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41 year teacher leaves family for 18 year student

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Angel, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ... ... ...I really hope you are ready to take that back...I unlike this little mother%#$@&@ am not love drunk...I stay with one girl unless she dumps me...if this guy is with a girl 30 years younger then him then he needs to be put down...
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Nah. Not the slightest.

    You two have something in common. Hooker stays with one girl too, Powers. He has only been with one girl at a time well other than his wife.
    23 years younger but who's counting. Not really, Powers is at least older and legally considered an adult but the effect of dating someone younger than 18 has a bigger affect.

    It doesn't matter of the age. Petty Theft and Grand Theft are both theft. So, your still saying a person who is considered an adult or almost, dating a minor should be burned. Dating a minor regardless of age is still considered wrong. It being you or Hooker.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2012
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ... ... ...your really gona try that...this is not only uncalled for but you need to stop acting like you know what the hell your talking about...you know nothing about me and sasha and you think you do...your not helping your case any...or do I bring up your past...
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Your open about your relationship and it is true. So, no it is not "uncalled for". Your just an example that I am using to compare Hookers actions to a greater or less act. Your previous statement of him being burnt to the ground is discrimination. When in fact, However, Hooker is doing something very relative to what you are doing. Hooker's case may be more severe but that is debatable. Hooker is an adult who was dating a minor (Powers). You are of consent age dating a minor. Similarities are between you two.
    I do. I'm debating over. Why should you discriminate against Hooker when your guilty of something similar. It's not right. That is what Martin Luther King meant by "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
    Knowing anything about you has nothing to do with the topic. My "past" has nothing to do with the topic.
  5. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ... ... ...Hooker is a son of a GOD DAMN, BITCH-ASS, MOTHER FUCKING BASTERD!!! at the very least I had the girl come to me...I may be somewhat the sam as that Asshole but the way I act is nothing campered to the fucken bitch...if he wants to date women that young whos to say he won't try to rap 5 year olds!!! I at thevery least know that sasha is the one for me...she wanted this relationship to begin with...I went along with it becuase I too fell in love with her...there is a diffrence betwixt the two Legacy and you know it...so stop useing me for your fucken test subject and leave me the hell alone...
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Jordan Powers says she loves (likes) Hooker. She doesn't care what her mother thinks. Jordan has said she likes Hooker and thinks about a life with him. Saying he would rape 5 year olds is a bit extreme. He waited til the girl was 18 to come out of the woodwork. No one is forcing Jordan to like this man. Jordan is doing this of her own free will.

    Your not a test subject. Your just wrongly accusing this man!
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2012
  7. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    AM I!!! I have had run in with his kind before almost takeing my sister, who WAS 5 at the time and this guy had the exat same issue!!! he may not have been 41 but I sure as hell am not going to see another girl become like my biological 12 yearold sister is now!!! I would die before I let that happen I know my limits Legacy so get your facts strait before you go sideing with someone... ... ...with someone like him...like me...
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I knew it wasn't me. It is a personal problem.

    Anyway, I'm not on anyone's side. Yes, you are wrongly accusing him. Your answer is bias because of an event which happened in life. Everyone is not exactly the same. Hooker is not part of a "kind". Your assuming because he dates a younger girls (minor). He would molest little children. By that law, your saying the exact same thing about yourself. It's like a double edged sword. Regardless, if Hooker deserves to burn so does ever adolescent who dates a minor. Which is wrong to begin with.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Summoner told me about this(though I all I see is a juicy argument). I'm just going to remind you know the rules, don't take things completely to heart, and yeah. Continue on.
  10. Luke

    Luke Member

    In the majority of countries still today, it is common practice for a man 60+ to be placed with a girl younger than like 13.
    It even happened here. Happened in most euopean countries too.
    Wasnt till recently that it was considered "taboo"

    At least these people chose it.
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Like what countries? Name a few!
    Umm....European countries have laws about consent.( Most countries do). You know sexual relations with adults or adolescents. It varies but it all depends on the country. These countries might have a reason to have consent so low or high. Our states have differing consent ages as well. It doesn't matter about other countries anyway. Their situation, circumstances, and government are different from ours. Back in the 40's, people were marrying young. They had every right too. These people had more responsibility than we do now. In our time and age, kids aren't ready to make these types of decisions. We have increasing death rate among teens, increasing teen pregnancy, and increasing divorce rates.
    And with kids and adults making stupid decision. It should be.
    Well, if a grown man influences a girl at a young age. She really has no choice.

    (I was watching Flash point and this grown man kidnapped a 9 year old girl. 8 years later. They were living together and she loved him. She didn't have a choice but to feel for him. He wouldn't let her out of the house. He was the only thing. She had. Does she have a choice? No!!!)

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