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Xion/MF Theory

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by DarkAngel, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I agree with Tnkt_2. I am also under the upresion that Xion is Aqua. that is why I disided to revive this post. not that It will be seen or uesed. I even had a post that I found that is mostly prof once I find it agian I will post it on this thread.

    Xion may not be directly desended from Aqua but she is Aqua in a way. Aquas armor was used to make Xion in the experament. how ever it was warped in the proses to make it look like Soras body. now that being said It was warped on purpuse as well. Aquas armor would have probley brought back the memorries of Roxas/Ven. with that he might have made an efort to try and find Sora right away to try and wake him... ... ...at least that was the teroy I had.:D

    now for my theroy on how Xion was made. MF from BBS was the first to be made but that experament went wrong when it showed up in the past trying to kill Aqua, Terra and Ven. luckly for Xemnas/Xeahnort he failed. but thats not to say that the inishal tests for MF were not put forth to make Xion. once Xion was made they made sure that she had controle of her. unfrotunatly after hanging around Roxas/Ven and Axel/Lea the So called "Puppet" started to develope a mind of her own. in that she found out that she was built from an experament that was made from the original MF whos face is still alive and is still blank-faced.

    as for the part where MF comes in, he knew how to controle time and space right? and he used Xemnases/Xeahnorts Ethernal blades, right? well my theroy is that MF was the very first experament made to try and controle the keyblade. unfortunetly he went wrong and copied the powers of the Orginization instead. he also had a mind of his own to begin with witch means that he blambed the Orgization for turning him from an Unversed to a Nobody. thats right I think that MF was a futer Venitus. what he was planing to do is once he stoped him self from being brought back to life is beond me. but maybe his mind warped from bad to good so he dicided that if he destroied ATV he would be able to stop this intier ordeal.

    that is all the Theories that I have right now...I proise all of you that I will find that profe for this thread again
  2. Anniexo

    Anniexo New Member

    I'll have to disagree, the only link I see Xion having with Aqua, is that they can use a keyblade... Xion is made up of memories that belong to Sora, this is why she looks like different people to different people.

    Xigbar: He sees Ven due to them too meeting in BBS and Ven's heart being one with Sora
    Axel: I have read somewhere that he sees Namine
    Riku: I'm sure he could see Kairi
    Roxas: He sees her as we do, first as a black haired Kairi, and then as Sora...
  3. SoRoxas

    SoRoxas New Member

    Anniexo is correct except
    i thought axel saw her as Sora before roxas did and he knew it all along.
  4. Anniexo

    Anniexo New Member

    I don't think Axel ever saw her as Sora.
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    He initially saw her without a face then Kairi and Sora!
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    well think of how Xion was seen in BBS, there has to be some reason that they put her there, not to mention that she was an experament, and in the secret reports in Days Vexen did say that "The first one went rouge" so where dose that put MF's ability of Xigbar's time power, luxords space power andXemnases Eathernal blades come to Xions ability to use sora's and Roxases keyblade?
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    She wasn't seen in BBS unless you mean the "Blank Points".

    Xion was the first experiment.
  8. Anniexo

    Anniexo New Member

    Wrong way round, Xigbar as Space and Luxord has Time

    No she wasn't since her real name was No I so there were 8 before her
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    What does No I have to do with 8 replicas before her?

    Plus, Xion was the first replica.
  10. Anniexo

    Anniexo New Member

    I is the 9th letter, and I'm sure in game someone saying she isn't the first.
  11. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    exactly, not to mention that there was a man that went missing before that riku talked about saying that he was pretty strong by now, what if that was the first guy and he became the unknown? and if thats the case is it possible that namine was an experiment that was made by the orginization at the exact time that sora released Kairis heart therefor making her attatched to them both? and where did Xion come from if thats the case?
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Haha. Now I understand your confusion.

    Xion's name derives from No.I.
    "No." is an abbreviation for "Number". If you know your Roman Numerals, "I" means 1. So, translating Xion's name to "Number 1".

    Not exactly!
    First Guy of what?

    We know who the unknown is if you would like to know!

    Namine can't be an experiment!
    The first replica made by Vexen!
  13. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    No. i means "Number Imagination" from what the Keyhole says, its not a capital I its just i... ... ...witch I have no clue what that means...
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Really! Where did you get that from? Because obviously that's not in the game.

    "i" imeans 1. Vexen numbered his experiments, well Xion.
  15. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ...it's in The Keyhole...read Xions character profile in KH.wiki.com and you'll see what I am talking about...and its in one of the secret reports!!! how could you not see the secret reports!!!
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The lowercase "i" Does not mean imaginary unless it's italicized.

    Angel- Xion was not the first, Repliku came first.
  17. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    who?! and I read it off of the keyhole so of corse they might not always be corect and even if they weren't its in the Secret reports witch, need I mention, are in the game itself...
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Repliku- Riku Replica
  19. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ohh now I get it...I think...but even then he wasn't the first because the time that he was made there Xion was at the organization, hence KH: Days...
  20. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    -pops in a Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Cartridge-
    Umm...in the game. It's a regular "i" not an imaginary number i. There's nothing indicating it is an imaginary number.


    Xion was created first!

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