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Arabian Nights (OOC)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Oath, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Listen to this while you read. Makes it more entertaining: Assassin's Creed 2 OST - Track 02 - Venice Rooftops - YouTube

    A small, living world made of sand and chooses its own rulers. Dont believe me? Ah don't worry I wouldn't believe me either. It is a rather bizarre concept that a world would live and rule it's inhabitants but let me explain. Bear with me and I'll tell you the story and give you the tour. It is said that the first inhabitant of Agaraba was a woman who was formed of the sad, given blood by water, breath by wind, and baptized by fire. Her name was Vasalla and she was the living embodyment of the world around her, a living woman who thought with the mind of the world. With her being one with the earth, she created mankind in her image and served as their ruler for their first seven centuries of life, teaching them of survival and of the world and the magic that it commanded. She taught them how to respect it and if they did, they would prosper. And then, she left leadership to her son and disappeared. For centuries after that even to latter days, her decendants have served as the royal family of Agaraba as is their divine right. Agaraba has now reached its 6000 Century and is at its peak of prosperity. Though of course it has its diversity of classes just like any human civilizations unfortunately has. It starts with the royal family, the wealthy, those of the slums, and ends with the nomads of the desert (which are banished and feared by all).
    The Royal Family is now made up of the widdowed Saltin (King), His Young Daughter and divine heir to the throne, and a young man that was saved from the slums in infancy and, though not adopted, is favored in the eyes of the Saltin.
    Recently, the Saltin has been stricken by a mysterious illness that can not be cured even by the best of healers. It is rumored that he will soon die. Because of this he has given to a deadline to his young daughter. That she must find a husband before the end of the year to help and rule by her side after the death of her father, or her father would chose one for her.
    One final note: A prophecy was made at the day of the princess's birth that it was the beginning of a new age for Agaraba. And that a figure would rise from the poorest corner of the world that would bring forth the end of Agaraba.

    Good Guys
    Saltin- Stricken with an illness. Will soon die.
    Princess- (Taken By Hope) Only living descendant of Vasalla and therefore, divine heir to the throne. Magic binds her to this calling. It is also believed by some that she is a reincarnation of Vasalla herself due to her appearence and strange power beyond members of the royal family before her.
    Diamond in the Rough- A good hearted young boy who grew up orphaned in the slums of Agaraba. Not many people expect much of him and many know him as a theif and a street urchen but soon he will meet a young woman who will change his destiny.
    The Genie- A mythological creature that all know the story of, but no one has seen. It has become nothing more than a childrens fable. Supposedly, the genie is a person who once wronged Vasalla herself. To punish the one that had wronged her, Vasalla locked them away in an oil lamp to forever live in servitude to others. The genie must grant the holder of the lamp three wishes and then must return to their prison until a new master comes along. The genie can only be seen by their current master and can only be freed from servitude if their master wishes them out. Can be a boy or a girl.

    The Nomads
    Savage people who live in the wilderness. They are believed to have lost all sense of humanity and sanity due to the heat and savage nature of the desert. Many people who wander too far into the desert are found and kidnapped and/or killed by the nomads and because of this the people of Agaraba have grown to hate and fear the nomads to a point that they avoid them and stay in the city for the most part. The nomads serve a greater purpose than most people know though and are the self proclaimed protectors of a mythological cave called the Cave of Wonders. Supposedly it is a cave that never opens in the same place twice and can not be found save for the ones who know where it will open next (the nomads). They have sworn their lives to protect the cave and the treasures that lie inside of it. They only allow those who were chosen by the earth to find and enter the cave. Supposedly there is a way that the nomads can tell who these people are and will kill anyone who gets to close that isn't chosen. This is only a rumor of course.

    The Bad Guys
    The Other Slum Boy (Taken by OathkeeperXIII) A young man saved from the slums by the saltin (who had the prophecy in mind) in infancy. Though he has at a young age become favored and trusted in the eyes of the saltin, he is feared and disliked by many others for his cruel nature and creepy wisdom beyond his years. The boy seems to have a way to manipulate the saltin that makes the people uneasy. He often disappeares into the desert and is the only person known to have gone there and come back alive.
    The Slum Boy's Pet- The creature is a bird that was found by the boy when he got lost in the desert as a child. Many know it as the boys pet and the two are never seen apart. But in reality, the creature can take any form and takes the shape of a bird in public for appearences only. It is really a demon that the boy conjured when he was six.

    Any other original characters are welcomed and encouraged. Some suggestions are some citizens, nomads, friends of the princess or other main characters, castle guards, etc...
    All we ask is that you stay relivant to the events of the roleplay and avoid god modding or creating mary sue type characters.

    Screw the 3 line rule I think its bull. But please use proper grammar and follow the basic rules of KHP. Both violence and romance are encouraged within reason. There will be a lot of things happening that will effect the civillian life of this RP. It could be interesting to follow a few civillians who face this but arent directly involved with the issues. You know?

    Theme: (optional)
    Weapon: (Once again Optional. Not everyone needs to be killing machines. Agaraba is a peaceful city for the most part in this RP)
    Other Info:
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator



    Azura is a kind hearted, powerful girl who sees the good in most people around her. She is wise and confident. Someone who will definitely make a good ruler one day. She has a mind of her own and is not afraid to speak it. She sometimes has a temper that can get her into trouble especially with her stubborn, independant tendancies.

    Azura was given everything she ever wanted, growing up. She never lacked in company or material posessions but she was also taught the importance of being a good leader and what those qualities were. She was taught to be self sacrifising and to keep the good of the people in mind at all times. When she was very young, her father introduced her to a new addition to the castle. It was a boy whom her father had named Jadeyn. It was her father's hope that somehow she and Jadeyn would be friends. Azura found a dislike almost imediately though. There was just something about him that frightened the young girl before he even opened his mouth to greet her. As they grew up together, Azura and Jadeyn never got along. In fact, they hated each other and were constantly butting heads. He was so bossy and cruel. And he would do things as a child around her that he wouldn't do around the adults that would scare her. He could conjure scary creatures and move objects with his mind. Of course, her father never believed her when she tried to tell him of the child's nature.
    Azura is still sometimes haunted by the memory of the first time she and Azura were left alone together. They were sent to play outside together in the gardens of the castle. They were both only 7 years old and Jadeyn had that bird of his sitting on his shoulder as they wandered the maze of trees and bushes.
    "Why do you always keep that creature with you. Why doesn't he just fly away." Azura had asked him.
    "Why do you care. He stays because I tell him to thats why." Jadeyn snapped back smugly.
    "It's a bird. Its a wild animal. It can't understand you speaking. I think you broke it's wings and thats why it doesn't fly." Azura answered.
    At that moment, Jadeyn stopped and looked at Azura with a sly look in his young eyes that sent a chill down Azura's spine. "Who said he was a bird. He looks like a bird. But did he tell you he was a bird?"
    Azura scoffed "It didn't have to tell me. It has wings and a beak. It's a bird. Don't be rediculous!"
    "He doesn't always have wings and a beak!" Jadeyn shot back "Inchenzo, show her!" he suddenly yelled defensively grabbing the creature from it's perch on his shoulder and throwing it at the ground in front of him angrily.
    At first, Azura was confused looking at the seemingly dead bird on the ground. Disturbed that the boy had actually killed his own pet. But then it's leg twitched, only once and the creature began to grow and change shape. It's wings became arms and it's feathers fell to the ground, disolving into smoke. With a few sickening cracking sounds and twitching motions, the small bird had suddenly become a creature that Azura had never seen before looking like a mix between a man and a wolf with long sharp teeth and claws and pale loose skin. It was taller than any man she had seen and much thinner. It screamed wildly as it's form continued to change and morph from manlike creature to wolf to bear to boar while Jadeyn only laughed at the horrified look on the princess's face.
    "See. He can be whatever I want him to be. And he stays because I told him to."
    "Stop It!" Azura yelled. "Just stop!" she closed her eyes and tried to cover her ears against the horrible sounds of the changing creature. And then she heard nothing. She cautiously put her hands down and opened her eyes to see nothing but a boy with a bird on his shoulder again.
    Jadeyn laughed "Go to your room Azura. I'm tired of playing with you." he said, kneeling on the ground and playing with some toys that had been left out for the two of them.
    "You cant tell me what to do." Azura had remarked, stomping her foot. "But I dont want to play with you and I'm telling my daddy what you did when he comes back. You'll get in trouble."
    The young boy didn't seem to hear her, too amused by a top he had started to spin.
    Her father never believed the story she told, assuming that the two kids had only played a very vivid game of makebelieve. He never believed her whenever she told stories like this afterward so she eventually just stopped trying and avoid Jadeyn the best she could.
    Azura had a basically good relationship with her father whenever Jadeyn wasn't around and got along with most other people perfectly. She is trying her hardest to be brave about her upcoming marrege to a stranger but the truth is she is terrified and does not like the feeling of being a target for power hungry men. Because of this, she lashes out at most of her suitors with her temper, giving her a shrewish reputation to most of the men presented to her. She has learned not to care what they think but as the day of her deadline comes closer, she has become panicky and unsure what to do about her predicament.

    Azura has dark skin and brown hair. Her bright blue eyes cause her to stand out from most of her family and the people around her. They are also very striking against her dark skin. There was once a rumor that she was a reincarnation of Vasalla because her appearence resembled the discriptions of the goddess in writings of old.

    Kingdom Hearts Piano Collections - Missing You ~ Namine - YouTube

    Azura and her family all posess a power that causes them to be "one with the world". She can therefore call forth the powers that come from the living world such as summoning the legendary cave and having dominion over the people that live on the world. She can somewhat control the elements and this power can be passed down to her children and shared with the man she will one day marry. It is the right of desendants of the goddess. But as for weapons, she has none. She does not believe in violence.

    Other Info:
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2012
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Sho *The Grim Heaper* Minamimoto

    Age: 18

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Appearance: Sho stands at 6 feet 3 inches tall, and weighs 185 pounds. He has blue/yellow eyes and tannish skin. He wears ripped black&blue jeans and a short black and red coat, and a silver necklace with a skull on the end, as well as a lion head adorned on his belt.

    Personality: Sho's cunning and brutal cat&mouse tactics are well known and feared by many. His only visible human quality besides his appearance is his infamous math jokes. Sho utilizes his brains, brawn, and speed to wear down and destroy his opponents.

    Bio: Sho is a math loving Savage who leads the desert nomads. His identity is not known by the people of Agrabah, but some rumors say he resides within The Cave of Wonders

    Weapon of Choice: Claws and two long swords

    Theme:Sho Minamimoto's theme - YouTube
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2012
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name: Huda
    Age: 16
    Personality: Huda is a charming sweet young woman. She works hard at everything she does and it always good listening to people and offering advise back. She does enjoy playing games, but only when she is permitted. She sticks to the rules a lot, but sometimes will promote not following them but rather following the heart, soul, and mind.

    Bio: Huda has been an official servant to the royal family since she was 5 years old. Her parents were both servants- her father a guard and her mother the royal seamstress. When she was 5 she began to help out as a servant delivering messages around the castle, helping to clean, helping to prepare food, and more. She's the same age as the princess and though the palace is quite large two young girls can meet easily. Huda became a friend to the princess and when she was 11 became the princess's personal servant.

    Though Huda likes the life of the castle she does wonder what the world has to offer. She follows the rules but she dreams of following her heart, mind, and soul one day to perhaps be something greater than a servant perhaps fall in love, have a family, maybe help run a store or travel all over Arabia.
    Theme: ||| Emotional Music Soul Touch - Trapped Souls ||| - YouTube
    Weapon: Huda does not fight, she has no need to. Her father though has taught her basic self defense and how to use a dagger which she does keep on her person, but has never been unsheathed for violence, if for anything, it's used as a tool of a servant.
    Other Info:
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2012
  5. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Name: Jadeyn

    Age: 16

    Personality: Jadeyn is very smart, sly, and manipulative. Even at a young age he has posessed a wisdom beyond his years. He is bossy, rude, and 'creepy' by the standards of kids his age. He doesn't care what people think of him and always gets what he wants.

    Bio: No one knows who Jadeyns parents are. He was found as a very young child in the slums of Agaraba. The king was the one who found him and brought him back to the palace to live there as, though not a member of a royal family, given the privlages as such. A prophecy was made on the day the princess was born that a figure would rise from the poorest corner of the world and bring a changing wind to Agaraba. One was similarly made about the princess herself which is why it is believed the king brought Jadeyn to the palace, hoping the two would grow fond of each other and one day be married. The king's way of trying to force the prophecy to come true did not work as the princess was a shrew to Jadeyn from the very moment she met him. The two hated each other and Jadeyn found it very fun to scare or annoy the girl as the two grew up. As he grew older, Jadeyn has become very trusted to the king to a point that even at age 16 he has become the kings most trusted advocate.
    There is more to Jadeyn that meets the eye. He has dark powers that none else he knows can understand. He can call back spirits of the dead to do his bidding, he can move objects without his hands, bend weaker minds to his will and even speak an ancient language which causes things to happen that he wishes. Though most people consider magic to be some mystic force that controls the person, Jadeyn believes that he can control it and that everyones ideals of magic and power are ancient and no longer needed. But of course, his attempts to show people his beliefs were hated. Of course, the only person he showed before was that shrewish princess.
    They were 12 years old at the time and were walking together to the quarters of their magic tutor.
    "This is a pointless class. Your tutor doesn't know anything about magic or the forces it comands." he commented, annoyed.
    "It is not. And he does too. It's important for us to understand the forces of nature and of the world around us. Its the only way we can be good future rulers of Agaraba." she shot back.
    "Thats all pointless. All of this, Agaraba doing its work and leading the people through us thing. The world isn't alive its a rock in space that happens to have a good atmosphere for us to live on. Its dead. And we are wasting our time trying to obey something that we can control." he laughed. "You are just like everyone else. Primitive."
    Azura only rolled her eyes "And you are stupid and crazy. Now lets go to class. We're going to be late."
    "You dont believe me." Jadeyn stated.
    "Of course I dont." she said as the two rounded a corner. "This world is our leader and our mother. We can do amazing things with her help and the help of our ansestors that are with her. To say that you can control her is not only foolish but it's arrogant."
    "IT, this force that you are speaking of has nothing to do with the world. It comes from us. I can show you." he insisted, grabbing her arm to make her stop walking and pay attention.
    "Let go of me!" she shouted, yanking her arm away. But she stayed anyway, folding her arms and watching Jadeyn impatiently.
    "Fine. Now watch." he commanded closing his eyes and placing his hands together. As he pulled them apart they began to spark with energy. He placed his palms in front of him and something began to form floating above them. A first it looked like nothing more than a glob of thick black mud but then it began to take the shape of a face. The face then opened its mouth with an eerie shreak. The mouth opened wide enough to consume the enture face and fold back around and the mud began to take a new form thinning out and getting taller before catching blue flames. What remained floating above Jadeyn's hand was a black flower who'se kind Azura had never seen before. He caught the thing in his hand and tossed it to Azura. "Tell me this came from the world. I created it. Magic is nothing but promises made in an ancient language. Vasalla never exsisted. It's all just smoke and mirrors written by quacks in old times to stop future generations from living up to their full potential. Its stopping progress."
    Azura didn't catch the flower but instead let it fall to the ground. As soon as it touched the ground it lost its form and burst into flames. She looked at Jadeyn with fear and confusion in her eyes "You are using evil magics and I will not have a part of it."
    Jadeyn laughed "Go to class, Azura." he commanded "
    The girl seemed annoyed at his statement. "Dont tell me what to do." she said but she turned and walked away anyway. Her reaction proved enough to him though. These people were not going to change their ways simply because he told them to. "I feel one day I will have to change their ways by force Inchenzo..."
    Since that day, Jadeyn has been imporoving his skills with the dark arts with plans to one day take over the kingdom one way or another. He has heard tales of a being with phinominal cosmic powers hidden somewhere in the desert and goes missing for weeks at a time searching the desert for it. He has become very aquanted with the desert and could survive alone there if needed if it weren't for the nomads who seem very intent on killing him.

    Appearence: [​IMG]

    Theme: Eerie music.

    Weapon: Dark powers. He is also good with a blade, having been taught by some of the best soldiers.

    everyone is, of course, accepted.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2012
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It's cool that Sho is the leader of the Nomads right?
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mine is now officially up.
  8. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Upcoming character: The Genie


    A rule I forgot to install. Please dont overload yourself with characters but you can take on two if you think you can handle it.
  9. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    So is the Diamond in the Rough character still open or has someone already claimed it?
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    i suppose i'll take part in this.. i'll have a temp up by tomorow
  11. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    (This is my temp for now. I'll work on it tomorrow before work or if you guys feel like anything needs to be changed.)

    Name: Kaiden

    Age: 16

    Personality: Kaiden is kind-hearted, due to the rough life he has to endure in the slums of Agaraba. He tries to watch out for the younger children forced to live in the slums and is willing to give up his food any time for someone who is starving. Kaiden is also willing to stand up to the guards that patrol the streets if they are harassing any of his friends, although he is arrogant about his skills and is quick to take action should the need arise.

    Bio: The first thing that Kaiden remembers is a strange lady appearing before him being showered in light. The lady reached forward and touched Kaiden upon his forehead, claiming that he would help change Agaraba forever. Since that time, Kaiden has spent most of his life running through the streets of Agaraba and trying to stay alive. He slowly became a skilled acrobat over the years.
    On many nights, Kaiden would look to the Palace and imagine what life would be like not having to always be on the run. He hopes that one day the lady's words would come true and he would do something truly important with his life.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Theme: Trailerhead - The Reluctant Warrior - YouTube

    Weapon: Kaiden carries a small knife with him that he only uses as a last resort if there is no other option for him. He is also a good fighter and knows a little bit on how to use a sword.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Alrighty then. I was expecting more templates already. Oh, and this second template will be for the Diamond in the Rough character (Unless Legendseeker claimed said character. Which, in that case, you need to specify that on the character template so people know). I'll leave the template blank until I get an answer as to whether or not that character is taken. Oh, and Sho, I'm assuming there are no problems with my first character here? Since I said he leads the nomads alongside your character.

    Name: Gerik

    Age: 19

    Personality: Gerik has a tendency to appear one way that is different than his intentions. He can put up a cheerful facade while probing for information and he can instantly drop all emotions and appear as a cold blooded killer. When he becomes emotionless like that, people tend to become fearful and leave before anything could happen to them (Whether or not Gerik ever intended to do anything in the first place).

    Bio: Gerik leads the nomads alongside Sho (Young leader ain't he?) and as such he is somebody to be feared. Whether or not he truly is a fearful person is unknown to the people of the city. He follows his duty to protect the Cave of Wonders with the utmost importance. Due to the nomads being feared and alien to the inhabitants of the city, Gerik has been able to sneak himself (Or other nomads) into the city and spread rumors about the nomads to keep people afraid of them and unwilling to venture out of the city.

    One of the reasons Gerik is a leader of the nomads is due to his abilities. His method of revealing whether or not an individual may enter the Cave of Wonders goes above and beyond any regular nomad. This allows him to basically 'read' people and infer their intentions (At the very least whether they are good or bad) with high accuracy. In addition to that, he has other abilities that are secret to even most of the nomads (Plot reason: Because it is fun. Real reason: I don't know what the limitations are for non royalty people doing things like magic. Would Oath or Hope like to PM me to explain?)

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Theme: Tsubasa Chronicle- Strange Games - YouTube

    Weapon: The weapons in his picture.

    Other Info:

    Second Character

    Name: Aaron

    Age: 17

    Personality: Having grown up on the streets and having to run away from the guards (Needs to steal to live after all) forced Aaron to become clever and a quick thinker or wind up in the palace dungeon and eventually executed. He doesn't know how to fight, so he jokes that his only skill is running.

    Bio: Like Kaiden, Aaron had an encounter with a woman bathed in a golden light. Whether that was real or a dream, Aaron isn't sure. And he dares not talk about it to anybody. After all, who would believe a street rat? Aside from that, his father vanished when Aaron was young, promising to return with enough riches to end their family's poverty. Not long after that Aaron's mother died from disease. The disease was fairly common at the time, but unfortunately they were too poor to afford the medicine. Interestingly enough, Aaron doesn't blame anybody for his mother's death, not even the royalty that regular poor people blame for their misfortune.

    When she was alive, Aaron's mother barely made enough money to feed herself and Aaron. Even then there were times when they had little food and his mother would skip out on meals to make sure Aaron ate. This was one of the contributing factors to her death. Unfortunately Aaron was too young to earn money and by the time he was old enough, he had already been alone for a long time. And by then, nobody would want to hire somebody in his position. As such Aaron has gotten used to a life of thievery, something he wishes he could change due to knowing his mother would want better for him.

    A few years after his mother's death Aaron met Kaiden. One day he had bitten off more than he could chew (Metaphorically speaking) and was being chased by the guards for stealing food. He managed to find a small hole to escape through, but at the cost of the food he stole. Having escaped, Aaron sat down and leaned against a wall in the dark room he was hiding in. Also hiding in this room was Kaiden, who had also stolen a meal. Kaiden shared the stolen food with Aaron and the pair tended to stick together afterwards. Aaron would go and stop Kaiden from doing something stupid, such as standing up to multiple guards all alone.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Theme: Tsubasa Chronicles - I talk to the rain - YouTube

    Weapon: None

    Other Info: Street rat (Second Diamond in the Rough character)
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Listen to the theme song as you read this. its located towards the bottom.

    Name: Minato Kazuka "Demon Of The Sand"


    Age: 19

    Personality: Minato has a overall cold exterior though ever since his younger brother died any warmth the remained within him perished the day his younger brother was taken from him by nomads. When he travels those that recognize him fear him and keep conversations with him as swift as can be to avoid staying in his presence for to long. Some people say he used to be a carefree child that always smiled. But from the young man standing as he is now that would seem more than a fictional rumor.

    Bio: Minato is a Traveleing Mercenary taking on contracts to "eliminate" others as he is given missions. He goes by the name as the "Demon Of The Sand" a title given to him by the masses. The phrase was coined when he forcefully took on a encampment of Raiders leaving nothing but blood sand left in his wake. There has never been a mission his has failed to carry out. A young man of his age most would think would help out his family or live a seemingly normal life.

    When Minato was 15 he and his family decided to take a trip a town over to the sultans palace business seemed busy during that time. His family was a group of traveling merchants so where the busy streets were they usually followed. During this time Minato's father carried a unusual amount of gold with him. He had been hearing that his father and mother had been ready to stop moving from town to town and settle. The night came swiftly as they traveled through the sand. But with the night came dark omens.

    Nomads struck in the night with only one goal in mind, Gold. "Old man where are your riches if you want to see tomorrow you will give them to us" The dark clad man said to Minato's father. Minato's mother grasped onto her husband and her two children. Minato had a hidden dagger slid on the side of his pants, something his father taught him as he grew. His father looked with a stern face. " Leave us !!" The nomad looked on with a smile on his face " Fine this is something you want to do the hard way thats fine! by us!!" It was no fight but a slaughter. Minato and his brother fought with there best but it was to no avail they were out numbered and outmatched

    " Big bro why arent momma and pop moving" Minato raised his head to the stary sky as tears fled down his face like water over on a downhill stream. "Etzy.... I wont let them harm you dont...look at mom and dad.....its to late for them." they both fought on but got separated and a single scream was let out. Minato turned and his brother lay there in his own pool of blood and the dark nomad stood over him " You should have given us what we wanted. " Minato stood there and fell to his knees as the nomads vanished as quick as they had came. Since this time Minato has remained cold and kept to himself. He has heard word of a genie that will cast a wish to the user. for that reason alone he heads in that direction.

    Theme: Of Mice And Men - Second and Sebring (video) - YouTube

    Weapon: Minato Wields two blades one of which is a curved Katana which belonged to his father and the second is a slanted scimitar which belonged to his younger brother. He rarely ever unsheathes his brothers blade.

    Other Info: He is called the Demon Of The Sand for a reason a persons best bet is to not have him prove why he is so.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I see no problem with it, but Hope also wants to lead aolongside my character so it's her and Oath's final decision, not mine.
  15. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Oh my gosh these are all such great templates guys! I'm even more excited about this RP now than I was before. It will be awesome!

    Hey all! So I double Hoe's enthusiasum. Glad to see our chararacters being put into capable looking hands. A few things that I have noticed, we are seeing two interests in Azura's Love interest and the main character in the story. To solve this problem, we have devised a plan. Ok so Aladdin has a best friend in the movie right? Granted he's a monkey/elephant xD but this is our version of the story and so we're changing that and adding a second 'diamond in the rough' character which we are going to call 'the street rat'. The two are either best friends or brothers and both are kind of needed for the hero role as of now. We have actually devised a plot for both of them which I shall PM you both of you want to do that.

    Because Desert Warrior has worked with Hope in that way before, (and because I still think they are going to get married one day... :p Shut up Hope it's true.) I'm a little more inclined to have him write a template for that simply because there might be a little more chemestry there. Not like in a creepy way but thats only Amy's humble opinion. I havent seen much of Legendseekers writing except for his stories but those suggest to me he's a capable writer too.

    Huda- Good background and depth. Accepted

    Sho- Good depth, could use some more detail but we like your zeal. Accepted.

    Kaiden- his picture looks bad ass. xD Accepted but we need to know if you and Desert want to colaborate so let us know. We actually like the idea of you two working together and this RP having two 'heroes' better than our original idea.

    Gerik- Always with the original characters with you Desert. Fuck yes.

    Minato- We already told you Hell Yeah on MSN. Welcome aboard oh fearless leader. xD teehee

    A few things we forgot to mention-
    Nomads: Even though they reside in the Cave of Wonders, only few of them are permitted to explore it's depths. The Nomad's only way of explaining this is that it prevents corruption of the group as a whole. Anyone who tries to explore the cave without that know-how and permission usually gets killed anyway by the cave in some way or another. Not even the leader of the Nomads can enter only ones they call 'Shamen', who can supposedly speak to the spirits of those who originally found the cave and now posess it, can safely enter the deepest parts of the cave which is supposedly where its truest treasures lie (namely: legends say the genie of the lamp, among other things left behind by the goddess herself). Even the "Diamond in the Rough" must be able to recognise the 'shamen' and get their guidense to get through the cave at least as far as they are permitted to go. The rest is up to the heroes alone.

    Oh and Desert, magic outside the royal family is limited but not impossible. Your template is fine. :)
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Sho resides in The Lamp's current resting place, does that mean he has to be a Shaman?
  17. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    It would be unwise for the leader to be because he would have to leave his ppl who can not enter the cave themselves. The leader is the one who leads the people, including shamens. And none have seen the lamp in ages not even the shamens are permitted to go into the cave far enough to see whats down there. The lamp is a myth.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I guess that'd make sense. When do I get my third super ally? Because Vox is already plotting my downfall WITH me on Messenger >_<
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    You asked for this when you underestimated Minato. Its your own fault.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I know I know, I'll make sure that flaw is fixed by the start of the rp.

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