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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    OOC: Professor Anemones is not doing the battle tournament. Just the Pokemon Contest.

    "Strange... a grass type losing to a ground type is unexpected. Oh well. I guess that the opponent was not well prepared." Professor Anemones looked up at the sky and then looked back at the stage, wondering if that was the last battle. "I love those fiery battles. It is getting late though. I do wonder what the gym badge looks like." Professor Anemones clapped for the boy who won with his Drilbur and then had his pokemon be well-prepare to go back to the hotel soon.
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    OOC: Okay so somehow my last post was deleted with this as a accidental double post and it decided to delete the last post. So this will wrap up the whole battle.


    The two trainers sent out their pokemon, Zac sent his Totodile, who had a red and yellow sash tied around his stomach and left shoulder and Samual sent Staravia. The two stared each other down for a bit before the first move was made by the Staravia,

    "We aren't taking any chances! Brave Bird!!" Samual commanded, and watched as the Staravia flew towards the Totodile at great speed, engulfed in blue flames. Totodile jumped around with glee and Zac, was just watching, not giving Bite a command at all. The Staravia then crashed into the Totodile with full force, knocking away the Totodile into Zac's arms. That attack really bruised the poor Totodile, and it seemed like he was down and out. But a smile came across Zac's face as he placed his the Totodile back to the ground.

    "Flail," Zac said with a giant smirk on his face, as his Totodile started flailing around, running towards the Staravia like it was electrocuted. He kept on whacking the Staravia repeativly, with full force, until the Staravia was knocked into the ground, knocked out.

    "Staravia is unable to battle! Totodile is the winner!" Michi declared, with Bite jumping in the air in an uncoordinated dance,

    They two returned their pokemon, and sent out their final Pokemon for this match, Zac sent out Braviary, and Samual sent out a Vulpix, "Flamethrower!" Samual exclaimed, with Vulpix blasted a wave of fire at the eagle pokemon at full speed.

    "Avoid it and use Sky Drop!" Zac commanded, and Braviary flew over the flamethrower attack and flew towards Vulpix. His claws clamped around the stomach of the fox pokemon and it went high into the air. After a good bit of flying high into the air, it tossed the Vulpix down on the floor of the stage.

    The Vulpix slowly got back up, grimacing a bit and looked up at the Braviary and growled at it, "Inferno lets go!" Samual commanded. The Vulpix sent a tornado of red hot flames at the bird pokemon,

    "Alert dodge it then Brave bird!" Zac said, knowing it would be the finishing blow. The Braviary nodded and dodged the inferno and then became engulfed in blue flames and then flew down towards the Vulpix at high speed, until it finally crashed into it.

    When the dust and flames subsided, the Vulpix was knocked out, with te Braviary standing tall with pride, grimacing a bit.

    "Vulpix is unable to battle. Samual's team is unable to battle, the winner of this match is Zac Blazer!" Michi said as she gestured her hand to Zac. Zac pumped his fists in the at in an awkward victory dance and then returned his pokemon, as did Samual. Zac then walked over to Samual and reache sour his hand, "Nice match," Zac said with a smile.

    Samual looked at Zac for a second, but then shook his oppenent's hand and said with a smile, "I won't go easy next time,"

    "Neither will I," Zac said as well and then waved off to Samual as the two trainers walked off the stage with the crowd cheering.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2012
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Well, I can't discredit him for taking an. . . original approach to the situation," Kytes commentated aloud, taking a seat on a bench just outside the arena. "A Ground type versus a Grass type is definitely not a matchup I'd want to be on the wrong side of. Good for him!"

    As for the second round, he hadn't much to say, except for the Totodile's rather advanced moveset.

    "Huh, I wonder whether he's kept it from evolving or just used a bunch of TMs. . ."
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Next match! Jim vs Ryan! Trainers, take the field!"

    Jim smirked and patted Jess' head, "Looks like we're up huh. Lets end it quickly!" Jim and Ryan took their positions and Michi raised her hand.

    "I want a clean battle! Ready? Begin!"

    Ryan tossed a pokeball up into the air, "GO Blastoise!" He yelled as the giant turtle pokemon took the field.

    Jim kneeled down and patted Zerker, "Alright bud, it's all you." Zerker, cried happily and took the field as well.

    "Blastoise! Water gun!"

    "Zerker! Dodge and use Volt Tackle!" Zerker jumped over the water gun and soon covered itself in electricity before tackling Blastoise hard, sending it to the ground, unconscious.

    "Blastoise is unable to battle! Zerker wins!"

    "Blastoise return! Hmph... you got lucky! GO Lapras!"

    Jim called Zerker over and rubbed his belly, "You did great... Go take a break." He smiled and put Jess down, "Alright, Leo! Get out there!" He laughed as his Flareon took his position.

    "Lapras! Use..."

    Before he could move, Leo had ko'd him.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke looked on intently, though very relaxed as well. His legs propped up on the table. his hands resting behind his head. and his hair covering most of his eyes. " I can't place it but i don't find myself particularly impressed by any of them. They all seem to lack a sense of flare"

    He grabbed the announcers microphone" Lets see some Intensity folks!!" The crowd cheered at the sound of his voice. Leaning back into the chair he said to himself " Ugh...this is so boring."
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi looked over at the announcer. She shook her head as the table cot aiming the event coordinator, announcer, and special guest. She looked back onto the field as Lapras fainted on the first hit.

    "Lapras is unable to battle." Michi announced await for the last Pokemon of the round to be sent out.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jim laughed and smiled. "Okay then! Go get em Jess!"

    Ryan smirked and threw his final pokeball up, "Go Machoke!" The huge four armed fighting type towered over Jim's Eevee.

    Jim smirked and sat down as Jess nudged him, "Alright but be careful that's a dangerous move for you to use." Jess cried happily and turned to Machoke. "Jess use Eeveelution ball!"

    Jess opened her mouth and a huge ball of made of all the eeveelution types(Fire, dark etc) shot forward, striking down Machoke in a flurry of elements.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2012
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke sat forward quikly " What the hell was that!" He said loudly, but not loud enough as so the microphone didnt catch it. " Was that a quad elemental attack. I must meet this guy...toss some money in his face and see if i can get that Move attached as TM, better yet a HM...permanent stat boost. i'll see what i can do. but i want that attack."

    He leaned back onto the chair and looked over at Mich. " Dam..shes pretty cute"
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac and Z-pup were at awe when they saw the "Eeveelution Ball", they were amazed. They looked at each with the same idea, "Z-pup we have got to ask that guy how he accomplished something like that!" Zac said to his Growlithe, "I mean we could learn to make a signature move of our own! I mean, if it's possible,"
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jim gave Jess a hug and smiled.

    "Machoke is unable to battle... The winner is Jim!"

    "We did it girl... great job out there guys." He laughed as all six of his pokemon tackled him to the ground and started playing. "Alright calm down." Jim stood up, Jess was already back on his head, and he turned, his eyes meeting Deviluke's. "Hey! Leo! NO!" He sweatdropped as Leo ran over to Deviluke and started playing with his hair. "Uhh... Sorry Mr.Mihawk... he can be a bit hyper at times!"
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2012
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke took the pokemon down and put him onto the ground. " Its fine, no harm done. he means well. " His eyes became quite full of curiosity. "Say...tell me something what was that attack just now...and what are your stakes in this tournament. looking for the cash pot?"
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    After the battle was over, Zac had gotten up from the battle and ran up to Jim with a smile, "Dude that "Eeveelution Ball" was awesome!" Zac said as he approached the trainer, "How were you able to teach your Flareon that move? What's the secret?! ....whoops! Hehe, sorry I kinda got excited..."
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Uh. . . that's shouldn't be possible. But now we know what to watch out for, next round. Right, you two?" Kytes addressed his two Kirlia who had wandered back to his side. This guy seemed to end matches very quickly by taking his opponents off-guard first thing. He was definitely one to watch out for.

    "Not even a chance!" One replied. The second continued "Yes, yes! Not even a chance! But still, we are disappointed-"
    "Very very disappointed! Only single matchups! It's so sad!"

    "I'm sorry as well. If there were double-battles, you two would have it in the bag."
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Tom spoke to Kytes as he sat down next to him. "After all I'm sure other trainers here have wonderful double battle strategies. Although I myself don't really have a team set up for a double battle. I just make do with what I have if I have to partake in one. Congratulations on your victory, by the way. For somebody who's used to seeing matches against fully evolved Pokemon, watching these fights has been a bit refreshing." He then reached out his hand towards Kytes. "I'm Tom, by the way."
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jim raised an eyebrow at Deviluke, "I have no need for money, though, I will admit that you training someone piqued my interest... I'm mainly in this thing for the chance to face Michi. I heard an evolutionary stone was the grand prize and that got me excited."

    Jim turned to Zac and facepalmed, "My Flareon can't use it only Jess, my Eevee can..." Jim looked Zac up and down and pushed his forehead with his pointer and middle fingers, "Dobe. You aren't strong enough to use a quad elemental attack."
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    OOC: I thought it was Flareon using it a miss read on my part.

    "Whoops, sorry I mean to say Eevee, I kinda got a bit exci-....wait what do you mean I'm not strong enough for a quad elemental attack?" Zac asked as he got a bit angry, "I'm just as strong as any of these trainers here, tell me why you don't think I'm strong enough,"

    Z-pup however, just yawned, if it was one thing his master had a problem with, was being called weak. So he just and sat down and eyed the two, knowing they won't be going anywhere for a bit.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jim shook his head and muttered to himself, "Dobe..." He looked at the boy and once again pushed Zac's forehead with his two fingers, "You are to weak. It's honestly quite simple really. If you were to attempt to use a quad elemental attack, the lack of power required to use it would cause it to fluxuate out of control, causing extreme damage to both trainer and pokemon alike. To put it simply, if you tried to use it, you could quite possibly get fatally injured."
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    DevilLuke stood up placing both his gloved hands onto each of them. " Now now ladies your both pretty" he said with a smile on his face. " You there with the puppy. Cute kid i'm sure you have lots of valor i wana see this strength you speak of. " Luke turned his eyes onto Jim" And you, that attack intrigued me. Though yes i will be taking in 1 person under my wing for training however that is not something to be given lightly. So you win you become my pupil, you lost you don't. So about your attack are you interested in teaching me the formula to get it attached to a TM or a HM maybe? You'd make lots of money. or are you interested in your own pokemon ranch. all of these things i can make a reality for you."
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I am not weak. But if I say what I accomplish he might think I'm either gloating or bluffing.

    "Trust me you will see it, this was just the first round," Zac said confidently, "I'm gonna show you what I got. Me and Z-pup have been through thick and thin, and I will win this competition," Zac then saluted off to the two with three fingers and walke off to his seat in case there was any closing words or information.
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Kytes. And these two troublemakers have names, but they don't want to share. I just call them, 'You two.'"

    The two Kirlia waved to the stranger, either because he wasn't susceptible enough to be mentally spoken to or because they didn't care enough to try. Kytes shrugged with a "sometimes you win, sometimes you lose." look on hist face.

    Looking over to the celebrity of the hour, he commentated, "Oh, look. The guest of honor is trying to. . . hm, what's the word?"

    "Ingratiate!" The Kirlia spoke to him only.

    "Ah yes, thank you, ingratiate himself with the one with the strange Eevee. I swear, it's men like him that bring a bad name to the good sport of training."

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