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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    KnightChessmon lifted up her dart right in front of her in order to block the attack. Once she lifts her weapon in front of herself, she was knocked back by Leomon's attack. "My,my, my. Trying to save the rascals are we? Big Darts!" KnightChessmon starts charging towards Leomon at high speed with her legs, aiming for his chest."

    "Lopmon?" Angewoman starts flying around the mansion trying to find her. Instead, she saw a Wendigomon. "I see that you have evolved." Angemon landed in front of the large beast, not even scared. "I see that you will be helping with the mansion but also to go on missions. Lady Sonya said that you should be ready." "You? In charge of such a weapon? Now that is laughable." Angewoman looked up to see a LadyDevimon swinging around a chandelier, only to fly straight down and land on the side of Wendigomon.

    "I think that a monster of evil is best suited under a leadership such as I." "No one asked you to be here." "Well I am a part of the army. Speaking of army, where is that rascal Impmon?"
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Leomon was knocked back, but quickly thrusted his Beast Sword into the dirt and grass, and halted his course with a tree. He got up, and pulled out his sword and withdrew his blade. He got into a fighting stance as they became cloaked with orange energy.

    "Sonya, I understand you follow Kaiser, but its time for you to find out who you stand with. I understand you loving heart towards the digimon, but what about those who don't believe in your leader's plan, but never do anything against it? Like the Muchomon,"


    "Both of you can be used for my help. I want you both to find Zac and my brother, kill the human, and bring back my brother," she said in her rumbling, deep voice, "I want that human to pay for steeling my brother from me,"

  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A tall, black armored digimon walked up behind Angewoman and laughed, the guns at his waist clanking against his belt. "Looking for me? I digivolved when I heard all the fighting earlier." He turned to Wendigomon and frowned, "You digivolved as well? Good work my friend, I always knew you had it in you! If you don't recognize me, I am Impmon, though in this form I'm called Beelzemon. Now how can I be of service hmm?"
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hoshi’s eyes rolled with a sigh of mild, at most, annoyance with Ashe’s demeanor. He sure knew how to put down a drink, which was impressive, seeing as he hadn’t passed out from the strongest mix in the bar. At the same time though, it seemed foolish in Hoshi’s eyes that he would be that way, especially with an offer sitting there before him. Being that she was set on having him accompany her to the Leomon’s village and aid in razing it to the ground, she resolved to keep him sober enough, for the moment, to come to an educated and conscious decision. When the Sukamon, compliant with his “customer’s” demands, slid a second round of his concoction towards Ashe, Hoshi’s hand darted out and intercepted it, putting herself between the drunk and the drink.

    “You can have it after you’ve listened,” she said. “Perhaps this hatred of yours would be better off not being directed at our allies. We’ve our plentiful legions of enemies who wish to dethrone us. One in particular, a Leomon that’s been going out of his way to campaign against our efforts; I’m certain that your anger would be more appropriately directed towards some such as he. Would you not agree?”

    ((Go with the conversation for now Sho. My next post will have the actual 'offer' in it)).
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe growled as Hoshi stole his drink but he listened to what she had to say. "HA! Leomon? He's a lying piece of shit if you ask me. After all we did for him... Kaiser and I, he throws us under the bus like we're nothing. If I ever got my hands on him... I'd rip him to shreds for the way he treats Kaiser!" He smashed his fist against the table cracking it heavily. "DAMN HIM!" He breathed heavily and slowly regained his composure, "Hoshi... you have a valid point... Why do you speak of this to me?"
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    ExVeemon's charged attack hit Meramon full on. So with the help of Leomon's attack, the beast fell and hit the wall hard, unconscious.

    "Haha, yeah Vex! That was awesome," Jordan cheered. He ran over to his new looking friend only for ExVeemon to be engulfed in a bright light. When the light disappeared, all that was left was a two foot tall version of Veemon. "Hey, what happened to you? You got small....er."

    The small Veemon, known as DemiVeemon, fell backwards and sighed. "I'm just a little worn out. It happens when I get tired out. Let me...just rest."

    Jordan groaned and scooped the little guy up in one arm and began to walk away. "Geez....now this guy can't even take a fight?"
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2012
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The two kept kept talking or a while like they were life long friends, Grizzlymon sure was a friendly digimon, despite his name. The village itself was quiet and peaceful.

    "So...the Deva haven't discovered this village yet?" Zac asked Grizzlymon, hoping it was a no.

    "I don't think for long. With Leomon back in the fray, they will be sure to follow him back. If he sees something good in ya, I suggest you and your friend high tail it out of here before they do,"

    "But....what about the baby digimon here?" Zac asked,

    "They may slaughter rebels, but they prefer to keep the babies, specifically, Sonya, so for worry about them,"

    Meanwhile, the two baby digimon, Gigimon and Wanyamon, went back to where Leomon and Knightchessmon were fighting. When they were about to go through the bush to see the fight, two paws pulled them back into the bush. It was Kipper,

    "What are you doing?!"

    "We wanna watch the fight!"


    "For you, Beezlemon, I want you to go help Angewomon and LadyDevimon find and bring Zac and Terriermon to me,", Wendigomon said. She wanted to get this done quickly, she could let Kaiser or one of the other Deva punish him.
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hoshi’s lips curled up subtly into a satisfied smile. Her hand that was holding back Ashe’s liquor took hold of the handle of the glass. “I’m glad you would ask,” she said. Kuroneko hopped from the floor onto the bar top behind Hoshi and began to smirk along with her partner. “I could use your help,” Hoshi continued. “You see, I’ve been charged with a mission to enlighten said Leomon of his… fallacy. I’ve told that I’m to… how to I put this? Leave his village in a flare. And I think that you’re the one to that’s best t accompany me in this mission.” She brought the glass of drink closer, so that it was sitting right next to her, though she still held it in her hand. “Are you in?” she said, nodding towards the glass.​
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe frowned and rubbed his head, "But that involves work Hoshi. And work requires effort. If you couldn't tell, I took a helluva beating from Kaiser, I don't think I'd be able to enjoy myself, which would defeat the purpose. How's about this, Kaiser didn't say it had to be done today. Plus he's obviously got a crush on you DAHAHAHAHA! He never was very good at expressing himself, hell, neither am I!" He paused as Coronamon tugged on Kuroneko to get its attention so they could play.

    Ashe turned back to Hoshi, "Come find me at my castle in two days time, and I'll happily join you in setting fire to his pathetic forest home. DAHAHAHAHA!! Now, gimme my drink so I can let loose on this place!"
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "I am___no one's___entrée!" Pataman yelled breaking up his sentence as he gained speed. "Slamming At__" a vine had tricked Patamon. Each Vegiemon on the side lines had a wry grin, insinuating that they are the culprit of Patamon's predicament. He began to skid face-first across the ground towards RedVegiemon. "I do like my meat tender!" "Red Thorns". RedVegiemon used its massive thorn covered vines to knock Patamon to the side. "Sharp Leaf" the Vegiemonz said in union as their vines covered in razor sharp leaves knocked Patamon in multiple directions as if they were playing racketball. "I think that is quite enough!" Aire walks into the open nonchalantly. All eyes laid on him. The Vegiemonz had stopped their attack and Patamon fell to the ground with a "thud". Even as injured as he was. His unclosed eye was directed at Aire.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2012
  11. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hoshi pushed the glass towards Ashe, but kept her hand firmly around the handle; she wasn't about to release it to him just yet. She leaned in, coming within a head's length of Ashe's face. "You have twenty-four hours before we leave," she said, with a particularly menacing tone. "No more than that, and we move." She let the handle of the glass go, and and twisted around as she hopped down from her bar stool. "If Kaiser is as into me as you say," she added, "he'll be pleased to know you helped me." With that she turned on her heels and walked back towards her quarters.

    "Try to be sober when we go!" Kuroneko said to him before following Hoshi. "You're horrid when you're drunk!"​


    Arriving in her room, Hoshi flipped on a low-wattage light, setting the room in a suspicious, dim glow. She carefully assured that the door was closed and securely locked behind her and Kuroneko. Every blind and shade was drawn down over her windows, so that no one on the streets would have been able to see in. "That went well," she said, lowering herself into an armchair. "This mission will go smoothly with the right help."

    "Hopefully Kaiser will be OK with us holding off," Neko said. "What are you gonna tell him Hoshi?"

    "I'll just tell him we need a day to prepare for a proper execution."

    "What's there to be proper about in a burn mission?" Neko asked, confused at the thought.

    "Well... Would you want to attack that Leomon's village with him still in it? No? Then we need to have a plan to draw him away." Hoshi rose from her chair, and walked to an open corner of her room. "Besides, there's an old friend that I'd like to enlist for this mission. The DigiDestined have probably already taken care of him for now, but I think he'll have enough fight in him to help us."

    "So where are we going Hoshi?"

    "To the mountains, Kuroneko."​
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "I will make them understand. I will teach them what must be done... for their sake." "You know very well that this is a battle for security. Now, begone." KnightChessmon took her missile dart and threw it once again, aiming to explode and to force Leomon to make a move once more.

    "Sorry but we do not take orders from you. Last time I remember, Lady Sonya put us in charge. We congratulate you for your dear services but evolving or not, you are in no position to give us an order. Understand?"

    LadyDevimon starts to fly next to Beelzemon and smiled to see that Impmon actually evolved into someone who she can take an interest. "Now this is what I call a warrior." "How disgusting. While the two of them are talking, here is your first mission. Lady Sonya wants you to go and find the boy, Aire. He is also one of the two boys that Lady Sonya and Sovereign Kaiser found recently. Give him any support needed and bring him back. Lady Sonya said that she will be back temporarily and then gone once again for a mission of her own."
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    A larger cat jumped in front of Katia's digimon gulping down the food. " Thanks for the treat your so kind." It flipped onto to a nearby tree and vanished into the bushes. This feline however seemed different from the others. It was swift, agile almost a blur. Unlike the white coat the Gatomon sported, this one had a brown texture fur wth stripes. " Ayee!!!! My dear now you know we can't just leave you alone. Unfortunatly it seems i have to dispose of you and the...disgusting creature you call a dog. " The cat jumped from the bushes landing in front of the pack.

    " I am Mikemon pleasure to meet your acquaintance" He said with a devilish grin.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Leomon growled but hen heard something in the bushes. He turned and saw two small ball like creatures come out of te bushes for a brief moment, and then saw them retracted back to the bush they came from. This one quick glimpse gave him no time to react, as when he turned his head, the Dart Missle ha mad contact with his chest, causing him to be pushe back with the dart into the tree.

    Terriermon and the baby digimon heard the impact and took a quick glimpse to see Leomon pinned to a tree. Was he... Dead?


    "Yea... I guess I should get Terriermon and-," before Zac could finish, he didnt see Terriermon. He got up and started to look around panicking a bit. He then heard a huge thud. It sounded like someone collided with a tree. He went off towards the sound to see Terriermon and the Gigimon and Wanyamon behind a bush, only to have Terriermon tug his shirt.

    "Kipper what's going on?!" Zac whispered, "Is Leomon okay?!"

    "We don't know! I followed them here and then Leomon was used as taret practice by KnightChessmon!"

    "This is not good..." Zac said as he picked up the three digimon, "Alright we hav to get going, now! If Sonya does kill Leomon and follows us, she will find the village!"

    "Then why not go around it?" the Gigimon asked as he was picked up by Zac, as well as Wanyamon was picked up by the boy,

    "Because it would be to long, Leomon said for us to find the Digidestined and that's what we will do,"

    The Wendigomon snarled at the angel digimon. She wasn't wanting to take orders from someone else at the moment. But if it was Sonya, she had to. She walked around the angel and went off to the outside of the building.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe sighed before downing the drink in one go, "Bring on the next one! DAHAHAHA! Ughh... And for the record... you don't even know what I'm like when I'm drunk... Only Kaiser knows that..."

    Coronamon followed Hoshi and tried to grab her digivice, falling ungracefully to the floor after the attempt. When that failed she contacted her brother, "Flamemon? Can you tell Kaiser... that Ashe is drinking... Heavily?"

    Beelzemon smirked and raised a hand, "Lady Sonya wants the kid? I'll go."
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2012
  16. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Labramon drew closer to her partner, standing in between her and the multiple enemies. The dog growled, "You're not gonna lay a hand on Katia! I'm gonna fight tooth-and-claw, ya hear me?!"

    Her partner said nothing. Katia looked upon the situation fearfully. Why did this happen to her? What did she do to deserve this? She had done nothing wrong, aside from attend school every day and try to go unnoticed.And yet, here she was, with death threats coming from a crowd of cats. Previously she was endangered by T-rexes. And her "destined partner" was a dog. A talking dog. Of all things.

    Whether it was the severity of the situation, the absurdity of the realm, or perhaps just hormones, Katia felt her entire being collapse. She crumpled to her knees, her eyes turning into torrents.

    "Wh-why is this happening? I ha-haven't even d-done anything to you! I d-don't wanna die. . ." She bawled. Her voice could barely stay intact to summon these complaints. "I j-just w-w-wa-wanted to go to school and have class and eat luh. . . luh-lunch and go home!"

    Labramon turned her head to console Katia, but was greeted by a pair of shoving hands.

    "G-go away! It's all your fault!" Katia wailed, reaching into her bag and throwing the entire package of dumplings at the dog digimon. It hit the creature square in the face, but she didn't yelp. She didn't growl. She just grabbed the bag between her teeth and ran away, taking only one chance to look back.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2012
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    The cats to the left of Mikemon hissed as the Dog started to flee. " Nah, let it go we got what we came for right here. " Mikemon slowly approached the girl. His pack of cats stayed back as he moved foward. The girl was obviously distraught and scared. so much so that she was trembling. Reaching to her face with his claws, readying to rip her face apart. and in that same moment his hand brushed her cheek ever so softly.

    " Unlike my other well. co workers i'm not so violent of a creature. Icedevimon...that guy has issues. However i wan't to please my lord. Your very pretty ya know....so i'm going to bring you to him to be his new prize. "

    He sat down beneath her starting to pur.

    " Though its a shame..i can't risk you running away from me...You wouldnt run away from me would you?"

    He looked up at her with almost dangerous eyes, one nail dragging beneath her throat.


    Flamemon and Kaiser were walking back to there district. Not to far from Hoshi's club at the moment.

    "Flamemon? Can you tell Kaiser... that Ashe is drinking... Heavily?"

    Flamemon rolled his eyes " Kaiser, it seems well uh, rather according to my sister your brother is drinking again. Sooooo is there anything you want to do about this?"

    Kaiser stopped walking and placed his palm firmly over his eyes. " Eh...always a burden." He turned his head and paced backwards a few steps. " Lets go deal with this as quickly as possible. i need to lock down the location of Zac and Aire. otherwise i'll just have them assassinated...."

    They made there way back to Hoshi's place and it didnt take to long. Many of the Digimon moved out of his way as he stepped through the club. Some out of fear some out of respect. Kaiser was hoping Hoshi wouldnt come out, he already said something to her and would not want to see her afterwards. Kaiser walked up behind Ashe and stood there waiting for him to turn and notice his presence. Flamemon looked over at his sister briefly showing a look of disapproval.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe's head rose and he turned to face Kaiser, the look of absolute anger and hatred he gave his brother was terrifying. "What is it bro? Come to give me yet another beat down huh? Going to once again hit me, your brother, and the only family you got left? Well whatever. It's not like I care anyway. I mean, you care about Hoshi more then you do me! I've done everything you asked, just so I could keep you happy, perhaps, make you forget about the shit life we had before this! Get lost Kaiser!"
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Who the fuck are you talking to like that huh!" He grabbed Ashe by the color of his shirt and lifted him off the ground.

    " Master put him down!! you know how he gets when hes like this.
    " Kaiser agreed and put ashe down.

    " Why are you always trying to please me. You should be more focused on our goal instead of always trying to knwo what im doing. Keep to your own matters! you think i forgot how life was before my rise to power. Its why i wake up every day, its why i do what i do. Don't act like im some selfish fool who forgot where he came from...."

    Kaiser's fist were relaxed he didnt want to hit his brother again. the previous time he didnt want to but he had to show a state of power in front of everyone. " Furthermore...leave Hoshi out of this. she has nothing to do with the on goings between you and I"
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia's sobs died down as Labramon was further out, but the remnants were still around in the form of heavy sniffles. She whimpered once Mikemon approached her, afraid of what came next. The chubby girl expected death, but it didn't came. An offer, if one could call it that, was proposed. Out of fear for her own safety, the girl nodded profusely.

    "I w-would never. . . ruh-run away. . ." Katia sniffled, pressing herself against the tree. Hopefully she would be safe enough to find another way out of this situation later. "And p-please don't say that I'm pretty. . . I'm not. . ."

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