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Kingdom Hearts 3D Secret Ending *Spoiler*

Discussion in 'Archive' started by x3pic, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Nomura said there was no plans for a kingdom hearts 2 at that time. Since it was so popular it was only right they did a KH2. Which means AT THE TIME. like i said, there was only one keyblade. Thats how i know go read interviews.

    Those are different keychains to change the keyblades.. BIG DIFFERENCE

    Those legends were not until KH2, where it made sense for them to have another keyblade wielder.
    Actually Sora and Riku were referred called the Keyblade MASTERS in the first game. When birth by sleep came out thats when the concept of MASTER and the MARK OF MASTRY TEST APPEARED. changing everything we knew about Kingdom Hearts.

    Negative, this was just a plot twist in Kingdom Hearts 1. Not showing there was more than one keyblade, but showing that there are others that can wield the destructive weapon. Which opened doors for SE to branch out. They had no clue KH would be this successful

    In case you didnt know, they changed a lot in KH2 before releasing it kid.
    I can almost promise you that before the release of KH2 they didn't have plans of Kairi nor Lea becoming a keyblade master. BUT due to the high fan reaction of Axel, they decided to do it. So it is only right
  2. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    2 I agree with X there...he has valuble prof and is very informed by and/or about the game...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2012
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Wait Wait Wait!!! Axel is a keyblade weilder??? can someone post the link to that vid please!!!
  4. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    what you didn't know? any of the organization members that you can get Keyblade chains from like Lea and Axel can wield keyblades...actuly Axel/Lea can weild TWO keyblades...Frolicking flame and bond of flame both belong to Axel/Lea...
  5. Razorhawkzor

    Razorhawkzor New Member

    Wait what? Consider my mind blown.
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I thought it would be:D the facts aren't FOR SURE according to the fan site but aperantly Axel/Lea were useing his two KEYBLADES in 3D's to help Riku and Sora...don't ask me I just got it from Key hole...but that thing changes left right and inbetween so someone probably deltted it not believeing it...no blam game there...
  7. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Is there a video for Lea wielding a keyblade? If so can someone post the link.
  8. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I doubt it...Japan keeps alot to themselves and I don't think anyone has 3D's yet...
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    In order to stay on topic, there are a lot of Kairi bashers on Youtube, getting confuse about the 7 protectors of light and the 7 Princesses of Hearts. I do know one thing: Roxas, Namine, and Terra is NOT going to be one of the 7 Protectors of Light so they might as well stop dreaming on that part.

    It is on a different thread that x3pic put up.

    Uh... Desifer... Lea was using his chakrams. He did not have the keyblade yet during that time. Do not believe wikia yet since information has been flying so fast lately... and you just tend to get your information wrong Desifer.

    Yet there were plans to make a Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories at the time.

    With the exception of Soul Eater and the Keyblade of People's Hearts, which did not use a keychain; Soul Eater was an intermediary for his keyblade and the Keyblade of People's Hearts being created from the Princesses of Hearts. However, your statement do have some truth to it, seeing as to how the Keyblade Graveyard never did yet appear until Birth by Sleep.

    But at the same time, we could have speculated that the Keyblade of People's Hearts may have been the one that brought ruin and destruction if Kingdom Hearts 2 were not to be in development.

    Meh. In my mind, more so of a wielder than a Master.

    But it still was enough to at least open up doors to the game players mind to think as to whether there can be more than one keyblade wielder.

    XD Actually I did know. As for reactions to Axel, I am not sure why he should be a Keyblade Wielder but as for Kairi, it may have been a little bit easier to set her up to wield a Keyblade. In my opinion is because of that Grandma's story and showing how Namine has ties to Kairi in Chain of Memories.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2012
  10. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.


    Really now? CoM didn't get decided until it was Demanded by the fans after KH1.. Not because they had plans of it.. Hold on..
    Please don't speak things you have no clue about.

    Soul Eater isn't a keyblade. So thats irrelevant. The Keyblade of People's Hearts was artificial and fake. Thats why it dissolved it was created by Ansem the seeker of darkness.

    Kingdom Hearts 2 didn't go in development until after KH1, Because they didn't think Kh1 would do so well they waited it out. Sure they might have plans, but those plans changed.
    I do as well, but the fact of the matter is. Back then sora was a Master. Until they developed something else and basically said. WAIT SORA ISN'T A MASTER

    True, thats SE for ya

    XD Actually I did know. As for reactions to Axel, I am not sure why he should be a Keyblade Wielder but as for Kairi, it may have been a little bit easier to set her up to wield a Keyblade. In my opinion is because of that Grandma's story and showing how Namine has ties to Kairi in Chain of Memories.[/QUOTE]
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD I laugh mainly because I already knew about that interview. From my point of view, there was supposed to be a sequel in idea. Now for me, I had unlocked the secret ending on the game before I learned of the interview silly. Now what did Nomura was saying is that with that secret ending, he only had it as a concept trailer during that time as he try to come up with a sequel, not really wanting it to be tied in to Kingdom Hearts 2. Now if I saw the interview before I unlocked the secret ending, my perspective may have matched with yours but because of this part of Nomura's interview:

    I still stick to my belief that he already had something in mind of a sequel even though it was vague and was not as to how he thought Kingdom Hearts 2 and Chain of Memories are now at that time. Sorry but I actually do know what I am talking about.

    It is not really irrelevant since Soul Eater is still the primary form of Riku's keyblade, Way to the Dawn and he still calls it Soul Eater. As for the Keyblade of People's Hearts, it is not really a fake since it is proven that this is the keyblade that Xehanort mentioned that it is needed to reach Kingdom Hearts in the first game by using the Princesses. Created man-made: Yes. Fake; not exactly... to an extent, especially since it was incomplete.

    Now to get back on the main importance on the spoiler. I am quite curious as to who is the 13 darkness who is going up against the seven light as described in the video.
  12. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Man...Kingdom Hearts just got confusing....Axel or lea whatever suppose to be gone I'm confused...somebody explain.
  13. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I think the other two lights are supposed to be Roxas and Xion. Both are parts of Sora, and are both powerful wielders.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -__- It is not Roxas or Xion. Both of them do not exist anymore and will not be coming back at all. <_> Seriously, Sora, Kairi, Lea, Riku and Mickey are the five. The only possibility are Aqua, Ventus and Terra. I doubt that it could be Terra but at the same time, Terra may be a part of the 13 Darkness. We cannot count Yen Sid in because he is retired. We may count in Donald or Goofy but even so, the 7 lights most preferably is counting Keyblade Masters only so Donald and Goofy may be crossed out.
  15. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Yeah speak nothing but opinions, which is ok but not true. You can't find anything saying they wanted to make CoM before the fans demanded it. The fact is CoM was sort of a last minute thing

    It's nice to stick to your opinions. I agree he had kingdom hearts 2 in his mind. It's confirmed that all the games like bbs and days and com were sort of last minute

    I can dig that. Are prospective is different but that is logical.

    Now to get back on the main importance on the spoiler. I am quite curious as to who is the 13 darkness who is going up against the seven light as described in the video.[/QUOTE]
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26


    Those who are part of the "13 Darkness" would be: Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Heartless Ansem, Isa, Xigbar and Young Xehanort. That is six there. It is quite hard to figure out the rest. I am starting to think that Terra may be one of them but I could be wrong. A lot of us want us to be Ventus as part of the "Seven Light" but Ventus may be just sleeping as always so Terra may be part of the "Seven Light". Still, when you think about it, Master Xehanort said himself that he himself created a new Organization XIII out of the different timelines of Xehanorts so you could assume that the others will be Xehanorts as well.
  17. SoraKeyblade

    SoraKeyblade New Member

    There is no way Donald and Goofy will wield a keyblade and i cant wait for the english version.
  18. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Here's my thoughts:

    7 Light: Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Axel, Donald, and Goofy.

    13 Darkness: Master Xehanort, Ansem SoD, Xemnas, Xigbar, Xalidin, Vexen, Lexeaus, Zexion, Saíx, Luxord, Demyx, Larxene, and Marluxia.

    The Organization 13 members, minus Axel and Roxas, Xehanort, and his Heartless. Seems accurate to me
  19. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Dang dood. Wait where was Lea in all that? And HAHA man Kairi? Sheesh. Interesting.
  20. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Those who are part of the "13 Darkness" would be: Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Heartless Ansem, Isa, Xigbar and Young Xehanort. That is six there. It is quite hard to figure out the rest. I am starting to think that Terra may be one of them but I could be wrong. A lot of us want us to be Ventus as part of the "Seven Light" but Ventus may be just sleeping as always so Terra may be part of the "Seven Light". Still, when you think about it, Master Xehanort said himself that he himself created a new Organization XIII out of the different timelines of Xehanorts so you could assume that the others will be Xehanorts as well.[/QUOTE]

    Hmm I beg to differ on your selection. I think it will be the previous org members.

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