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Gonna Be direct as possible

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by NeRo, Dec 28, 2011.

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  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I wish I could help contact TD, but I'm only a VET, not a staff member. The best thing we could try to do is change the site ourselves, change whatever we can. And honestly Ric, though I've only been here for 13 months, I'm going to say it.

    @Ric: If you don't want to help, if you don't care about or what happens to the site, then just get the fuck out. You will not be missed.
  2. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    It doesn't actually matter even if you're a staff member or not, reaching TD and getting him back here is almost impossible.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    @ADogX: Actually by using the contact tab at the top of the page, you can send him an email. If you'd also like his email/msn username I have that info if you PM me, and it has be for good, not bad.
  4. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Um, this is a reason why you'll never be a staff. And you don't have to be a staff to contact him. It really doesn't matter if I'm missed or not, I do not know any of you all anyways, do I even know you? Who are you? 13months you've been here and the site still, the site is dying. I'm not going to go back and forth with mere children who buy keyblades for christmas. Bottom line is that the site is dying. Stop being mature about the situation, it's life.

    Everyone can be all about saving the site, but the real question is: Why doesn't the owner want to save it?

    CHEERS. :cool:
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2012
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    @Destiny: I didn't have and MSN, so his e-mail would be fine
    @Noz:Exactly. It's almost, but just not quite
    @Ric: Yet you're rude all the time so what's 1 coment from me going to change? I didn't buy it, it was bought for me. More importantly, I'm 16. Not a child.
  6. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Or a grumpy teenager. Ric said that he's not going to help as he sees it a waste of his time (and I agree, the site is dying with the pace it's going at, and his graphics would only go to waste), and you're just telling him to get fuck off. Sorry kid, you need to grow up a little bit.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2012
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    All we'd really need TD for is to extend some authority to another admin who does care. He's around on the other sites he owns. What skin is it off his back if he gives some updating and editing power?
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ??? Very well... don't worry though. I do have an alternative... -_- And may all of you stop arguing. <.> This is exactly what I mean. You guys have an opinion and then all of us start arguing. This is one of the things that keep us from going on and make us look like doofus'. My Rejuvenation plan will continue to go on... and I just had another idea.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Summoner, though I just got photoshop elements and it'll take awhile to get back into swing, and my main editing skill is photos, if you give me a stock ahead of time, I will make pictures for in use of announcements.

    And seriously, the argument does need to stop. If you're not going to help fine. Do we want you to leave, no? But if you're not going to do anything to help this site(and by the way convincing people to leave this site to go to yours- which this is going out to everybody behind this, stops now- doesn't count) then your opinions can be kept to yourself and you can leave this discussion. End of story.
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The way I can see it right now, we've got two viable options to go by if we REALLY want to see this site live to any extent.

    1. Maximize on what we've got as much as we can. Use every last resource that we've got available at the moment to make what changes we can, however drastic. If we can edit the main site even slightly to show some initiative, then it should happen. If we can add a few forum features (even something as simple as new formatting options can work if they're accessible; I've been itching to have spoiler and table tags included amongst the formatting options). Maximize on the membership we have to get things really rolling. If someone seems cut out to be given a staff position, try to hire them for whatever they're capable of. It might be worth it to hire up a crack team of staffers and moderators and such (drawn from current membership) to give the site a bit of a face lift, at least as much as is possible. The goal of this of course would be to put out the message that we're not kidding about keeping things alive, and maybe even draw the necessary attention back to us, even for a short while.

    2. Failing in all efforts, and I'd hate to say it, because for what it's worth, I've had some enjoyable moments around these forums, it'd be best to play dead; just leave everything unattended. Whether it really dies or not, that's uncertain. Perhaps if the "fearless leader" sees that one of his mules isn't carrying the weight it should, he'll check out what's happened. Yeah, it's a long shot of hope, considering that he has more than a handful of other mules to carry more weight for him. Either he'll wander in here one day and find it a ghost town and see what we meant and maybe take some measure to fix it, or he'll think nothing of it, in which case, we can always find ourselves new quarter. Yeah, this is the abandon ship option. But sometimes, when all efforts fail, it's best to uproot and depart.

    EDIT: And on the strain of contacting TD... if he's a business man, and if he really only cares about money, then that's the language people need to talk to him in. If he doesn't care about "we love Kingdom Hearts and we love these forums" but he cares about how many dollar signs he gets at day's end, then the latter is where any chance of appealing will come from. Yeah, a bit dirty and maybe a sellout of integrity, but if it could work, why not use it? It's not, after all, a matter of finding him that presents the challenge. It's a matter of convincing him that it's worth it to pay the attention, for just a few minutes of his time.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2012
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I go with number one. We use every single resources that we have. That is also a part of the Rejuvenation Project.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    To prove a point to you all. I was able, using the contact tab at the top of the page, was able to get in contact with TD. Expect some changes in the near future.

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