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I dislike.....

Discussion in 'Fun & Games' started by Key King, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    don't tell me you have Scoliosis like I do DDD:


    I dislike have countless splitz ......-sigh-
  2. Paranoia God

    Paranoia God Fuck off

    No, I just have a bad back because of.. ehhh. Can't mention here, too personal. e_o;

    I dislike how humid it is right now. ;o;
  3. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    oouuuu. okaaay~~


    I dislike how I just found out that my neck has been swollen for ...who knowz how many yearz. QQ
    (thought my neck was normal -fail- QQ)
  4. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    I dislike trolls that review my stories with two sentences bashing my work, and when I double check to see if they are right or not...I find they are wrong.
  5. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I know this is really personal, but do you have PXE?
    I dislike selfish people.
  6. Paranoia God

    Paranoia God Fuck off

    I dislike how long it takes to make a Shimeji.
  7. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    LMAO. no, I don't (-thankz the sky-)
    and itz fine; not really that personal to me ^w^
    I have PCS and some other crazy mental disorderz I developed when I was little


    I dislike how I need to go to the therapist every week now ..-cries-
    even though she very nice.
  8. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    On the topic of therapists- although I've never had one- I dislike people who try, and fail, to "figure people out" and label people. If that makes any sense :s
  9. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    I dislike stalkers and know-it-alls.
  10. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I dislike stereotypes.
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I still dislike school
  12. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I dislike bananas.
  13. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I dislike being at a loss for words >.<
  14. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    LMAO. thatz like one of my English Teachers at my old school ...
    and I actually asked her that (because she didn't know me).

    me: Mrs. _________ do you hate bananas? (her name is private information qq)
    her: Yes, I do~!! (in a "proud" voice).

    ish okay owner >w<
    take time and think it out~


    I dislike my sore shoulder blades. ._.
  15. angelwings

    angelwings New Member

    I dislike the new Little Pony craze and how most of the fans are 25- 30 + aged men watching a little girls show.

    It sounds so.... creepy.
  16. Noir



    I dislike me being bad at Math, it's like everybody is good at Math . , .
  17. Same here... ;w;

    I dislike coconut.
  18. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    That's, like, the most random thing you could've asked her lmao.
    I dislike brilliant books with lousy endings.
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    I dislike the 2nd-4th week(s) of school. That's pretty much my most hated time during the school year, besides the middle.
  20. Paranoia God

    Paranoia God Fuck off

    I dislike how my ex-boyfriend thinks he can randomly show up, says cruel things to me, and walk all over me as if I'm nothing.
    I seriously hate this guy. >_>

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