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Hey guys!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by xdflames, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. xdflames

    xdflames New Member

    Hey, finally decided to make an account on a Kingdom Hearts forum since Dream Drop Distance recently came out. I'm pretty much a Kingdom Hearts veteran and I play proud difficulty first play through in every game except for the first game. I have played all of the games, and gotten the secret ending so far, except for Dream Drop Distance which I should be seeing later on today once I re-fight the bosses and answer the questions correctly..

    Basically, all you really need to know about me is I basically know 99% (of the story actually released in the games, so far) of everything Kingdom Hearts related, and the rest of the 1% will be pieced together once I play through Dream Drop Distance again on Critical difficulty.

    I'm a die hard Kingdom Hearts fan and have been since the beginning, my favorite game is Birth by Sleep, my favorite character is Aqua, and I'm very happy to meet all of you.
    Napoléon likes this.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy yourself here.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ^_^ HI HI HI HI HI! DX I have so many people to try and say hi to. :D But you love Aqua! YES! So happy! What else do you like? I am Brandon! Did you beat the Unknown person with Aqua yet? -_- I am still trying.
  4. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Hey there Flames, welcome to KHP ~!
    I haven't played Dream Drop Distance yet (since I don't own a 3DS), but maybe next summer ?
    Stick around, read the rules and have fun on the site.
    Don't be shy to talk to the members on here, like me, because we're pretty cool :cool:

  5. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Well hi flamer. Welcome to our humble abode. Stick around, stay active , have fun, and read the rules. Call me Ven, Veni, Vani, Venorama, Moogle, Mog, Rory, whatever.
  6. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    I am so late here.
    Nonetheless, have fun, follow the rules, and post plentiful! :3
  7. Noir


    Welcome to KHPlanet forums. Enjoy your time of stay here.
  8. thexwarlord

    thexwarlord New Member

    Aqua fans unite!!!! Welcome to the forums, have fun here... None of us bite except for Shoo.. Just kidding Shoo o_o
  9. xdflames

    xdflames New Member

    I will!
    Yeah, I did. I loved playing Aqua in BBS, was so glad that the Final Episode was with her as well.
    Don't worry, I'm not a shy person.
    Righty-o Whatever!
    I always follow the rules, except I haven't read them yet.. I'll do that after I finish replying.. >.>
    I will!
    I.. Will remember this information, it may come in handy later.
    And right, Aqua is pretty fantastic.
  10. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    welcome to KHP and enjoy your stay here ^w^

    been doing other stuff, other games. ..all that stuff.
  11. xdflames

    xdflames New Member

    I haven't played since my PSP exploded..

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