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Discussion in 'General' started by Napoléon, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    It seems as though many people have piercings these days, mainly in their ears, so I was wondering who on the forum has some ? These days you can get them anywhere on your body and to each their own when it comes to that subject. Piercings look flattering on some people.

    So how old were you when you got your first piercing ? What was the experience like ? Anything relevant to that cause can be mentioned in this thread.


    I'll start this off.

    I have a total of five piercings : Three in my left ear and two in my right. I got my newest one back in December on the upper part of my left ear; It barely hurt. As I get older, these things seem to not inflict as much pain.

    I got my ears pierced for the first time when I was 10 years old. It was my birthday and my mom had forced me into it since apparently it was something ten year olds do. I remember it as a terrible experience and it was far from painless. She brought me to Ardene (a store that's probably in both Canada and America; Can't say for certain) and it was horrifying. After the kind woman pierced one ear, I wanted to leave, but my mom made me sit down and suck it up since I had one left to go. When it was all said and done, I was crying and my mom was convincing me that it wasn't that bad. Looking at it now it probably wasn't, however, I didn't want them in the first place. Oh the stuggles of a whimpy child :rolleyes:
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ... Shouldn't this be in Debate PD?
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I don't have any yet but I plan to get them XD and yes they do hurt ask Vladmeir he has almost twenty!!!! I know becuse I know him personaly.
  4. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    Yes, I have some. Two in my left ear and one in my right. The first time I got my ears pierced was when I was 12 years old, in a very untraditional way. But since I was only thinking about having fun at the time, I allowed two of my friends to pierce my ears simultaneously with needles. Sadly, I had to let them close because my mom didn't like the fact that they were handmade. So when I went to the shop to remake them, it didn't hurt at all.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2012
  5. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Even though I'm not her, I'll answer anyway. No, this doesn't go to debates. Why? Because it's piercings in general, universal view, etc. If the thread would be like: "Is it wrong to have piercings" or something where you can debate or it's intended to be a debate, then it's a debate. Just browse the debates and figure out what's a debate.

    And that I won't go completely off-topic; I don't have any piercings, and most probably will never get any. I like my face without holes, thank you. Earrings are ugly anyway, and when there's a lot of 'em, it's even worse. So I'm never getting any piercings, thaaaaank you.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I only have one thing to say about piercings. Do not cry if someone stuck their finger in your ear hole because you are wearing gauges. DX The gauges earrings look so... Uuuugh... I know some kids who bought some piercings into their ears... DX But they have TOO many piercings.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    No. This is the proper place.

    I've had my ears pierced in the past (I had two in each ear), but ended up letting them close up. I was thirteen when I got the first ones done (my mom wouldn't let me get them done before then- said I was too young). I don't really remember the experience that well- I think I had them done at a Walmart or somewhere like that. I'm kinda wimpy, but it didn't hurt as much as I expected it to. Getting the second set done (I think I was eighteen then, or something like that) didn't really bother me at all. But the piercings ended up just a little asymmetric, and I got tired of them and figured I'd let them close up and have them redone right, but I never got around to it. One of these days...
    Napoléon likes this.
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I have one piercing in each ear. I wont ever get any more piercings than that. I'm happy with what I have. But for a while I considered getting my eyebrow pierced. I think the little stud there looks kind of cool. That or just a little ways behind the outer corner of my eye... on like the cheek bone area. Not sure if that makes sense but a friend of mine got one there and it looks cool too. That was when I was like a Junior in Highschool or so. Now, I dont think all that is me. Ya know? I think it looks good on people but, yeah.

    One thing about peircings that I'm not a fan of is gauges. I'm really not sure how that got popular. People with gaged ears, sorry this is just my opnion. I think it looks a little primitive.
  9. Luke

    Luke Member

    I have a spiderbite on my lip, lower left

    And im stretching both of my ears.
    No one like stretching anymore, its funny lol
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I used to want to get that done, too. I also went through a phase where I wanted my nose pierced, but I never did either of them.

    My sister and her boyfriend both have gauges, and I agree with you, I'm not a fan either. My sister's are pretty small and I don't really notice them, but her boyfriend's are huge and it's like I can't look away from them. I respect their right to like what they want and do what they want with their bodies, but I can't help feeling like in a few years , they'll regret it.
  11. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    I have two piercings in both my ears and my cartilage is pierce on my right ear, I really wanna get my bellybutton pierced but for right now, I'm too chicken to do it.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD And this is what I do to some people who I know who have some gauges. I talk to them and then when I tell them how big their gauges are and they ask me why I am so interested in their ears, I stick my pinky or thumb into their earhole and pull. They will feel uncomfortable and embarrassed for a little bit, pulling my hands out of their ear. But anyways, I always had a fear of piercings.

    Red Riding Hood: " O_O What big ear lobes you have!"
  13. Luke

    Luke Member

    This is fun though

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