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Discussion in 'Archive' started by OMGItzHaddaway, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. OMGItzHaddaway

    OMGItzHaddaway New Member

    Hey, what's up? Haven't been on a forum in a LONG time, but my first forum was also all about that Kingdom Hearts, so I joined up for nostalgia sake to see what's going down!

    Ya'll can call me Had, Haddaway, or Mark if you prefer! I might as well list just a little about me:

    Bit About Me

    I'm 19 and going to college; I'm currently majoring in Journalism and Communication and going into radio in the future; I'm minoring in Chinese and Broadcasting Journalism also! Already have people who are willing to help me into the business, so that's good for me! I have a show on my college's station based around classic dance music/club classics and of course Top 40.

    Hobbies and Stuff I Like

    Learning Languages
    Video Games
    Working out
    Kung-Fu Movies

    Hopefully I can meet and talk to a bunch of people, always nice to talk to someone new! Don't hesitate to send me a message if ya'll wanna talk or have questions about radio or something!
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2012
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    No real interest in the radio, except for listening to it, but I'm going to be a music major, so...

    And journalism, that's pretty sweet.

    Since it's been awhile since you've been on the forums, I'll give you the whole spill of things.
    1.) Hey and Welcome
    2.) I'm Destiny you can call me Des, Dest, Dez, Nicole, or w/e
    3.) Go check out the forums rules
    4.) Be active and stick around, we could need somebody like you in the future.
  3. OMGItzHaddaway

    OMGItzHaddaway New Member

    Hey, no prob! Thanks for the welcome! Already took a look at the forum rules, so I'm pretty grounded there.

    I'll make sure to be active; not a ton to do right now, so I'll be glad to stick around!

    Music major, huh? That's awesome! What instrument do you play?

    Yeah, haha, Journalism is great. Cool stuff just writing up on stuff and things like that you know?
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Yeah, I was thinking about double majoring next year in journalism, but I think I may do creative writing instead, it's a little more of my forte. I'm a flute major, but I also play sax, some piano, some percussion, some guitar, and a few other woodwind instruments.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    :O WHICH VIDEO GAMES?! I'm Brandon. XD Hadda is funny so Hadda I will call you. I hope you like that one movie, Hero by Jet Li.
  6. OMGItzHaddaway

    OMGItzHaddaway New Member

    Oh yeah, definitely try Journalism out, great major. Creative Writing? That's awesome too! I used to play Clarinet, Sax, and Piano myself, haha.

    What games do I play? I mainly play fighting games like Street Fighter and stuff, but I'll honestly play anything. :)
  7. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    welcome to the forumz, and enjoy your stay here~

    I do dance too~ well, dance/choreography, really. orz
    and constantly injuring myself at the same time.
    along with playing 7 instruments, and doing A LOT more random stuff hobbies.
  8. OMGItzHaddaway

    OMGItzHaddaway New Member

    Sick, Khroma. Dance is boss! I'm getting into ballroom and big band swing, myself!

    I notice you have Chinese characters in your sig, are you fluent? I'm working on learning Mandarin, myself!
  9. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Hey, it seems we have a bit in common. I'm 19 and in college studying Journalism, Media and Communications.

    Welcome to the forums!
  10. Welcome to the forums! I hope you have fun, and make lots of friends. Enjoy your stay~ x3
  11. OMGItzHaddaway

    OMGItzHaddaway New Member

    Oh, sick, small world, huh? Hahah, that's awesome man.

    Thanks guys for the warm welcome!
  12. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Hey welcome to the forumz! You should like it here if you take interest in well everything.

    But now for the nickname..........OMGZ!!! Yupp I'm likin it.
  13. Noir


    Welcome to KHPlanet. Have a great time here. Since you already red the rules, you might wanna follow it from now on.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you have a real nice time here.

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