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KHPlanet Launch Project: Rejuvenation

Discussion in 'Archive' started by EtherealSummoner, Dec 28, 2011.

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  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Ok. After hearing Vox saying that we are still in the hole, I have immediately (And I wonder how I did that) devised a Project that may help us become more active and reach the point that KHPlanet should have reached. However, it will not take just staff to do this. It will also take the members. It will take ALL of us. I call this project: Rejuvenation

    KHPlanet Voting and Reviews

    I had checked to see if KHPlanet has a voting site like AnimeMb and I have only found one. On the main site, you should find a picture like this:


    That picture will lead you to the place where you can vote for one of the sites. All of these sites I am assuming that TradeDemon is over. Nintendo City, KHP and 1UpGamers are the sites that I know TradeDemon is over. Anyways, I do believe that people on the internet still use that voting site. Kingdom Hearts Planet is 3rd right under Nintendo City. You should click on the graph picture and it will take you to a place where you can leave a comment and then rate the site. PLEASE GIVE AN HONEST STAR RATE AND AN HONEST COMMENT! This site will be able to flourish because of honest comments! This will take all of us!! Here is the link that will take you to the TOPGamers site.

    Top Game Sites - Game Sites Directory - Top Gamer Sites

    Also on the main site, there is a "Show Your Support" box with the "here" highlighted as a link. If you click on this, you will be taken to another place where KHP and three other competing Kingdom Hearts sites. You will see the heart rates given and the number of reviews. You should click on the reviews with the number and it will take you to where you can rate and give the site some comments. As I said earlier, GIVE US AN HONEST RATE AND COMMENT! Here is the link to take you to rate and give comments.


    Posting in other Section: Interests

    Ok. As you guys know, I tend to ask people what are their interests. Many of you tell me what you do and what you like. Some of you like to play Final Fantasy? These sections with the General, Debate, Final Fantasy and Traditional sections are not just sitting there to rot! Go in there and have fun interacting with other people who have the same interests. You love Final Fantasy, go to the Final Fantasy section. You like sports, go to the General section and talk about sports. You love the news and debates: Go to the Debates section or the Current News section and keep us up-to-date as to what is going on in the world. You like music? You can always talk about a type of music in the Music & Industry section. This site is not just about the Fun & Games and Roleplaying section. We need to be on top on all of these sections. The site and forum is all about Kingdom Hearts and the interests of members and other entertainment. It's a WHOLE lot better than just sitting around and wait on someone to start a new thread (Which I wouldn't like DX). Believe me in my opinion, I saw LITTLE growth. However, if we keep on posting in just the Fun & Games and Roleplaying section, then we will never be able to improve. All of us do have interests!

    If you like Roleplaying still though, I just have to say this: Remember! Always remember to post! If so, we can always remind each other to post in case we forget. I understand that we tend to forget and wonder what is the other person is doing and that we have something to do in our lives but always remember to post. It just only take 4-6 or more sentences and that's it.

    Article Information

    As I said before, this site is more than just Kingdom Hearts. We are also into the news on Square Enix, Japanese games and even Final Fantasy. However, after looking back over, I will get in touch with the Site Staff so that we will try to do an even better job. Still... -___- I have scholarships and colleges to look up on and to visit and all of us (XD Except me of course :p ) IS GETTING OLD! :) but all of you, the members, can help us with news. If you find anything on the internet that is in relation with Japanese Games, Final Fantasy or even Kingdom Hearts, just let one of the Site Staff know. We will put it up and give credit.


    First off, whatever you do, DO NOT ARGUE AGAINST SOMEONE AND START A BIG DRAMA ON THE INTERNET! HAVE SOME SENSE (And this is from experience). You can debate on it but don't name call. This is the KHP "Family". No reason to argue. If you don't like the person, ok but don't let that stop you and end up having the staff on you. It is not needed. Take it in vm or pm. Also, keep on making suggestions, POST IN OTHER SECTIONS, and just have fun.

    Also, back to the "WE ARE GETTING OLD!" phrase. Yes, we will become adults. What we really have to do as a team is to bring in a new generation of members. No one should not have to worry as to who will take Raiden's or Kitty's or Desert's spot. All of us should show that we are mature enough and that with the attraction of new members, we can find someone who will continue the cycle. THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PART THAT I BELIEVE THAT WE SHOULD SUPPORT!

    We may be able to improve (Hopefully. There are other parts to have this plan work too) but other than that, IT WILL TAKE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US FOR THIS TO WORK!!! Well... go on ahead and discuss....I think that is all I have to say.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator


    I'll try to be more active.
    As for Kingdom Hearts News, I will also post in the Kingdom Hearts News section as before.
    Oh I will get to voting.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ^_^ Ok. Thanks. :eek: There is one more thing that I wanted to say but I can't seem to remember every time I jump on the computer.
  4. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    thy will vote:).....
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I suppose I can start puling up some of my old poetic works and posting them up. I've had a few half-finished short stories that I can finish up that can put some steam into the creative writing areas. I would partake mor discussion if there was any.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    DX Oh... Ventus had some other ideas... WELL! I might as well take over them! But anyways, on my part this will also be a part of the Rejuvenation Project:

    1. Members will be able to be interviewed but at a faster pace.
    2. Quizzes will be made on the main site... just need to know how to actually make them that is.
  7. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    How do interviews and quizzes boost activity?
  8. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Wow. Reading this actually got me pumped!! And after my month long hiatus I'm ready to get back to posting!! And I'm with wayward. I'm going to begin working on a couple of short stories starring us!!

    An yeah I'm curious. How would interviews boost activity??
  9. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Provoke more user activity from people who want to get interviewed? That's my theory.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    :(Only Sorabrawl knows the answer to that one... I don't even know it myself but I do believe that there was a purpose in there. Besides, it will bring in some more articles for the viewers tied in with what Nicole, Starkiller and I are doing.
  11. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    I'll try to make the General RPG's section more active, and like Wayward and Blackrose I might post some of my poems and short stories in the Traditional Showcase.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    If I might make a suggestion to you Summoner, since it might help with the rejuvenation of the site if you focused the Member Q & A's more so on the members' experiences on the site, to some extent.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ??? :D I never thought of that. Ok! I'll focus more on that too. Thank you! Also, I will be pming a couple of you real quick and it will be private.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    We Need To Do Better People

    Ok. After getting a wake up call, I had to reinvest in the project and see where we are. As of now I have been seeing "Countdown to 1,000,000", "I dislike...", "Last Game you played and rate it", "Last television Show and Rate It", "You're Banned" "New Pokemon Game?", " Newest Dream Drop Distance Trailer", "Who Should Lead the Household", Tradition Showcase threads, the new "3DS vs Ds" thread, Roleplay threads, new members coming and joining, and a few more threads that has been made a week or two ago. :D I am very happy that all of you are welcoming the members. I am happy for that. However, we did not improve on posting in other parts of the forums though. We will have to work on that though. However, last time I checked, a lot of us were hyped up in the Arcade for the tournament. That made me feel fortunate. From now on, I will hold tournaments for us. Besides, a lot of us like competitions, right? We might as well have fun having tournaments.

    However, there is one thing that I am upset about. I am not doing my part too for a couple of issues so I will do my part some more too. The part I am upset for is the Interests and the Voting part. DX We need to vote on the main site! If we do not, then we will not be able to figure out what else we can do and gain more attention. However, there is something that WE need to do. If we don't do what WE have to do, how can we expect TD to do something? While we are waiting on TD, let us do our part while we wait on TD to do what he promise. Until then, let us hold our promise! Let us post in other sections, vote on the main site some more, and a few other things. I am liking the communication though.

  15. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    You have my undevided honor on this project...I will make sure I do my part*Salutes*
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