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Kingdom Hearts: Re-Birth [OOC&SU]

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Remedy, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -__- I can't believe that I am going out of retirement for this:

    Name: Laila
    True Name: (Will be revealed in the story.)
    Age: 23
    Position: Lawful Good Protagonist
    Race: Human/Fairy
    Title: Fairy Queen
    Position: Queen
    Weapon: Crossbow (Is named Aello. Called Riblam later on once it evolves.) Is able to do rapid shots.
    Appearance: (<_> I do not need a picture to describe my character so don't even try to force me to put up a picture!) Has large white butterfly-like wings. Wears a long white and green outfit with white heels. Has curly, blond hair and wears wreaths of yellow orchids as a crown. She also has her large, proud prominent chest.
    Personality: She is carefree-yet-courageous. She has a lot of responsibilities to carry on her shoulders to lead her race that is steadily coming back from extinction. Unafraid to die in combat. She sometimes have doubts but she cares.
    Strengths & Weaknesses: Capable of flight and is capable of being evasive while doing strong rapid fire abilities. Has a weak jump and a low defense. Will have to reload her crossbow whenever it runs out. She is capable of collecting Life Force.

    Adrenaline Push: Increases her speed.
    Poison Shot: Shoots an arrow filled with fatal poison.
    Achilles: Makes an enemy weak to an element.
    Piercing Shot: Her most powerful attack. She lifts up her crossbow for a second and then shoots a mass energy ball at the enemy.
    Life Heal: Uses the life force to heal herself or her allies.
    Cyclone: Hits all enemies but is not very powerful.

    History: After her home world was revived after a terrible war, the tree, Yggdrasil, steadily brought back her home world back to order and her race was coming back from extinction. The war was 200 years ago. With her race, they are born from the realm of light, living off of the Life Force that stems from Yggdrasil that strengthens heart and mind. Her mother passed away after fighting off an invasion that threatened to attack the tree, Yggdrasil. Because of this, Laila became queen at a young age. However, her crossbow that she received from her mother allows her to "ZAP" anyone who threatens her homeland and to protect her world.

    As she reached adulthood, Laila was starting to wondering what is going on with the balance of the worlds. She started to wonder and try to figure out the situation so she has decided to set out and leave, deciding to pay Disney Castle a visit.

    Other: Whenever a Human Fairy dies, they must give out their secret name so that they will not fall into darkness.

    Theme: Odin Sphere - Study Time - YouTube

    Battle Theme: Odin Sphere - Battle In Fairy Land - YouTube
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2012
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Going out of retirement? XD
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    He retired from RP's...
  4. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Some members are needed for the Organization.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Done. I'll try to make the second template, which will be an antagonist. I will use this post for the second template.

    Name: Fatin Arte
    Age: 32
    Position: Choatic Evil Antagonist
    Title: Time Sorceress/ Death Queen/ Master of Death
    Appearance: Has a full blown dark blue gown with a red corset. Has silver hair and wears feathers around her collar. Fatin also displays her dominant chest.
    Personality: Has no respect to anyone except Xahikru. Filled with anger and hate, she has a dislike for keyblade wielders, especially as to how they break the laws of life and death in the realms of light and darkness over hearts. Has a sense of style. Desires to rule all worlds with Time and Death.
    Weapon: With her magic and lantern. Her lantern is also able to transform into a scythe at both ends.
    Strengths and Weaknesses: With the power to manipulate time and death, she is able to absorb Life Force and have the automatic ability to cause a "Slowdown", an ability that has her enemies move slow and attack slow when they are near her. However, in exchange for extreme magic, she has low health, defense and physical strength. Also has slow ground movement.


    Summon: Using her magic, she is able to summon the undead and the power of darkness to help her in battle.
    Spider Shift: With her Death Magic, she is able to blow up into a spider version of herself to terrorize the land. It is also through her Spider form where she can heal herself.
    Dark Escape: She flings her skirt over herself and teleport. A good ability for escaping from battle or for preparing for an attack.
    Ultima: Her most powerful time magic attack. Takes a while to charge up but once it is released, it may be able to "Zap" anyone into a sweet death. Cannot be reflected.
    Corpse Strike: A quick-timed magical bolt attacks that she shoots out of her hands.
    Double Trouble: Is able to cast two spells at once.

    History: After playing a role in Fate Decides (This is as Ultimecia), she decided to take full advantage over the defeat of the nobodies and to start rebuilding her army. She fought against the heroes once and was involved in the plan of kidnapping anyone and mind-control them for her gain. She eventually gained enough power to create her own world and become Queen of the Netherworld. As she started to build an army, she encountered Xahikru. Feeling as though both of them will be able to help each other, she decided to join with him in power.

    Theme: The World That Never Was: Remix - YouTube

    Battle Theme: Odin Sphere - A Hard Fight And Then Hope - YouTube
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2012
  6. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    First profile accepted.

    *Note: There is now a banner for the RP on the first page if you wish to see.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name: Yen Sid
    Age: unknown
    Race: sorcerer
    Personality: Yen Sid is a very old strict sorcerer. He is very wise and intelligent. He is very kind and friendly despite him coming across as strict. He can even be funny if you think about some of his actions. As a retired keyblade master, he cares for all keyblade apprentices. He teaches them lessons that they will always use.
    *History: Edit later
    Weapon of Choice: He uses mostly magic however he does have a keyblade
    Ability: He's knows various spells to zap opponents.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Got done with the second template.
  9. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Hey summoner, it probably doesn't matter a whole lot but in your description it said you hated keybladers, Xahikru is a keyblader.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD I know that.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I could put Sho in the Organization, but it'd be challenging to keep the 'Cooperation is garbage' part of his personality.
  12. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Of cousrse you did XD
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Sho is a nobody so he should already be part of the organization
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    True, though with his attitude against cooperation he wouldn't be "liked" by any other member.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    That would be fine, he could work alone but he would have to understand who his inferiors are.

    Name: Xiu
    Age: appears mid or upper 30's
    Alignment: Organization
    Race: Noboody
    History: Xiu was the first nobody born into the organization at Xahikru's hands. She grew up as a nobody knowing of her past but hated the being she knew in them. The woman of her somebody was weak and pathetic and she is forever in Xahikru's debt for freeing her and giving her the power of a nobody. She has become one of Xahikru's organizations best with her being a ninja she is easily able to sneak into worlds and help guide from the inside their fall to darkness. If the organization was in rankings she would be number II, the strongest of the rest acting as the person to assign Xahikru's orders to people.
    Personality: Xiu is a very secretive, cunning, quick woman. She can kill a person in three seconds and not get caught. She has no heart, obviously, but she loves the game of killing people, she's up for playing a new game where she can play with her prey. It be wise not to get on her bad side or she just might zap, or I mean snap.
    Abilities: Quick speed, great weaponry(gun, sword, etc.) Some magic, though not that much.

    Honestly though after just updating the character list, I'd say the organization is good, I see we have Legion for the army, but I think we need new apprentices for King Mickey and Yen Sid. So I'd say we need light keyblade warriors.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2012
  16. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Imma make Mickey later, don't really have the time right now. Desifer, quit taking things outta context.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Alright, sounds awesome.

    I', going to delete posts now that are off topic.
  18. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Thanks. I hate those posts honestly. Haha.
    @Desifer- Good. Continue to clean it up though. And us proper grammar please. (I just saw a lot of misspelling in your outline)
  19. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    My character isn't quite an antagonist, he's neutral.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'll let Zol decide, but I'll throw this out their the only true neutral nobody before was Zol(Rozel's nobody) and there was a legit reason for it. Plus this time round there's not really a neutral side. So if you pick a side and if you're a nobody you're an antagonist and if you're going to be a protagonist you shouldn't be a nobody. Take it up with Zol though.

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