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Kingdom Hearts-Final Fantasy?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Lidistus, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. Lidistus

    Lidistus New Member

    Lidistus here wondering if you guys think it fair for most of the Final Fantasy characters in KH to be be part of 7? I mean ya there was Squall but 90% of the characters were 7 chars. I get it was a huge game but seriously it kinda was the same thing with the character every time, Cloud wanting to fight Sephiroth? I like FF7 thats true but if there gonna do FF characters at least give it a range ya know. What do you think, i think they should of had a FF6 character in it.

    Yours Truly,
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, there was a VI character in KH II.

    I agree that there has been a bit too much emphasis on FFVII when choosing the FF characters for the series, and I'd like to see characters from V and VI and IX in particular be chosen in the future, though I have to wonder how many more characters will be introduced in the series.

    I'm not really sorry that the VII characters were chosen, though, because Aerith and Cid Highwind are two of my favorite FF characters, and Cloud and Yuffie are all right for the most part, too. I just wish there'd been more characters used and that we got to interact with them a little more.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_- Final Fantasy VII will always be overrated no matter what. However, there are only 8 FFVII characters in Kingdom Hearts.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ Compared to the one IX character, and the one from VI.

    As the series goes on, the amount of characters from each of the FFs start to even out a little, seeing as we end up with five characters from VIII and six from a combination of X and X-2. But that still leaves out so many great characters from overlooked games like IX and the pre VII and post X-2 installments. And the ones from VII tend to have more focus put on them.

    But VII is FF's darling, and from an executive standpoint, the game developers would be stupid not to cash in on their biggest compilation. S-E knows that VII has a vocal fanbase with cash to spend, and if including that many of VII's characters grabs those fans' attentions and convinces them to buy the game, they'd be stupid not to take advantage.
  5. Lidistus

    Lidistus New Member

    Only 8 sounds small but compared to the total characters in the story that is alot for just one different game. I think they only picked it because it was one of there best selling titles ever, but they need to focus on different FF games if there gonna add them.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Final Fantasy X game is as popular but other than that, I guess they want to throw in Final Fantasy VII so that the players can have fun battling Sephiroth. Otherwise, Enix would think that the series will not be as fun.
  7. Lidistus

    Lidistus New Member

    Yes but to me its also Enix not Soft, i miss Square Soft alot, note never said i hate Enix but Soft was alot better and put more thought into there games.
  8. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Personally I understand why there is more FF7 characters in KH than other FF games,

    1. KH game came out around the same time that FF7 was marked as a must play FF game.
    2. Another reason to milk the series? look at FF7 they had a movie, and a prequel, they just did so much with FF7, and no wonder why people are mad that they haven't made a FF7 remake.
    But seriously I thought it was the worst FF game to date.
  9. Lidistus

    Lidistus New Member

    Well yes i get ur reason but atleast u agree it is a bad game.
  10. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    lol it is, I tried playing through the game, but I had to force my way to beat it. That's not good when you have to force your self to beat a game. I wish they would give us more FF8, 9, 10 or even 12 FF characters in this game, or better yet, give us Cecil from FFIV.
  11. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I had to force myself to read a book once because I didn't want to feel like I wasted my money, but that's beside the point xD

    Anyways, I didn't find Final Fantasy 7 to be that bad of a game. Sometimes I find that it is overhyped, but considering what year the game was made in it's actually pretty decent. Honestly, there probably wasn't much else RPG-wise out on the market at that time, so it gained several loyal die hard fans; And as Kitty stated, it would be crazy for Square Enix to not cash in on the Final Fantasy 7 franchise when there are so many people who like the game.

    Now, when it comes to which Final Fantasy characters are chosen for KH games, I think they should leave the FF7 characters in there, however, it would be nice to see more of other ones as well. Cecil's probably one of the only ones I would fight for since he is my all time favourite character, but I really don't understand why they haven't emphasized more on FF X characters because it's very popular like VII. I mean really, Tidus and Wakka played almost useless roles on Destiny's Island and the only appearance of Yuna was in KH II, but it was X-2 Yuna >_< (I liked her FF X self more.)

    But getting back on track here, it's cool that they choose to use FF VII characters because it helps branch the game out to more people, however, I'd like to see other FF characters in future installments too.
  12. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Well I had to force my self to beat KH2 in away, cause of the story and the fact that Sora was a wuss. There where to many wtf moments in that game. Not saying the game was bad, just saying that the story was kind of poor, it didn't feel what KH1 felt (Original). But I seriously think they should add more FF characters to KH, and like what you wrote Napoleon, but you have to understand it isn't up to Nomura its up to Disney to add those characters. So maybe that's another reason to why we can't get certain FF characters in KH. They pick the characters that they think will do well.
  13. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I'm a KH I fan too, but I did like the Organization XIII members in KH II.

    Why is it up to Disney to add those characters ? I thought it was up to the developers of KH apart of the Square Enix team itself that got to choose which FF characters are chosen for the KH series. But I don't see how some Final Fantasy characters wouldn't fit "Disney" standards because there is a large enough variety of movies produced under Disney that have people with bad habits in them.

    The main reason why I believe some FF characters are overlooked is because the game installment they were apart of wasn't as popular or 'mainstream' as other Final Fantasy games. I'd love to see Cecil in the games, but how realistic is it honestly ? FF IV was never an extremely popular one and I don't think a big enough crowd have played that particular game to make the KH team want to put one of it's characters in there. Now, when most people hear Final Fantasy, what comes to mind if VI (which is a legend and should have some more characters in Kingdom Hearts), VII, VIII, X and even XIII. I bolded the ones who are even known by people who don't play Final Fantasy games. I have friends who have never touched Final Fantasy games, but they know who Cloud, Squall and Auron are because they're just that mainstream. I find it's great how Kingdom Hearts has these well known FF characters, but it would be nice to see some from other games like VI, IV or even IX.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm sure Disney has a say, but I doubt they're the ones who make all of the decisions as to which FF characters are put in. In fact, I suspect Nomura has quite a bit of input in that, seeing as how most of the characters used are from games he's had a major hand in.

    And taking a look at the characters who have thus far made the cut, you've got Setzer who kidnapped an opera singer he was obsessed with (though granted, he ended up nabbing Celes by mistake, but still) and Cid who was emotionally, if not physically, abusive to Shera, the woman he'd shacked up with after she "screwed up" his space plans, so I don't see how anyone else they pick could be that bad.

    Disney's characters are hardly the best role models either, really. And if it's not a question of a character being appropriate for the younger gamers, then it'd be a question of which would catch the most interest and help make the most money, same as it would be for S-E.

    I agree. VII and X in particular, I think, are the ones people jump to (and VIII, too, but I think people mostly like to complain about VIII and the junction system). It just makes sense to put in characters people unfamiliar with the series or who only have dabbled in FF would recognize best.
  15. Lidistus

    Lidistus New Member

    Oh ya Cecil would be ausome but so would Locke and Terra!!!!
  16. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    I thought I read somewhere in a interview that it was up to Disney to adding FF characters in KH, like they choose the best ones that will get peoples attention. But I guess I agree with Kitty and say they pick the ones that people are familiar with, and the ones that they think will do the best. I also think it has to do with the story also.
  17. Lidistus

    Lidistus New Member

    It just makes me sad that they dont give I-VI recognition.
  18. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    it is sad, but I think I also understand why, It's because Nomura chooses the Final Fantasy characters that he thinks will fit with the KH game.
  19. Lidistus

    Lidistus New Member

    But why *fit* why not give them the quality that they had in the games? They all fit its fine.
  20. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    I would love to the the Knight from the 1st FF in the next game, i dont know how'd they would do it but i would love to see that. I agree that they put some FF people because it addes to the popularity of KH itself and when you add Disney plus FF in one game with some awesome new characters? You have to add all of the mainstreams. Hopefully we see some older characters

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