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Fears, Anyone ?

Discussion in 'General' started by Napoléon, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I actually checked all 26 pages of this section and couldn't find a thread about this (I was shocked really.) So as the title suggests, what are you guys afraid of ? Be honest, I bet anything you're afraid of, I am as well.

    To get the ball rolling, I'll start off my list :


    I'm actually afraid of those things ! They're icky, gross, have long legs and are absolutely terrifying. It doesn't matter what size the spider is, they all scare me. I actually screamed and cried because there was a spider that was, maybe half the size of my pinky nail, right next to me on my pillow. (That was one of the worst moments of my life.) The worse part about it all is that they seem to gravitate towards me. I swear spiders can sense fear or something because they always approach me. I can't even kill a spider; They scare me to that degree. When I see one I'm almost paralyzed, somebody else usually has to save the day by either killing it or transferring it somewhere else. Ughhh... Spiders >_<

    The Dark

    Doesn't this sound like a five year old fear ? It's true though, I'm actually still afraid of the dark. I've been trying to get over this fear for the past 6 or so years, I mean come on I'm 18, but I can't ever seem to conquer it. I'm making improvements though, I used to sleep with a huge lamp on at night, but my mom bought me a Twilight Turtle that shines the constellations on the ceilling when you're trying to fall asleep. My soon to be second cousin will have one too. If anybody here has any tips that will help me with this one, I'd more than appreciate it. I'm going to University next year and I'd prefer not being the person who has to sleep with some form of night light on. However, my Twilight Turtle looks pretty beast, so it could be worse.

    Being Out Late At Night

    I'm one of those people who are out past 3 o'clock in the morning in the summer, but it actually scares me a bit. When I'm with friends, I'm all right, but it's when I have to go home by myself when I start to feel panic-stricken. I've always had the irrational fear that somebody is going to mug me, or worse, I'll be sprayed by a skunk. It's terrible really, I usually have to run home or stay at somebody else's place because the thought of walking home by myself is horrifying. Now, I live in a quiet little neighborhood, imagine what will happen to me when I live in a larger city. I'm clearly going to have to live by the buddy system for the rest of my life.

    Being Home Alone

    Now this takes the cake ! Being home by myself is too creepy. Again, I'm afraid that somebody will break into my house and beat me (?). Usually, when I'm alone for the night I sit amongst our hoard of dogs and watch movies like 13 Going on 30 or Charlie and the Chocolat Factory; You know, those happy cheery movies. This fear is manageable though because all I need is for somebody to live with me and I'll be fine.


    I don't know how many times people have told me that planes are more safe than cars, but let's face it, planes still scare me. I don't care if I'm more likely to die in a car, atleast I'm not umpteen feet off the ground. Now I'd like to travel when I'm older, namely to Australia or Sweeden, so I'm going to have to find a way to deal with this one. Frankly, boats scare me too, so I'm in a real pickle here. People have suggested that I should go see a therapist and I'm starting to understand why.

    All right, that enough of me. I'm afraid of more things than what is listed here, but I could be here all day. So what are you guys afraid of ? As for me, I'm probably going to have to live in a vacuum sealed box T_T
  2. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I have alot of fears so I will start with this one...


    I know that it is something that happenes to everyone sooner or later, but I still can't shake that feeling. ever sence my first Grandmother died I have had dreams of death, and bloody deaths at that...its been so hard for me to deal with this crap and it is not easy to let go of...I can vouch for that...if there is any scepulation in my mind about death being a fear I sure don't show it...
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Wow, that is a lot of fears. To tell you the truth, I'm not afraid of anything.

    The Puppets

    When I was small though, Chuckie (from Childsplay) and I were mortal enemies. He was the root of my childhood puppet phobia. It wasn't bad. I could live with a puppet. I would just beat the snot out of it everyday. A little while later after Chuckie came Cousin Skeeter (from Nickelodeon's Cousin Skeeter). Nothing was wrong with Cousin Skeeter. He was okay except he was a puppet. After Skeeter, there was Slappy from good ole R.L. Stines "Night of the Living Dummy". I used to have that book in my chester. I never went into my chester because Slappy would be staring at me on the front cover. Last but not least. Stuff animals are very similar to puppets in origin. There was this panda, a small panda. With sinister eyes. I knew from that moment. He was evil. I tied up the panda and casted it deep within my toy chest. Never to be seen again. I would go in my toy chest all the time but not to deep because I knew it would come back. Later when I was 15, I told my cousin about the story and while I was taking a shower. He dug out the panda and slid it under the door while I was taking a shower. It's arms were still tied up and it still contained that sinister look. After I pumbled it, I casted it back into the toy chest with arms tied. My cousin pulled it back out and THE PANDA's arms were undone. I went to sleep that night and woke up not knowing what happened to the panda because it was GONE!!!
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Falling From Very High

    I have no problem with hights. I just don't like falling from them


    I don't wanna die. If I did, who knows what would happen to those I love.
  5. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    I have a deathly fear of bees. When I was little I got stung in the ear, ever since then I will freak out if one even comes near me. I will run away screaming, I can't stand them.
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    BEE!!! Don't worry about that I am afraid of them too... they realy hurt...not to mention that I had the same issue except it wasn't the ear...
  7. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Bees are scary, I scream and run away from them too. I've never been stung and I don't ever want to be.

    Not puppets ! I was watching tv the other day and there was a show called "My Strange Addiction" (or something a long those lines) and there were people who had thousand of dolls at their house. Could you imagine all of their little eyes staring at you ? Talk about creepy.


    Here's two more of my larger fears that I had forgotten earlier.


    Some people are just mean when it comes to this one. Granted, I've been afraid of them for ages; When I was younger I actually used to call them 'Snapper Crappers' because they have some weird pinchers on their butt. Anyways, somebody had told me a story that an earwig had entered her aunts ear and because they can't move backwards (long bodies = terrible reverse) she had to get it surgically removed. Blegh, I couldn't imagine an earwig crawling into my ear ! I'm absolutely terrified that one of them is going to get me some day T_T

    Horror Movies

    Self-explanatory, horror movies scare me. I'm one of those people who can't fall asleep for weeks after watching one and I usually have to sleep with my bedroom light on for atleast a month. Even the commercials for horror movies can cause me to have trouble sleeping at night.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2012
  8. brian6330

    brian6330 New Member

    As the others have said:

    Also, being lonely :(
    Aqua Fresh likes this.
  9. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Few years back I was also afraid of bees. Eventually I had to face my fears and if they came near me, I tried to kill them. Sometimes they're scared of you and that's why they come so close, and when you wave your hand a few times it'll fly off.

    It also helps that I smoke, so they don't really like flying around in the smoke.

    But yeah, I don't really know what I'm afraid of, because over last few years, I've bested many of my fears. Death is only natural and it comes to us in some point, there's no sense fearing that, etc.

    I guess I just live in the moment, I can't come up with anything that I would fear.
  10. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    I know that sounds really stupid but what I really want to do is prove i'm nothing like my older sister and get good grades to prove that... Seriously I don't want to end up like her,no job, complete dumbass, always getting in trouble,messing with your parents head (seriously she gave my dad mixed anxiety and depression disorder now he has to take like 5 million different tablets!) you get the picture. I hate it when people in my family say I'm going to end up like her it's the worst insult anyone can use against me... So there now you know 0_0
    Napoléon likes this.
  11. Luke

    Luke Member

    Spiders and the unknown. Like if im driving and the person is only giving me directions and wont tell me the direction. And by extension the dark, not knowing whats there.
  12. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    THE DARK...

    its not so much that I don't know whats there but more of a...personal...reason...
  13. Noir


    I have Arachniphobia. It makes me fear of spiders, and even my crush isn't scared of spiders.
    I instantly get scared, even though I'm 18 and a male, well if I go near it.
    I'm also scared of all sizes of spiders and species. I wish creepy insects like these don't exist.

    Our maids love these kinds of movies, and I'm not always in the mood to watch these movies. I avoid them and always check movie genres.
  14. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    not that type of alone like walking alone or being subtracted from being with other people. its more like losing people and having to suffer alone. Or not having anybody at all and truly be alone.

    my sister is the most important person in the world to me. If i lost her i would lose my humanity. I wouldnt want to live. let alone breath. I have lots family members. i already lost two brothers. I still have six sibilings but my sister is the most important. I may seem mean but i see something in her that i wish i had. I can see her future. I want her to move to high places and change the world
  15. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    I'm extremely scared of dying at a young age because there are some awful goings-on out there... In California, a 10-year old girl died because another girl who is 11 punched her in the head! I'm afraid something similar might happen to me...

    I also hate those things, but I kinda think they are cute in a way... I got stung many times in my life!

    I really don't understand the fun in being mortified, really... No less in a movie!

    I am constantly afraid that someone may charge at me with a very long sword, like what happened to Cloud in his first fight with Sephiroth... I have no idea why, but it's probably due to my Autism and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder...
  16. Fresh Sage

    Fresh Sage Member

    The only thing I fear in this world is....*Looks at the camera* Myself.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yes! Puppets, specifically ventriloquist dummies, scare me to pieces. My uncle used to have one when I was a kid that he'd tease me with. Even just seeing it sitting there staring would make chills go up my spine. And I was always an R. L. Stine fan as a kid, but the cover of that book creeped me out too. Somewhat related, I used to collect porcelain dolls, and sometimes the way I'd catch them out of the corner of my eye (especially at night) would have the same effect. Needless to say, they are now packed up in boxes.

    I also have a rather stupid fear of elevators. I still ride in them, and it's not as if I go into Panic Attack!Mode or anything, but I get butterflies in my stomach and I'm secretly a little worried a cable will snap and I'll crash to my death. This is not helped by my lovely family members deciding to jump up and down while the thing is moving. v_v

    I also have to admit a little fear of the dark, like a few others have. But it's not so much fear of the dark, but rather, not knowing what's out there.

    I'll probably add to this list as I think on it more. I have a lot of weirdness to me.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'm not afraid of a whole lot, like you can spook me very easily by jumping up on me, but I'm not actually specifically afraid of anything because I've made myself face a lot of my fears.

    For instance I was afraid of fire because I was afraid fire would somehow burn down my house and destroy all my belongings(and this fear was later elementary years when I was still holding onto the child in me) it would burn and destroy all my favorite toys, and games, etc. But then I came over my fear(and for things now I'd be afraid to lose, I now have warranties on them and backup file located either online or multiple other places).

    Now the only thing I can't stand the sight of, it's not necessarily a fear, but I hate it and cringe thinking about it...

    Needles. Shots. Injections. Whatever. I hate the site of needles, I hate the thought of needle going in my body, and the pinch though it's short and for most doesn't even hurt, every time I have to go through it I think somebody is stabbing me with a knife trying to kill me.

    Yeah I just really hate needles.
  19. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I'm so comforted in knowing that I'm not the only person who's afraid of the dark. I find it's unnerving to not know what my surroundings are, or that somebody could be lurking in the dark and I wouldn't know. It's so true that it's a fear of the unknown and I would love to get over this one someday >_<

    The thought of the cable breaking is always present in the back of my mind. I just get a little freaked out when there seems to be too many people in the elevator. (Really, how much weight can those cables take ?)

    I have a sister fear to this one though : Escalators. Escalators have terrified me since I was a child; It's a fear that I'll be sucked into it. I'm always afraid that my pants will get caught or something and it's improbable that I'll magically get pulled in, but the thought scares me. It doesn't help that the most recent Final Destination has somebody dying from a freak escalator accident. I'm quite fortunate though because whenever I have to ride an escalator, random strangers always hold my hand as I go up them. (People are so nice these days, or maybe it's a Canadian thing)

    Man, I hate it when people jump out at me. I always seem to scream T_T
  20. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    As stupid as it sounds I can't stand having anything that has eyes in my room at night. If I were to have something, it would end up distracting me and I wouldn't be able to get some sleep unless a lot of time has passed, like 4 hours or so. All because of a childhood trauma.

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