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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Bhae, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. Bhae

    Bhae New Member


    I go by "Bhae" ...pronounced as 'bay.' I am a Kingdom Hearts fan, and have been, for a very long time. Unfortunately I am limited on gaming systems, and only avidly play Kingdom Hearts, KH: COM for the PS2, and KH2 on my PS2. The others, I have gotten my hands on a few times...but wasn't able to REALLY enjoy them because I was borrowing systems.

    I like the games for many reasons. I like the story. I like that my little sister can participate with me--there's nothing bad in it. I like the characters. But if you REALLY want to know more about me and my Kingdom Hearts obsession, check out this youtube video I made:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=J5Gjf8rs-9A]Thank You Kingdom Hearts - YouTube

    Yes, that is my pic on the side...and yes that is my voice.

    But hey--if you take the time to watch the video, let me know what you think. Let me know what got YOU hooked on Kingdom Hearts. I'd love to hear. =]

    ...oh! I almost forgot.

    My favorite character is Riku. =]
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2012
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_- Do not worry. I too am limited on gaming systems. :) But at least you have a sister who shares the same interest. :( And um... your link/url does not work.

    I am Brandon.
  3. SUDoKu

    SUDoKu New Member

    Hey. I like Riku as well, but he wouldn't be my favourite. He got better with Kingdom Hearts 3D though, it made Sora and his friendship more strong.Hope you enjoy it here!
  4. Bhae

    Bhae New Member

    @Brandon- Yeahhh, I know. It says you can't post links until you have made at least ten posts. Once I hit that number, I will fix it. And actually! I am the oldest out of 7 siblings. =] Two sisters, and 3 of my brothers share in my interest in the games! We just don't all live together, so it's hard to play at the same time.

    @SUDoKU- Thank you for the hello! I'm glad to hear they expanded on the story of friendship in that game. I can't wait for a chance to get my hands on it. ;D
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you have a nice time here.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... Strange... you should be able to leave a link even if you did not reach the ten post count. The ten post should only be for the arcade I believe.

    As for you having that many brothers and sisters, sweeet. -_- I am a lonely child who plays by self so I can hardly find people who shares the same interest besides my cousins.
  7. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Welcome. . . .Have fun and posts lots. . Just don't spam >.>
  8. Bhae

    Bhae New Member

    Thank you for all the hello's, I really do appreciate it. ^.^

    And yeah, I'll try to fix the link soon...=3 But I guess that's weird.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Greetings Bhae. Welcome to the forums. Riku is alright I guess. It's been so long that I forget who my favorite character is/was. Although I can't remember ever actually having a favorite.
  10. Bhae

    Bhae New Member

    That's cool...it's really hard to say anything about favorites because all of the characters are fantastic. But, after much thought...Riku is my fav. Lol
  11. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Hello Bhae. I'm sorry I missed your introductory post for so long. Nice to see such enthusiasm with just an introduction.^_^ And I'm not sure what's wrong with your link either sadly. Personally, I'm a Terra fan. His conflicting personality made him the most interesting character for me.

    And by any chance, do you enjoy or ever participated in forum story-based roleplay before?
  12. Bhae

    Bhae New Member

    You know, Terra is a close call for me...I like him a lot, too.

    And yes! I do forum-based RP all the time =]
  13. Noir


    Welcome to KHPlanet.
    Enjoy your time of stay here.
  14. Bhae

    Bhae New Member

    Thank you, Azure, I appreciate the welcome. =]
  15. Bhae

    Bhae New Member

    OK, I edited the link in my original post for those of you that commented on it. =]
  16. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Just a heads up bhae, be careful of double posting. If you want to say something else before anyone else has replied, simply hit the edit button and say it there. It helps prevent clutter. ^_^

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