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Spirit World - OOC/SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Noir, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. Noir


    The Spirit World.
    Long ago before Heaven was the Spirit World or the afterlife, there was another. This is where we go when we die, making it an afterlife. But, the door to the Spirit World has been broken and several souls have escaped. But all of them were eliminated.
    The door was still left broken because Heaven was now made the new Spirit World. But some souls were left in the Spirit World and escaped without being noticed. They haunted the galaxy for a really long time, until...

    It's been a mass of years since the Spirit World was made with the universe. Still, rogue souls haunt the galaxy, but, some heroes finally arrived. All of them had un-human and extraordinary powers, for some reasons currently unknown. This heroes will stand and become The Legendary Exorcists of the Rogue Souls.

    NOTE: This is not about the anime/manga, Blue Exorcist/Ao No Exorcist.

    The Legendary Exorcists of the Rogue Souls (or Soul Exorcist)
    Are people who are said to be heroes, but this is true, as when the time comes, they will be truly a Soul Exorcist. A Soul Exorcist is a type of Exorcist who get rids only of Rogue and Evil Souls, and they are said to be the only people who can get rid of these kind of souls.
    Only they will be a Soul Exorcist when they become truly strong (all are not really weak at the start) and at the level destined to become one.
    (1). Shuraito Death Leviathan
    (2). Zac
    (3). Rush
    (4). Kiran Himura
    (5). Dawn Sylvette Leviathan

    The Rogue Souls
    The survived souls who had escaped the previous afterlife. Their home is The Spirit World, and will do anything to protect their home. Recently they have been haunting the galaxy, planet by planet. But their next target is... Earth.
    (1). Eckart Ravner
    (2). Aeron Sanguis
    (3). Trixis Anne
    (4). Sylvia Delavon
    (5). Zeno Drake

    The neutral side, mostly normal humans and other normal people.

    Death - The father of Shuraito

    ~ TEMPLATE ~
    Race: (all of the unhuman species should be on Earth later on the RP. Also Rogue Souls can't have a race)
    Weapon: (if none, you can have 6 abilities)
    Abilities: (4 only!)

    - Original Roleplay Rules are applied.
    - Other species than human must go to Earth later on the RP, including the Rogue Souls
    - If you have a made-up race, please explain some details!
    - If you have a weapon(s), you can only have 4 abilities. If you have no weapon, you can have 2 more abilities.
    - This is fictional. No characters from original fiction! Ex. A popular anime series, TV shows, mangas, books, etc.

    Human, Rogue Spirit, Angel and Demon.
    NOTE: Only 2 Angels and Demons allowed.

    Humans - The normal and common species in the RP. Most of them are neutral.
    Rogue Spirits - The survived souls who escaped the previous afterlife, the Spirit World.
    Angels - The supernatural and powerful beings who serve God himself.
    Demons - The supernatural and powerful beings who used to serve the Devil, but now co-exists with the Angels and God.

    1. Earth (Can be home of everyone, but other species must be in their own planet before they get here and/or make this their home.)
    2. The Spirit World (Home of the Rogue Spirits)
    3. Heaven (Humans and Other species will only go there when taken by the Angels in the RP.)
    4. Hell (Humans and Other species will only go there when taken the Demons in the RP.)

    Other supporting details will come soon if I give more ideas.
    And, last to say, enjoy the RP! Let's hope it will not die.
    RP will start when there are 3 Exorcists (including mine) and 3 Rogue Souls.

    I will post my profile soon as someone makes a profile.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I would like to be a Soul Exorcist

    Name: Zac

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Apperance: Zac is skinny and lanky in build, with white skin, brown thick, shaggy hair, and hazel eyes. He often wear a red t-shirt with a grey best, denim jeans, black fingerless gloves, wrist guards, and lack shoes ( he isn't one for fashion to be honest :p)

    Side: Good

    Personality: Zac is kind hearted, caring and faithful. However, Zac can be extremely passive Agresive, which is a big weakness for him. He is able to crack a joke now and again, which helps lighten the mood for the others he works with.


    A young teenage boy, Zac is ready to fight off the evil and corrupt souls. Zac's past envolves a lot of ups and downs, some of them including the deaths of his baby brother, his great grandmother and his grandpa, though he rather keeps his past hidden. Zac has kept his faith strong, no matter the hardships, through all of these years, proving him to be a tough adversary, as he keeps his faith in God.

    Weapons: Sword of the Spirit, the Bible, Shield of Faith

    Abilities: Non, other than the fact he is skille din swordsmanship
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  3. This sounds awesome and I would love to make a template, but I have two questions:

    1.) Are rogue spirits literally ghost-like in form? Or can they appear however we want?

    2.) Can a rogue spirit be a Demon, or can Demons only be Neutral characters?

    Either way, I'd like to make a rogue spirit character. I'll get started on my template as soon as my questions are answered.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    One of my favorite anime's im in.
  5. He said it's NOT about Ao no Exorcist XD but I'd have to agree with you, the anime is awesome!
  6. Noir


    Vox, it's not about it the anime, but it's like similar to it. there you go.

    Razac, you need to put info in your missing info, and if you are with the Good side, make it Soul Exorcist.

    Kurai, yes, they appear in some ghost form. It can be any appearance of a living thing, but still looks ghostly. And no, they can't be demons. Neutral and Exorcist only, same with angels.
    EDIT: Actually, you can make them used to be.

    I will edit and put my template here in this post.

    Name: Shuraito Death Leviathan

    : 17 (1700 in Angel Years)

    Title: The Sage of Light and Darkness (soon)

    Gender: Male

    Race: Angel-Demon


    Side: Legendary Soul Exorcist #1, Hero Side

    Personality: Very quiet, gentle, kind and caring. He will do anything for his friends and family, but he can be dangerous and sometimes angry causing him to enter his Eternal Form, but this is very risky. He is also a fast learner, intelligent and serious.

    Born from an ancient high land in the heavens, he was trained very well. He was more specialized in swordsmanship. At the age of 7, he was taught how to do magic. He was successful and was said to be a fast learner.
    His mother also taught him to do magic in their home.

    He was very happy by the life he had lived, but one day, his father, the Grim Reaper, Death, took his wife's brother to be annihilated for a reason that Death hated. Shuraito followed his father and tried to save his uncle, but it was too late. Death looked at his son, with a face of fear and sadness. Shuraito ran away, but Death was worried about him.

    Shuraito ran to his mom and said that Uncle was dead, and his mom cried with a half of sadness for the death of her brother and a half of joy for her son being successful. Since that day, their relationship became stronger and closer.

    10 years later, he became one of the destined to become an Exorcist, and was the first one. He was now more stronger and quieter. His uncle's death changed his active and very happy personality to a quiet and serious personality. Someday, he will defeat his own father.

    Scythe - Scythe

    Exorcist Gun -
    Energy Blast - Shuraito shoots a ball of blue flame with energy surrounding it, making it stronger. Shuraito mastered this skill at the age of 15.

    Sage Skill: Rogue Soul Exorcism - Shuraito summons a rune and writes an angelic sign of exorcism. Then he makes it glow by doing the hand praying position, thus the rogue soul will go to the pentagram and be gone. He hasn't still mastered this.

    Sage Skill: Resurrection - Shuraito raises his hand up and puts his hand in the dead person's chest. Then he transports some of his life energy into the dead person, then the dead person will be alive again, but this costs Shuraito's life energy, meaning that he could be dead if he uses all of his life energy. This can be avoided when using a cross made by God himself. He hasn't still mastered this.

    Eternal Form - His most, risky ability, but it is worthy to use for a very, long or tough battle as Shuraito can become very powerful with this form. He hasn't still mastered this. His appearance also changes, making him armor like this: Eternal Armor
    Blue flames also surround him.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Oh I didn't know my OC was already posted!

    Anyway I just edited it, may I join this RPG?
  8. Noir


    Yes you may, as you are now accepted.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist


    So when will the RP start?
  10. Noir


    When there are now 1 more Exorcist and 3 Rogue Souls.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Im pretty sure i can read. i'm aware its not about it...

    I'll be making a Exorcist Template somtime soon. So be prepared.....
  12. Noir


    Well, the RP is like the anime, but with a different story and characters.
    Also, it would be nice if you made a character.
  13. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Rush (aka Model 3582)

    6 (Appears to be 15)

    Male (Appearance wise, technically he has no gender)




    Legendary Soul Exorcist #3, Hero Side

    Rush has little to no personality but can still feel, although he still acts like a robot he can understand most key emotions to humans like happiness, anger, and desire but cannot understand love or hate yet. However, he has still developed beyond what his creators had expected, they planned to be in complete control of him, but he has demonstrated that he could make his own decisions and fights the rogue souls for reasons of his own.

    Created by one of the most famous Exorcist in the world, Rush is an artificial intelligence that was created to fight against the growing threat of Rogue souls. He was given a artificial soul that is currently housed inside an humanoid robot, which can exert inhuman strength and solve problems using the high-tech computer inside the android's brain casing. He was never supposed to be able to function as a human would mentally and emotionally but malfunctioned at one point, his creator losing full control of all his functions. It was decided that rather than erasing the data that they would instead let him keep his emotions seeing as it would allow him to better function with other Exorcists.


    9mm Machine Gun Turret

    Mechanical Exorcist Sword



    Super Strength-
    He is able to lift more than ten times his own weight due to a special exo-skeleton like structure that protects his inner parts as well. While the special type of metal used is incredibly hard and unbreakable it is light allowing him to run at speeds of almost 45 mph.

    Soul Emulator-
    This allows him to use his soul to create shockwaves and anti-rogue soul energy blasts as well as protective shields that can block almost any attack.

    Time Splicer-
    This function allows him to temporarily manipulate time, allowing him to attack enemies suspended in time before they could even react, it only last ten seconds though and can only be used once a day.

    This function allows him to move heavy objects with his mind, he is capable of lifting a car and throwing it at lightning speeds without moving a muscle.​
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Dam you BK i was going to make a character build similar to that more along the lines of Edward Elric.
  15. Noir


    Don't worry Vox, 5 slots are still available for Exorcists
    BK is accepted

    Also, I've decided that i will start the rp when Vox has made his character.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  16. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Name: Kiran Himura

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Side: Legendary Soul Exorcist #4, Hero Side

    Personality: Kiran is sarcastic and witty to a fault. He's almost never serious and enjoys teasing and playing mind games with people. However, he has a strong sense of morality and justice, and tries to avoid seriously harming anyone but the Rogue Souls. He's highly intelligent, but hates showing it.

    Bio: The son of a Legendary Exorcist, he was expected to match his father's abilities from a young age. He was trained twelve hours a day without a break to perfect each of his skills for the first sixteen years of his life. By the time his training was complete, he'd exceeded his father and become an Exorcist.

    Weapon: [​IMG]

    Abilities: Kiran's tome can transform into a longsword at his will. However, he is primarily a summoner, able to call any creature he visualises to fight for him. The creatures he summons cannot be any more powerful than Kiran himself.
    He can also 'study' others simply by looking at them, finding their weaknesses and strengths. He can create and manipulate paper at will, to the point of being able to create weaker paper clones of those he's studied. By touching someone who he's studied with his tome, he can lock their abilities for 180 seconds. However, he can only use this ability once per hour.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  17. Noir


    Nice character, Reprise. accepted.
  18. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I'm rather excited for this, so when do we start ?
  19. Name: Eckart Ravner

    Age: 27 (age of death)

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human Spirit

    Appearance: 1336891298330.jpg

    Side: Rogue Spirits

    Calm and collected with a dark sense of humor. Somewhat egotistical, but doesn't let it put him in danger; he doesn't just go rushing into fights blindly. He is often sarcastic and doesn't have a lot of respect for non-Spirits. He especially hates Exorcists. While he enjoys fighting and killing, he has no problem with running if a battle gets too tough.

    Eckart was delusional while he was alive. He thought that he was the Grim Reaper and would go around committing gruesome murders with a scythe. One day, Eckart was stalking the streets for blood when he encountered an Exorcist. Eckart foolishly tried to kill the Exorcist, not knowing what the opponent was capable of. Eckart died that night at the hands of the Exorcist.

    When Eckart awoke as a spirit before the real Grim Reaper, his delusions were immediately shattered. Eckart lived in the Spirit World for a long while, contemplating his place in the universe and his new situation. Eckart developed his new personality during that time, turning from a blood-crazed psychopath into a calmer, sarcastic person. However, his blood lust still remained, evidenced in Eckart's glowing red eyes. To hide this, Eckart wrapped his face in bandages.

    One day, the door to the Spirit World was broken, and many of the spirits tried to escape. However, Eckart chose not to escape; a wise decision, as all of the fleeing spirits were destroyed. After the breaking of the door, the Spirit World never felt the same to Eckart, and new spirits did not come. He decided that he didn't want to stay in the Spirit World any longer and escaped to the Realm of the Living, where he has been terrorizing the galaxy ever since.

    Now, Eckart has his sights set on Earth, where he plans to exact revenge on the humans...

    Weapon: Bloodrend- A Scythe that Eckart can summon at will. It's blade is around three feet long and glows red. The shaft is black and has chains hanging from it. It can store the souls of the people it kills in the blade.

    Soul Feast- Eckart can devour the souls of the people he kills to boost his Speed and Magical Power for a short time. He can store souls in his Scythe to allow him to use this ability at any time (does not start with any souls stored). The power boost gained from eating a soul lasts about five minutes. Eckart can eat multiple souls to stack this effect, but more than three at a time will have no effect.

    Wicked Revival- Eckart can summon the ghosts of evil people to assist him in combat. He has complete control over them. The more he summons the harder it is to maintain the spell, so he rarely summons more than a handful.

    Shadow Mastery- Eckart can manpulate shadows and darkness and change them into magical energy, which he can then use to attack his foes.

    Evil Kinesis- Eckart can use telekinesis to control things without touching them, such as breaking someone's limb from afar. the range for this ability is about a 30' circle around him. Prolonged use of this ability causes Eckart to become fatigued.

    Note: Eckart has high magic capability and can move very quickly. However, this is offset by the fact that he is very physically weak, both offensively and defensively.
  20. Noir


    Finally a rogue spirit.
    I'll start the RP now then.

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