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The Official "Talk About KH3D"/"I Beat KH3D" Thread.

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Ventus, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Hey everyone!

    I just finished KH3D....and it is release day for North America! :)

    The review should be up soon but this thread is for telling us your first reaction to the ending. I haven't watched the secret ending but I'm nearing that! Don't spoil it!
    x3pic here, Thank You Ventus for your hard work. If you have anything to discuss about Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, please discuss it in this thread. DO NOT create individual threads like "This game is awesome". NO SPOILERS THAT IS YOUR FIRST AND ONLY WARNING. Thank You :). ~ x3pic
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
  2. DigitalNeonZ

    DigitalNeonZ New Member

    Awesome Game.

    The Game is soo Awesome! I just got it today and its the best ever. I love it. :D
  3. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is amazing!

    Ok so I got my copy of it just this morning, and I have not put it down since, I just got through the first two worlds, Traverse Town and Hunchback of Notre Dam (I know I spelt that last wrong last) lol.

    FIrst of all I have to say that this game is truly one of the better KH games, much better than that KH Re Coded game. For those who are new to the series, don't have to worry the game explains what happened in each KH game. The game is just loaded with information. The only concern that I have for this game is when you fighting a whole bunch of Dream Eaters, the screen kinda gets choppy, but otherwise this game is truly amazing and is a must.

    Feel free to post if you got this game today and how far are you. No spoilers please.
  4. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Feel free to post in my thread, where you can talk about what you like/dislike but no spoilers. Thanks and yes I agree that this game is AMAZING!
  5. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    we have a thread for this so I'll move it there :D
  6. Ejox

    Ejox New Member

    I got it here the 22nd cause im european and i gotta say the story is balls of the walls insane...
    i really cant get over how genious Xehanort has been this whole time.
    I mean i would never have guessed the whole truth behind organisation XIII and well the whole time travel thing... its amazing.
    i loved it
  7. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I am on The Grid which is my second world and I must say thus far this is my second favorite KH game. It just feels like Kingdom Hearts again rather than a crappy add on game.
  8. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I finished the game a bit over a week ago (UK release) and personally I found it to be quite disappointing.

    May contain spoilers, but I'll try my best to avoid them!

    The main thing that bothered me was how 'stupid' they made Sora in it. In the other games he knew what was going on and what to do. In this game its just like he's running around going 'derp I have a keyblade, wheres Riku, whats going on?'. He doesn't even remember the simplest instructions Yen Sid gives him (this is perhaps to give the player the momentos). They even reference in game how stupid/simple he is.

    Secondly what bothered me was the worlds. They all just felt really empty. Although the graphics and size of the worlds were incredible, they were just really shallow. Nothing seemed to happen until the last two or so worlds.

    The drop system also annoyed me. Especially when it happened during a boss fight. Yes this was easily remedied with drop-me-nots and you could simply drop back straight away. I just don't get why they fused both stories into one instead of doing something like COM or BBS. There was nothing in game or story wise that warranted the two stories being played simultaneously.

    I also thought the dream eaters were ugly...............

    Anyway, enough of my whinging. Despite all this, I still throughly enjoyed the game. I just wish it was broader, because although its a really nice segway into KHIII, it felt really hallow.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Freaking Rinzler. That boss pissed me off so much.

    That would have to be my biggest complaint as well. I was fighting the final boss on The Grid as Riku and right before I kill him I get forced to drop to Sora. When I got back to Riku the boss was fully healed.

    I wish that they had instead decided to let you switch between characters at the save points or something. I think that would work better than what they did with CoM and BBS. If they gave you multiple story modes, usually that would mean having to redo all the Dream Eater ally stuff. But by allowing you to switch at a save point the only difference from what it is now is the lack of dropping.
  10. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I've been waiting for a thread like this since I finished it on the 21st. This will be quite a lengthy review, but it'll be as spoiler free as I can keep it.

    I'll start with the negatives, although there weren't many.
    My biggest complaint is Sora. From the very first scene in Traverse Town, he acted completely oblivious. In the other games, he was a little ditzy, maybe slightly arrogant, but very friendly. Through most of this game, only the ditzy side showed.
    My second complaint is the drop gauge. I understand that they were just testing ideas for KHIII, but there are definitely much better ways to switch between stories. It rushed a beautiful game and was extremely frustrating for the bosses. I also think that there should've been a way to get rid of the Drop Gauge after you beat the story.
    My final complaint is Rinzler! I didn't die, but my Drop Gauge ran out against him once. He was difficult enough without the control flipping, especially considering he was only the third boss.

    Now for the positive aspects- just about everything I didn't just mention. It felt like KH again! Unlike Re:Coded, which was a shameless repeat of KH I, this had its own original plot and story significance. Riku was perfectly in character. He didn't angst, even though he had every reason to. He stayed strong through the entire game.

    The plot twists near the end after defeating Riku's fifth last boss in the final world were shocking, as were the plot twists after defeating Riku's third last boss.
    The fight against the main villains of the game weren't disappointing in the slightest; I died at least once against each of them. The final boss was amazing. I honestly did not expect it. On the subject of difficulty, the game was certainly the hardest to date; Birth by Sleep's Critical Mode was almost a walk in the park in comparison. At first I was slightly disappointed at the lack of Heartless and Nobodies, but the Dream Eaters grew on me eventually.

    As for the worlds themselves, they were quite atmospheric, but they could've done with being less...empty? Some NPCs scattered around here and there would've been nice.

    I would've loved a TWEWY secret boss (Taboo Minamimoto, anyone?) but that's not to say that the secret boss of the game was disappointing at all- I still can't defeat it.

    I liked that Sora and Riku both learned something at the end of every world. It mimicked Birth by Sleep in that way quite well.

    Now, the gameplay. I've covered the difficulty and the Drop Gauge already, but there's a lot to comment on in this section.
    The Flowmotion was awkward at first, and at the beginning of the game I thought it was quite superfluous. However, before the end of the first world, I realised that it allowed the worlds to be much, much bigger and more challenging. I personally think it was a brilliant idea.
    I was a little disappointed with the lack of command melding, but it wasn't too much of a change, and it actually made me explore other commands and gave me another reason to care about my Spirits, which added even more depth to the gameplay.
    The Nightmares could get very annoying, especially when ten of them surrounded you and ten more surrounded them. But again, I wouldn'tI've been waiting for a thread like this since I finished it on the 21st. I'll start with the negatives, although there weren't many.
    Okay, my biggest complaint is Sora. From the very first scene in Traverse Town, he acted completely oblivious. In the other games, he was a little ditzy, maybe slightly arrogant, but very friendly. Through most of this game, only the ditzy side showed.
    My second complaint is the drop gauge. There are much better ways to switch between stories. It rushed a beautiful game and was extremely frustrating for the bosses.
    I think that there should've been a way to get rid of the Drop Gauge after you beat the story.
    My final complaint is Rinzler! I didn't die, but my Drop Gauge ran out against him once. He was difficult enough without the control flipping, especially considering he was only the third boss.

    Now for the positive aspects- just about everything I didn't just mention. It felt like KH again! Unlike Re:Coded, which was a shameless repeat of KH I, this had its own original plot and story significance. Riku was perfectly in character. He didn't angst, even though he had every reason to. He stayed strong through the entire game.

    The plot twists near the end after defeating Riku's fifth last boss in the final world were shocking, as were the plot twists after defeating Riku's third last boss.
    The fight against the main villains of the game weren't disappointing in the slightest; I died at least once against each of them. The final boss was amazing. I honestly did not expect it. On the subject of difficulty, the game was certainly the hardest to date; Birth by Sleep's Critical Mode was almost a walk in the park in comparison. At first I was slightly disappointed at the lack of Heartless and Nobodies, but the Dream Eaters grew on me eventually.

    As for the worlds themselves, they were quite atmospheric, but they could've done with being less...empty? Some NPCs scattered around here and there would've been nice.

    I would've loved a TWEWY secret boss (Taboo Minamimoto, anyone?) but that's not to say that the secret boss of the game was disappointing at all- I still can't defeat it.

    I liked that Sora and Riku both learned something at the end of every world. It mimicked Birth by Sleep in that way quite well.

    Now, the gameplay. I've covered the difficulty and the Drop Gauge already, but there's a lot to comment on in this section.
    The Flowmotion was awkward at first, and at the beginning of the game I thought it was a little superfluous, but by the end of the first world I realised that it allowed the areas to be a lot bigger and deeper. In my opinion, it was a brilliant idea.
    I was slightly disappointed at the lack of command melding, but it actually ended up inspiring me to use commands that I'd never normally use, as well as giving me another reason to care about my Spirits.
    The Nightmares were quite unpredictable and made me think about how to defeat them. However, they could also be quite annoying, especially when ten of them surrounded you, and ten more surrounded them(which happened quite often, may I add). But again, it made the game difficult and I can only hope KH III is that challenging.

    I think I've covered almost every aspect of the game. I just hope that in KHIII, Sora acts more like KHII Sora and that the Drop Gauge does not stay.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
  11. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I guess I'm the only one who thought Rinzler was ridiculously easy, and that this game as a whole was unbelievably easy.

    Personally this game was pretty average. There are a lot of design decisions (flowmotion, reality shift, drop gauge, lack of world ally characters defeating the purpose of the inclusion of fan favorites like TWEWY characters, the story being convoluted and stupid) that held this game back from being as good as it could've been. I'll give a review on each subject without spoilers to the best of my ability:

    Atmosphere: Great. This felt amazing, like a true KH game again. The worlds were beautiful, the music was beautiful, and Sora/Riku definitely stayed true to their characters.

    Story: The story was terrible. I can't elaborate without spoilers, but the whole thing is basically a fancy attempt at being "deep" while having no real substance. It's also tainting the value of earlier games by writing off those adventures as meaningless in the long run. The story has been getting progressively convoluted and poor, and this game is no exception.

    Gameplay: This was 50/50. The combat system and Dive system were both a lot of fun. Dive was much better than the gummi ship, and a couple of the missions were challenging without ever making you overly frustrated. Combat was smooth, and felt like a more polished version of BBS. That said, Flowmotion, Dropping, Reality Shift, and Spirits weren't great. Spirits were acceptable, I just wish the game allowed you to interact with world specific characters like Neku and the Musketeers. Including these characters in cutscenes only defeats the purpose of including fan-service characters, and it also makes it very hard to remember you're technically traveling with someone when they don't even appear on the overworld during your travels.

    Secrets: I loved how much optional content was in the game. Special Portals are annoying to find, and ridiculously easy once you do. In order to access new ones, you have to Drop every time you want to cycle the active Special Portals and that gets really obnoxious. The keyblades in the game felt lazy, only two keyblades per character are exclusive, and one of those is the default key they start with. There are a good deal of secret bosses in the game, but they're only buffed versions of the original bosses you access via "Secret Portals". They're tough, but they're not anything you need to grind for. I've personally never lost to one. Julius is much harder, but he's really predictable and easy to deal with, he just does a ridiculous amount of damage and has way too much health. He's nothing compared to Mysterious Figure or Armor Terra.

    Overall: I'd give this game a solid 7/10. It's not a bad game by any means, but they shot themselves in the foot a few times with stupid calls. It stops this game from being as amazing as it could've been. It's an amazing game, but it feels a bit like wasted potential.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
  12. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Rinzler was so hard! I got stuck at that point for quite a while. I loved Flowmotion and I believe it added to the experience but everything else I can agree with. I've actually never heard of these secret portals though. Can you please explain?

    Check out the review: Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Review | Kingdom Hearts - Kingdom Hearts 3
  13. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    What part of him gave you trouble? If it was the reversed controls thing, all you had to do was block/counter attack while you were up on the roof, and then beat him down when the game returned to its normal state. He was definitely weird, but he wasn't hard if you play defensively.

    Secret Portals are areas in each world that allow you to re-battle the boss at a higher difficulty level, like a mini-secret boss. They are all accessible just like normal portals in whatever area you fought the boss at in that world.
  14. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    When I played too defensively, my Drop Gauge ran out. When I played too offensively, I got beat down. I only died once, because of the Drop Gauge, but it was hard finding the balance, especially as I was quite underlevelled at the time. To be honest, the only part that really gave me trouble was the constant sniping whenever I tried to heal.
    By the way, which difficulty did you play on?
  15. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Proud, I'm going to finish 100%-ing the game before I do Critical mode. I made a habit of using Drop-Me-Not's prior to boss battles, or saving and dropping right before the battle so that I could go into them all with fresh drop gauges.
  16. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Im doing Standard right now, I'm pretty close to beating the game, what level where you guys when you beat the game? I'm at level 37.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    For me it had to do with the fact that he wouldn't stop as you attacked him. He acted as though nothing happened when he was hit and could easily attack you while you attacked. And I fought him at a low level as well, which increased the difficulty.

    For those of you who've beaten the game, I gotta ask. Is there a reason that the game keeps track of the number of times you've dropped between Sora and Riku?
  18. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Alright so I just rubbished Sora's final boss so naturally it dropped me back I to Riku. I am stuck on the third boss fight. Any advice? And about Rinzler being hard, I found him quite easy. Just block the entire time and counter. I heat him third try
  19. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Seems to just be a statistic it keeps track of for the sake of having it. I guess so you can gauge your time. If there is a reason, I haven't found it.

    I was around 32

    If the third one is who I think it is, equip dark splicer. When he pushes you away activate it and you'll immediately teleport to him to attack. Otherwise just play smart, use your healing wisely. When he throws the dark orbs, block them and you'll be fine, but they will kill you if one hits.
  20. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Rinzler was so easy! I don't understand how he's so difficult for you guys.

    I'm almost done with the game. I'm on the final world with Riku, and I beat his first 3 bosses. The first one was the hardest. I've been playing this game without locking on because my L doesn't work, so it's been more challenging for me. It's so fun. Can't wait till I beat it. 21+ hours and haven't even died yet =) I definitely can't wait for KH3

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