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Light-Based Villain?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Alan Smithee, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    And yet, I still find it irrelevant for her to go mad at the end of the whole Xehanort Saga. Maybe somewhere in the middle is where she will start thinking that her way is the right way and the heroes corrects her before going into battle with Xehanort but her at the end of the final battle, I doubt it. Plus, your last statement is contradicting her actions and personality in Birth by Sleep.
  2. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member

    "Xehanort Saga" doesn't necessarily mean "kill Xehanort and it's over" so much as "these events came to be because of Xehanort", and "Eraqua" would indeed be a result of MX's darkness-abuse against her and her friends.

    Also, can you think of a more fitting end for MX than to have his own heart shattered (after doing the same thing to countless others), with his final realization being that he ultimately created the very "tyranny of light" that he wanted to prevent?

    Furthermore, I don't see any contradictions; she did indeed attempt suicide-by-Darkside in the ROD. And she actually had several lines of dialogue throughout BBS that indicated an Eraqus-like opinion of darkness, an opinion certainly not helped by either MX or the ROD. After all this, she's definitely likely to be more aggressive against darkness once she's saved.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Yes. I can think of a better ending but the final villain will not be Aqua that's for sure. And yes, there is a contradiction. Aqua is not for darkness but she is not like Eraqus. Eraqus believes that darkness should not exist. Aqua on the other hand, is not near that stage that Eraqus was at. Aqua cares too much for Terra and as duty of a Keyblade Master, it is her job to make sure that darkness does not overtake light and since she have faith in her friends, she did not faint in the Realm of Darkness that she is still trapped in, even after meeting with Ansem the Wise on the Dark Meridian. Aqua finds it a little bit dangerous to use darkness the same way Eraqus views it but Aqua does not see it like Eraqus does to where she deems for it to be wiped out.

    If there were to be a final villain (Whether of darkness or of light), it is not going to be Aqua because having her as a villain contradicts what she stands for since Birth by Sleep and it goes against her status as a Keyblade Master to keep balance. And besides, she already detailed that she trusts Sora for him to handle everything after Ansem told Aqua what was going on.

    So in other words, it can't be Eraqus and it cannot be Aqua. You are most likely not going to get a Light-Based villain until the next saga unless it is a character never seen before (And most likely will fall in that route instead). As for the "Xehanort Saga", it does mean to kill him and its over. his influence has reached so far across the world and time itself that he must be stopped before it gets any worse.
  4. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member

    You act like people can't change; just because she was "pro-balance" in BBS doesn't mean she'll be the same in KH3. It's possible that her experiences have actually reinforced Eraqus's teachings to her, and taken away her respect for balance, with her being just collected enough to not let it show (for the time being). Besides, she wouldn't be a villain, but rather an anti-villain (meaning not evil, just extreme in trying to remove MX's influence and protect her friends from a repeat of BBS). The fault would still be on MX for shattering her faith in balance and driving her down the Eraqus route, hence why it could still be called the "Xehanort Saga".

    I will actually be sorely disappointed if MX is KH3's final boss; too predictable. Semifinal boss built up to be the final boss, yes, but not the actual final boss.
  5. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    The whole series has built up to Xehanort being the final, final boss. Although, I have to say that I want the final boss to be unpredictable. That means either Eraqua, or... Something else. What if Aqua failed to completely shatter his heart and he became some sort of mutation of Xehanort, darkness and light?

    Thinking about it, though, Kingdom Hearts has a thing for the final bosses not necessarily being villains, so I would be less surpised if the final boss did turn out to be Aqua. It would be epic, yes, but it would be just as predictable. After all, at least three KH final bosses and semi-final bosses haven't actually been villains.


    Data Roxas, Xion, Riku, Terranort and Ventus/Vanitas
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2012
  6. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member

    Or what if she didn't shatter his heart at all, instead holding him hostage and forcing him to watch her use KH for light-based revenge on all darkness for what happened in BBS?

    Aqua: "Your punishment must be more severe. When the Realm Of Darkness is ashes, you have my permission to disappear."

    Also, here's a pattern:

    KH1 Final Boss = Darkness
    KH2 Final Boss = In-between
    KH3 Final Boss = Light(?)

    Here's another:

    Terranort = Darkness
    Venitas = In-between
    Eraqua(?) = Light
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2012
  7. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Very observant.

    If Aqua did succeed in destroying the RoD, then that could lead right into the next saga. The Realm of Light saga, anyone?
  8. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member

    *please delete this post*
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    *Claps hands* That is a lovely ideal of a fantasy roleplay to me. Sadly, I still do not see it happening at all. And please. Aqua kidnapping Master Xehanort is never going to happen. The Old Man kicked their butts in Birth by Sleep so I don't know why he will be held hostage unless he let himself get kidnap. But with Aqua's "faith". Faith in what? Only faith that she has to me is her friends and that she will be a keyblade master. For Aqua's position, she is not going to change. Why? She is seen as the balance. Terra is more dark-oriented, Ventus is light-oriented (Obviously because of the split) and Aqua is the medium.

    And you have completely disregard the side games which (And actually do) have more importance than even Kingdom Hearts 2 if I would make the argument. Re:COM for the darkness (Since they were represented as that at the time), Coded for darkness, Birth by Sleep for darkness and 358/2 days for basically in-between. Trying to see a villain-based villain is 99% impossible to me unless it is a human form of Kingdom Hearts or some other. As for your attempt for using the characters, it does not make any sense.

    And I still do not understand why Eraqus (Not Eraqua! His name is Eraqus) is still being brought up and the chinese dude is dead. Dead dead dead and most likely will not return physically because Master Xehanort finally have control over Terra after a decade of being split up into his alter egos.

    Will the Ventus, Terra and Aqua die? I don't know (And I really do not care really even though Aqua is my favorite character to use in Birth by Sleep) but if they did, oh well. Maybe Terra though. But to get back to the point, I still highly doubt that through the actions of Master Xehanort that someone who is part of light to rebel. Still not convinced and still pessimistic. Either Master Xehanort or someone we do not know.
  10. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member

    1)- MX would obviously be too weak from fighting Sora to do anything about Aqua.
    2)- Her devotion to her friends may actually drive her to hate darkness due to Ven's heart-shattering and Terra's possession (both of which would never have been possible without darkness)
    3)- No, Ven is actually the balance, with a light half and a dark half (Vanitas). Aqua, on the other hand, has no dark side counterpart.
    4)- I deliberately mentioned only the main trilogy in order to effectively complete the darkness-inbetween-light cycle.
    5)- "Eraqua" is not a typo, it's an intentional nickname given to Aqua, much like Terra-Nort and Ven-Itas. So why not Er-Aqua?
    6)- Quite the opposite: MX never gained full control over Terra BECAUSE of Eraqus's light. Strong control, yes, but incomplete control nonetheless. Why else would MX have...

    *SPOILER (highlight text to see)*
    ...returned in his old body and not Terra's in DDD? Nomura even hinted something about this in the DDD Ultimania.

    7)- On the contrary: that would actually be the best setup for a light-based rebellion (MX's actions actually proving Eraqus's "absolutes" justified in the eyes of many worlds' inhabitants rather than proving "balance" as hoped)
  11. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Just going to point out that in KH2, there was a whole monologue by King Mickey about how darkness can be just as good as light and that it's only the people who use it who are bad. Now if that's not foreshadowing for a light-based villain, then what is? The KH series isn't a black and white children's game anymore; I don't see why you have any reason to believe that a light-based villain is impossible. Just look at Eraqus. He potentially could've become just as corrupted as Master Xehanort. A world without darkness is just as bad as a world without light.

    Also, Eraqua wasn't a typo, as Alan Smithee mentioned. Much like how my old name, Venitas, was a play on Ventus and Vanitas, Eraqua is play on Eraqus and Aqua.

    I honestly don't see what makes Alan's theory so unlikely or "impossible".

    On the other hand, MX will be the final boss, because if he's not, that would be... Well. He's been portrayed as the unstoppable big bad in the last few games, so if Aqua suddenly stepped in and stole his glory, then yes, it would be unpredictable, but it would be dissapointing and very anti-climactic. Sora finally stops Xehanort in a heartfelt and epic cutscene and then... Then Aqua steps in and kills him and the game's still not over. I'd prefer a climactic final boss with Xehanort, thanks.

    Speaking of which, does anyone remember Necron from FF IX? I certainly do. You defeat Kuja, the person who you've been trying to stop for the duration of the game, and then Necron, the true final boss, appears with no foreshadowing or prior mention. That is what it would feel like if Aqua became the final boss, unless it was done very, very well.

    I'm on the fence by the way, just in case that wasn't clear. Now if only Angel would join in. I'd love to see what he'd make of this debate.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2012
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I am stating that it is impossible for a light-based villain to be someone that I know and I can come up with many evidence to even shut down the thought of Aqua of ever being a light-based villain (or anti-villain). Also, if you are going to say "Eraqua", then say that it is a combination of Eraqus and Aqua. I would not even know and most likely the others.

    As for "Necron", Necron is something ENTIRELY different. Necron is a being pure of death and he has almost NO background besides that. He is a villain in which no one even knows. Same thing with FFX. We all thought that the plan is to defeat Sin and to defeat Jecht but then at the end, here comes out a boss that we never knew and Yu Yevon is a false god that jacked up the whole Spira world with the false religion established by Bevelle. Aqua would not even fall into a "Necron familiar" type because we all know Aqua (Maybe very well even).

    Oh sure. You guys want something like this (Which would not even make any sense):

    Master Xehanort: Kingdom Hearts... give me your knowledge. Let us start a Keyblade War. *Tries to use X-Blade*
    Kairi: Don't you get it? You do not need to put many worlds in danger just for knowledge. We can form back the world how it was originally was and balance everything but you cannot use darkness to try to reach this goal. That is only disrupting order.
    Riku: Darkness is not evil. That I know. Still, it is people like you who mess everything up. You cannot disregard everything and everyone for your own curiosity.
    Master Xehanort: ...

    *Aqua steals X-Blade and pushes the old man*

    Ventus: AQUA!
    Aqua: DX I... I am tired of the darkness. Why? Darkness is evil. Why should we allow darkness to exist. *Points at Riku* Even you are evil. DX I WILL DESTROY! *Activates X-Blade*
    Mickey: NO! Aqua. This is not the way. Light and darkness exists side by side.
    Aqua: DX NO! Light is needed in the world only! Light is the way! NOW BEGONE!!! If you stop me, you will pay with your life with divine retribution

    *Bogus Final Battle*

    Aqua: DX NOOOOO!!!

    *X-Blade destroyed and Kingdom Hearts fades. Cheesy ending*

    :mad: If that's the kind of ending you guys want, then I will tell you in Larxene's own words that what this is completely "Counterfeit, trumped up and completely bogus". Goes against Aqua's character and if Aqua ends up going that way, I will snap.

    I will choose Master Xehanort over Aqua and Eraqus (Or you guys own made up character, "Eraqua") any day. Want a light-based villain? Let me make the scene for you:

    Master Xehanort: Kingdom Hearts... give me your knowledge. Let us start a Keyblade War. *Tries to use X-Blade*
    Kairi: Don't you get it? You do not need to put many worlds in danger just for knowledge. We can form back the world how it was originally was and balance everything but you cannot use darkness to try to reach this goal. That is only disrupting order.
    Riku: Darkness is not evil. That I know. Still, it is people like you who mess everything up. You cannot disregard everything and everyone for your own curiosity.
    Master Xehanort: ... But what is the use of having keyblades? What is the use of discovering as to how the worlds are the way they are? Would you rather be coiled up in your ignorance. Why blame me for my curiosity when all of you had the same curiosity to seek out new lands?
    Sora: Because unlike you, we do not wish harm. Yes, it would be nice to find places that we never heard of... and we may want to try and bring all of the worlds together. Still, our hearts lets us know that we do not have to rely on violence and evil plans to reach this goal.
    Aqua: That is true. Light and Darkness represent both sides of a coin. If one try to live without the other, there will be nothing but confusion. I used to think that darkness is hate and rage. But now I know after spending time in the Realm of Darkness, that it is not like that at all. Master Eraqus made me and my friends to try and believe that it is nothing to be sought after. But now I know after watching Riku that darkness and light balances each other out.
    Master Xehanort: ... Interesting... *Power drained by unknown force*

    Supreme Force: How touching.
    Ventus: Master Xehanort!

    *Supreme Force takes on humanoid form after taking away Master Xehanort's power*

    Kairi: No...
    Supreme Force: I congratulate all of you for bringing together Kingdom Hearts and the X-Blade. It only took great power between light and darkness to break the seal that binds me.
    Mickey: But who are you?!
    Supreme Force: I am a superior being who was bathed in the Light. I was the guardian of Kingdom Hearts and was part of the world where we use Kingdom Hearts to continually lead all into prosperity. However, little do you know that the Light we gave you was a privilege to have... and you guys have abused that privilege!
    Aqua: A privilege? It can't be a privilege! The light is what protects us from the force of darkness. The light is what kept everyone happy!

    Supreme Force: Oh really? Did you ever thought, that the light was used by you humans for your foolish desires? Did you ever thought that there was a world of darkness? Did you ever thought about how your little warriors over the precious weapons we have created for you to protect Kingdom Hearts has been used, whether of the light and dark, has been used to cause so much destruction that it caused so much agony and misery? I have been trapped in between light and darkness for so long after watching you little tools fight against one another. I have regret with the rest of my kind that we even regret giving light and darkness. Now, I will correct it all.

    *Uses X-Blade*

    I shall use the X-Blade to take back the light and send all of you full of corruption back into darkness!

    Now that is how I see it if you ask me.
  13. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Which side are you on? I even stated that I was on the fence, which means that I am on neither side and believe that anything is possible for KH3, and even still you kept saying "you guys" as if you were arguing with both of us. In the words of Demyx, "Don't be mad!".

    The Necron example was an argument for your opinion- I was using it to compare Necron to Aqua, as they would both be dissapointing final bosses. Yu Yevon is different because he had a build up of sorts, whereas Necron didn't. Aqua could have a build up to being the final boss, because her love for her friends would drive her to do anything.

    Oh, and your example of a final boss is good, very good actually(it would be quite ironic for KH to be the final boss of KH),but you made Alan's idea look childish with all the emoticons and repitition. It would've been pulled off a lot better than that if it ever was executed in the actual game. And if Nomura were to go with that idea, he'd make it make sense. He'd gradually build up to it until it would make sense. If you foreshadow it enough, then anything can make sense.

    Also, why would you snap? Characters aren't static; if you were trapped in a world of suffocating darkness for ten years, then you would have a reason to snap. And the funny thing is that Aqua was trapped in the Realm of Darkness for ten years. I wouldn't expect her to be peachy when she comes out. I wouldn't expect her to be the final boss either, but she probably won't be so accepting of darkness in KH3.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2012
  14. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member

    @S.SummonerBWM - Your idea is actually quite good; me likey. However, your interpretation of mine is way off.

    @Reprise - Exactly. First off, Aqua's motive would be far more sympathetic than Eraqus's; while Eraqus hated darkness because of the "greater good", Aqua would hate darkness because of the threat it has posed, and would likely continue to pose, to her friends. Second...

    "Aqua: That is true. Light and Darkness represent both sides of a coin. If one try to live without the other, there will be nothing but confusion. I used to think that darkness is hate and rage. But now I know after spending time in the Realm of Darkness, that it is not like that at all. Master Eraqus made me and my friends to try and believe that it is nothing to be sought after. But now I know after watching Riku that darkness and light balances each other out."

    ...S.SummonerBWM clearly hasn't watched Aqua's bonus epilogue in the ROD in BBSFM, where Aqua is attacked non-stop by Heartless and forced to watch Castle Of Dreams get sucked into darkness; what part of that sounds even remotely like incentive to believe darkness is anything but evil?
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    @Reprise Well my bad Moog Jr. Actually did felt as though you were siding with Alan. My bad. But still:

    She was in the Realm of Darkness, was about to give up and Ventus' and Terra's keyblade came and saved her. That gave Aqua hope and she kept on fighting. Plus, she met Ansem the Wise and from hearing about everything, Aqua teared and still had hope. She sure looks peachy to me, especially in Dream Drop Distance secret video. She just sat there all calm... :D Seems that you forgot about those parts.

    @Alan Smithee Oh please. I saw the Birth by Sleep Final Mix videos. In case you did not notice, I said in a made up verse of Aqua that from her watching Riku using darkness for good changes all of that. Clearly you have forgotten those two parts of the keyblades and Ansem the Wise I mentioned earlier in this post.

    My interpretation of what you were saying? That is how I felt you wanted the final ending to go. If Aqua were to be built up to a 5 minute deuteragonist, then it will not be at the end of the game at all. She will just be like FFVIII's Seifer, Riku, Terra, Jecht and/or Cloud in Dissidia 012, or even better, Kain Highwind or Golbez (Dissidia 012 version for Golbez). Those are the current characters in my mind who I think Aqua will end up tying herself as a deuteragonist. Not no final boss but she did something somewhere in the middle of the game where her goal is not right and she is whooped right there to get her priorities straight.
  16. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member

    @Reprise - Given your avatar, you'll understand this analogy:

    Aqua = Godot / Diego Armando
    Sora/Riku = Phoenix Wright
    Terra/Ven = Mia Fey
    Kairi = Maya Fey
    MX = Dahlia Hawthorne
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
  17. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    That makes perfect sense; though the 'final boss' of the game was Godot, the real villain was Dahlia. Yet the ending was far more climactic because of that. If the final boss was MX, it would be epic, yes, but it would be cliched and predictable. If the final boss was Aqua herself, it could potentially be a whole lot more emotional.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -.- I still cannot see Aqua being the final boss emotional.
  19. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member

    Wait, you're a moderator/administrator?

    I'm amazed you haven't banned me yet, given this "friendly" discussion.
  20. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'm surprised that I haven't posted in this thread yet. I assumed it had something to do with (light) as in insignificant villians i.e. Maleficent, Oogie Boogie, etc. Anyway, I skimmed through a couple of post.

    To answer the topic, no I don't believe that there will be a light based villain. I think light is affiliated with good and darkness is affiliated with evil or bad will. It's just that simple. You can't pull off a villain who uses light without some type of dark intentions. It's like yin and yang. Yin represents evil but within the wholeness of yin; there is a splash of yang and vice versa.

    I saw this quote and had to comment.

    That's pretty much how it works without Xehanort; there is no Xehanort Saga.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2012

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