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Senior Prom

Discussion in 'General' started by Angel, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Is it a big deal or no? My senior prom was today so what I want to know is. Is Senior Prom worth the time and money to go!

    So I want to know everyone's personal opinion about would they go or did they go? And lastly is it worth spending the money on and getting dressed up!
  2. beefjurky

    beefjurky New Member

    I'm not going to mine in a week, im going to a 14 band rock concert instead :)
    Buzzfest is a tradition for me now, and and and i went last year, its just another school dance, mixed with a house party afterwards
  3. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    My senior prom was just "alright". I originally wasn't going to go because at the time my family was having financial troubles and it didn't seem right to me to spend a great amount of money on what I honestly thought was "just another school dance". My mom however convinced me to go since I'm the only girl in my family it was a big deal for them to see me off to prom. We found ways to cut corners moneywise though: bought a dress on sale from Macys, took the bus instead of a limo, and worked after school tutoring kids to help pay for the tickets, and got a friend of the family to do my hair for me. As for the actual dance itself, I had fun dancing all night with my best friend/date but we could have done that at any old dance and still would have had the same amount of fun. So I guess to answer your question, prom is and isn't a big deal depending on what you make it. If you want it to be the most magical night of your life then it will be or if you think it's the stupidest thing ever invented then it'll be that too. It's all about how you look at it.
  4. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    My Senior Prom is near the end of June, so I still have a bit more time to debate on whether or not I want to go.

    Frankly, I'm not into the expenses of the entire event; Not to mention it's really just another high school dance, just more costly. My mom didn't want to go to hers, was forced to and ended up not liking it (I don't believe you can truly enjoy an event if you were told that you have to go), but that's why she said that I don't need to go to it if I don't want to. However, several of my friends want me to go, which is why I'm stuck in a weird spot.

    I don't see me going to it just because I'm not into those things (getting all fancy and what not), but we'll see. I believe that I could probably find something else to do that night that would be more fun and less money >_>
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I didn't go to my senior prom, and I can't say that I regret it. I'm not one for big crowds, and I'm also not one to waste money on a dress I'd only wear once. A group of my girl friends had all gotten together and pitched in for a limo and kept wanting me to go in with them, but I just wasn't ever interested. And after hearing about it afterwards, I think it's just as well, because even though our school rented a pretty nice place (an aquarium, actually), it didn't sound like it was much fun, with everyone on top of everyone else and crappy music.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I am not going to mine. -_- It is a "Prom" that is mainly for Juniors. The "Prom" is for Juniors but Seniors may come to it too if they wish. I went to my prom last year but I am not going this year. -_- Also heard of a rumor saying that the prom will be at a church so I have a big issue with that one. :mad: I told my older cousins that I am not going and they looked at me and wondered why I am not going and say that I will end up regretting not to go later on.

    Wouldn't matter anyways. On April 26th, I leave for Branson, Missouri for an Organization event with the Concert Choir since we will be singing in the opening part. >_> It is irritating because some of the members in the choir are so worry about the Prom being on the same day that we are still in Branson so we will be back home somewhere around midnight to 2:00 a.m. that early morning Saturday, the same day for prom instead of just coming back around 3:00 or 4:00 p.m that same day. *Sigh*

    Last year... all there were is grinding. <.> And almost all of the kids went and forgot how to do the Cupid Shuffle so all of the kids, especially the white ones looked at me to show them how to do the dance. Everything else is just grinding, slow dance and more grinding.... and a nasty NASTY chocolate fountain. I just danced with some of my friends the RIGHT way. One showed me how to grind and... yea. I am not comfortable with that. At least I still wear my prom suit to church. XD NOW THAT IS WHAT I ENJOY HAHAHAHA!

    But yea. The dances suck because there are no creative dances or good ol' dance music that we can remember and dance to. It actually all depends as to how the prom turns out.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    @Summoner. Haha stereotypes! You got to love them some times.

    Anywho, originally I wasn't going to go. Everyone (my friends) were like you have to go to your Senior Prom. It's a once in a life time chance. So I didn't care, it seemed like a normal dance to me. My mom wanted to rent me a tux but I didn't want to go. About 10 a.m Prom morning, I was like what the heck I'll go to say I went. And that's exactly what I did, It was okay. Nothing different from any other dance. Of course, there was grinding. Some of which I had to turn my head side-ways to figure out what some people were doing. I think its overrated though!
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_< I am not stereotyping. That is exactly what they did to me. It was a black dance and while I was dancing, two white kids start running up to me and wanted me to show them how to do the Cupid Shuffle and one made a joke saying that "I was black". And I mentally facepalm. *Facepalm*. And grinding is what makes the guys so horny; an alternative to sex.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Personally I see no point in it. My mom wanted me to go because hers got ruined(she did the grand march but then after her date lost the tickets so they couldn't get into the actual dance) my aunts though did not go.

    My schools prom is a rip off. Tickets are $190 a couple, it's being held at a local hotel ballroom, the dance starts at 6pm and ends 8am the next day and you're not allowed to leave, the dresses most girls get range from $150-$300 and my school girls give a care what you wear so you need to get at least $100 dress or you'll be hearing about how cheap your dress is. Then to wrap it all up the guys at my school are morons and to go with somebody else you have to pay extra and fill out all this paper work.

    All it is is another stupid school dance. I'm waiting till I get to college to go to any dance/party/formal event because where I'm going you pay only for food and the DJ making ticket price about $25 then dresses you can go and get one from JCPenney's for $30 and nobody will care.
  10. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    It isn’t such a big deal, a waste of money actually. Appear in a classy limousine, dance to your heart’s content, have a friendly conversation with all of your classmates like you have done a dozen times, have a drink and home sweet home (unless there are other plans involved later on). I personally didn’t waste my time going to mine; I just went with my friends on a trip and then to the beach. When I asked how the prom was to some of my friends, it wasn’t all that great, some even regretted going like I expected.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    :eek::eek: DAAAANG! Your mom's date went and lost the tickets?! Now that there is sad and awful. :confused: And why $190 a couple for tickets. Tickets where I live cost $30-$35 per ticket. As for the suits, me and a friend of mine did not care. She said "IT DOESN'T MATTER! Just run to Pebbles or something and buy a suit!" but I ran to JCPennies and bought my suit under $25 dollars and still look good. -_- Glad I do not live where you are. :D Lucky me no offense.
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    There's no such thing as a "black dance" but I know what you mean. It happens at my school all the time. It's pretty funny. I don't understand though. They usually play like Rap and R&B/HipHop at dances. I'm pretty sure there are other songs.

    I enjoy everyone's take and stories!
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Tickets usually cover...

    ~Price of food
    ~Price of waiters/waitress and other kitchen staff
    ~Price of Renting out two large banquet rooms at the nicest hotel in the area for a total of 14 hours
    ~Paying the teachers and other staff that supervise
    ~The tickets for the prom committee(the students on prom committee get free tickets)
    ~Transportations(i.e. limousines)
    ~Price for added security

    That's just the few major expense the ticket costs cover that I know of.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Honestly Angel, I see prom as a waste of time. If you want to have fun, go out and do it, don't spend your money on a night in the school where all you do is dance! That would be pointless. Go watch La Belle a La Bete, even that is better than prom.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    :confused: a La whaaat?

    Have they ever heard of a fundraiser? That may lower the price. -_-
  16. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    Eh, prom is prom. I went my junior year 'cause my friends were saying that 'either i go by my own free will or they would kidnap me with a burlap sack' or something obscure by those lines.

    I sadly gave in and it got worse as the months got closer and closer to prom. One of my best friends asked me if i could bring one of her friends as my date since he really wanted to come to the prom. I said yes just to be nice and told my mom. She completely flipped out on the idea of having a date that she told her boyfriend and they tried to set me up on a blind date with her boyfriend's brother-in-law's nephew >.> who i had no idea who he was (and have still to have not met him to this day, but that's more into the story)!

    After my mom going insane on me, i had to tell my friend sorry and that i couldn't take her friend. A month before prom, after the ticket sales were closed, and if i remember correctly, my friends that were pushing me to go to prom, decided to not go. So, i'm stuck having to go now or the school would go ballistic that and call my parents and be all.... ugh, crazy >__>;; And a week before the deadline to turn in the papers for my "date" to the school, I was told that this 'nephew' was going to be out working a late shift at Walmart.
    That's probably one of the two highlights of this story, and a kind of an odd thing to throw out there.

    There was only two friends of mine at the time that was going and they said 'oh let me sign you up for our table for dinner!' Big mistakes since those two loons didn't even put me on their list that was submitted and i didn't know until i got to the goddamn hotel room which was on the side of the freeway.

    The only highlight of that Junior prom was the oil spill on the freeway because some truck had an accident and it took 1.5-2 hours to drive 2 miles on the freeway to get to this stupid prom!! I really hated that night because not only was it a waste of time, but i was just so disappointed and self conscious because of how i sat there in my awkward dress that at least went down to my knees while everyone else had flowing gowns and hot dates to match.
    And there never was a senior prom moment because it was bad enough one time, and i was miserable from the time that i stepped through that hotel's doorway.

    And as for the tickets, I think the prices were $60 a person, $120 or so for a couple (mostly since we were an all-girls school and the dates were pretty much boyfriends/best guyfriends/etc.), not including photos that were taken, and were too bloody expensive for sure.
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Seniors get in free at my school but PROM is in the gym.

    Italia. Wow, your story will be great to tell your kids or just some random people! XD
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I go to a fairly... Lazy... School they'd rather pay up front versus working for it. There a candy fundraiser but it only last a week and you got only 5% of the sales.
  19. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Wow lots of anti-prom people here... to be honest, my prom is coming up in a few months, and I'm REALLY looking forward to it. it's once in a lifetime, and I plan to live it up. Life is about the experience, so how can I live if I don't go out to partake in it? sure it may be costly, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

    Call me an optimist, but I'm totally psyched for my prom.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    :eek: DX THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS! Dump them now or they will kidnap you once you are in your 20's! XD Just kidding. But man... prom is not for everyone. Yours is a great example... but why in the world everyone's price is so expensive? $35 is the lowest that I have stated on this thread.

    *facepalms* -_- Don't you have Student Council who help out with that? What a fail. No ideas at all? Wooow.

    Uh huh. Let us know how it turns out. Please tell me there will be no grinding at your prom.

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