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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel was shocked not realizing he was behind her.

    "But, I want to know how we got here, why we weren't at this point back then. Please, Lu?" She begged her eyes pleading to know as well. She reached up and grabbed his hand off her shoulder, holding his large hand in her two small petite hands pleading with her eyes to know.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia's eyes shone with fear and shock. "I... Angel... listen... I can't remember exactly what happened. However, I know that something happened on the day we were meant to leave... I don't... know what though..." He had no choice but to lie, he feared her reaction, but more then anything, he feared losing her again.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel shook her head frowning. She felt like there was something she wasn't being told, she didn't like it at all.

    "Lu..." she observed him carefully. There was something alright and for whatever reason he was not telling her it. She didn't like it at all. She was frowning and still pleaded with her eyes while her body language showed frustration building.
  4. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole smirked at Jordan's praise and decided to finish the match. The two stepped up to one another and began to connect blows with each others bats. Every swing the other threw was met with a block. This one on for at least two minutes. The crowd was beginning to get so large and loud, it was questionable as to whether they were causing Cole to lose focus, who began to have delay reactions on his blocks.

    "Ha, what's wrong Cole? This too much for you," Jordan asked in a cocky manner. He pressed his bat against Cole's, forcing Cole down to a knee.

    Cole began to pant, struggling to catch his breath now. "Never," he managed to get out. He spun around Jordan and kicked him in the back of his knees, causing Jordan to fall forward and onto the ground. Cole stood high above Jordan and said, "That's check, my friend." The crowd began to count.


    Jordan started laughing.


    Cole, confused, asked, "What's so funny?"


    "This," Jordan said in a hushed tone. He kicked Cole's bat high in the air, swung his own bat at Cole's face, and caught Cole's bat. Cole stumbled backwards, holding his face in pain and watched as Jordan ran towards him. Jordan swung swiftly and quickly at Cole, hitting him in several places. Finally, he hit Cole once in the gut and as Cole bent over to hold his stomach, Jordan slammed both bats as hard as he could on Cole's head.

    Cole lied on the ground in pain and rolled on his back. He could hear the crowd now yelling one, meaning he lost. Jordan didn't use his powers, and he knew it, but was in utter shock that he lost. Jordan hadn't been training under one of the greatest masters ever for seven years, so why was he so strong? He looked up and saw a hand being given to him from his friend. He took Jordan's hand and saw the upset look on Jordan's face.

    "Well that was boring," he said to Cole. Before Cole could respond, the two were swarmed by the kids and adults who had gathered around. The kids wanted autographs and the parents wanted them to teach their kids the moves Jordan and Cole performed. Although they did no teaching or encore performances, they did sign a few of the kids bats.

    Xigbar smiled and stood up, making his way for the door. "All you gotta do is tell me if he does anything you haven't seen an average Key Bearer do. And if he starts getting headaches," Xigbar said happily as he walked out of the door and down the hallway. 'Idiot," he thought to himself.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia hesitated, but didn't speak at first, "Angel... I'd rather we just went to bed, have a little fun, and, quite frankly, got some sleep." He took off his cloak, showing off his bare chest. "C'mon my little Angel... It is time for round two of our honeymoon."

    Axel smirked, and thought to himself, 'idiot, he just gave me full access away from the castle. Now, we can start phase 2.' He walked through a portal, appearing in the ruined Twilight Town.

    "Isa! Did you get a keyblade wielder?"
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2012
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked at him. She still didn't like how the thought and request we being pushed away. She sighed and smiled at him following him into the room. She stared at his chest and sighed.

    Now focussing on the thing in front of her she just stared at his chest. His chest just turned her on. She stopped though.

    "Lu. First thing though. I want a real honey moon this time. Not a one night stand. I want to have a few days to you and I only, no distraction and no interruptions. Just you and me. More importantly, after these few days, I want to be pregnant." She told him. She didn't take off her clothes at all until he promised.

    She walked closer to him and began to undo his pants to tease him and give into her latest request.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia smirked, "I promise, my love," he told her as he began pulling Angel's clothes off, his own being removed by her. Upon reaching the bed Marluxia smiled, snapping his fingers, summoning the barrier around his castle preventing entry from dark portals. "This time, there will be no interruptions... just you and me, Angel... Together, as a couple." He finished removing her clothes and purred, "Let's have some fun shall we!"
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2012
  8. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Arashi yawned as he destroyed another heartless on his way to Merlins house, while he didn't really care to fight such low level weaklings he knew that even a weak heartless could steal somebody's heart so that alone was why he was trying to clear out the area. A couple minutes later after the weaklings were cleared out he was standing in front of a door which he kicked in before noticing Sky. "Yo, is the Wizard in?"
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Slowly the crowd around Jordan and Cole began to disperse, leaving the three, including Deimos, alone. Jordan looked to Deimos and gave a smile. "I'm gonna take Cole back. Be back in a few seconds," he told Deimos, hoping he'd listen. He looked at Cole and gestured for him to follow in a newly opened portal.

    "But...we have to go NOW? I wanted to see if-"

    "Trust me, it hurts much more when they don't recognize you," Jordan interrupted before walking through the portal, Cole reluctantly following behind. As the two walked through, they appeared in front of the house where the others stayed. "Now, I hope this changes a few things between us and any rumors said about me," Jordan said, folding his arms and smirking.

    Cole shook his head and replied, "No. Because I never believed them." He smiled at Jordan who smiled back. "What did you mean by that match being boring? And how did you get so strong?"

    Jordan scoffed and began to walk back into the portal. "The reason you couldn't pass the Mark of Mastery Exam and I have," Jordan said before walking into the portal, it closing shut behind him leaving a baffled Cole.

    "'And I have'," Cole quoted.

    Saïx emerged from a dark corner and shook his head. "Unfortunately, no. But if he cooperates, I think we found someone," he told Axel, referring to the insane power source nearby which was undoubtedly Jordan's.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos nodded, and created a throne to sit in while he waited for Jordan to return.

    Axel raised an eyebrow, "You mean Jordan? Hmm... this is his home, maybe he'll cooperate for once. I'll go see him, be right back." Axel vanished, appearing in front of Jordan's portal, getting in as it closed. "Jordan! Just the guy I needed to see. We have something that may interest you, if you'll follow me..."
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2012
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Saïx shook his head and chuckled. "I'm rather interested in seeing that actually," he said. He disappeared and reappeared on a rooftop above the men below.

    Jordan was about to say something to Deimos until he was met with Axel. He looked at the firey Nobody and looked at him confused. "And, uh, who are you," he asked. It was at that instant, he snapped his fingers and smiled. "Firecracker right? Axew, right? Listen Axew, me and my friend Deimos here have important things to do. Like train." He walked around Axel and patted Deimos on the shoulder and continued onward, signalling for him to follow.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel raised an eyebrow as Deimos got up and started to follow Jordan. "What if I told you... it was possible to... lock away the darkness in a world? Or unlock its inner light? Would that change your mind?"

    He stopped, vanishing and reappearing in front of Deimos and Jordan, putting his pointer finger to the side of his head, "The name's Axel, A-X-E-L, Got it memorized?"
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan stopped in front of Axel and smiled. He shrugged and replied, "Oh, I have no idea what you're talking about," Jordan said in an overly honest tone.

    Saïx dropped down and said, "No more lies. We know this is a fake simulated world. We're here to bring your real world back." He walked up and stood behind Axel. "And all we need is that key of yours."

    Jordan looked downat his hand and clenched it into a fist. "My world...doesn't need to be brought back."

    OOC: Is this good enough?
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ooc- good enough for me broski.

    IC- Axel sighed, "Jordan, think about Cole, wouldn't he be happier in his real home, instead of a simulated version? Besides, real hearts and simulation hearts are two very different things."

    Deimos growled, "Lord Jordan said no and that is that! Get out of our way!"
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Saïx drew his Claymore and held it in front of Deimos. "I would advise you to not even dare use that tone or"

    "And I would advise YOU not to raise a weapon at my student. Besides, I could give a rats ass about what Cole feels. If he's happy and trusts me, well then my mission is nearly complete," he told Saïx. He placed a hand on Saïx's weapon and made Saïx lower it. "Now, if you would please let us past, I won't tell Xemnas or Xigbar about your disobedience."
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel scoffed, "I'm on a private mission FOR Xigbar, so..."

    Before Axel could finish, a dark portal opened beside him, revealing Xaldin.

    "Saïx, you have been called on by the Superior, he wishes to speak to you about the rogue." Xaldin turned to Jordan and laughed, "As much as I hate to say it, Axel is on special orders from Xemnas and Xigbar to investigate this simulation world, and get rid of it by any means necessary." He gave Jordan the mission report from Xemnas and Xigbar, however, it left out Cole.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Japanese Dream - YouTube

    Angel laid underneath Lu. His hands rubbed her arms and trailed down her body. She reached up and grasped his cheeks. He was staring down at her body before looking up at her.

    "Lu..." Angel breathed.

    "Angel, I want you to let go. Let go of everything." He told her. Angel looked at him. "Just to make love with you." Lu told her. He leaned in closer to her ear. "When we're all done, we will be expecting..." He whispered. Angel smiled at the thought of being a mother.

    "As long as I'm with you, you at my side, I'll be happy." Angel told him.

    "My sweet, elegant Angel, I admire your passion..." He said.

    "I love you." And those three simple words caused Lu to passionately dive at her lips in a deep passionate kiss. They moaned into the kisses. Lu broke apart, their breathing was now intense.

    "I love you." Lu said when he sat up. He laid his hands on her hips. He instead of guiding himself in, lifted Angel and guided her onto him allowing her to feel the force of power and passion. Angel wapped her legs around him as his hands moved to her waste and she sat up. Legs wrapped tight holding him in her. He didn't hump her or anything like that, just he was held inside of her.

    Angel pulled her entire body close to him. Her breast held tight against his body as her one hand was positioned behind his neck. The other dug through his long pink hair. He gave her a sweet lovingly kiss.

    "Angel, tell me... do you wish for sweet love, calming love, or passionate love?" Lu asked her. Angel looked at him.

    "Whatever you want, I will take. Whatever you wish of me, I will do. I only hope for the same wishes in return." Angel told him.

    "I admire your passion." Lu said standing up. He positioned his hand under her butt and the other on her lower back. He was still inside of her as he carried her off somewhere.

    He carried her to a balcony off of his chamber. The balcony was large and private. It overlooked their home world in its deserted loneliness. Off to the side were cushions set up by the nobodies. He fell to his knees. Angel fell back onto the soft plush cushioning. Her legs still wrapped around his hips and he still remained inside of her.

    "Do you know why you're holding onto me, and why I have not exited from you?" Marluxia asked. Angel looked at him confused. "I want you to realize we'll always be together. This will be my promise. I am always with you and will never leave you. We share the same heart." Marluxia explained.

    "And now?" Angel asked. Marluxia smiled at her and grabbed her thighs wrapped around him. His thumbs dug deep in her thigh in a massage.

    "I want to show you how passionate I am about you. I hope I will not hurt you too much, but I have so much passion and intensity for you, I just can't hold it back anymore." Marluxia said. "I want you to let go of everything as well as I will be letting go of everything." Marluxia told her. Angel removed her legs and smiled at him. He smiled at her and pulled out.

    He smiled at her and stared at her beautiful body. Angel stared up at his body and moved to staring deeply in his blue eyes as his blue eyes observed her body. He smiled and looked into her eyes.

    He then forced into her, then again, then again. He continued this process. He did it until he reached where he wanted to reach. Angel kept let out screams, moans, and grunts each time he forced into her.

    Her eyes widened when he reached her point but he still was determine to dig deeper. Then he made it. Angel let out a loud scream. Her adrenaline kicked in. Her heart thumped hard in her chest and she couldn't breathe. He threw his head back. He looked so happy. He forced back to that spot again letting out a moan Angel unable to make any noise. He kept going at it.

    Angel didn't know what to think of this her mind went blank almost. Then she felt her release. She didn't warn him. He felt it and he let out a moan. Her release made it even more enjoyable where he was located in her.

    Lu kissed Angel passionately and she kissed back, their tongues intertwining. He broke the kiss and went to her breast and started sucking on it. Angel let out a moan of pleasure. The realization if they succeed a child will be doing the same to her. Angel felt him smirk against his breast meaning one thing. He pulled away and forced himself as deep in as possible. Angel smiled feeling his release inside of her.

    If it would take or not, she was unsure. The release of his was so long and pleasurable to her. Her eyes were shut tight. Her back arched up arching up against his body. Her sweaty body stuck to his skin.

    The two lovers despite both releasing repeated everything until they both fell asleep. Marluxia held Angels body against his and there was no easy escape. Angel didn't care though, she was happy. She was the luckiest girl in the world she thought.
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan took the paper and read over the paper and snickered. "Well damn, it's right here, huh? Humph, whatever, this doesn't help me at all," he said, throwing the paper to the ground, it igniting into flames before it even landed.

    Saïx gasped at Xaldin's orders and quickly regained his composure, walking towards the portal. 'Xemnas wants me? But for what purpose,' he thought to himself as he stopped to look back at Axel. He gave an approving nod and disappeared through the portal.

    Jordan watched Saïx leave and turned his attention back to Axel. "Sorry Axew, just not interested," Jordan told him, beginning to walk off.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin smirked slightly, placing a hand on Jordan's shoulder, "Xigbar told me about your meeting, and he also informed me to watch the both of you," He pointed at Axel and Jordan, "and make sure this mission was a success... If you disobey Axel's or my own orders Jordan, you will lose what little faith we have in you, and we will be forced to turn to the heroes for aid." He laughed darkly, "Only Xemnas could tell you why he wants this world back, but to the point. Jordan, if you don't help us find the keyhole, you will lose the support of the Organization. If you attempt to forcefully escape, I have been given orders to attack, and apprehend you, with a little help from Lexaeus and Zexion of course." Xaldin's six spears whirlwinded into existance, "Well, Jordan? Make your choice."
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will lifted his bloody face from his hands, still chewing a piece of the raw meat. He felt a small chuckle escape his throat as he stood, heading to find Jordan. William's voice was but a faint whisper now, the darkness itself speaking to him. "You're almost better than Cole, you just need to keep feeding. We're almost complete..." It breathed, cooing at him to strike at the many small apprentices, feed on them as well, taste the darkness in their heart. But Will was looking for Jordan. He wanted to prove himself.

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