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Arabian Nights (OOC)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Oath, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Two? Am I missing something? Or are you just reading my mind? (Since earlier today I was thinking of screwing around with relationships in this one for the lulz)

    I'm fine with that.

    Good to know I have a fan.

    I figured it would be something like this. After all having a group of people with access to a cave with an all powerful genie in it sounds like a bad idea without something that prevents said genie from being used.


    Hahaha. Rookie mistake Sho. You don't underestimate characters before the story even starts.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Yeah yeah, I heard from Vox already. I actually didn't underestimate him I just chose propability over facts... Just a slight miscalculation. Easy fix.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well Sho, this is certainly going to be interesting. Maybe I should go get some popcorn. Haha.

    So any plan when this will start?
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ....... I will see that he drowns in the sea of imaginary numbers!!!!!

    ........If I have to fight him at least.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Good to see such a good turnout for this thing. You two behave or I'll have to separate you. lol
  6. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Truth. I'll post the genie template in just a minute. Then as soon as we get a profile for Deserts other character we can start this.
  7. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Name: Genie

    Age: Unknown

    Personality: Genie is a trickster and a theif who cant be trusted. Though she must grant the wishes of others, wording of wishes is crutial because often, Or they will get what they want, but lose something in return. She has a very spiteful personality from a harsh first life and even harsher life in servitude of often cruel and abusive masters in the past. Benieth all that hard facade is a once mortal girl who wants nothing more than her freedom, is repentant of a sin she comitted in the past, and wants to do good.

    Bio: Genie's full name is Genivere. She was one of the first inhabitants of Agaraba and has a very vivid memory of the ways life was before Vasalla disappeared. She was once very close friends with Vasalla, the goddess, and had powers very similar to hers, though not near as powerful. Genie comitted a very serious crime against the goddess and though Vasalla's wrath was stronger than any storm the world could throw, Vasalla had a more cruel punishment in mind for her so called friend. Vasalla granted Genie a mockery of all her powers but used that power to bind her to the first object she could see at the time of casting her spell. An oil lamp on the nightstand.
    "You have decieved me friend. Been selfish. Kept me in the shadows. Stolen from me. and made a fool of me. Now, you will be the guiding light and servant of all who you meet. There will be no wish that you can not grant but your own. From now on you will not be Genivere of the gods but Genie of the Lamp."
    Genie rememembers nothing after that except waking up inside the lamp only 2 inches tall. It was dark and cold and the insides were slippery and wet with usage before. This was her prison, not her home. She remained there for the next three years before someone found the lamp in the desert and was her first official master. Since then, she has had more masters than she would care to count but she remembers each of their faces. After her first few, she became angry with her new role and many of her weak minded previous masters parished because of a mix of their greed and her wish granting. For the past millions of years she has gone without a master because of evil ones who once sought to use her powers for too great an evil. The nomads defeated them and then her Lamp was swallowed up by Agaraba. Later, her resting place became known as the Cave of Wonders though she wouldn't know this, due to have not been ordered out of her lamp since the day she was taken there and forgotten. Day by day she lives in the lamp, not aging, and not needig food or water. Waiting for a new master to come along... and be her possible last chance at the freedom she so desprately wants.


    Theme: The Dreamers - Tsubasa Chronicle - YouTube

    Weapon: Unlimited cosmic powers. But she can only used them if ordered to. She is virtually useless in her own defense.

    Other Info:
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Celene

    Age: 19

    Personality: Celene has a very average personality in most situations. She is wise and upbeat and likes to explore. But there are two personalities that reside in Celene's body and they both go by the same name. The other Celene is the spirits of the dead that speak through her. The dark Celene is cold hearted and, though not cruel, realistic. Dark Celene can take control at any time and any place but definitely when she is deep in the cave. If that werent the case, Celene wouldn't be able to survive down there.

    Bio: Celene is the member of the Nomads who knows the caves more than anyone else, because she can speak with it and understand it through... supposedly the spirits that reside in it. She isn't sure how she came to posess this power. No one really is. There are always at most two shamen alive. The last one to live was her father though she doesnt remember much about him seeing as he was murdered by one that is called The Demon of the Sand.
    Most of her life has been spent, becaue of this, as a close advocate of the leader of the nomads along with his second in command. The three of them together have a very good perspective of their objective. The nomad leader understands and rules over their people. The second in comand can read outsiders and deturmine their fate. Celene understands the caves themselves, knows where it will open and when it will close again, and knows her way through.
    Celene grew up an orphan, having never known her mother and having very little memories of her father seeing as he died, ironically, just when she became old enough to take over his responsibilities. She does not regret her lack of a childhood nor does she care, considering the clan she was raised in to be her family and the desert and the caves as her home.

    Appearence: Celene has olive skin, light brown hair, and golden yellow eyes. Her body is very thin and covered in painted markings. She is rarely ever fully clothed. [​IMG]
    Theme: Celene- Infected Mushroom - Becoming Insane - YouTube Dark Celene- Witch - Tsubasa Chronicle - YouTube

    Weapon: She is much more capable of defending herself than she looks. No weapon. She is just not afraid to get her hands dirty... especially when her dark side takes control.

    Other Info:
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Name: Asaya (pronounced Uh Sigh Uh)
    Age: 14
    Personality: Quiet
    Bio: Asaya was born a theif. Asaya never really had anything at all in her life until she began stealing. She learned to steal from a common theif in Agraba. Ayasa was born outside the gates of Agraba so she isn't legal in Agraba. Ayasa's parent abandoned her when she was 3 years old and left her to die. Somehow she wound up in Agraba being raised by theives and thugs. Her life has been nothing but bumps in the road. She survived a life threatening disease that made her throat swell and gave her a fever. Asaya never cared for anyone, not even the theives and thugs who raised her.
    Appearence: [​IMG] (With regular human ears)
    Theme: (optional)
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    Other Info:
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I made it back on my first post, but here it is for all of you who don't want to go looking.

    Name: Aaron

    Age: 17

    Personality: Having grown up on the streets and having to run away from the guards (Needs to steal to live after all) forced Aaron to become clever and a quick thinker or wind up in the palace dungeon and eventually executed. He doesn't know how to fight, so he jokes that his only skill is running.

    Bio: Like Kaiden, Aaron had an encounter with a woman bathed in a golden light. Whether that was real or a dream, Aaron isn't sure. And he dares not talk about it to anybody. After all, who would believe a street rat? Aside from that, his father vanished when Aaron was young, promising to return with enough riches to end their family's poverty. Not long after that Aaron's mother died from disease. The disease was fairly common at the time, but unfortunately they were too poor to afford the medicine. Interestingly enough, Aaron doesn't blame anybody for his mother's death, not even the royalty that regular poor people blame for their misfortune.

    When she was alive, Aaron's mother barely made enough money to feed herself and Aaron. Even then there were times when they had little food and his mother would skip out on meals to make sure Aaron ate. This was one of the contributing factors to her death. Unfortunately Aaron was too young to earn money and by the time he was old enough, he had already been alone for a long time. And by then, nobody would want to hire somebody in his position. As such Aaron has gotten used to a life of thievery, something he wishes he could change due to knowing his mother would want better for him.

    A few years after his mother's death Aaron met Kaiden. One day he had bitten off more than he could chew (Metaphorically speaking) and was being chased by the guards for stealing food. He managed to find a small hole to escape through, but at the cost of the food he stole. Having escaped, Aaron sat down and leaned against a wall in the dark room he was hiding in. Also hiding in this room was Kaiden, who had also stolen a meal. Kaiden shared the stolen food with Aaron and the pair tended to stick together afterwards. Aaron would go and stop Kaiden from doing something stupid, such as standing up to multiple guards all alone.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Theme: Tsubasa Chronicles - I talk to the rain - YouTube

    Weapon: None

    Other Info: Street rat (Second Diamond in the Rough character)
  11. Noir


    Name: Aero

    Age: 17

    Personality: Aero is kind, gentle but quiet. Not only that, he can be dangerous. He acts more of a hero, but he is in the neutral side. He stays cool, and has the speed of an assassin. He only uses his skills and moves; learned through his life and journey wisely. He loves the wind, which may give a clue to his name why.

    Bio: Aero was born with an already dead mother, luckily, he survived. His brother, father and uncle were the only ones who are remaining in his family. He lives near the princess' home, but not really that near.

    Starting a new journey by secret, he was found out quickly by his father. But his father didn't do an act that hurts him, his father started to teach him how to do the power of the wind. Aero still don't believes in superpowers or magics, anything like those, but Aero accepted his father's request.

    His father was a special person; he nearly drowned in an ocean far away from the lands of Agaraba and was surprisingly able to communicate with the wind and air.

    Before his father taught him; he tried to fight a Nasod far away from his home, but he thought that the Nasods were only looking for something. Aero keeps running from his enemies, because he keeps being scared, not forever, but he will be not anymore at the future. He planned to go back at his home, and get ready to be taught by his father.

    His father taught him everything for his age of 6, until 10. His father went missing by an unknown reason, and Aero never found him. Aero's brother accompanied him for a while, but he did not found his father. Instead, both of them got home. Aero tried to resume his journey at the age of 13 with a goal: Find his father, do important things for Agaraba and more good deeds he must do.

    Today, he still keeps the same goal and he promises to never give up.

    Appearence: [[​IMG]

    Theme: FFVII - Fulfilled Desires

    Weapon: A katana founded in the deepest sands of Agaraba. Surprisingly, this katana belongs from another land, but it went there unknowingly.

    Other Info: He always wear the matching type of clothes depending on the temperature.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    accepted. Is everyone accounted for now? It seems to me like we're about ready to start this.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    BOOYEAH!!!!! I'm SO ready for this :D
  14. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Is that accepted for me also? Just wondering
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Amah

    Age: 10

    Personality: Amah is a kind young girl. Due her age. She is very naive. Trust is her most recognized trait and she loves to be playful. Though kind-hearted and eloquent, she can be stubborn when it comes to her beliefs. Even children get upset, and occasionally Amah does. When upset, she doesn't act impulsive or crude but silences herself off becoming reclusive. Amah doesn't fear much so she tends to get into mischief even though she should be studying. She is taught to always keep a clear and focus mind. For this, Amah never hold a grudge or becomes angry at others.

    Bio: Amah hasn't any family. She does have strange origins though. Apparently she was granted with bizarre powers of healing and magic. Amah's birth was said to be in an ancient shrine within the desert and her arrival to the city is unknown. For this very reason, a family of shaman prophets and healers adopted her. In time at a young age, she became their apprentice. Learning the ways of magic. Naturally, she excelled at the art. But the family was very strict. She was not allowed to enter into the city by leaving the home. Amah could only study. There were two reasons behind their rules. Amah withheld substantial about of magic and the denizen resented her. As mischievous as children are, Amah sneaks out at night exploring the city and its people.


    Theme: None as of yet!

    Weapon: Amah's only weapon is magic. The amount she posses as a child is unimaginable but she does not know how to use it. Somewhat she can conjure,heal, and bend things to a degree.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2012
  16. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Angel, your character is very imaginative and we like that. Our first reaction was to turn her down because we stated before that magic outside the royal family is limited. Though we 've changed our minds. You can keep her the way you left her so long as you do not use these powers to god mod later on in the story. Accepted.
  17. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    are there anymore needed characters?
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    It seems that my computer got a very nasty virus. I'll still be here but it's hard to write on my phone so please excuse a few lower quality posts until I figure out what's wrong with it.
  19. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Sayo (Sai-oh)

    Age: '

    Sayo is very cold most of the time and tends to keep to himself, being anti-social doesn't make him happy he just believes that interacting too much will bring more harm than good. When he was little he lived alone among animals and coined the phrase "Survival of the fittest", this experience made a young man who relies heavily on stastics and his quick thought process, logical and rational thinking are two things in his mind "Morals" and "Virtue" are absent.

    Sayo was born in a foreign land far away from Agrabah where Industry and steam-powered machines were present in almost every corner of this technologically advanced city. Many people were left in charge of gears, which ran many of the city's essential machines, these people worked long hours for little pay and became known as "Grease Spots" which soiled the canvas of the city. The rich, upper class which consisted mostly of Scientists and Government Officials, never had to endure the harsh conditions of the desert. Sayo, who was the son of a "Grease Spot" learned to maintenance gears and became very knowledgable of machines began to create a new form of weaponry known as the "Firearm" and began to violently rebel against the government for rights and better working conditions. However, even with the new form of weaponry the rebels simply didn't have the man power to take the government on and were executed, since Sayo was just a child the government took pity upon him and decided to exile him as punishment, and so he left the city and lived in the Desert where he killed the few animals and drank cactus juice to survive. He soon came upon the city of Agrabah, he had survived the Desert and began a new life in the dark side of Agrabah, supplying bandits with weapons. With his help the bandits gained more and more control of the Slums in Agrabah. While in Agrabah, he discovered magic and set to work trying to find a way to control it, soon he found a way to channel it through a sword which he calls Sirius VI after failing many times. Sayo views the current ruling class of agrabah as over-indulgant and naive, he has plans to assassinate the ruling class soon. He may not know it, but he has created a blend of magic and science known as Alchemy.



    Blood Stain Child - Sirius VI (+Lyrics) - YouTube


    Sirius VI-
    The sword in the picture, it has the ability to control elemental magic by condensing it into a form of energy, it almost perfectly mimics the power of the descendants. How he is able to use it is unknown. It doesn't exactly have full control of he magic as he has to release it quickly in the form of shockwaves, blasts, and concentrated beam of energy. It is the sixth model and so far the only one able to control magic without blowing up.

    Martial Artist-
    He is very skilled in self defense and the martial arts, uses both his sword and his body as a deadly weapon.

    As the creator of the weapon he has a greater understanding of how it works and is able to shoot quite accurately almost completely without fail.

    Prosthetic Arm-
    His original arm was cut of by a bandit who stole some of his weapons, he soon set to work on a prosthetic arm which would be able to lift incredibly heavy objects almost three times his own weight, it is the only way he could control Sirius VI as using it with his regular arm would burn his flesh.

    He can synthesize items quite easily, however it's full potential is unknown. Using alchemy puts a large amount of stress on his body, wearing him down very quickly.

    Quick Thought Process-
    He is able to "dissect" a situation very quickly, thus ruling out possible solutions and outcomes at a very rapid pace.



    Other Info:
    Kinda futuristic I know, if you want I can take the firearms out but I really wanna keep the sword.
    Last edited: May 19, 2012
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Soooooooooo.... According to the rules, is everybody's character now dead due to a lack of posting? Or did the entire RP just up and die?

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