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A Score to Settle (Desert Warrior vs. Wayward)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Arena' started by Desert Warrior, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Okay, so I've been meaning to get around to this battle, but unfortunately certain distractions *coughcoughArkhamCitycoughcough* have prevented me from starting this. And Wayward gets first post (Due to me not having thought up a character yet) to get things started.

    Anyways, the location is a castle floating in the sky.


    There will be lots of rocks floating below to use as a stepladder in the unfortunate event one character falls off.

    EDIT: Here's a link to my character
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2012
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Thanks for making my character feel inferior due to lack of detail compared to yours lol.

    Anyways, without further ado, let the fight begin.


    A young man suddenly awoke. He was lying on a hard rock floor that was cold due to the morning air. He quickly sat up and looked around, trying to find out where he was. He was standing in a large hallway, not unlike a castle's audience chamber. The entire area was empty and there wasn't a single sound to be heard. James figured this place was ancient due to trees having broken through some of the floor and walls. "I'm at a loss for words for my situation. I didn't do anything last night that would involve me being taken somewhere, and yet here I am Fuuuuuuuuuun." James jumped up onto his feet and walked towards a large opening, what would most likely be the exit.

    He felt the cool breeze gently brush past his face as he stepped outside into the open air. Wherever he was, it was massive. Definitely the largest castle James had ever seen. He saw clouds spread out below him and above him, as far as the eye could see. He closed his eyes, questioning to himself what to look for. When he opened his eyes, they changed. His eyes were no longer the same light blue color they originally were. Now if somebody were to look into his eyes, they would see his eyes constantly changing colors in a fluid motion. Looking around, James quietly muttered to himself. "This area is absolutely flooded with magic. From the looks of things this place is floating in the sky. I wonder where I am."

    Behind him, back inside the castle, was a loud crashing noise. James instinctively turned his body to the noise. Figuring there was somebody else in this castle he quickly ran towards the source of the noise. He jumped up, propelling himself further in the air with his magic, and reached the floor above the room he woke up in. He jumped straight into a wall above the entrance of the castle. Instead of hitting the wall like somebody would expect, his body easily broke through it, as though it wasn't even there. "The noise was up here somewhere." He looked around for the source of the noise. And imagine his surprise when he saw that the source was not anything human. In fact, the source was nothing James had ever seen before. Ahead of him was a large, almost cartoon-looking mouse.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The sensation of portal travel wasn’t something that the young Mickale was accustomed to. In fact, this was one of the first times he had even tried to move by way of the “wormhole” methods. It was uncomfortable, to say the least about it. It was like moving at gummi-ship speeds… without actually having the gummi ship there as his protective barrier. He was flying, flying through the sub-space realms that bridged the worlds all over. His speed was break-neck, and it was shock to him that he was even resisting the pressure of that speed against his body as valiantly and healthily as he was. As he moved further through his little wormhole, he felt his body and head crunching slowly together, like a tin can being crushed underfoot. At his face, he began to feel his face stretching into a rather painful smile.

    The sensations of this means of transportation last for a mere few seconds though. As he pulsed through space in his little wormhole, he caught a glimpse of the bright light that lead to the exit of the portal. He made a series of magical efforts to slow his pace in preparation for the inevitable crash at the other end of the tunnel. Eventually, he felt his efforts bearing their reward. Just as he burst out from the portal in his new location, he cast an air spell around his body. Steadily, the air around him gathered in a motion that, for the most part, proved useful in breaking his impact. It felt like little more than being thrown against a hard surface by a strong foe. Still, it hurt like he could believe as he knocked into a high bookcase, and then fell to the floor.

    The shock of his impact against the bookcase caused the shaking of its contents, which, contrary to what was expected, consisted of a set of rather ornate and expensive looking vases. Wide-eyed with panic, he rolled out of the way as the vases were knocked down from their positions. The shards of pottery scattered about across the floor. Rising out of his defensive fetal position, Mickale looked around the room. He was still in a sense of panic, but this time, over the fact that the noise he had made might have triggered the awareness of others around… where ever it was that he had arrived. Looking around again, he realized that he had no clue where he had sent himself with his portal. He was trying to get across his hometown with it, a short jump for practice. But it seemed that he had been sent someplace much further away than intended.

    “Well, that was a success, I suppose. I got further than I meant to. I guess the Masters can have that if they want.” He took a closer glance around the room. It wasn’t too large, but at the same time, not incredibly small. It seemed to be purely designed for the purpose of displaying rare artifacts gathered through the adventures of whoever owned them. “I wonder where this place is though?” he pondered as he wandered around the room, stealing moments to look at the trophies and treasures in the room. But as he rounded the room, his gaze met with another person. Shocked by the sudden appearance of another, he jumped back, summoning his Keyblade in case things got hostile. “Sorry about the vase,” he said hastily. “It was an accident, I swear!”​
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "That's an interesting looking weapon. Not many people have weapons that suddenly appear like that. And it doesn't look sharp at all. I guess he just beats people over the head until they faint." James thought as his own weapon appeared in his hand. Like the keyblade, it appeared in a flash of light. Unlike the keyblade, the light never faded away. Instead the weapon was either encased in light or it was the light itself.

    "You don't need to apologize to me about the broken things. I figured you lived here. Hell, I broke that wall behind me." James stepped aside to let Mickale see the damage. "If you're looking for a fight though, I'll gladly accept. Be it a human or whatever you are, I'm always willing for a fight. Although I should warn you that I have a tendency of breaking things when my mind gets wrapped up in a fight." James began walking towards the mouse.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A gapping expression crossed Mickey's face as the tall young man made his "introduction." He stared dumbfounded at the Shimmering bladed weapon the man had summoned in a manner not unlike his Keyblade. He looked with amazement at the trial left in the wake of the man's arrival in the decorated room. The wall had been cleanly broken through, as had a chunk of the floor nearby it. It truly was an incredible feat, especially since Mickey had barely even heard the wall break (granted his commotion might have drowned that out). He decided that a battle with the man would be dangerous.*

    That was when he noticed the man was walking calmly towards him. He heard he warning, of how his enemy could get carried away. A man who could blow holes through walls would be sure to do a number on a small mouse creature such as him. He'd have to get him with more wit than strength. It started with getting out of the room, to where he could make his maneuvers more fluid and useful. Drawing his blade back and slashing it forward he sent a cutting force of air hurtling towards the man.*

    With a second force of air, he pushed himself forward. Immediately, his form was surrounded in a quick burst of fire as he dashed passed the man. Touching ground in a corridor, he ran to his left. His mindset was simple: find a place to hide and ambush from.​
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The burst of air pushed James back a few feet. The small mouse already zipped by him before James could do much. "I wonder if I scared him a bit. Although I think he's willing to fight." James muttered, feeling his left arm get warmer. He glanced down, seeing his sleeve was on fire. "Gah. Get off!" He quickly brushed off the flames before his arm got burned.

    Looking down the path Mickey ran, James quickly saw something to use as a trail. "The remnants of that fire spell he used." Walking calmly, he followed the path for a bit. Before reaching Mickey's hiding spot, James stopped to think to himself. "Would this be considered cheating? Or at the very least not fair? This mouse isn't somebody who is out to kill me, and yet I feel as though I'm hunting him down like a tracking animal." James eyes stopped changing colors and instead reverted back to the original light blue color. "I suppose I could save that for later in the fight. Since this should be more of a friendly fight than a fight to the death."

    As he continued, James saw that the path began to split. The corridor ended as it intersected with another corridor. Unsure of which way to go, James leaned his sword against a wall before tracing his finger across the wall in the shape of a small rectangle. Where his finger touched the wall the stone material crumbled away to dust. There was now a hole in the wall when James pulled the rectangle out of the wall. Rubbing his hand against the object as if his hand were sandpaper, the piece got smaller and smaller until it was now a stick with a pointed end and a flat end. James tossed the stick into the intersection and picked up his sword again, making sure it would spin as it flowed through the air. Landing on the ground, the pointed end faced the right path and the flat end faced the left path. "Right it is." James muttered as he began running down the corridor.
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Where to go? Where to go? Where to freaking go!? All Mickey’s thoughts could muster up were frantic ponderings of where he’d be able to mount an effective offensive. Needless to say that the long corridors would be ill suited for his need to evade the seemingly devastating effects of his enemy’s abilities. But as he darted his way down the corridor, he spotted no refuge or strategic point. He dared not look over his shoulder to see where his pursuer was, but assumed only that he was on his tail. The only hope seemed to be at the end of the hallway, where there was yet another fork. Perhaps, he considered, if he just kept moving, he’d eventually find a way to sneak around and strike from behind.

    But then, a better chance came, when from the corner of his eye the mouse passed by a pair of doorways, spaced a short distance apart. The first one he saw was shut, but the second was wide open. He came to a skidding halt a few feet beyond the second door, and slipped into the room, pulling the door closed behind him. Inside, he found that the two doors lead to a pair of adjoined rooms, the only thing separating the two being another door. Instantly he thought up a confident strategy. Carefully, and quietly, he cracked the door he had entered through open. Then, he entered the neighboring room, and made the same accommodation for the entrance there.

    He had at least some semblance of tactic worked out: if the door to the first room in the hallway came open, he would escape out the second room, and move around into the first. If his opponent were to pass by the first room, he would push the door open with an air spell, and then exit to the hallway from the first room while the opening door served as a brief distraction. Either way he had an opportunity to strike from behind. And if he opted to destroy the walls instead, the same strategy might still be applied.​
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    James continued walking down the corridor. "Sure is a fast little... Thing." James muttered, still seeing no sight of his opponent. "I can't be that fearsome, can I? And who the hell designed this castle? I think I'm heading towards the heart of it, but the complete lack of rooms is weird." As James complained, he approached a door and saw another door a bit further away. Both doors were slightly open. "Hmm... My opponent is probably in one of those rooms. But if I make a mistake in picking the wrong one, he'll have a chance to attack me. Although that risk might actually bring this to a proper fight and not a game of cat and mouse."

    James sat down against the wall, facing the two doors. As he thought, he reached his hands out to the doors. Even though they were too far away for him to normally reach, James was able to extend his magic to reach each door. With a grasp on each door, he pulled them both shut. "Now if I pick the wrong room I'll get the other door opening as a warning. Although I suppose I could just create a hole above or below me, move to the door, and surprise him by busting through the ground or the ceiling."

    Deciding against a surprise attack, James simply stood up and walked to the first door. The door shattered as he punched it, letting James into the room. Up, down, left, right. James quickly scanned the room, seeing the doorway connecting it to the other room. "I see. Didn't really matter which room I picked." And standing there in that doorway was none other than Mickale. "Found you." James grinned. He dashed towards the mouse, ready for an actual fight.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Through the mounting tension of waiting out the time to be found, Mickale never broke his focus. The eyes in his head were like tennis balls, streaking back and forth between the two rooms watching for any sign of movement from the outside. His ears were on alert as well, listening through he silence for the slightest echo of footsteps falling upon the stone flooring of the castle. His opponent had to have followed him, or so he hoped. If he hadn't been followed, then he'd have to come out from hiding and seem out the guy directly, which he didn't fancy too much. Then, he could have just taken that as a sign that there was no battle and left the castle; that seemed unlikely though.*

    Any hope of being able to leave soon was dashed away when he heard the distant sounding footsteps outside the doors of his hideout. The man had followed him just as planned, which meant all he needed was to pick any door, and Mickey would be able to have the battle in his favor with a sneak attack. But the. Something happened that he didn't expect, something that ran counter to his strategy. Both doors creaked shut at the same moment. Telekinesis, the mouse thought as his plans was torn asunder. He'd have to change tactics if he wanted to get that important first hit in.*

    The plan came to him in an epiphany as the doorway in one of the rooms began to shatter open. He didn't need to attack from behind to have a sneak attack; all he needed was to strike when it wasn't necessarily expected of him. So long as his opponent thought he'd still be running, he'd have he element of surprise on his side. With his Keyblade drawn and poised, he charged a thunder spell along the blade. The cackling of electricity signaled it ready. With a boost of wind, the mouse charged forward while his opponent was scanning the room. By the time mouse was seen be was well on his way. With a forceful thrust, he drove the Keyblade in towards the larger man's stomach; force would drive him from the room, and the electricity of the spell would leave its shock.​
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    James reached out his free hand as his opponent dived towards him. The plan was simple: Break Mickey's weapon as soon as he got a hand on it. James saw the wind spell used to give the mouse a boost. "He did this before, didn't he? I don't think he'll be able to push me aside with it though." James hand wrapped around the keyblade when it came in reach. The electricity caused the muscles in James' hand to tighten around the keyblade as the force of Mickey's wind spell pushed James back further than expected.

    Normally the keyblade would've snapped like a twig. Unfortunately for James, his failed attempt at breaking the weapon only resulted in the thunder magic shocking his arm. Using the force of the wind spell James turned his body, keyblade still in his grasp, and threw Mickey into the wall. He quickly looked down at his arm and clenched his fist a few times. "Damn. Without my magic I think my arm might've been paralyzed." He muttered underneath his breath. He grinned as he walked towards Mickey. "Impressive weapon. Normally that would've shattered as if it were nothing. At least you've got some skill though. I'd rather have a proper fight, not another game of cat and mouse. Although admittedly this room is a tad bit too small for a proper fight."

    James held his hand above his head, channeling him magic aura above him. The ceiling and any floors above crumbled into dust, letting the outside sunlight pour into the room. James jumped up through the holes into the open air, making sure to grab Mickey with his magic to ensure Mickey wouldn't flee again. He let go once outside, making sure not to toss Mickey around and end up getting a cheap shot in. "Now let's start a proper fight." James again dashed towards Mickey, ready for a fight.
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Mickey's plan had been simple: knock his opponent back, and give them a shock through their body in the process. It would have been so if his charge had gone over unnoticed and without response; he might have even been in a prime spot to finish the fight quickly from there.

    But the maneuver didn't go off as planned. Mickey's Keyblade met with his opponent's body just as he wanted it to. Just not at the point on the body that he had been aiming for. Rather than the impact sensitive area around the torso, the blade found itself firmly grasped by a hand that not only hindered its path to its desired target, but also served to contain the lightning from the discharging spell at its tip. The lightning flared about between the two warriors off the tip of the blade. While much of it was shot off to the side, some remained on path through the grasping arm. The rest, to his misfortune, coursed back through the weapon through Mickey's body.

    Fortunately, the damage done by the redirected electricity was minute and momentary. Mickey felt a quick jolt of pain and a vibrating sensation as the shock pulsed through his arms. For the moment he was dazed, and to a lesser extent confused. By the time he had come back to himself, he was being flung around by the end of his Keyblade. His attempt to waive the effects of the throw failed; there wasn't enough time to cast another wind spell. So he allowed himself to hit against the wall, dropping his blade and throwing his arms back against the wall as a distribution of the impact. It worked a bit, and the mouse slid down the wall to the floor.

    No sooner than he had gotten back into a ready stance, he was being pulled up by his opponent's magic through a hole in the ceiling. He was released out in an open courtyard area. Immediately, he felt a little more comfortable about fighting. The openness of the area meant he'd be able to use his speed and footwork with greater liberty. Right away, he saw his opponent running towards him in an effort to strike. He might have been expecting Mickey to go running away again, or pull a sneaking motion. To the contrary, Mickey remained where he stood. He lowered himself to a stable, grounded position. Using a gravity spell, he provided himself a buffer against the impending attack. The force focused on Mickey's body, giving him the weight with which to resist being kicking about like ball.

    As his opponent came within range, he summoned his Keyblade back. From his position, he gave another thrust of his weapon to deliver a stick into his opponent's groin.​

    ((Now that I think about it, we might want to think about finding someone to judge this battle as it gets into swing)).
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >And here I was thinking that we'd fight until we decided it was over and that judging was for tournaments only. Any ideas on who to judge?<

    Seeing that Mickey was not planning to run this time, James began focusing more on the fight than anything else. Subconsciously each of James eyes changed again. They went back to their changing colors, allowing James to see the gravity spell Mickey cast. As he saw Mickey's next attack he slashed forward along the ground. His sword easily tore through the ground, shooting dust towards the mouse's face.

    Immediately after this attempt to cloud his enemy's vision, James jumped into the air and just barely dodged the keyblade. His body began descending above Mickey's head. James swung down with a fairly obvious overhead strike. This attack would normally push somebody off balance at the very least, and probably even more if James was to be influenced by Mickey's gravity spell.
  14. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The slashing motion of James’ blade was cue for Mickale to retract his offensive position. There wasn’t much time for a major adjustment, not with a man more than twice his size charging him dead on. He paced back a step and raised his Keyblade to protect against what would have been an impact against his chest. But when the dust kicked up he was forced to make another quick adjustment, raising his blade and arms up to face level. It wasn’t good, but it was good enough to keep him from going completely blind from the smokescreen effect. He caught a brief vision of motion from his opponent’s end.

    He knew so much as that his opponent had become airborne. Squinting against the light burning of sand in his eyes, the mouse kept a rough track of the leap. There was no time for evasion (not without any compromise). In lieu of moving out of the way of the descending blade, Mickale erected a hasty barrier against the attack; a reflect manifested its solid shielding to hinder the strike. However, the motion wouldn’t be stopped completely, not with such a hastily erected defense. Supported by both hands at either end of his weapon, Mickale held out the broad side of his Keblade to block against the strike.​
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Not a single weak point in the barrier. It shouldn't be able to hold up against my attack though. And if it does I'll just quickly destroy it before resuming the attack." James thought as his sword came in contact with the spell. The barrier kept James suspended in the air for a fraction of a second before shattering from the impact of James attack. Even if the pause was unnoticed, the reflect spell had managed to absorb plenty of the strength of James' attack.

    In order to return to a more powerful attack, James' magic aura spread out from him and dug into the ground around Mickale. He then used this to pull himself down the remaining distance to Mickale faster than he would've reached just falling. The blades connected, allowing James to even balance his body in the air as long as Mickale would support him. Not giving his opponent an opportunity to do that, James continued to pull himself down to the ground with magic. This caused Mickale to be pushed down with more weight than normal.
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    While the barrier had been enough to give Mickale a second's worth of preparation, he wasn't quite prepared for the blow that had been delivered. The initial force of impact slammed into the small mouse like a meteor falling to the ground. But he held strong, despite his block being pushed down towards him. As soon as he recovered from the shock, he took up the arduous process of pushing away his enemy's weapon. It was a task easier said than done; his enemy had already begun to amplify the force with which he was coming down. It would only be a matter of time before his blade came down onto Mickale's face.

    Knowing that resisting the attack any further would be a futile effort, Mickale concentrated on a different strategy. The force of his own spell was only helping his opponent at that point. That being so, he dismissed the gravity spell, allowing the gravity around him to return to normal, making his opponent's weight a bit easier to resist. Rather than stop there, he took his magic work in the opposite direction: pulling his field of gravity up instead of down, as it were. The zero-gravity spell gave the mouse a feeling of being lighter, and with the effect it had around him, served to further lessen the force with which his opponent was pushing; he might not have even noticed, given the force he was pushing down with.

    Then, Mickale did something that was nearly reckless: he sent his Keyblade away. In a small flash of light, the weapon vanished. The mouse quickly moved his arm out of the path of his opponent's sword. Now working more with gravity than he previously was, Mickale leaped up towards his opponent's face. Hand clenched into a fist, he let his zero-gravity spell take a fuller effect on his person, and drove a hard punch towards the bridge of James' nose.​
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It wasn't until Mickale put away his keyblade that James noticed something was wrong with the gravity. Even with the strength his magic was pulling him towards the mouse, James could feel something was effecting his descent. "Don't break don't break." The words repeated in James' mind as he saw Mickale's fist move towards his nose. His magic aura condensed around his face to provide better shielding as James moved his left arm up in an attempt to block the attack.

    Their arms coming in contact with each other, James managed to deflect the mouse's attack. Unfortunately for James, all that meant was Mickale hit his forehead instead of his nose. Combining the punch with the gravity spell caused James to get knocked higher into the air, approximately thirty feet or so. Looking around, surprised at how high he was sent into the air, James saw a fairly large rock floating in the air as he passed it. He reached out, connecting his magic to it to anchor his body to the rock. He examined the rock's surroundings, seeing the magic that kept it floating in the air. His magic spread out, destroying the bonds to the rock and connecting his own with it. He then pushed the rock downwards, making sure to add whatever force necessary to send it shooting down fast enough to tear right through the part of the castle Mickale was on.

    Diving on after the rock, James pointed his body straight towards Mickale. There wouldn't be an attack or anything. Just a straight dive that would result in a tackle that would crash through several floors of the castle beneath.
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As quickly as possible after his fist made contact with James' forehead, Mickale rebounded his strike. Shifting himself slightly in mid-air, he maneuvered passed James. Breaking off the effects of his gravity magic, he he landed with a normal impact against the roof of the castle, tucking and rolling to lessen any negative effects of the landing on his body. At the end of his maneuver, he stood upright, gazing up towards the skies wherein his enemy has been forced by his punch.*

    His opponent, however, was not what greeted his eyes; instead, he was staring down a quickly descending boulder. The boulder would have left him crushed in an instant if he had been just a step or two forward from his position, and hadn't seen it coming in time. With a quick, long jump backwards, he evaded the gruesome blow of the boulder. However, what damage the boulder might have dealt was relinquished to the debris of the castle roof kicking up in the wake of the impact.*

    Inevitably, the force of the boulder smashing into the rooftop pushed the small mouse back several tens of feet. Bruised and shaken, he could only think to cast a reflect barrier. Similar to his previous barrier, it was cast at an angle with the ground. Despite that it shattered, it was still resilient enough to shield him from the shards of rock from the castle roof.*

    When the situation settled, Mickey pulled himself from the rubble and ran over to the hole left in the roof by the boulder. Thinking for but a second, he, jumped down through the hole and into the now shattered corridor below; the less he was in the open, the better... For the time being.​

    (I think I've got your last post right. Don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong).
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Well you got the boulder part right. And I suppose that Mickey could jump into the hole before James could reach him.<

    "Damn. Back into the small spaces to hide." James thought as his body fell head first into the hole after Mickey. Passing through the first hole, the magic aura around James spread out like a net to slow his descent. Deliberate or not, James' body continued while Mickale's stopped on the floor below. Whatever part of the floor came in contact with James' body instantly shattered and opened up another floor below. Before he could continue, the magic that acted as a net snapped back like a rubber band, pulling James back and allowing him to gracefully back-flip and land in front of Mickey.

    "You are rather hard to hit you know." James grinned, his weapon appearing back in his hand again. He quickly moved towards his opponent again, this time planning a three part attack. James himself would prevent Mickey from trying to slip past. If the mouse tried to run away, James' magic had already spread itself out into the ceiling above and would cause it to collapse. And if Mickey were to evade that as well, James' magic was also in the floor further behind, set to crumble with the slightest provocation.
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((I just wasn’t sure how far behind the boulder he was. I thought it was like he was using it as a cover in his dive)).

    Mickey’s heart was pounding from the fierce rushes of adrenaline he had just experienced; he had just barely evaded death in the most damage of ways not once, but twice in the span of but a few seconds. The boulder had missed him, and has he landed in the shattered corridor, he saw James streak passed him in the boulder’s wake. He didn’t know how long it would take for his opponent to slow down and backtrack. He probably could have made a run for it and been in a safe spot before he had to fight again. But he was fatigued just enough to warrant a quick break to let his body recuperate.

    He heaved in several deep, smooth breaths; each one brought him back into his confident and calmly energized battle composure. He could feel his energy for spell casting beginning to wane, though not so much that he wouldn’t be able to keep up the fight for a while longer. However, he wondered how long it would take for his opponent to run out of steam. If Mickey could just out-last him in terms of magic, he’d have an upper hand, or at least a leg up. I’ll just have to be careful about how I use my spells now, he decided. I can hold my own in melee well enough.

    After another moment of regaining his composure, he saw his opponent rising back up from the lower levels of the castle. He waited, and watched as James flipped over and landed behind him. Mickey turned to face James head on. He summoned his Keyblade back and as soon as James charged him, he made his next move. His blade cut up and across to his left, throwing a gust of air down the corridor, enough to hinder James without throwing him backwards by any noticeable distance.

    Mickey followed behind the gust, and cut his Keyblade back down to the right to deliver a blow to James’ upper leg.​

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