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School of Sorcery

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest


    Dear Potential Student,

    We are pleased to announce you're acceptance into our school of sorcery. This school is unlike any other school of magic across the world. We accept only those of advance skills and have the power in them of not just simply wizard and witches but of the all powerful sorcerers and sorceresses.

    Sorcerers and sorceresses are though of magic ability much greater than a wizard and witch. You see to be considered a wizard or witch, you must have the magic core in your soul that allows you to produce spells. The bigger your power core, the stronger you are. Sorcerers and sorceresses have very large magical power cores.

    Here you will learn of strong magical skills and speed through basic spells faster than any other school of magic. We await for you to join us and train your powers. With this letter is the paperwork template we need sent back. As well as a list of items you can bring. We await to hear back from you.

    Assistant Headmaster
    Robert Mick Bates

    You've just received your letter to attend a high prestige school of magic located in northern Canada. The school is for young students between the age of 14-18. You are all first year students coming to the school for the very first time. Some of you may come from a magic background or may not be coming from a magic background.

    The school is broken down into two categories one represent Black and White magic, Darkness and Light...
    Sauda- The element of darkness. Students of this house have a combination of all the houses, less of Wayra though. They tend to be more... inconsiderate and tend to act narcissistic.
    Photios- The element of light. Students of this house have a combination of all the houses, less of Azar though. They tend to be much more "heroic" and helpful of others.

    The school item requirements are of followed...
    A wand
    A magic cauldron
    The set of sorcery textbooks...
    -Defense Against Dark Arts
    -History of Magic
    A beginner training broomstick
    The Wizards and Sorcerer's Complete Potion and Herb Kit
    Sorcery Robes
    Sorcery Hat
    Uniforms will be received at school depending on your class...
    -Sauda- black sorcery robes. Black sweater vest, white button shirt. Boys: pants, Girls: skirts, both black
    -Photios- white sorcery robes. Light grey sweater vest, white button shirt. Boys: pants, Girls: skirts, both grey.
    Casual clothes for weekends
    Pet: cat, mouse, owl, toad, dog, tarantula(venom must be removed)

    So for the longest time, ideas of a Harry Potter RP have been brought up and no matter how many made, they all died. I finally came up with one that should work. There's a few things though...
    1.) This does not take place at Hogwarts
    2.) To avoid details of the events of Harry Potter and the first wizarding war, this will take place in the 60's.
    3.) There are dark times brewing though at the school, could this be sign of trouble to come for the Canadian wizard world?
    4.) Though you don't need many details you should know basic spells and knowledge of quiditch. You shouldn't need to know much more. To make your life easier here's handy links for those two...
    -Spells- Harry Potter Spell List
    -Quiditch-Quidditch - Harry Potter Wiki
    5.) Class similarities to Hogwarts Houses...
    -Photios- Combo of Griffindor bravery, Hufflepuff helpfulness, and Ravenclaw experience. Still rivalry of Sauda
    -Sauda- Combo of Slytherin "great" attitude(snobby attitude believing to be great) and Ravenclaw intelligence also the Strength of Griffindor. Rival of Photios.

    There are a few rules for this RP...
    1.) You must be active. If you become in active(meaning in two weeks you don't post without informing me of any known absences) you will be expelled from the school of unknown reason
    2.) There are no real main characters. You all must work as a team. If your character falls behind the others do not complain.
    3.) No godmod, you're all first year you shouldn't be able to control strong spells or anything yet.
    4.) No powerplaying
    5.) 3 lines to post minimum
    6.) Do not argue with the creator

    Your Paperwork Template-
    Name-(first and last, middle optional)
    Age-(14-18, please see "characters" first for openings, if upperclassmen are full, you must be a first year)
    Class-(see "characters" for opening)
    Personality-(needs to match up with house)
    Photo- (anime works fine, this is just your character's image)
    Biography- (a little about yourself and your background)
    Pet- (type, name, image(as short link)
    List of Items- (minus the required books and uniform, what all are you bringing. Feel free to link to images)

    Upperclassmen(2 available, any house any year)...
    1.) Ryker Setement(Sauda-teacher assistant)- DesieferKnight

    First Year...
    -Photios(Open, good)-
    1.) Lilith "Lily" Freya Rutherford- Destiny
    2.) Sifer "Leon" Barbenel- DesieferKnight
    3.) Alisu Sakuto- VanitasxVentus
    4.) Hirato "Zero" Charmhood Akion- VanitasxVentus
    5.) William Spacer- BK-201

    -Sauda(Open, bad)-
    1.) Missy "Scorpio" Deadnout- DesieferKnight
    2.) Sekmeht "Xehanort" Kahcorat-DeseiferKnight
    3.) Morrigan Walton- Cameron
    4.) Roxi Lynn Cornell- Blackrose

    Professors(add what subject you teach or what role you play)...
    1.) Headmaster Lambert Thaddeus Baldi- Destiny
    2.) Assistant Headmaster Robert Mick Bates- Destiny
    3.) Locke Hastings- BK-201
    4.) Abigail Bettie- Cameron
    5.) Nikoai Berezovsky- Cameron

    A: No. Magic wands only. Especially for students. Perhaps if a professor I can make an assumption to say a staff, but there's no need for a sword.

    A: Not scorpions. I don't mind if you're a professor and you change your pets, but students can only stick to the required pets: cat, mouse, owl, toad, dog, or tarantula.

    You don't need one, so if you don't want a pet, you don't need to have it.

    My Characters...
    Name- Lilith "Lily" Freya Rutherford
    Age- 14
    House- Photios
    Personality- Lily is a very friendly helpful person. She likes to fight for what is right and is very brave. She's very curious about things and is an excited learner. She's also a quick learner. She's very social and acts as the teacher's pet.
    Photo- [​IMG]
    Biography- Lily is an orphan. Her mother died from poison at her work(she was part of the Sorcery Circle, the Ministry of Magic in Canada). Her mother lived in Vancouver but upon her mother's death when she was 5, she moved with her grandmother in Victoria, Canada. Lily doesn't know about her father, all she knows is her mother loved him and they couldn't be together any longer. She always felt it was her fault, but her mother and her grandmother assured her that it was not. Lily's mother was a sorceress, her grandmother though is a witch. Her grandfather she never met because he died was a sorcerer and her father is/was a sorcerer.

    Lily enjoys spending time with her grandmother helping her out whenever. Her grandmother has began teaching Lily about some magic, herbs, potions, space, and meditation. Lily really enjoys meditation and astronomy. The stars would relax her.

    Lily received her letter and is very excited to attend school.
    Wand- mahogany wood 15 3/4 inches long essence of faerie eye lashes
    Pet- cat Clara
    List of Items- broom stick, telescope, need to finish

    Name-Headmaster Lambert Thaddeus Baldi
    Age-unknown, speculated he's 300 years old (actualyl about 90, but acts young)
    Role- Headmaster
    Personality-Professor Baldi is a very kind and gentle old man. He is available to help all students and assist them when needed. He is very wise and can grant important wisdom knowledge to anybody. He cares about his students and staff and would die protecting them.
    Photo- [​IMG]
    Biography- Professor Baldi is a long time school professor teaching defense against the dark arts and meditation. He was a close student to Headmaster before him. When he retired he gave the position to Baldi. Professor Baldi has been headmaster since 1924.

    His past is a bit unknown. Though a few things are known about him. He's originally from England and his parents always knew he was a sorcerer. When he was 3 his parents hired a wizard tutor to teach him simple basic magic. At age 11 he attended Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry until he was 14 where he transferred to the School of Sorcery in Canada. Upon graduation he continued to study and research developing spells and potions. He got to journey back to Hogwarts where he was offered a headmaster position before turning it down because of an offer at the School of Sorcery, a place where he felt more at home at.
    Wand- solid lignum vitae 16 inches long essence dragon's whisker
    Pet- owl Sophia
    List of Items- He has various items, too many to list.

    Name- Assistant Headmaster Robert Mick Bates
    Age- 38
    Role- Assistant Headmaster and astronomy and charms professor
    Personality-Professor Bates is a quiet man of great wisdom. He attend the school of sorcery a while back, but only for 2 years unlike other classmates because he transferred from a school known as Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. It was his professor there, a graduate from the school of sorcery who realized he's a sorcerer versus a wizard.

    He in school was quiet and often teased for his silver hair. He didn't like talking to other classmates because they often start asking questions about if he was a wizard or sorcerer. He is a half blood, his mother was a witch who ended up dying after childbirth with Professor Bates younger sister who ended up dying from a trap from a witch. His father was a high class business man and past general for the Brittish during World War I.

    To his students he'll seem brutal, but to those who may get to know him or fight past his tough, brutal, strict outside skin, know they can come to him for anything. Very similar to Professor Snape.
    Biography- Professor Bates first started out attending 6 years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was during his sixth year a professor, a sorcerer himself and graduate of the School of Sorcery realized he was a sorcerer instead of a wizard. So for his last two years of schooling he transferred to the school of sorcery in Canada.

    Upon arriving he was teased for multiple things. For being a half blood, for having silver hair, being inferior because he was mistaken as a wizard, etc. He switched to the school being pulled towards Azar more than Photios. The judgement was then made for Azar, a house he was really made fun of. His only escape would be to the astronomy tower, a place few students went. There was one student though, a girl from Photios. She treated him like he wanted to as a good friend. It was this girl he began to develop feelings for and the two started a relationship. It was graduation that her father forbidden her from seeing him anymore. Since then she does not speak her name or the memories they carry. The only one who knows is Professor Baldi and the girl's mother.

    Shortly after graduation he was offered a teaching position at the school to teach astronomy and charms. He took the position and because of his strong loyalty to Professor Baldi soon was promoted to Assistant Headmaster.
    Wand- African Blackwood 15 inches, essence: wolf claw
    Pet- raven Apollo
    List of Items- he contains many charmed items and astronomical equipment. He owns various other magic equipment as well, far to many to list.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2012
  2. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Name-Sifer "Leon" Barbenel
    Age-14 (first year)
    Personality-kind and brave but dose not like to fight unless need be. his main rivel is Xehnort and his first friend is Scorpio.
    Photo-[​IMG] (Leon is on the left)
    Biography-Leon is from an adopted family, his perents died in a fight aginst a sorcerer, in the end his perents sacrificed themselfs to save him from someone who feared their son gravely. he grew up as a gangster like rebel. the day he got his invetation to the School of Sorcery he didn't belive it untill his grandperents told him about his perents. with that he vowed to become the best sorcerer on his perents grave.
    Wand-[​IMG] (Leon's is on the bottom)
    Pet- http://www.jrcompton.com/photos/The_Birds/J/apr-08/dark-owl_J210192.jpg names Sentor
    List of Items-Telescope, A beginner training broomstick, and A magic cauldron

    Name-Missy "Scorpio" Deadnout
    Age-14 (First year)
    Personality-cuning, fearless and evil minded, she will fight when ordered but not aginst her best friends. she despises Xehanort and isn't sure about Leon.
    Photo- [​IMG] (Scorpio is on the right)
    Biography-Scorpio was always a rebel. she disobad her perents, snuck out at night, and even went to do THINGS. she meet with Leon and turned him into a rebel. though she still don't know how she feels about him, they always saw each other as equals.when she got the chanse to go to the School of Sorcery and heard that Leon was going as well she jumped at the chanse.
    Wand-[​IMG](Scorpio's is the third from the bottom)
    Pet- http://www.efabre.net/files/fabre/lycosa-narbonnensis.jpg name's Aracnid(Kinda a play on words)
    List of Items-Telescope and A magic cauldron
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  3. Noir


    Name - Hirato "Zero" Charmhood Akion

    Age -14

    House -Nereus (1st Year)

    -One of the most intelligent, a fast learner and promising to be a good friend. He's also extremely quiet, and thanksgiving. Even though neutral, he always help the good. He easily goes with the flow, and he says "cool" words, just on break times.

    Photo/Appearance - Hirato's appearance

    Hirato or "Zero" was a member of the Akion family, hailing somewhere in North America. The family was magical, and even all of them had pets. Some of the family members went to Gaia, and some went to Photios, mostly some went to Nereus, and Zero is one of them.

    The Akion family had it's own castle, as a house. Every member lived there. It has rooms for every member of the family, a library and special rooms available to anyone.

    Zero was taught by the higher ranked members of the Akion family. He always leave a cool word though, but, deep in his heart, he had care and love for everyone.
    Zero haven't had an enemy yet, since he always stays in home and studies most of the time, including in the library.

    After a few months and spending time so long in his home, his parents finally gave him a letter.
    He was able to register for the School of Sorcery, and he was happy to go see the outside world.
    His parents gave him good luck being a student.

    Wand -
    -Elder, 15"Thestral tail hair
    Essence: Eldruhn rune

    Pet -
    A husky called Kin, this dog is intelligent, caring and loyal to his master, also other pets.
    Short story of Kin:
    He was born from a group of helpful huskies, especially in sleds. He was one of the last puppies, but Kin, as a pup, was took away from his family.
    Kin was in a cage, hoping to be in a pet store, but the cage fell and the door of the cage was opened. Kin was released and he stopped by a castle, and Zero found him. Zero took him as his companion, and fed him well.

    List of Items
    A lot of potions which can be summoned by him at any time
    A magical communicator, the Infinity Necklace (a necklace passed down to the children of the Akion elders)
    Fantasy books (not included to the required books)
    other required items

    His weekend (casual) clothes:
    Fur Jacket: Click -Fur Jacket-
    Pants: Click -Pants-
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2012
  4. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ok then here it is...

    Name-Sekmeht "Xehanort" Kahcorat
    Age-14(First year)
    Personality-evil and completly insaine, he has sworn vengence aginst the sorcerer and the sorceress that killed his father by killing their child. despises Leon and has plans for Scorpio.
    Biography-his father was one of the most evil Sorcerers in the known world of sorcery. after his mother, a forseer saw his dads defeat at the hands of a small child his dad set out to destroy the child so that the proficy would not be fofulled, but if what his mother said was true he need to help his father. alas, he was not, instead his father sacrifised his last bit of power from the battle to protect him from some unknown force. asumeing that this was the kid that his mother spoke of he joined the school to find the Sorcerer...and destroy him.
    Wand-[​IMG] (His is second from the bottom)
    List of Items-broom stick, telescope and A magic cauldron
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    So we're up to date now. Here's an update...
    1.) Professors are needed
    2.) One or two upperclassmen
    3.) The photios and sauda filled

    Once those are taken care of, we can start
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Name-Ryker Setement
    House-was a part of the Sauda class.
    Personality-Slightly hot headed but very patient and stronge, though tronsed around by other students he has devaloped the art of speaking through his mind.(This is also due to him haveing his toung cut out)
    Photo- [​IMG]
    Biography-he was origanaly a young wizard that was evil and did things for his own beifet. for one of these crimes he got his toung cut out. when he got an invitation the the School of Sorcery and found out that he was realy a sorcerer he jumped at the chanse to which he learned to talk without speaking. after the few years he had been there he had turned his life compltely around and now watches over the students as a Profeser in training. due to his new skill to read peoples minds and speak through them he has not had one time that he taught a calss that he has not gotten them inproved.
    Wand- [​IMG] (The yellow one)
    Pet-a black Cat, Jinx is the name, very eiry feel when your around it.
    List of Items-black sorcery robes, Black sweater vest, white button shirt, black pants, Sorcery Robes,
    Sorcery Hat(Which he only wears while teaching), A beginner training broomstick(For substetuting Quiditch), The Wizards and Sorcerer's Complete Potion and Herb Kit, Telescope, and A magic cauldron(All for astrotomy or potion training)
    Other?-some think he has plans beond just the school but no one knows for the fact he is able to block others out of his mind.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  7. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    My Paperwork Template:
    Name- Roxi Lynn Cornell
    Age- 14
    Personality- Hot tempered and ready to snap at someone if she feels they have fallen out of place. Roxi is very argumentative and has a bit of what some would call a personality disorder. She can be a curious and reasonable person one class but completely intolerable the next. Roxi is a bit of a sadist when it comes to her “play time”.


    Biography- Roxi Cornell is a pure blood. She was born and raised in the islands, in a village that lived at the base of a volcano with her mother and older brother. Her father ran out on the family shortly after Roxi had become 5. Ever since then, she’s had this empty feeling deep inside her. She felt like she didn’t know who she truly was because she knew nothing about the other side to her family no matter how much her mother her. Roxi claimed it didn’t matter unless her father told her herself. She wanted to hear her history through him. As she grew up, her mother; Lynn, and some of the tribe’s people taught her about potions and charms whilst her brother taught her about magic. For the most part she has a basic understanding and unique control over her arsenal of spells.

    Wand: Black Ash Twist Wand
    Wood: Solid Ash
    Length: 11 ½ inches
    Enchantment: Essence of Faerie Fire

    Pet- Owl, Alexander

    List of Items- Broomstick, Wand, Photo Album, Mothers necklace
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
  8. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Name-Lea Hartford
    Personality-Hot headed and quick tempered, always rushes into things without thinking first, frenamy is Isa Chidatra
    Biography-he was always a hot headed kid liveing on the edge, cuasing problems and what not like that. he got an invatation to the school and has been a naturale prankster ever sence. one person that he has developed a mutal relation ship with is Isa. he and the young water sorceress never saw eye to eye but they have found themslefs not to be friends at first. Isa was able to keep Lea under control and Lea taught Isa how inportant being able to laugh was. now adays the work as head boy and head girl of their perespected classes they may still fight but they also know when one wins the fight over the other.
    Wand-[​IMG](his is the one on top)
    Pet-Turantula, orange fur(from Lea dieing it), name is Inferno(Play on words), dosen't have venom but its bits burn like fire all the same.
    List of Items-A magic cauldron, A beginner training broomstick, and a Telescope, wears the Red sweater vest, white button shirt, dark red pants because it suits him.
    Other?-he and his frenmay are kinda like Fire and ice.

    Name-Isa Chidatra
    Personality-very intelligent and usually gose with the flow, but mostly likes to keep to herself when not around friends, she is the top of her class and her frenamy is Lea Hartford
    Biography-she was a Grad a student in the human world but always knew she was meant for something more then just text books and reading. when she was invited into the school she shruged and agreed thinking it was another school she could just ace off the bat. she was wrong in that aspect and it didn't take her long to realize that when she meet the young so-called sorcerer Lea with whom she made a mutal relation ship with later on. she and the young fier sorcerer never saw eye to eye but they have found themslefs not to be friends at first. Isa was able to keep Lea under control and Lea taught Isa how inportant being able to laugh was. now adays the work as head boy and head girl of their perespected classes they may still fight but they also know when one wins the fight over the other.
    Wand-[​IMG](hers is the one below the yellow)
    Pet-Cat, pure white, name is Glasiea(Play on words, eyes can make you feel cold as ice
    List of Items-A magic cauldron, Telescope, and Broom stick, wears the blue sorcery robes, Dark blue sweater vest, white button shirt, dark blue skirts beacuse it suits her.
    Other?-her and her frenamy are knida like fire and ice.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  9. Noir


    Name - Alisu Sakuto

    Age -14

    House - Photios (1st year)

    Personality -
    Alisu has good memory and always care for the others, even the other houses. She's also intelligent and always helpful. Sometimes she can be shock triggered by some of her terrible memories, making her to stop what she is doing.

    Photo - Alisu's Appearance

    Biography -
    Alisu was once a shy girl. With that attitude, she was also quiet. Until she found joy from her friends and parents, she became to be helpful. Her father died when she was 8, and her mother moved to another house.
    Alisu keeps getting bored as time passes, but when she was old enough, her mother thought that she would be a great sorcerer. And her mother surprisingly agrees to teach her.
    Her mother was also a great sorcerer, her father was too. But bad things happened before she was turning to 14.

    She learned that her father died from a venom of a creature. More bad things happened, but stopped. She was scared, and she decided only to stay in home and to stick to her mother. After a few years, her mother gave her a letter of surprise, an invitation from the School of Sorcery. Alisu began to forget about the bad memories and later, she finally became a student.

    Phoenix Feather
    Essence: Dragon petal

    Pet -
    Pet Cat/Kitten

    : Ginger
    Gender: Female

    List of Items -
    Some of the required items, a broomstick and a bag.

    Other? - None
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2012
  10. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    William Spacer


    Wayra 1st Year

    William has an extremely anti-social, quiet, and has a rule to speak no more than 1,500 words a day as he believes anything above that is too much talking. However even with this many call him an anarchist and he will fight for what he believes in. Despite his bad social skills he also has a deep understanding of the human nature and in rare situations will help others.



    His father was a sorcerer who used the guise of a fisherman and his mother was a rogue witch who sold black market items of the wizarding world. When he was born they didn't tell him about anything related to their true selves until he was ten and they then taught him some of the basic spells that would help him in everyday life but never any combat spells. He mostly lived in the human world but every trip into the world of magic was an experience that he would never forget. One day he met a girl named Isa, she always had an intoxicating sense of knowledge but he liked that and so they were friends until he had to leave the human world thanks to a new danger.

    One day his mother and father were killed by a group of cultists who hunted down purebloods. While both of them were slaughtered he ran, after that he promised himself he would never make a bond of friendship or love ever again. He decided to continue his mother's black market business and often used a broomstick to get here and there, he soon became an ace on the broom a talent that will help him in the near future. A year before he entered the academy he was bitten by a creature whose venom almost killed him, luckily he was saved with one of his mothers drugs. The drug however, had side effects turning his black hair white and his eyes red. This helped him escape the cultists, he soon found out about the academy from one of his fathers friends who had sent a letter of recommendation for him. He sooned received a letter from the School of Sorcery.







    List of Items-


    Locke Hastings


    Previously Nereus

    He is extremely calm and has what many call an infinite supply of patience, he cares for his students as if they were his own children. However, if neccessary he will take violent action to protect his students if neccessary.



    He was one of the school's best students who put most of his free time into studying and polishing his magic and ever growing vocabulary of magical terms. His past however, was questionable, he was forced to live off theft and scamming in the slums of his neighborhood but besides this, he thought of the academy as a clean slate and studied hard and impressed his teachers. All of his time put into hard work payed of when he became a teacher at the age of 19. He now teaches students basic, intermediate, and advanced combative spells and uses his free time to teach students the basics of Quiditch. He has a school record of catching almost twenty golden snitches.

    Combative Sorcery and and Quiditch during his free time.




    List of Items-

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2012
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    If I get just two more(though I want more than that) teachers, I will start this.
  12. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I can make a teacher or two, but can I create a student as well?
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Feel free, I could use an advance rper in this, just please be active with them.
  14. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Name: Nikolai Berezovsky
    Age: 52
    Magical heritage: Pure blood

    Role: Defence Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic teacher; Head of Sauda.

    Personality: Nikolai is strict when it comes obeying the rules of the school, and treats all the other students than those in his own house horribly. He doesn't forgive easily. He is hardworking when it comes to teaching, and wants to get the given information deep into his students minds. Around his colleagues he is calm, and likes to debate with them for what he sees right.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    BIO: Hailing originally from Russia, he moved to Canada with his father after the death of his mother, who died in the hands of Russian Wizard Official, for his parents studied the Dark Arts. His father always told Nikolai that one should always observe both sides of the magical world if he wanted to understand it on larger scale.

    Under the study of his father, Nikolai soon learned about old folk legends about powerful dark wizards, sources of power and of course, the curses. Around his 20's, he had made friends with people who shared his vision of understanding the world of magic in much better way than it was taught.
    *When Nikolai journeyed across the world holding seminaries about his vision, many of his friends were thrown to jail or executed for the crimes they had committed for their cause. Nikolai had, of course, wanted a peaceful solution to all of that he was fighting for, but his friends hadn't realized it.

    Soon after Nikolai was accused of spreading death and diseases, he was also thrown in jail. For many years he wrote his books about his and his father's vision before Headmaster Thaddeus paid a visit, hiring him as a teacher.

    Wand: [​IMG]

    OTHER: Doesn't really get along with Locke, as he is the teacher of Combatitive Sorcery, a subject where Nikolai thinks he would be the best choice for.


    I'll get the other profiles done later. Now, I need some sleep.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I like that first character. Interesting contrast kind of professor and can't wait to see what sort of role he'll have on the students in the RP. That one's accepted and I'll be waiting on the others.
  16. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Coming right up. :3

    Name: Abigail Bettie
    Age: 24
    Magical heritage: Half blood
    Role: Herbology and potions professor.

    Personality: She's still the same as she was as a child, curious about the world around her. Abigail always wants to learn more, and thus she's usually lost in her thoughts which irritates the other teachers every now and then. She seems always positive, even during emergencies or sad events.



    BIO: When looking back at the time when Abigail was just three years old, she had grown large interest in the world around her, especially on the nature. She started visiting the forest near her parent's mansion picking up flowers and plants everyday to her room. A few years later, her father gave her some old tomes about magical plants and fungi, which made Abigail even more excited about her hobby. When she was invited to the School of Sorcery, her favorite classes were herbology and potions for years.

    When she graduated from school, she opened a shop where one could buy enchanted herbs and potions for daily use. She used old recipes alongside with her own inventions, which made her name known in the world of magic.

    She missed all the years spent in the school, especially during the herbology and potions classes, and one day a chance for a spot as the professor on those subjects was opened up to the public. She immediately applied for the position, and eventually got it.

    Wand: [​IMG]

    OTHER: Abigail spends much of her free time in the library or the woods outside the school, which is forbidden from the students.

    Name: Morrigan Walton
    Age: 14
    Magical heritage: Pure blood
    Role: First year student.
    House: Saida

    Personality: Morrigan comes from a rich and pure blooded family, where tolerance to muggles and half bloods is low. Even though she acts though, under her shell is a normal child who's fearful of new things around him, especially when going to this new school. She's mean towards other people who she doesn't like at first glance, and her opinion doesn't really change from that point forward.



    BIO: Born to the wealthy and pure blooded family of Waltons, from day one she was taught that she shouldn't take any interest in muggles or mudbloods. By time, she grew to believe that the magical world would be better when magic would be taught only to those who had no taint of muggles in their blood. She spent most of her childhood playing and learning magic with her older brothers and sisters, who eventually all were invited to the School of Sorcery and placed to the house of Saida.

    The Waltons were known for their hatred against all expect pure bloods in certain parts of Canada, but it became known to the magical world when the eldest of their children, Jacob, tortured and murdered a family of Muggles when their daughter was invited to the School of Sorcery. This left a gap to Morrigan's heart and mind, and wasn't really sure what to think of it when words turned to action. All of Morrigan's family seemed like they would had been proud of what Jacob had done.

    From that day forward, the name of Waltons was feared around the country, waiting for the time when the next family member would do something as horrible as Jacob did. Morrigan lost many of her friends, but she pushed on.

    Now, when she steps to the School of Sorcery as the youngest Walton, it is expected that she joins Saida like all her other brothers and sisters, and that she's feared and the talk of the school.

    Wand: [​IMG]

    OTHER: She tends to wander around the castle at night, trying to reveal it's secrets without getting caught. She's also interested to learn more about his oldest brother and the rumors that said he went mad because of the school.


    Hope that's good enough!
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2012
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Both are accepted, I think we can start this now. I'll probably actually start the RP probably tomorrow, if given the time.
  18. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Is it healthy to convulse with anticipation ?
  19. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Let's start this thing? n.n

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