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Favorite Character

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy X' started by Kitty, Jan 30, 2008.

Fave character?

  1. Tidus

  2. Yuna

  3. Auron

  4. Lulu

  5. Wakka

  6. Rikku

  7. Kimahri

    0 vote(s)
  8. Seymour

  9. Jecht

  10. Other

  1. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

  2. Marquis

    Marquis New Member

    This was hard to choose between Tidus, Auron, & Jecht but the Blitz King wins. Why? Cuz I like heavy metal :D
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Would it be great if there were summoner battles just for Yuna to compete in? That would be awesome. Still, don't you think that Kimahri get some more votes? he is one of the reasons why Yuna is where she is now.
  4. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    Imma still go with Auron...
  5. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    I choose Yuna. Her aeons and personality makes her a very likable character for me.
  6. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Auron, I don't know, just cuz.
    He always seemed so mysterious and evil in some ways.
    But thats just me. . .
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... How in the world can Auron be evil?
  8. DarinTheUnsent

    DarinTheUnsent New Member

    have u seen the man without his shades? lol jk
  9. Loveable

    Loveable New Member

    My favorite character has to be Auron for that fact that his attacks was powerful and he was silent but cool at the same time
    Kitty likes this.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ Agreed. The fact that Auron wasn't constantly spouting off at the mouth or whining incessantly gives him a huge advantage over the majority of the cast. Loved him.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I always loved Rikku because she's just a wild free spirit. Something i wish i could be.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ She had more depth, especially in X, than I sometimes gave her credit for. At the least, she's an excellent party member, with lots of useful skills.
  13. Loveable

    Loveable New Member

    I agree riku was definitely a person with man different skills which help me in the game
  14. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Either Auron or Yuna. I wasn't very fond of Tidus and the canon ending of X2 kinda irked me on him further.
    Kitty likes this.
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ Nostalgia is making me feel fonder towards Tidus than I typically have while playing the game. I agree with you, though, that the "perfect" ending (which I assume is the canon one) of X-2 did a huge disservice to the character and was really irritating.

    FFX had some awful voice acting, but the characters are actually mostly pretty intriguing and likable. I kind of want to change my vote for Yuna to Kimahri, because in 8 years, he's yet to get one vote, which is sad, and I did like his personality and loyalty to Yuna. I just wish he would have been a bit more useful in battle. His sphere grid set up just made me not want to bother screwing with him, and I only occasionally found his blue magic helpful.
  16. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Given the kinda stuff I see from SE post X2 i always took the perfect ending as their canon one which I felt really undercut X's ending. Largely for Yuna over Tidus but SE gives me multiple endings with 2 so it's not that bad I guess. I always pick the ending of her moving on. ^_^

    I was indifferent to Kimarhi and I think a lot were due to his silence and rare interaction. I found one very good fan art of him the other day with little Yuna which was cool though.
    As a viable party use he's not very useful sadly. I usually only grind him enough for his one story mandatory fight. He's usually the first I drop as I weed down the party members as well. As I go and get more on the grid I start focusing on specific ones since it's easier to grind.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I thought the perfect ending felt really cheap. I hate when stories pull that- kill someone off/have a downer ending, and then magically make it all better in the sequel. Tidus didn't really grow or change a whole lot during X, in my opinion, but his mature handling of his destiny and the sacrifice he made was one of the few times I really liked him. X made me cry real tears over its freaking ending, and X-2 just ruined so much about it. I agree with you about Yuna being especially disserviced. I think it's a better story arc for her to make peace and move on with her life. But like you said, at least X-2 gave us multiple endings, so we could choose the one we like best and pretend like it's the only ending.

    There's nothing that Kimahri is good at. I usually took him down Rikku's path, because there's some item you can steal from the two Ronso he solo fights later on in the game that I usually need, but until then and after that, there are always people better than him at accuracy, speed, strength, etc. I guess I just didn't know how to properly use him, but there wasn't a lot of point wasting the energy when other characters were easier to level up. Plus, I could never completely unlock his celestial weapon, so he was even more disadvantaged. But I still did like him from a story standpoint- he seemed like a good surrogate-dad figure to Yuna, and I'm a fan of the strong, silent type. I always thought he would have made an awesome Final Aeon.
  18. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I agree. That may have been Tidus' only decent quality. Realizing your some kinda dream would be very damaging.

    I didn't even take him that far so I think you know how to use it a lot better than I've seen done so far lol. Most just dont use him. I didn't even bother with celestial stuff after that Chocobo crap. Just...nooooooo ;-;
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ I've always got to try for the 100% completion. But Kimahri's bullshit butterflies, screw it. After suffering through dodging 200 lightning bolts, and making a negative time in that chocobo race with an animal that is stupid af because it purposely runs both into oncoming birds and off course, even after you supposedly train it, I was done.

    For sure. Thinking on it some more, I did like some of Tidus' backstory, such as his relationship with his parents, and I think his presence changed some of the other characters for the better. I blame a lot of my dislike of the character on the voice acting, or rather, the director who told the voice actor to play the character that way, because James Arnold Taylor is pretty prolific as a voice actor, so he can't be that terrible. I think it was a mistake to have such a whiny, shrill voice, because I think the voice exaggerates some of Tidus' behaviors in scenes where he's already being an idiot and makes him seem a lot worse. Yeah, I know the character is sort of a wuss, he's still a teenager, and not every male character needs to sound like a badass like Auron, but still, the performance could have been less cringeworthy, in my opinion.
  20. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I applaud you for even doing the lightning like holy shit. o-o

    I can't quite peg my dislike for him myself. I did feel he was a bit emotional yet since his entire thing with his father is that he's a 'crybaby' I get the impression that's intentional. He kinda felt there to question things the others wouldn't normally but even then it only seemed to affect Yuna. Auron already didn't care and the rest kinda just rolled with it except for Wakka who learned all his years of prejudice against the Al Bhed was based on lies.

    So I dunno...he just wasn't enjoyable somehow. Maybe it's how he was used to kinda ruin the things he started in X since the ending of X2 brought him back.

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