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Discussion in 'Archive' started by DanielDragonflame, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. DanielDragonflame

    DanielDragonflame New Member

    I'm new to the forums! Hello everyone! ;)
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Hey, glad to see a new member.

    Enjoy your stay.
  3. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    hello and welcome hope you like the place
    you can call me Zora or L&D or anything you want to call me:D.
  4. DanielDragonflame

    DanielDragonflame New Member

    Thanks! :D

    Can I call you Chiaroscuro (Italian for Light-dark)? Haha! :p
  5. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    hahaha:p you can call me anything you want.
  6. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Wassup stay for a while, everything else is classified.
  7. Fresh Sage

    Fresh Sage Member

    Welcome to the forum! If you become my friend, I'll give you a juicy piece of bacon.[​IMG]
  8. DanielDragonflame

    DanielDragonflame New Member

    ok, i'll just call you George, or LD. :D

    Thanks for the welcome

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