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Dominion of Everything Redux

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Moogle, Sep 23, 2012.

Who da boss?

  1. Exilus

  2. Matthias

    0 vote(s)
  1. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    The Dominion of Everything



    Many worlds have fallen to the immense powers of the darkness, led by a mysterious group of beings called the Syneptophy. These dark souls are like vampires, who suck away the energy from the worlds. These worlds' weaknesses can be various. Some are in the form of a keyhole and some are in the form of natural beings such as a tree. Many worlds are distinct but The Syneptophy can sense where the weaknesses are with their highly sensitive powers (could be a sense of smell or a compass marked on someone's hand). The Syneptophy are now seeking something more though. Something more powerful than feeble worlds. They want the heart of all worlds and it is not Kingdom Hearts. It is called the Deep Granam, the epicenter of everything; not just hearts. It contains all the worlds' history, all the energy of the universes. With that power, the Syneptophy would control everything and be eternal rulers. Now it is up to five brave heroes to take down this horrible threat. This is the battle for everything.

    Character Roles:

    The Syneptophy

    The Leader - (Required) : Exilus - This dude is one mean bro! Keyblades at the ready, he is poised to take Deep Granam by any means necessary!

    Kurao Teri: Once a pirate serving under the Queen of Pirates, he has since retired from that and has now joined up with the Syneptophy for a new purpose. This Devil Fruit user is the cat's Meow!

    Seraphin: This hotheaded fire mage has quite the spark! Watch out, or he just might burn you!

    Snædís: A cold woman, for certain. Another mage from the world of DragonFable, she's got ice spells out of the wazoo!

    Asiila: Exilus's right hand, and soon-to-be general of the Syneptophy, she wields a keyblade and dark magic prowess unlike any other. Now if only she could bring her love out of the shadows!

    Caitlin: The final General. A user of a "force" type power that can knock things over not with her mind, but with her heart. Don't call her heartless! Okay, yeah, I've lost my jokeyness. So sue me.

    The Heroes

    Marie Ross: A user of the unique power of Spirit Aura, coming from a version of earth where Aura is the next step in human evolution. This motherly character utilizes energy in ways to move and attack like a gymnast with extra kick.

    Zac Todd: A paragon of human engineering, this elite soldier has all sorts of mechanical tricks up his sleeve, not to mention the full suite of Spartan skills the Haloverse has come to know and love.

    Tsubasa Miyashima: A survivor from the bizzare world where The World Ends With You originates, this swordsman has mysterious aura abilities to fight and turn the tide!

    The heroes could come from these universes (Look below) because these are the universes we are mostly familiar and also one more thing; they must be original characters. I would allow the characters to be descendants of your favourite heroes though. If we all agree though on one particular series, then we will include that in the story. We will choose the worlds that they visit

    Preferred Universes (All characters must be original but can be descended from your favorite heroes)

    - Square-Enix
    - Nintendo
    - Any Game Character which is well known
    - Film/Anime Character which is well known
    - Earth (But not the alpha, where the leader of the Heroes is born.)

    Sign Ups:

    Universe and World:
    Weapon (I will allow keyblades but try to be creative):


    Original characters (could be a descendant of your favorite hero) unless your particular series is allowed in by the other members of the roleplay.

    Standard roleplay rules apply.

    If you do not follow the rules, after being warned twice, your character will be killed off or taken over by someone else.

    My characters:

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2013
  2. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    EDIT: I can't include them both in the same post. Sorry about the double post.
  3. I call dibs on leader of the Syneptophy. I will try to fill out my template tonight but I would like to get a lot of quality into it so I want to reserve the spot just in case. The template should be up by tomorrow at the latest.

    Edit: I'm going to wait until Desert Warrior gets back to me before starting on the template. If he still wants to play the leader, I will step down and play a lesser role.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2012
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Take your time. Leader isn't needed immediately anyways. Make sure to put proper motivation. otherwise, I'll just give the role to Desert Warrior again.
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'll get my character sheets put together. I'll probably gut quite a bit out of the biographical stuff though, since I don't much feel like working all that mumbo-jumbo out. Hopefully I can get them done within the week.
  6. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I guess I'll take the child... I'll have the profile up by tuesday at the latest...
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I was gonna say go for it if you think you could do a really good job, but then I saw BK claim the other character that I was gonna go for.

    But since it isn't always fun not being able to take a character simply because somebody else had said character in the previous thread, I've come up with an idea. For the leader of the Syneptophy, I'm going to simply use the template I created in the other thread (Some minor changes may be made). You can go ahead and make your own thread for the leader and we see which one people would prefer to have as the leader.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I am still keeping my two characters that I made so I'll put them up right now. At least we do not have to worry about Sorabrawl not being here to lead the roleplay.

    Name: Seraphin
    Side: Villain
    Universe/World: Dragonfable
    Position: ArchMage
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Ruthless to the core and is angered from the eternal flames that he is trapped in. Unstable.

    Appearance: Tall, 6'3. Wears red, yellow and black-colored robe on and has long, black wings.
    Weapon: Mainly none but has an orb morphed into his fist which he can then released to help with magic damage in exchange for giving up accuracy.

    Abilities: To use magic and the power of fire. Also has a strange power as to where instead of spending magic power, he gains magic power through the casting of spells. However, he has to be careful not to overload.


    Acid: Spell that slowly burns the opponent from the inside.
    Fireball: Shoots a fiery ball at his foes.
    Fury: Deals damage to everyone at an extreme damage.
    Super Blast: Conjures up a large-super-sized orb and sends it down to inflict a tremendous blow.
    Flamethrower: As the name implies, shoots out flame from his hands forward.
    Firestorm: Conjures up a storm full of fire to rain it upon his foes.
    FireWall: Brings up a fiery shield to block attacks.


    In reality, he is a part of a memory that stems from a tragedy that consists between two mages. Because of this, the memory was able to gain conscious and was able to become a living being. The memory was living a normal life but the main, current tragedy that the human continue to experience slowly had him to doubt on his existence and had him to go forth and to research. Becoming a mage, he somehow start to experience other memories that is not his. The more he research, he realized that with his magic, he can gain magic strength instead of losing magic strength with each spell that he cast. He thought that it would be nice to continue using his spells over and over but he reached his limit and he almost lost his stable mentality.

    The Archmage decides to be careful not to use spells so much and decide to research as to why his powers activates the way it is. As he continue to study one day, he faced a traumatic memory. One of the heroes went to his abode one day but saw that the Archmage has disappeared. However, a dark portal was all that was left and his magical orb was broken. As the Hero tried to figure out what has happened to the Archmage, another entity appeared and destroyed his world. This entity was known as Seraphin. Now, he joins with the Synetophy to gain more power. The people is still on the raging search to try to find the Archmage for the Archmage can rival him but he is nowhere to be found. Instead, they have found "The Seer" instead and "The Seer" was able to help those who lost their world to Seraphin to hide in safety.

    Name: Ice Empress Snædís
    Age: ???
    Position: Ice Mage
    Side: Villain
    Universe/World: Dragonfable
    Personality: Bitter, desperate in despair and ruthless.
    Appearance: Hair stands up as though it is that of Medusa's. Skin is blue with purple lips and blue eyes. Wears a sapphire dress with purple lining and a tiara and small, black glasses.

    Abilities: To cast ice spells and to float in air.


    Ice Coffin: Traps her opponent in a block of ice.
    Arctic Blast: Focuses ice energy and shoots it. Once it explodes, it knocks the opponent unconscious.
    Shiva's Rage: Lowers her opponents resistance to ice with ice energy.
    Ice Strike: Shoots several blocks of ice that can lower the fire resistance of her opponents so that those who uses fire attacks can have an advantage.
    Ice Shield: Forms a wall of ice to block attacks.
    Hailstorm: Sends a powerful blizzard that attacks everyone.
    Weapon: None. Uses magic.

    Biography: The Ice Empress is actually bound to a curse stemming from bitter memories. Studying on memories, she herself used to be a researcher. However, Snædís has found herself caught in an accidental blast that encased her in a block of ice, having her seeing the same memory over and over again. This gave birth to another conscious from her memory that brought forth the Ice Empress. Now joining with the Synetopsis, she is trying to imprison the world in ice, to get rid of love.

    Snædís was a mage too, studying on the different elements in the world. Everything else is just a secret only to be revealed in time.
  9. What an interesting proposition, I think I'll take you up on that. I appreciate you giving me a chance rather than just taking the role. Thank you. I'll have my template up sometime today, likely in the next couple hours.
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Name: Zac Todd
    Side: Hero
    Universe/World: Halo-Earth
    Position: Spartan
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male

    A brave and intelligent soldier, Zac is very noble and caring, and often cracks a joke here and then. His oblivious and carefree nature make people believe he is not cut out to be a Spartan, let alone a soldier, though his intelligence and strategies say otherwise.


    Physique: A tall (Roughly 6'02), lanky, white skin teenager with hazel eyes, brown hair and long arms and legs.

    Helmet: Mark VI (Reach design)
    Torso: Grenader/Mark IV
    Shoulder: Hazop (Right) none (Left)
    Knee: Mark VI
    Other: Two bullet belts with at hold shotgun shells that loop around his torso, magnum holster on his left thigh.

    Normal atire: A red button up with a grey vest and blue jeans with black dress shoes.


    Armor Lock: A piece of somewhat outdated equipment, but it still works fine with the Mark armor Zac has on. The user slams his fist into the ground and his armor locks up, and forms as a shield against powerful explosions. Though since it is old, it may not always activate. If it stays in the armor lock for the full limited amount of time, he can send an E.M.P. blast which can shut off cars and electronics, and slightly harm foes.


    -Repairing vehicles
    -Armor Lock
    -Sprint (Default Armor Ability: Allows Zac to run faster for a limited time (2 posts))

    Weapons: Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Magnum, wrench.


    Zac's parents were killed during the time Reach was falling, luckily, he managed to escape, and board onto a UNSC owned Pelican, and flew off the planet. That was when he was 12. He is 17 now, and is a Spartan IV, the newest class of Spartans which were recently formed.

    Zac's armor has been salvaged from old armor that he managed to add to his armor and repaired. His spartan number is 107, but his code name is Salvager, due to him collecting enemy machine parts and manages to build them into something new or repair them.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2012
  11. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Name: Tsubasa Miyashima
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Universe and World: Alternate Earth (The World Ends With You)

    He's able to manipulate his own aura to do many things, such as:
    Defence Sphere- Tsubasa creates an orb from aura which attracts small attacks and weapons,leading them off path, essentially working as a weak shield.
    Power Sphere- He forms a small, slow moving orb from aura. It is easy to dodge, but if it hits a living creature, it explodes, ravaging a large area with an aura blast.
    Aura Wave- He places his hands flat against the ground and two medium sized blue energy waves surge forward. They can only travel straight forwards, and they can only be created on even ground.

    If he exerts himself too much, he will faint.

    Bio: The first fourteen years of his life were spent in Tokyo, Japan- he and his mother lived together in a small house on the outskirts of the city, near the airport. In his spare time, he did nothing but train to hone his abilities. He was content with the world and wanted nothing more but to live peacefully in Tokyo for the rest of his life.

    But one day, his entire neighbourhood was assaulted and ravaged by a group of violent thieves. His mother and him ran and hid long enough to avoid the main attack, but soon enough, they were found and his mother was killed in the attack. However, she managed to buy enough time for Tsubasa to escape.

    In the chaos after the attack, the airport closed completely to be certain nothing more would happen. When it reopened due to protests, the security was shaky and Tsubasa was able to sneak onto the first flight to London. He didn't know what he'd do once he got there, but he knew that anything was better than staying in Japan.

    It was only once he'd reached London that he truly realised what had happened; he'd never see his mother again. He broke down and cried for what felt like hours outside the airport, until eventually, an old man with a kindly face held out a hand to him, lifted him up and passed him a leaflet. Without thinking, Tsubasa read it to himself.
    Costless Damaged/Homeless Children's Inn, it said. At the back of the piece of paper was an address and telephone number.

    He stayed at the inn for five years, and eventually, the gaping hole in his heart that his mother's death left was filled with iron. He vowed to train so that he could stop anything like that from happening again.

    Personality: In London, he began to act misleadingly polite and charming to everyone he met; over time, it became a type of defence mechanism for him and he learned to become as charismatic and witty on the outside as he was hurt and angry on the inside. Still, his true personality breaks through his mask at times. He's exceedingly stubborn, sometimes irrationally judgemental and to people he dislikes, very condescending. Although he doesn't seem like it, he's quite naive and has a strong sense of justice. He dislikes lying for the most part and doing anything else that he considers wrong.
    Weapon:[​IMG] X2
    He is able to charge the blades with aura. If he does, the blades will not visibly wound the opponent; instead, they will drain the opponent's energy with each hit, until the opponent has no energy left and collapses.

    Am I accepted?
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2012
  12. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Reprise, the main earth hasn't been attacked yet. Nobody on "Alpha" earth knows anything of this.
  13. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I adjusted the bio. His neighbourhood, which was by the airport, was ravaged by thieves instead now. Everything else is still mostly the same.
  14. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Ryuuji Sakamoto


    Universe and World:





    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Reprise, you misunderstand. The original earth, where the Chosen One resides, is completely free of special powers save for the ones the Chosen recieves. So your guy wouldn't get any powers. My suggestion is, make your guy from an "Alternate" earth similar to the one my Marie has. It's sort of a 1-champion-per-world deal.
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Why's it always gotta be a Chosen One?
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I am not creative with titles. Please excuse me while I derp down the stairs of failure.
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'm just sayin' it can't be a Chose Few? Or a chosen many?

    I'm just saying, we kinda established for the last one that there wouldn't be a "One" character to save the world(s)/Universes.
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I dunno. I'm basing my understanding as to how the first one went. I have no idea whether we're changing that up. I'm a bad GM.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Let's change it up. I was thinking about some special ability for the chosen one, but I wasn't going to bother if somebody else was the chosen one. But having a chosen few works better.

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