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Gonna Be direct as possible

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by NeRo, Dec 28, 2011.

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  1. Noir


    You should create a page about the site in popular and crowded sites that can handle something like Facebook, but far more greater.
    Voting(s) could be nice to0.
    And it would be great if we were #1 on a list, that would actually help.
    Has any past members talked about threads like this?
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As I think of this, and it may sound scandalous to even be thinking it, but isn't there anyone connected to the programs or whatever (sorry, my technical lingo isn't all that good for this situation) used for the site that we could go to so we could circumvent the whole TradeDemon absence thing? Like, as far as the forums go, wouldn't we be able to ring up someone with vBulletin (which powers the forums) to connect in and help with that end of the situation? And maybe find someone that can tweak the operations of the main site?

    I know it's essentially stealing, as technically TD is still the "owner" of the site. But if he really doesn't care about it, if he hasn't been around to make the changes, whether to staffing or to the site and forums, he really has no ground on which to complain.
  3. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    I have not been on this forum for a long time, but I wonder if it has something to do with changing demographics. When I was in high school I had tons of free time because with a few notable exceptions, I never had to study for anything. Once I started college and got employed my life got a lot busier and forums became less important. I remember a few years back I wanted to join an RPG on here, and the creator wanted me to post once a day, which is not always possible.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Actually... there is one way but that's only if Vox, Kitty or one of the lower staff members actually has full (Or near full) of the vBulletin. I had near full access to the vBulletin and I was able to add in awards for our competition, add in more rep titles, attempt to add in games (Which failed so many times XD.) and I was able to ban people more easier and the like. There are some access that only TradeDemon is only able to have access when I try to enter them so I would have to get permission (Which wasn't possible at the time). To me, the only access for the site is the vBulletin itself; who actually has the full power over it is the situation.

    @BettyBoop That can happen too. Still, all of us lives in different places and yes, living in different landscapes changes one way as to how we are able to interact... or so I think.
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I really don't like how the site is slowly dying. I have alot of fun here, and I'd hate to see it go to shit. I wouldn't mind being part of the staff either. I'm always active and I'd be willing to do almost anything people ask. Whatever I can do to help keep the site alive at least. So like I just said, if there's anything you guys want me to help out with, let me know. I'll do whatever I can. Like I just said, I don't want the site to die
  6. Fresh Sage

    Fresh Sage Member

    I can also help out, if it's needed.
    I'm pretty much on 24/7.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    @Betty Boop: this is very true. Most of us are now in college and/or seniors in high school. A lot of my time is now spent at work.

    @Summoner: more than that. I have access to all of that(vbexoerience not sure seeing as I had no need to check it out and last time I was super mod we didn't have it). Basically for those from khi we need a digital gopher(that was his username wasn't it). Somebody to update software, keep the server running efficiently, and add a new look when needed.

    My comment to agree with Betty Boop, I think this may help out problem(despite us all hating the younger crowd) I think if we got middle school and high school students to join and stay active.
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Yeah. I think that was Digital Gopher. They usually had about four admins (about the same as here) taking care of all that stuff. It seemed that the way they did things was that the Admins would mostly be in charge of all the software updating and dealing with bugs, as well as posting up announcements on important goings on. And the moderators really just police things. I actually have no clue who the head-hanchos are over there now. Ha. I really just know who all the bit role players are since that's where I haunt when I go on there.

    If we could ever upgrade the forums here to one of the newer vBulletin versions, that'd be a good leg up. Pretty much all the "competition" has been busy upgrading to the newer versions. KHI did a while back, then KH-Vids did it (they actually just recently made an update, as far as the stylistic elements of their forum). In the end, I think what this place would really need would be a few gimmicks. Kinda like how KH-Vids always has it's massive media portal of official game clips and user-made media, this place should really come up with something to offer its users.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2011
  9. Noir


    And 2012 will be here for too many hours to pass, but the day is near.. really.
    Betty Boop, I also came into school. I know that we are students..
    I love the new version! It's pretty great. Scripts don't show up, they show on preview and pre-post.
    There are many more.
    Also good idea Destiny. Especially if they know about Kingdom Hearts.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    This was one thing I had proposed to TD to add, that and a fan art uploading section to upload your own KH fan art, videos, even fan compositions(music)[all Kingdom Hearts related only, maybe some Disney or Square Enix]. He was supposed to do this back in October, but that has failed to happen so far.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -__- Hating on the younger crowd. <.> I'm sorry but if anyone one of us older veterans has been doing this, I would be ashamed of us. "This site is nothing like how it used to be in 2008!" "These members are just immature!" -_- We are supposed to teach instead of complain. They may be better than us if we just show them the right way. Yeeesh. All of us knew that we will end up having to have jobs and the like. Can all of us stop thinking about "How things used to be" and start focusing on how all of us can get back to where we used to be or be better than what this site used to be? I think that is one thing that also holds us back.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    You realize that was sarcasm with partial truth, when we were all noobs(don't take it harsh, we all once were one, can't argue it) we had experienced members get frustrated. What I was saying was sarcasm.

    Anyway point is, for final summary here's what needs done(on member's behalf, not staff)

    ~Venture out of the member's lounge and Role Play
    ~Post in less popular forums, post something to make it more interesting, it can be anything(granted as long as the forum matches it)
    ~Refer friends: both online and offline friends to join
    ~Be active. check the site and look for a threads that has interests you. Here's a challenge every thread you open you must make a post(and not a spammy post, a post that adds content to that thread)

    In fact with staff positions opening up, those who follow above will have a higher chance of become staff.
  13. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    This maybe the one in a life time chance that I actually agree to disagree with you on this ironically.

    That's not helping the site become more active if you're telling members where to post where they probably don't like. That's merely a delay. Only thing I can think of, is that this place needs a newer upgrade of V.B 4.1.8 or revamp the main page into something more attracting and inviting. Guest love it when they see unique forum that another forums doesn't have.
    So why are you hiring staff off of this? Be active and post less in popular sections? That's not actually earning the title of becoming staff. In that case anyone is likely to be hired. Try focusing on the people that actually do like posting in their desired sections rather than trying to see who will post less in popular sections because that won't work.
  14. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    sooo...is there anything I can do to help?
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I think the general idea for what the non-staff people can do is just hang tight, have faith, and keep going about business. Boost one's activity a little bit.

    Honestly, I see no reason why some of the other sections (like current events and similar places) can't see much action. I know that I've tried getting discussions going in the music/music industry section of the forums. But apparently people don't like to discuss that kind of stuff actively. Ric has a point with what he says; in order for people to post somewhere, there's got to be a reason or incentive for them to do it, or otherwise a simple desire to engage in conversation there. I have the desire to post in other sections, but there's really no incentive to do it when the forums are as dead as they are.

    I think the big culprit right now is that the newest KH title is, to my understanding, still awaiting release. One can't expect much activity on these forums, or on the main site for that matter, when it's still awaiting some good chunks of news. And unfortunately, there are other KH forums (most notably KHI and KHV) that have rather large staff teams already, and are, as I understand, actively seeking out the news and information they need to appeal to the online populace.
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I agree. The site needs an upgrade. A new look and forum skin.

    The main site especially needs content. It doesn't need just articles but Kingdom Hearts pages with overviews, weapon lists, walkthroughs, etc. Content and media displayed efficiently can help with members and activity. Presently, it has incomplete pages redirecting to the main page. The mass of articles has no indication of category. The display of the articles aren't attention grabbers.

    I believe the main site should be top priority over all else.
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Agreed. The forums can always wait, and truthfully, have to wait until such a time that it can get more members active on it, if such a time ever comes. I do believe that the first staff add-ons should be focused on the main site; getting information, and a few more people to work on getting that information presented attractively and efficiently. Though, my understanding is that there is still a lot that can only be done by way of TD, who still remains distant from the rest of the staff trying to make contact.

    I'd like to reiterate my thought on going over TD's head with things like that, because I'm pretty sure that whatever means power the main site have someone behind them that can overstep those boundaries, and I'm dead certain that forum upgrade hurtles can be jumped by someone on the vBulletin staff.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Legacy, if you use the links on the right that be under: "Popular Section", "Kingdom Hearts", and "Reviews", you will be able to come across news, contents and articles in a more, organized format on the main site. I always make sure to list the article and content that I am doing under one of those categories.

    As for TradeDemon himself, he is actually not all that distant. NintendoCity, the other site that is also in relation to this site and AnimeMB under his watch, is where he is currently at. That site forum-wise is completely dead and there are only two members over there who is still trying to keep it alive so I am over there trying to help them anyway that I can too. The main site is flowing with some of what we are saying but the site is dying too. All three sites that I have been on has been struggling in similarities.

    And as for the guides and walkthroughs, -_- Who in the world is going to do that? I would but that would take up a LOT of time.
  19. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ok I am seeing you guys descuse this and I just have to say it...Wayward, You haven't always been active on here either...and as far as the site I think it would be better if we wiped it...keep the people but erase the history of the fights, the complaints and everything that is makeing people not want to join...(Yes I know I was part of that but cut me some slack I am trying to help)
  20. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    I've always said this thus the owner stated at one point either in the staff section or msn that "there was no point in upgrading the forums, what would be the point of it, and why do they want an upgrade"; he stated. But in order for this to happen TD needs to be here or give someone he can trust to install the new database onto the server.

    This, and not only that the main site has all these other irrelevant links that take you elsewhere. When was the last time the KHPlanet wallpapers page been updated? The WALLPAPERS link redirects you to khplanet.com, the FAN ART redirects you to the main site, and the news link as well. If you're not going to use those links, at least take them down.
    Also, I would advise adding "Kingdom Hearts Drop of A Distance" to the Kingdom Hearts Category on the main page. That's one of the big hype as of now.

    Yes Indeed sir.

    Exactly where I was going with this.

    One thing I notice with KHI and KHV is that they are both own by the same owner named Spdude while I was working there. And whenever they post the latest news, they always have some type of graphic made along side their post. For example: whenever KHI report the latest news for Drop of A Distance they post an image either the site staff made or the GFX team has made. why? Because of appearance and elegance. So to get this site up and running, I would revamp the main page like you both and I stated.

    Also the sotw needs to start up, my sig has been at the bottom of that forums since last year. lol
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