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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'd prefer no actual gym leaders.

    And please join only if you'll be active. Also have templates up by tonight so we can start tomorrow.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ehh, no actual gym leaders? Hmm... could he be a former gym leader who retired from being a leader?
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    If this will survive, I think I'll join. Oh, and by all means start without me if my profile isn't finished.

    Name- Tom

    Age- 16

    Personality- Tom is straightforward and determined. He isn't the type to give up on something. Combine that with a want to be of help to people and you have an individual who would quite honestly forget to feed himself while he was trying to help somebody with a problem (Whether they wanted his help or not).


    Appearance- [​IMG]

    History- Tom has been traveling around a lot. Years, in fact. When he was younger he started out on a standard Pokemon journey from his home along with two other rivals. One of these rivals was more of a happy-go-lucky guy who was always in a hurry to get to the next town. The other rival, well she didn't have such a positive attitude. Anyways, at first Tom simply went through the Pokemon League challenge like all trainers tend to do when they start out. Due to constant meetings with a certain trainer, Tom's goals changed. After getting the 8th badge of Johto, Tom stopped. He didn't go after the Pokemon League anymore.

    Instead he searches for Legendary Pokemon. Not to catch them, although he will try if the legendary is willing to fight his Pokemon. He only wishes to see the Pokemon with his own eyes.

    The trainer who caused Tom's goals to change was a man by the name of Alex Dunn. Their first encounter was Alex saving Tom from a group of Geodudes in Dark Cave. The second encounter was a tournament Alex hosted in Goldenrod. Each encounter of theirs involved Tom getting a deeper and deeper respect for Alex. Their last friendly encounter occurred once Tom received the 8th Johto badge. Alex explained how he became interested in Tom's growth and how he observed the young trainer, seeing many similarities between himself and Tom. Alex manipulated Tom's other two rivals as a way to strengthen Tom and to also see if they too showed potential. Alex gave Tom a proposition. Join a small group led by Alex to capture the legendary Pokemon of the world and use their power for personal gain.

    A fight broke out between the two; a fight that Tom quickly lost. Alex left immediately afterwards, saying that he still had hope for Tom. Soon later Tom decided to search for the legendary Pokemon in order to protect them. As time passed his curiosity in these Pokemon increased and any recognizable threat from Alex decreased. Tom's goal of protecting the legendary Pokemon was replaced with a desire to see them firsthand and witness the Pokemon behind the legends.

    While Tom was away in Unova he received a phone call from his mother. As it turns out, word of Tom's travels reached the ears of many Pokemon professors (Tom thinks they all gather at some place every year and gossip). And so a letter was sent to Tom's house. It was an invitation to work under Professor Akira Anemones. Being unfamiliar with the region Akira resides in, Tom decided to accept this invitation and (As Tom sees it) take a short break from looking for legendary Pokemon.


    Other- He has traveled around to many places. Places that once held legendary Pokemon, several regions, etc. In fact he recently came back from a trip to Unova (Which, for those of you who don't know, is very far away from the other regions).
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Just to give a heads up, I'll be making the thread in about 2 hours(maybe a little earlier)
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Jim

    Age: 16


    Kind and generous, Jim is nice even to the most sinister people. His one rule, is not to abuse or harm any pokemon. Breaking this rule is the only way to piss Jim off, and when he's mad, people stay clear of him. He has a tendency to use his fists when he's mad, because he refuses to let any pokemon come in harms way.

    Eevee <Jess>(F)
    Vaporeon <Aqua>(F)
    Flareon <Leo>(M)
    Umbreon <Shadow>(M)
    Jolteon <Zerker>(M)
    Espeon <Julie>(F)

    Bio: Jim is an eeveelution breeder and collector. He started his quest for the eeveelutions when he was 6, for this was the when he met Jess, his original pokemon, and very first Eevee. When he found her, she was wounded and on the verge of death, but Jim refused to let her die. After the Eevee recovered Jim went to let it go free, however, Eevee chose to instead of leaving, to stay with Jim and be his partner. From that day on, Jim became a breeder of pokemon and a collector of the Eeveelutions.

    Jim is very well known for his collection and breeding of the Eeveelutions, and was one of the few to have at one point, all of them. His breeding skills are known by many and his kindness is unmatched, as is his generosity. He dreams of one day meeting the legendary Mew so that he can befriend it and have another friend, not to keep, but to know. Jim is going to the festival like he does every year hoping to learn something about the mysterious pokemon Mew.

    Theme: N/A

    Other: Jim has had every Eeveelution in his years as a breeder and Eevee collector, however he chose to keep only 6 and let the others go free.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    @Sho, I don't want really any gym leaders, prefer trainers, maybe your character can be a breeder of Eevee or an Eevee collector or something more like that.

    Also people I'd preferred if the trainers and most of the members of the RP were around the age of 13-16, not late, late teens or 20's, I'll accept 1 late teens(Requiem) and I like the concept of a Pokemon professor(summoner, though actually wish it was even older like more of the professors are late 30's-late 50's) so one 20, and our antagonist role can be any age he so feels fit to claim.

    @DW: I was thinking about this and can you maybe explain a little more about his search for legends, I feel based off of our soon to be antagonist, he'd mean. Maybe he can be a researcher in training, an apprentice, it be neat if he was Summoner's apprentice, but I'd understand if you don't want to.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Well, the youngest professor that I know of is Professor Juniper and she is 30 at her age in the current Pokemon show but I thought that all professors had their start off somewhere in their mid-twenties so that is why my professor is in his mid/late twenties. DX I am not a fan of being old.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    almost done with character
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Assistances are usually that age. But not professors themselves, they're not professors till they've had years experiences plus being an apprentice.
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Oh better believe im in if it's pokemon. But one question.... can we use legendaries as our pkmn?
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    @AK: I'm sorry but I definitely cannot accept you. Based on your activity in Origins 2 and Digimon you're not active enough. And in general for everybody there should be no legendary pokemon unless it some how can pertain to the story and seems reasonable(like there's multiple latias and latios as displayed in Pokemon Heroes, but there's only one Jirachi)

    Ok guys putting up the RP now here's who we have...

    Michiko(Michi) Kokoro- Destiny
    Grandma- Destiny
    Zac Blazer- Zacax: The Gunsmith
    Kytes Lakai- Requiem

    Waiting for Edits-
    Professor Akira Anemones- S.SummonerBWM
    -can you possibly besides description paste in an image to?
    Tom- Desert Warrior
    -preferably age
    -A little more in bio explaining somethings
    -complete template confirmation?
    Jim- Taboo Sho
    -Finished template

    And Awaiting Templates-
    King of Darkness- please make sure you'll be active. Post daily between now and when you decide to join us and I'll decide to accept you or not.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2012
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Bumped the character's age up by 3-4. As for appearance... uuugh. I am not a fan of pictures anymore. I do not even feel creative from using images.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    And this is where I jump in and say no more arguing or infractions will be sent out.

    Unless you prove your activeness, maybe you can jump in later, if there's space for you to that is.

    Anyways, it's officially up, forgot to grab a link before going to user cp and then to here, but it's up in canon now get posting. Oh also for those of you trying to picture Terssa the city setting itself is very much like New Orleans french quarter met with Rio de Janeiro
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Being Summoner's apprentice (Even if it would be an "I just became an apprentice" type thing) is fine. And as for the whole search for legendaries thing, I gave an extremely watered down version (Mainly because I was making the profile before going to work). Basically the trainer who changed his goal would be an antagonist. This guy wanted to capture legendaries to basically take control of everything. Hell, I could even make a profile for that guy to be an antagonist if you want.

    But I'll go edit my profile and give some more details.

    I don't really know much about multiple of each legendaries (In my mind I only really see it as each legendary Pokemon is one of a kind), but I might as well throw in that one of Summoner's Pokemon (Shaymin) is in fact a legendary. And also, to avoid confusion on this subject, my focus and overall knowledge is more on the games themselves than the anime or any movie.

    I can do all these things.

    EDIT: Okay, all adjusted and whatnot. Tell me what you think.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ok DW, you're just missing a personality. Just add it and you can start posting.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Name- Deviluke Mihawk - Goes by the name Luke to mostly everyone else.
    Age- 20
    Personality- Luke is a very strict and proud character, with a general cold outlook on life. As proud as he is, his main goal in life is for those who have betrayed the Mihawk family to experience the same level of humiliation and suffering he did. He willingly chooses to fulfill his revenge, despite his aunt's insistence that he should pursue a happier life. Because of this he has become obsessed with collecting the most famous and rare pokemon in existence

    Luke is competitive, in which he acknowledges it himself, and his strong desire to win is shown when he asserts that he would never lose to Frances Midford during their Pokemon Battle at the Faux Coliseum millions watched on as it was broadcasted all over the world. He is not appeased to have a draw with anyone, and will insist for another round until the victor is prominent. Luke's Father has noted that Luke is arrogant and overly confident in his skills to the extent that he has the viewpoint of 'there is no way I can ever lose'. Therefore, there are still some childish traits in Luke that would need to be corrected.

    Dragonite- Asbel
    Garchomp- Rin
    Arcanine- Garforge
    Blue Scizor- Aires
    Alakazam- Dante

    Appearence- http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f230/roxas06/_underground__by_vayreceane-d510zyh.jpg

    History- DevilLuke Mihawk is the head of the Mihawk noble family and the owner of the Faux Company. Notoriously known as the Phantom Pokemon Trainer, he is the son of Vincent and Rachel Mihawk. When DeviLuke was born his parents were already current heads of the of Mihawk family but there were those that did not agree with the way they ran business. As a result Other family members and rival companies delved in shady dealings with Team rocket and other organizations to get Luke killed. Considering he would be the next To head the Faux corporation when he was old enough to take the reigns. Vincent was a amazing Trainer ex Elite Four member. But even as he was he was outmatched and outnumbered.

    His left eye was injured in a battle because of this he was unable to run the company for quite some time and others pushed Faux into the ground publicly humiliating Devilluke and his Family. When he reached the age of 13 He caught his first pokemon. Working his way to the top he became known as one of the greatest and well known trainers in the world. His parents were struggling to keep the Corporation afloat until Luke won a massive Pokemon Tournament. it was then there fame and success was to be a new. The Faux Corp caused a massive Monopoly on the Items in the poke world. Now thanks to the business Dealings of DevilLuke Mihawk. 90% of pokeballs and pokemon accessories including Pokemon Centers are created and owned by the Faux Corp. There are very few people that do not know of Devilluke. He is well known and looked up to in the Pokemon Trainer world, and feared in the business world. Many trainers hope to train under him to learn how to properly raise a powerful pokemon. His Raichu is his prized possession it once beat the worlds strongest Rock pokemon champion with a Thunderbolt.

    However Because of his fame and want of revenge on those that tried to ruin his family and klll him It has led him on a unhealthy obsession with collecting. Collecting Rare and valuable pokemon. He wants to own the most rare and powerful of them all to Destroy anyone that dares stand against him. He owns the largest Pokemon Ranch in the world called The Cipher. People are allowed to visit but there are other hidden areas of the Cipher that the public knows nothing about....

    Theme- Asking Alexandria - Closure - YouTube
    Other- Has a thing for very cute girls.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Can't believe I forgot that. It's up now though.
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Name: Jordan (Alias - Crimson)

    Age: 16

    Personality: Competitive, helpful, intelligent, determined


    Typhlosion (shiny with blue flames)
    Metagross (shiny)

    Appearence: [​IMG] (red eyes)

    Bio: Jordan is a huge collector of rare objects. He collects them only to sell what people are impressed by to. He's known to have sold relics and fossils that he's found on his journeys to people like Steven Stone, Professor Oak, Gym Leader Brock, Gym Leader Roar, and Gym Leader Byron.

    Before he became a thief, he was a normal kid who began his adventure in the Unova region. His cousin sent him a Cyndaquil, hoping it would start his adventure. Jordan absolutely loves his Cyndaquil and keeps it to this day, now a Typhlosion. After realizing his Cyndaquil was not the normal kind of Cyndaquil, Jordan wanted to start collecting Pokemon. After a visit by his cousin, who said he would not be returning following the defeat of Jordan, Jordan was determined to raise money to go see his cousin. The problem was, however, was that he didn't have much money to go to the Kantian Region. So he decided to sell some of his own rare objects that he had found. After discovering that there was a market for fossils and relics that involved professors and other famous Pokemon fanatics, he made it a profession. He has made sure to stay away from anything that was legendary or held significant importance, believing that such things were ogh limits to everyone.

    His alias is Crimson because he compares himself to his cousin, who he vows to beat one day.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2012
  19. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Well since you said me joining is based of my activeness and you accepting me. You can accept me when you feel as though I am active enough to join your Rp.

    I'm sorry Destiny but I couldn't help but make a template:p. It was calling my name! :D

    Name- Darius (Raged Bandit)
    Age- 16
    Personality- Calm, sneaky, quiet, passionate towards pokemon
    Egg (Heatran Egg)(If I can have Heatran)
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    History- Darius has also been misbehaved since he was younger, but it only got worst as he grew older. Darius stole pokemon and pokemon eggs from trainers, He also gained a name back in Jhoto region due to his crimes of pokemon thievery "Raged Bandit". After gaining that named Darius went off to the Hoenn Region to better himself in battle, but he ended up becoming a famous breeder their and was known for breeding extraordinary pokemon. But he didn't stay ther for long after making a name him self there, he moved on to Kanto then Sinnoh, and ended up in Unova six months after he discovered an egg deep inside a dormant volcano. Darius hadn't even been in Unova for more than two months before he found out about a trainers festival in an unknown region he hadn't heard about.
    Theme- (Maybe Later)
    Other- (Maybe Later)
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    @KoD and AK: I decided upon your history and they're not accepted. We need legit good guys no thieving or anything of that sort. For 1, it messes with our main bad guy's plot, and 2, these are suppose to be good trainers.

    @AK: you're not going to be allowed in for a long time and even then I'll want a new updated template.

    I think now everybody has posted their intros so it's time to get the ball rolling. KoD when you fix your character to be a true genuine trainer you'll be accepted and then you can jump in.

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