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Board Games

Discussion in 'General' started by Napoléon, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    So, who here plays board games ? And no, not "bored games" >_>

    I've had a pretty basic summer and one of the things that I've started to enjoy was playing board games with my family. Now, I'm hoping that I'm not the only person on the entire site who finds that these things are great, but you never know.

    Some of the ones I play are :

    Monopoly - I often play this with my mom because she claims all my other games are too complicated.
    Chess - I consider this to be a board game and I usually challenge my brother. It's my favourite game of all time, mainly because you either use some extreme strategy or pure luck with random moves.
    Clue - I played Harry Potter Clue at my friends house the other day and it was wicked ! My undying love for HP was made even better, not to mention I'm a super detective.
    Checkers - I'm always asked to play checkers, even though I'm not a huge fan of it. I try my best, but I'm truly terrible at this one.
    The Game of Life - My cousins always want to play this one with me. I always want to be the Tax Collector, but I usually end up with other stellar jobs like Rockstar :cool:

    Hmm... Those are really my main ones. I'm being pushed into buying Risk, so that may become a new addition.
  2. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Has anyone ever tried to deviate away from the classics? Of course I play Cluedo, Monopoly, Scrabble and all the others, but there's some other really great board games out there.

    For instance, some friends and I recently picked up Munchkin which is a super fun game, this YouTube video explains more.

    There's some other greats too, like Carcassone, Ticket to Ride and more :)
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't get to play board games very often anymore, not like I used to when I was a kid, but I still do play them on occasion. Apples to Apples is probably the one I play most often now. As a kid, I liked The Game of Life, Guess Who?, and Clue- I always had to be Miss Scarlet. I didn't care for Monopoly so much because the game is neverending, but my sisters and I had the game and we did play it sometimes, though we'd cheat a lot by just taking money out of the bank when the others weren't looking.

    One of my friends and I used to play chess a lot when we were in middle school, but I've since lost my board and I hate playing it on the computer. I'm thinking of picking up another board, though, because my nephew has recently gotten really interested in it (not sure where on earth he heard about it, seeing as he's five), but he's gotten some lessons from a client of mine who has a chess club at the local middle school and he's gotten pretty good at it. And I figure there are worse things he could be interested in.
  4. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Apples to Apples in an incredibly fun game, I also enjoy Cards Against Humanity, which is very similar, only it contains some very dark humour that you probably wouldn't appreciate playing with your family.

    Still, if you're into sick humour and have a bunch of friends who share similar interests, it's definitely worth picking up, or you can even just download some files from their site and print off your own cards.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ Thank you for the rec. It doesn't sound like a game to play with the parents, but it does sound like it would be a lot of fun, particularly if drinking is involved, so I'll be sure to keep it in mind should an opportunity arise. Though I'll have to wait for it to be back in stock to pick it up.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The only board game I will ever play is Chess and that's it. Checkers is a meh. :D I bet I can whoop you Purpy (Napoleon) in some chess. ;D
  7. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I've lost interest in board games. If anything, I'll play Chess or Checkers. That's about it
  8. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Psssh... I've been playing chess for years now, so we'll see about that :cool:

    I forgot to mention a board game that I liked that's not exactly classic, but it's not as "new tech" as some of the games mentioned previously. It's called Blokus and the point of the game is to place clear coloured tiles on a board to essentially block the other players. (Wow, that was a terrible explanation on my part.) I'm sure if you ever wanted to look into it, the instructions would be of more help than I.
  9. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    The makers of that game of had a terrible time with unreal amounts of popularity, and thus are constantly plagued by lack of stock. I'm fairly sure that if they ever do get stock in it goes within the day, sometimes the hour.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ;D I did too and I guarantee you that I will win. So fun to come up with new moves in that game. Best thing about it: It is a quiet game so if someone tries to talk to the player or try to help, I can throw a brick and tell them to be quiet. XD

    But yea. Chess is the main game I will play. Family don't even play Monopoly anymore (And the game takes so long to finish anyway, especially with all of the counting of the money).
  11. Zatchara

    Zatchara New Member

    Used to be an avid Checkers and Pictionary player. Granted, I was and still am rubbish at drawing, but it was entertaining. I also had two Pokemon board games, as well as a Star Wars Game of Life board game that were amazing. Actually, I still have my SWGoL board, after having just checked.
  12. Cloud<3

    Cloud<3 New Member

    The only two board games I still play are Quelf and Settlers of Catan. And I play the occasional game of Chess, but I am not that good at it.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I have that game, too! I've played it once so far- it was pretty fun, but also a little stupid, but that was okay because everyone playing it was a little drunk. >_<

    That's too bad. There are sellers you can buy it from on Amazon (or there were the other day when I looked), but they want way more money than I'm willing to pay for a board game. I don't know how much the game's makers charge, but I can't see shelling out $90+ for it.
  14. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    I love Monopoly, I played Juniors when I was younger.
  15. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I think by default it's about $15, but yeah, people are people and do horrible things like buy up all the stock of a card game to sell it on for ridiculously high amounts of money.

    Coincidental that this process would be called a Monopoly.
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator


    It's ridiculous. There were people trying to sell a copy for over $200, even. I can't imagine. $15 to $25 was more what I was thinking it would be worth. Board games aren't as cheap as they used to be, as I've discovered when picking some out for my nephew, but unless it's made out of gold or something, the prices I was seeing on Amazon seemed insane.
  17. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I'm rubbish at drawing for Pictionary as well. There's not a lot of time to put thought into what you're doing; you're just trying to draw quickly in order to get your partner to guess what it is >_<

    I don't know how juvenile this will sound, but I recently bought Chutes and Ladders (Disney edition) and I'm actually enjoying it. Chutes and Ladders is a fairly quick game, unless everybody lands on a slide which sets you back, however, it's still a good thing to waste some time. Since it's the Disney edition, we play as Disney Princesses, but other than that it's played like the regular old version.

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