.

    also those interested in joining the main site content writing team, I will be considering people for it, throwing that out there
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2011
    Aqua Fresh likes this.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Well... everyone is enjoying their vacation so you really cannot just go and demand activity when everyone is enjoying time with their family Raiden. That's just not right. As for behavior, I don't know what you are seeing but I thought that everything is going ok (Unless i have overlooked something) besides what was going on in that one thread that we have to do over. As site-wise, I am not sure on that either. We are doing a little bit better and that is a fact from what I have seen from my two years but we still have to do better. Just know that site-wise, articles for the site itself is still being made and being looked by me, Destiny/Nicole and Starkiller. Well... *Sigh* I guess the site writers will have to work even harder now.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I was not demanding activity. simply stating that i'm not happy with it. but like i said theres nothing i can do about that right now. I have to rebuild things first.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Well, rebuild first. Don't worry about activity. Worry about that AFTER you are done with everything else. It is almost New Year's too so once school is started with everyone and the like, then you can get back onto activity.... oh yea. Pay attention to the feedback and suggestions some more. That's just my opinion but with whatever idea you are going with, I am behind you all the way.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    This isn't recent over break this is long, long before summer vacation.

    There's other places, often overlooked, but there. Every little multi post, argument, it's all an issue.

    For my three years, this sucks right now

    This is for sure, and I'd like to bring more on for this. Needed for this are...

    ~legit translators
    ~editor or two
    ~content writers
    ~main site gfx team
    ~video editor
    ~3rd site keepers(KHPlanet Facebook, twitter, etc.)
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    For me, I just saw little progress. As for the arguments, meh. They can get solved fairly quickly and a lot of us tend to want to have fun. -_- And you have been begging for those for all of my KHP lifetime and did that came along very good? I don't know what was going on in 2008 or when I was temporarily gone from in between. I'm just basing from all of this year to how this site grew a little bit.
  8. Noir


    Does this spots include Moderators?

    And note that I wasn't active the whole 2010 year. Maybe I came back in later months, like November or December.
    I saw that everyday a few people are online and other forums have many people, like 110 users and 1, 000 guests (But I don't care about them.)

    We need more staffs, referrers, users and popularity, and that's how the site grows. There's also posts, news and announcements, including fun.
  9. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    The site is not so active that they would need any moderators. KHP's best active season when I have been here was around the time I registered, after that this place has been slowly dying. The main site doesn't have a good flow of new articles, and the place seems mostly dead - most of the posts go to Member Lounge, Fun & Games and Roleplaying, and not anymore to the other sections, so it seems that this place is just a dump for useless spam and RP's that won't live longer than week or so.

    You're at very deep shit at the moment. Bravo, if you can get the site active again and things going on smoothly again. But I don't really believe in that.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    It can be done if members do it.

    VxV you're absolutely correct about references, but staff can't be relied on to do it, in fact usually more come over when it's the members doing it.

    Positions for moderators will be opening up not just to moderate but help increase the activity in whatever section they be chosen for. It's there job to keep it active while also preventing spam.
  11. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    This is some pleasing news, I suppose. Hopefully there'll be sometime that happens to boost up activity.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I appreciate your Feedback.

  13. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    I am going to give my feedback on this, and I rather be blunt and respectful. This is actually great that the GFX team has finally been disbanded, it was no point in having us if there is no activity. I doubt the forums awards and other miscellaneous events are going to boost the activity for you see, the problem lies within the owner hands, and if you can't get in contact with him what are you going to update the forum with next? Constantly looking for staff members? That's like a everyday thing here for us, lol.
    If you want activity you need new staff members, the site staff (blue names) we have currently don't have a good literate vocabulary with the accept ion of Destiny, maybe. I don't think any members so far on this site are capable of being staff, so I'd look elsewhere.

    I'm merely telling the truth so, you cannot get upset with that.

    But in all there is no love lost in this site, I had my fun on this site while it lasted, so you all can be happy.

    Dante knows how to reach me. ;')

    And I just said this too.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I did not disband it out of spite i know you and Noz are starting your own forum and i might as well let you all get along with that without having any lingering responsibilities here. I wish you the best and i hope i can rebuild this site as best i know how with the little tools i have.
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Does this site even have a twitter or Facebook page?
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I figure this is a rather large problem.

    I think somebody made one.
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I think we're in a bit of a conundrum here... It seems like the best ways to really revive the site would be to have enough members to actually get a diverse and all around functional staff put together. Except that to get something like that put together, there would have to be a bit of a revival of the site as it is.

    Has anyone ever just tried tracking down TD and legit convincing him to grant someone else access to all the nobs and buttons necessary to actually rework the site?

    If you ask me, were this site to see a true revival, it would be a necessity to its continuity for the admins to maintain a regular, if not constant, presence. You look at any big, successful forum, there's always activity amongst moderators and admins, beyond their duties. They post in discussions, partake in forums games, they write up fan fictions, and join in role playing when and where the activity is offered. It's a matter of encouragement, I believe, for the regular old member to see the big bosses actively engaging the community. If the people in charge don't care, then the community itself won't really care either. That's the issue that I've see around here lately.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2011
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -___- We have been trying to have contact with TradeDemon. He just rarely comes on. He also have kids too from what I know. Vox, Destiny/Nicole, the staff on AnimeMB and I have been doing that. Still nothing. I have his email but he don't even get on anymore.

    As for the revival, how about you go use this link and participate in my Rejuvenation Project.

  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    StarKiller has been maintaining this, a twitter page I believe is made, but not maintained. We'd eventually would like to add Facebook(because of a bigger crowd and I think it makes more sense to have).

    This is true about activity which is what staff plans to be(part of the reason why all of staff: forums and main site alike) are getting remodeled. As for contacting TD we have been trying.

    We've been after him for a long time to turn it all over to vox and to have Wordpress controls given to me fully(so I don't have to email an entire interview and application just to get writers added.
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    That's a good plan for a starting block to get the current community to spice things up. But it's gonna take way more than that to really get this place revved up the way it needs to be.
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